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Final TERM (2018)

Name: Paper: Science

Class: II Total Marks: 50

Q1: Fill in the blanks: /5

1. Machines make our work ………………

2. ………….. make a buzzing sound.
3. You can see waves in the ………………
4. Light cannot pass through most ……………..
5. Never ………….. Open a battery.
6. There are …………… types of machines.
7. Anything vibrates make a …………….
8. Shadows are made when light is ……………
9. Light is a form of ………………
10. ………………….. Electricity can be very dangerous.

Q2: Tick on the true statement and cross on wrong ones. /5

1. Simple machines are not used to move objects.

2. Vibrations are quick to and for movement.
3. Light bend around things.
4. We cannot see waves in water.
5. Shadows are made when light is blocked.
6. Light cannot pass through some objects such as clear glass and clear plastic.
7. Never cut open a battery.
8. Mains electricity is made in power station.
9. Sounds can travel through air.
10. When a sound is made, the vibrations spread out like wave.
Q3. Tick on the right option. /3.5

1) We cannot see without.

a) Light b) Bulb c) Rays
2) Very …………. Sounds can damage hearing.
a) Low b) Loud c) High
3) Which one of these things uses Electricity?
a) A television b) A pencil c) A broom
4) Which one of these things can work with a battery.
a) Torch b) Fridge c) Tooster
5) Your remote controlled car is not working it needs.
a) Water b) Petrol c) betray
6) The …….. Will vibrate and make a sound.
a) Ruler b) Scale c) Glass
7) Beez make a …………. Sound.
a) Loud b) Buzzing c) Low

Q4: Write down the meanings of the following words. /5

1) Force 2) pushing 3) Sound 4) Waves

5) Shadow 6) Rays 7) Ruler 8) Simple

9) Far 10) Object

Q5: Unscramble the words: /2

1) ILght 2) Anf 3) Chiar 4) Jectbo


Q6: Explain what opaque objects are. Make a list of things in class room that are

Opaque. /2

Q7: Make a list of things that create loud, annoying Sounds. /2

Q8: Match the following: /2.5

Column A Column B

1. Very loud Buzzing Sounds

2. We can hear Waves in water

3. Shadow are Sounds

4. We can see the through air

5. Beez make Sounds damage the hearing

Q9: Write the two properties of light by completing the sentences. /3

1. Light travels= ----------------------

2. Light cannot = --------------------
3. Shadow are made= -------------------

Q10: Answer these questions: /18

1. How are Shadows formed? /2

2. What is the meaning of work? /2
3. How does sound travel. /2
4. Explain what opaque objects are. /2
5. What does the word vibrate mean? /2
6. How many types of simple machines? /2
7. What are Straight lines of lines are called? /2
8. Who is an inventor? /2
9. Who invented the first bulb? /2

Q11: Write the name of each sub object, and Colour all objects. /2

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