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Impact of change:c

hange is anything that is different or does something differently. It is inbuilt in the

humans that they don¶t expect change easily. However, when someone wants to grow, he needs

to adapt change. And in this fast pace world there is a not a single day pass without a new

discovery or the invention in the scientific world. With the changing world, even the business

dynamics are changing and complexity of doing business is increasing every day. It has become

very important for the organizations to evolve themselves structurally, and strategically. That in

returns increases the expectations with their employees. The increased expectations and

complexity has created difficulties for individuals to keep up with this outpace changes. It is

believed that individual change is most important change that the organizations need to achieve.

If the change is adopted by the individuals completely then it could be implemented in the

organizations successfully.


hanges do not take place in isolation it effects on the people around it considerable.

Organizational change always means the individual change. Since, they are people who are

directly associated with the business. Organizational changes can bring opportunities for the

employees, and at the same time they could be threatening. It all depends upon the nature and

impact of the change on the employees. The result of change adaption from the employees has

been very assorted; it has highlighted many potential problems such as illness, under

performance, stress and de-motivation (Patson, p 09, 2008).

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In order to understand the impact of change on the organization it is important to measure

different factors of the organizational climate and environment. There could be many possible

results of changes on the organization. If the organizational has been through a major structural

change or cultural, and the productivity of the staff has increased it indicates that the impact of

the change is positive. However, if the impact is opposite, then the organization has to review

their implementation processes (Patson, pp 09-10, 2008).

hange implementation:

hange implementation is the most crucial step in the change management process.

Managers at all the levels, from the first line supervisors to the  Os have to play three roles

during the implementation of the change. The first role comes from the higher level of

management. If the manager thinks the change is good he will implement it enthusiastically, or

else he might resist it. The other role of the manager is to provide the recommendations for the

change. At this point the manager has the greater responsibility. He has to be very sure and the

idea of the change should be good enough to impress his bosses. The third role he plays is of the

initiator. He is responsible for implanting and initiating the change if the decision making power

lies with him.

There are seven steps, which are usually followed by the managers in order to implement

the change.

The implementation process starts with the assessing and addressing the employees¶

concern. This is done in order to put the members of the organization on the top of everything

else. Second step is the Demonstration of strong leadership throughout the organization. Third is

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the building trust in the leadership. Forth step is to articulate the vision to all. Fifth step is to

create enablement environment for the employees. Sixth step is to celebrate the success and

finally institutionalization of change in the culture. However, the most important aspect of the

change implementation is the communication which is done impliedly on each step of the

implementation process (Kline, pp 1-2, 2007)

How to monitor:

A mistake that often made by the organization is that, after implementation of the change,

they turn their attention from it. However, the manager¶s job does not end there a follow up is

needed in order to see whether they have to make any further changes and the outcomes intended

from the beginning to be realized. After the implementation, the change should be congealed

through monitoring, measurement, reinforcement and refinement. The organization has to

continuously monitor the change and measure it against the past performance of the company.

There are two reasons of monitoring the performance; it helps the organization to see whether

they have achieved their targets. Has the organization reduced the absenteeism, increased the

productivity, they could lower down the costs, etc. All these questions can only be answered

when the organization is monitoring and measuring their outcomes of the change

implementation. Second reason for the monitoring is that, it helps the organization to track the


There are several different methods of monitoring and measuring the performance of the

change in the organization. The most common method is the periodical review of the

performance of the organization. Whether the change is hard or soft, the outcome can only be

measured and monitored through the employees¶ productivity. If the performance of the

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employees¶ colliding with the goal, then the change has been successfully implemented

otherwise the change is not implanted correctly. There are other methods as evaluation done by

the peers, of the self rating. All these methods help the organization to monitor the performance.

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Patson R, Mcalman J, (2008) ³a change management guide to effective

implementation´ sage publications, accessed on 13th December 2010, available at:printsec=frontcoverdq=change+manag


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Kline J ³how to implement change in your organization: the key is: communicate,

communicate, and communicate.´ Arm forces comptroller, Retrieve on 13th December

2010, Retrieve from:


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