Augmented Reality - The Microsoft Hololens

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Asem Alkahtani

Dr. …

MBA 614


Augmented Reality – The Microsoft HoloLens


By definition, ‘Augmented Reality (AR)’ is the overlay of computer-generated data in

the real world scenario. Augmented Reality is often registered in the three-dimensional space. In

Augmented Reality, both virtual and real realities are combined. Notably, “virtual reality” differs

from augmented reality. Unlike the latter, the viewer is immersed into a computerized

environment when it comes to virtual reality. In addition, the physical view of objects is often

obstructed in virtual reality since the user is required to wear certain specified equipment. On the

other hand, a combination of sensory enhancements, audio, and graphics are integrated into the

natural world in augmented reality. Physical objects appear as they and no image-enhancement

equipment are required. This study examines the place of AR technology with regards to

Microsoft’s Hololens.

Demonstrations of AR hoodwink the observer into viewing animated content for

example robots and monsters that do not exist in reality. As Microsoft’s most recent

technological breakthrough, Hololens is poised to believably interfere with reality in the near

future. Through the augmented technology, Hololens has been designed in a way that perfectly

enables viewing of 3-D photorealistic images. With the Hololens technology, it is possible to

witness an acrobat tumbling across a footpath. The technology also makes it possible for an

individual to converse with imaginary people as if they actually existed. In fact, the only

component that lacks in the technology is the sense of physical touch. Nonetheless, Microsoft

will soon counter the limitation because the company recently rolled out a holographic TV

studio. Herein, a performance can be captured by several cameras from varied angles of view

(Thang 1).

Brief History

Virtual reality (VR) grew rapidly in the year 2015 that saw the design and development of

AR devices. Razer Inc., Samsung Inc., Sony Inc., HTC, and Oculus VR among other companies

recently announced the introduction of enhanced VR equipment mounted with multiple displays

within a headset sometime this year. The displays were intended to serve as a motion-tracking

technology. This was meant to aid the wearer perceive an interactive three-dimensional view of

the split images. While these developments came along with a forceful momentum, particularly

in gaming consoles and peripherals, it would be quite unfair to heap these technologies alongside

the Microsoft’s Hololens.

While introducing some features in the Windows 10 Operating System early January 2015,

Hololens integrated an interesting feature not common among the mentioned devices: that of

augmented reality. With this technology, the user’s eyes are not blocked by the high resolution,

backlit displays of light-emitted diodes (LEDs). Quiet interesting, this technology utilizes a

minute engine and a transparent pair of lenses. Herein, three-dimensional images of the

observer’s surrounding environment are effectively projected. With Microsoft’s Hololens, it is


possible to check mails and surf the web on a table, and watch movies projected on a wall that

serves as a giant high-definition display. In AR, the user can navigate around objects and interact

with three-dimensional images as if they existed. The Hololens technology is generally not a new

version of VR headsets. Rather, it is a technology that depicts Microsoft’s effort to change the

entire technological arena (Wittingslow 1).

Brief Description of the Hololens

The Hololens technology employs software with the ability to generate 3-D models of a

performance with high degrees of precision and accuracy. The 3-D images are created from

different viewpoints. As a result, a photo-real appearance is created. The Microsoft Hololens

technology is superior to the traditional approach where computers were used for animation.

Generally, the operating principles of the augmented Microsoft Hololens are guided by an

image-processing technology known as holograms.

Concentrated research efforts are currently being undertaken by Microsoft Incorporation

to make the technology practical and affordable for Small Scale and Medium Enterprises

(SMEs). With time, it is hoped that such companies will be in a position to record content in the

very same form. Simply, it is hoped that a 3-Dimmensional snapshot of an infant can be perfectly

obtained at a particular point of his or her lifetime. Other than acrobatic performances, other

areas of demonstrations where the technology is hoped to play a significant role include but not

limited to sports instruction, theatrical performances as well as holographic videos. In sports, for

example, golf players seeking help will be required to put on a Hololens that would help them

observe the instructor’s movements from varied vantage points and the movements made by a

pro golfer at different swinging speeds.


The Microsoft Hololens technology also comprises of catwalk models that can guide online

shoppers in browsing commodities with attributes that match their preferences more realistically

than possible with photos or two-dimensional videos. The augmented technology is also tailored

to employ captured performances that could replace animated characters in different applications

including games.

The Unique Aspects of the AR Technology

The augmented reality of Hololens (AR) technology is superior to similar technologies

launched by other companies. Other than Microsoft, a host of companies have been working

towards capturing live events from sports, tournaments and cinemas on conventional gadgets

such as the Oculus Rift. However, the three- dimensional view is only captured from the

camera’s position at the shooting time. Unlike the Hololens, the Oculus Rift and similar devices

employ a less complicated technique of compelling the brain to perceive 3-D images

(Wittingslow 1). In addition, the gadgets lack the ability to blend virtual content with the real-

world environment.

The Microsoft’s Hololens continue to rock a solid spot in the world of virtual reality.

Herein, users are seemingly immersed in a mesmerized environment full of augmented reality

holograms. The augmented technology is remarkably, an outstanding technological breakthrough

spearheaded by the giant U.S - based titan. During its launch, descriptions such as

“unbelievable” and “magical” heaped the inventor. The Hololens has holographic capabilities

that blend with Windows 10 Operating System that is yet to be launched late this year. The

technology is set to be an opening window for upcoming developers to augment different tasks

ranging from motorcycle design to complex surgery operations.


In one particular demonstration, a fascinating prototype of the augmented Hololens

technology was skillfully transformed into a squared room inside planet Mars. Not surprising,

the developers were astounded to find themselves locked between a three-dimensional prototype

of the giant rover that roamed inside planet Mars freely. Further, a scientist from the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) would be seen accompanying the invention and

he communicated to his colleagues in planet earth via Skype. Indeed, the augmented technology

creates a sound future for space exploration. Today, the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) utilize Hololens to navigate as if they are in space and explore other


Working Principle / Mechanism of Augmented Reality (AR) – The Hololens

Hololens utilizes a novel, sophisticated, holographic display. The technology is eye-

deceiving in the sense that an observer solely perceives three-dimensional images more

accurately than with conventional image-enhancement gadgets. The headset comprises of

sensors that make it possible to perceive virtual objects as if they existed in the real world

context. The augmented technology makes it possible to play 2-dimmensional videos on a tablet

by utilizing a customized player that facilitates screen rotation to the most desired angle of view.

Virtual scenes can be effectively overlaid with Hololens on space. As a result, wearers can

be allowed to navigate places in the most efficient and safest ways. This is accomplished through

the use of gesture, gaze or voice while engaging in three-dimensional views. Hololens integrates

a head-piece that tracks the movement of the eyes. Wearers are also permitted to interact with

features they encounter by finger-flicking. Collaborative efforts have also been made to replace

light-switches, making it possible for an operator to guide an operation using a tablet computer.

In the prototype demonstration spearheaded by NASA, overlay notes or arrows could be seen

floating in space. Gradually, observers saw the room extended into a commercial-like building

block. The structure comprised of castles with sumptuous-looking table-tops and floors. The

transformation that was themed “mine craft” embodied vanquished zombies, fingerprint

identification and voice-recognition technology. Today, the augmented technology prototype is

used in the design of virtual toys that can generate three-dimensional images when fed into a

digital printer.

While Hololens seems to share several features common with the newly-launched Goggle

Glass as opposed to the common, widely-used VR headsets slated to be rolled out soon, Hololens

is a technology that is unique by itself. The Microsoft Hololens is designed with a unique user

interface peripheral. The functions of the peripheral are no different from those of the keyboard

and mouse (although not all of them). However, a number of computing scenarios are shared,

especially those that involve interactivity and intense collaboration. The Microsoft Corporation

believes that any task accomplished with the aid of a personal computer can be accomplished

more effectively via augmented reality. The more people learn about the capabilities of Hololens,

the more they are likely to appreciate the integral prowess of Windows 10.0 Operating System

that is yet to be introduced to the market. Generally, Microsoft’s Hololens stands out as a fully-

fledged Windows 10.0 device.

In one of the demos presented by Microsoft early this year, the most outstanding feature of

the Hololens was the Holonotes. The feature allows a user to take part in a Skype chat. During

the chat, the remote party can sketch notes and draw virtual lines or arrows on features that fall

within the observer’s field of view. The viewer is in a position to see everything seen by the

Hololen’s wearer while at the same time, the wearer can interact freely with holographic objects.

Skype and Holonotes alike are technologies deemed ideal for distance learners, tutorials and

video conferencing (Thang 1).

Today, Augmented Reality (AR) remains the most advanced holographic technology ever

proposed as far as digital computing is concerned. The technology is untethered. In other words,

no cables are required for data and power transmission to another peripheral device such as a

personal computer. In addition, no standalone device(s) or phone is required, either wired or

wireless. The lenses in the technology consist of three layers of heavily tinted glass that are blue,

green and red respectively. The ‘light engine’ that powers the device generates holograms by

bouncing light particles across the lenses. The lenses are transparent in nature, making it possible

to provide high-definition projections. In fact, they are rectangular in appearance and are

positioned in standard pairs. Further, the pairs of lenses are fitted on a thick headband that covers

the head of the wearer. The Hololens also comprises of a slender transparent shield that runs

from the top of the device to the tip of the user’s nose.

The Future of AR Computing as a Promising technological Breakthrough

With Microsoft’s Hololens’ there is the promise of a sparkling integration with video game

consoles. This is true because Microsoft Corporation has a broad spectrum of fans devoted to the

X-Box platform. Indeed, Microsoft Hololens also provides a hopeful future for a more

promising, computing platform to provide uses with an integrated experience. It is also hoped

that users of original PCs will be able to enjoy the scale of the technology in the same manner as

Apple iPhone users. With time, virtual reality is poised to succeed the mobile internet era that

revolves around tablets and smartphones. The headgear inscribed inside Hololen’s virtual reality

isolates users from their immediate environment. Generally, human beings have a tendency to

worry about what they might encounter or bump into. Often immediately, “virtual reality”

appears more appealing and convincing for gamers almost immediately according to research.

Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality focuses on the effects of a technology to the population

where it is introduced. Another advantage of virtual reality is that it enables gamers to glance and

scroll through videos, text messages and other small-scale displays. The user can also be in a

position to capture videos and take photos simultaneously by positioning the eye-wear

accordingly with taps on frames and voice commands. The Microsoft Hololens is a fashionable

and a lower-cost version that I set to penetrate the global market. The technology is hoped to

deliver a series of mixed, positive and captivating user experiences in light of stiff competition.

At the moment, it is up to other competitors – from Samsung to Apple, Magic Leap to Oculus –

to match the opening bid set forth by Microsoft’s Hololens.

The Reality Continuum

Real and virtual environments lie of the extreme opposite ends of the reality continuum.

Lying closer to the real environment is Augmented Reality. In general, Augmented Reality

represents the real-word scenario and has a number of merits. The following diagram is an

illustration of the reality continuum.

Fig. 1: The Reality Continuum

Types of Displays in Augmented Reality (AR)


Components driving the widespread application of augmented reality are cellphone applications

and video game consoles. Augmented Reality has three types of displays:

1. The first category is the head-ups or head-mounted displays that require specialized

equipment for mounting and operation;

2. The second category comprises of hand-held display gadgets for example digital cameras

and smart phones; and

3. The third category encompasses spatial displays that require no wearing/hand-held

assistive devices.

1. Heads-Up/ Head-Mounted Displays

A head-mounted display simply displays images obtained from the physical

environment as registered virtual objects over the observers world view. With some displays, it is

possible to automatically switch between three-dimensional and two-dimensional representations

and vice versa. Today, the market comprises of state-of-the art devices with superior resolution

and high-quality views for augmented reality applications. Modern fighter jets have heavily-

mounted displays that offer users with full interactivity such as high-pointing capabilities and so

forth. To sum, head-ups display are comparatively less cumbersome and seamless than head-

mounted types.

Fig.2 SVGA Head-Mounted Display

Fig 3: Vehicle Heads-Up Display


2. Handheld Displays

Hand-held displays commonly utilize relatively small computing gadgets that accurately fit

into the hands of the user. The data displayed is located with the viewer’s location via the global

positioning satellite system (GPS). Smartphones and tablets with installed applications are the

most commonly used hand-held displaying devices. Smartphones with phone apps are the most

commonly used handheld devices.

Fig. 4: iPhone Applications

3. Spatial Displays

In spatial displays, nothing is required to be held or worn. The required information is

displayed onto physical objects using digital projectors. Smartphones, for example, use

compasses, image recognition and GPS technology to overlay virtual components onto the real

world. Spatial displays exist as either marker-based or markerless devices according to a Horizon


Marker-based cameras have the ability to perceive certain specific visual cues and

translate them into a correct interpretation. Markerless cameras on the other hand rely on

positional data (from compasses, GPS and so forth) that compares the input of a camera against a

possible image match. Markerless applications find broad use across different fields because they

do not require reference points or special labeling. A hand-held displaying device such as an

iPhone is a suitable application for augmented reality (AR) because it helps users to make phone

calls without necessarily ejecting their phones from their purses or pockets. The AR corresponds

to the keyboard on a PC.

Fig. 5: AR Phone Keypad


Fig. 6: AR Keyboard

Applications of Augmented Reality (AR)

AR is applicable in a broad range of fields and disciplines and for this reason, the technology is

increasingly growing popular as its ease of use increases.

1. Advertising Applications

The use of interactive AR applications continues to grow in the field of advertising. Herein,

products, services and destinations (places) are effectively promoted. Examples of such

advertisements include specifications of vehicles, infrastructure including buildings within the

metropolis, Disney or Walmart outdoor advertising and so forth.

2. Marketing Applications

In marketing applications, AR aids consumers on the most convenient dining and shopping

locations as well as offering detailed menus, customer reviews, product ratings and other

information pertinent to consumer marketing.


3. Industrial Applications

Industries such as aerospace engineering, military and mechanics utilize AR while working on

automobiles to monitor each and step to correct flaws during repair and maintenance, and to

instruct as well. With AR, activities can be projected into musical stage views. The Duran Group,

for example, is known to use this feature in performances.

4. Scientific Applications

In science, biological, medical, meteorological and architectural applications can be visualized in

a three-dimensional phenomenon.

5. Educational Applications

AR offers explorative, discovery and contextual learning experiences. In almost every industry,

AR is becoming virtually present. However, its application power was quite limited in the past

until the new AR platform – Hololens - was built and unveiled by Microsoft Corporation.

The Future of AR

1. Microsoft Hololens

As mentioned earlier, “Windows Holographic” is an augmented reality computing platform

developed by Microsoft Corporation and is yet to be launched upon the unveiling of the

Windows 10.0 Operating System late 2015 (Thang 1).


Fig. 7: Microsoft HoloLens

 Hololens that was code named “Project Baraboo” has been undergoing improvements

over the past five years until it was released in the year 2015. Earlier, Hololens was

conceived to be the pitch initially developed in the year 2007 – the Kinect platform.

Fig. 8: Hololens used in the Gaming Industry


Fig. 9: Application of Hololens in the Manufacturing/Automotive Industry for Flaw-


Today, Microsoft continues to show solid commitment for technological improvements in the

near future through fiction and science. The technology is generally a personal computer that is

cordless and uses advanced sensors, a smart glass and high quality sound output to support

applications in augmented reality. In addition, the technology has a natural user interface with

improvements in hand gestures, voice and gaze. Holograms are poised to lead the next

generation of computing technology. With such a vision in mind, user design, software and

hardware engineers joined hands to set the pace for developers and creators

Fig. 10: HoloLens & Mars Rover

Fig. 11: The Promising Future of AR in Scientific (Aerospace)


Advantages of AR

1. The learners are exposed to adventurous learning experiences

2. Provides people with a broad sense of connection to learning opportunities

3. It is possible to learn from any point of the world

4. Collaborative tasks can be enhanced more effectively when the platform is used

5. AR supports non-connected interactions between virtual and real environments

6. Objects can be skillfully manipulated when a tangible interface metaphor is used

7. AR provides room for smooth transition between virtuality and reality.

Limitations of AR

1. The technology is inaccurate: Hololens exhibits a wide margin of error when used in

computing applications. Virtual reality is inaccurate. Certain doubts need to be

considered and skepticism dealt with

2. Lack of open standards that guide its use in AR browsers: The current crop of AR

browsers does not have specific standards that can guide the use of Hololens. As a result,

judgmental calls have to be made by a user on the preferred platform of communication

data sharing between platforms is prohibited at that particular point in time.

3. Just like the Google Glass, AR is an iterative technology that is not adequately ready for

large-scale use. Though impressive in view, the complexities are apparent.

4. The demo version of Hololens has a relatively smaller field of view that is not in tandem

with that of the natural eye set at 180 degrees. Therefore, surroundings beyond the edge

of the projection cannot be seen, leading to cutting off- of images and subsequently, user


Fig. 12: Demonstration of Augmented Reality

Indeed, several aspects of AR programs are genuinely impressive. In them, the roots of an

evolving paradigm can be established. For example, the latest version of Google Translate

provides real-time translation of spoken words. In addition, written words are instantaneously

translated. Software that has been setting steps ahead of the Google Translate is the Babel Fish.

Nevertheless, the Microsoft’s Hololens possesses attributes that render it uniquely different.

Unlike Google Glass and mobile phone applications, Hololens comprises of sensory overlays

that help a user to interact with digital objects. The application does not offer additional or

parenthetical information about human surroundings or the environment at large. Instead, objects

in the virtual environment provide an abstract view of humans’ immediate surroundings.

In case the future proposed by Microsoft Corporation is realized, AR will make it

possible for technology to deliver the awaited promise of a virtual community. In other words,

decorative carpets, cosmetics, desktop computers, music players, gaming systems and televisions

will no longer serve any purpose. With time, digital entities will replace such special objects by

projecting them into the perception of the human brain.

Clearly, Microsoft’s vision is likely to cause dynamics in people’s purchasing behavior.

While the technology has dwindled into an enormous gloss, what is probably most convincing

about the awaited future is not what has been invented, but what is apparently missing. Paintings,

gaming consoles, desktop computers and television sets: these special electronic equipment have

no place in the future of technology championed by Microsoft Corporation.

What is the Future of Digital Consumption?

If the radical changes are to take effect, it is likely that the manufacturing as well as other

tertiary industries will undergo the same changes. Currently, there are rumors and wild

excitement about the likely digital switch to more economical three-dimensional printing in order

to cut down the cost of manufacturing small-sized goods. Should Microsoft Corporation succeed

in destroying existing media apparatuses including the television, then the entire manufacturing

sector is also likely to fall apart. Should majority of consumer electronics be supplanted by the

Hololens and its substitutes, then a gradual, awful collapse of the multibillion dollar consumer

landscape will be witnessed. Other than inevitability of market erosion, the manufacturing sector

will be compelled to battle with greater automation and decentralization if the current digital

industry fails. In the near future, sellers and marketers of entertainment products will definitely

consider augmented reality a hefty boon. Both content producers and marketers will have to

investigate consumers’ changing tastes and preferences.


Fig. 13: Demonstration of Augmented Reality

In the meantime, a consumer fight back is expected. Today, majority of web browsers operate

under accounts registered as pop-up and ad blockers. Already, several developers and designers

worn out with the dignity preserved for ads in editorials and magazines, and those bored with

product placement in casinos are developing products that can block the existence of advertorials

in the real world. Certainly, it would be quite fair to anticipate that such moves will presage a

delicate, extremely complicated duel between content producers and consumers.


Is Hololens Likely to Create a Digital Division?

At the height of such developments, the fears of miserable, uncertain future of technology

can be predicted with a fair amount of certainty. However, the time to panic has not yet come.

Up to this point, there are sufficient reasons to believe that the popular growth of AR

technologies will certainly provide tremendous benefits including making life easier. The

internet technology has revolutionized the way business transactions are conducted (for example,

the unfortunate crumbling of Brick-And-Mortar Limited). Therefore, it is quite reasonable to

anticipate such pitfalls, that is, the introduction of strenuous difficulties with the AR technology.

However, such predictions should not be made with high levels of seriousness. As consumers of

digital devices, people all over the world have often heard of such statements before

(Wittingslow 1).

Utilizing the advantages of the hind sight, consumers of upscale technologies should be

privy of such claims and focus on more promising predictions that technology has delivered

in the past for example, fashionable cars with chrome-fitted rims, space science and automated

automobiles (Wittingslow 1). Ill-fated statements from relics should be dismissed with an

indulgent smile as a vast majority of them foretold a future that never came into being. Of

course, tough lessons should be learnt herein. In this era of tawdry capitalism, genetically

modified crop consumption and social networking, cynical statements about the drawbacks and

promises of AR are likely to be a common subject in no different way as the Atomic Era and its

promises are often mocked.


Conclusion and Suggestions for Further Research

This study has examined the history, advantages and known problems of the Microsoft

Hololens augmented reality (AR) platform. The study has also compared and distinguished the

Virtual Reality (VR) from the Augmented Reality (AR) platform. The Microsoft Hololens has

emerged as a promising technology that utilizes a variety of digital tools to facilitate scientific

discoveries. Hololens has been seen to differ in many respects from other similar and closer

technologies such as the Oculus Rift that stimulates the whole virtual environment to provide

first-hand immersive experience(s). The main difference arises in augmented reality; Microsoft’s

Hololens largely relies on AR by superimposition of digital graphics on the real-world landscape.

While the application of the Hololens platform has revolved around replication of

surroundings at large-scale level (i.e. gaming consoles, space exploration and structural

enhancement in Planet Mars), the scientific benefits as well as the applicability of AR on small-

scale basis remains unknown. Further studies of AR are necessary to determine its effectiveness

in this area. Nevertheless, the field of AR offers unprecedented opportunities for further

investigation in other upscale technologies such as human-to-compute interaction and


Works Cited

1. Jimmy Thang. Microsoft’s HoloLens Has the Potential to Be Transformative. Jan 26,

2015. Available at:

transformative 2015/

2. Ryan Wittingslow. With Hololens, The Future Of Reality Is Augmented: The

Conversation, February 6, 2015. Available at:


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