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FoodChemistry5 (1980)47-56



Food Industries Limited, Bromborough Port, Wirral, Merseyside 1.,62 4SU, Great Britain

(Received: 6 July, 1979)


Annatto extracts contained in the pericarp of the fruit Bixa oreilana are extracted by
several methods. Commercial preparations consist of solutions or suspensions of the
pigment m vegetable oil or as a water-soluble Jbrm in dilute alkaline solution.
The major pigment of the fruit is cis-bixm (80 % + ) with smaller amounts of other
carotenoids. Cis-bixin, on heating in solution, is partially converted into the trans
isomer and a yellow degradation product. The extent oJ'the degradation is dependent
on the temperature and the duration oJ'the heating process and governs the red/yellow
The dicarboxylic acid salts of cis-norbixin and trans-norbixin occur in heated
alkaline solutions.
The current toxicological situation of annatto describes recent results of studies at
the Unilever Research Laboratory at Colworth House, BedJbrd.


Annatto extracts have been used for a considerable time, particularly for colouring
butter, margarine and cheese. Commercial annatto colours, also known as Orlean
or Rocou, are obtained by extraction of the pigments of the pericarp of the fruit of
the Bixa orellana L, named after Francisco de Orellana, the Conquistador who first
explored the Amazon River in 1541.
This large shrub, 2-5 m high, native to tropical America, is now grown in most
tropical countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Ceylon, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana,
India, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru and Surinam. The crop is produced on a lesser scale in
Africa, e.g. Angola, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and in the Pacific, e.g. Philippines
and Hawaii.
Food Chem. 0308-8146/80/0005-0047/$02'25 ~ Applied Science Publishers Ltd, England, 1980
Printed in Great Britain

Its occurrence and cultivation were reviewed by lngram & Francis (1969) and by
Ohler (1968). The fruit consists of a burr-like pod, similar to a sweet chestnut,
containing between 10 and 50 seeds about the size of grape seeds, covered with a thin
layer of soft, slightly sticky, vermilion pulp. A small shrub may be seen in the Royal
Botanic Garden at Edinburgh; its flower shows no change from that of the shrub
shown in a coloured plate in h'ones Plantarum, dated 1792, from the Library of the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (von Plenck, 1792).
The FAO/WH O (1976) have defined specifications for the methods of production
ofannatto extracts. Annatto extract in edible oil, as a solution or suspension, may be
prepared by pretreatment of the pericarp with hot water or steam, followed by
extraction with vegetable oil or mono- and di-glycerides, etc. Solvent extraction is
also employed. Aqueous annatto extracts are obtained by heating the pericarp, or
the solvent extract thereof, with a solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide at
70 °C or lower, followed by boiling and filtration.
The major carotenoid of the pericarp extract cis-bixin, the mono-methyl ester of
the dicarboxylic acid cis-norbixin (McKeown, 1961), is orange in colour and is
insoluble in vegetable oil. It is readily converted on heating into the more stable
isomer trans-bixin, which is red and soluble in oil, together with degradation
products, notably a yellow C~ 7 pigment described by lversen and Lam (1953) and by
(McKeown & Mark, 1962; McKeown, 1963, 1965). The cis-bixin is required to be in
solution before the C~ 7 re-arrangement can occur.


The following two processes for the production of annatto extracts in edible oil and
one for making water-soluble annatto conform to the FAO/WHO Specification and
have a favourable legal status.

(i) Oil-soluble bixin

Annatto seeds, immersed in vegetable oil at a temperature not exceeding 70 °C, are
mechanically abraded to remove the pericarp from the waste seed by a process
known as 'raspelling'. The slurry of the pigment in oil is heated under vacuum at a
temperature which should not exceed 130°C. The solution is filtered to remove
insoluble materials. The major carotenoids include trans-bixin, a yellow thermal
degradation product and cis-bixin.

(ii) Suspension in oil

Three important methods exist.
(a) The extract of the pericarp in edible oil after 'raspelling' is centrifuged and
the finer particles blended with oil to give a suspension in oil. The lack of

thermal treatment is shown by the absence of the yellow degradation

product, cis- and trans-bixins being present.
(b) Solvent extraction: The annatto pigment is extracted into a suitable solvent
such as acetone, the extracts being washed with hexane, or some other
solvent in which the pigment is virtually insoluble, to remove unwanted
impurities and odours. Milling in edible oil to a particle size of about 10
microns is then carried out to yield a microcrystalline suspension in oil. The
solvents include acetone, dichloromethane, dichloroethane, ethanol, light
petroleum and propan-2-ol. The major carotenoids present are cis- and
(c) Mono- and di-glyeerides, etc: Extraction using food grade ingredients such
as mono- and di-glycerides, free fatty acids or propylene glycol is also
Barnett & Espoy (1957) pre-soaked the seeds in water before extraction in hot oil
with or without free fatty acids such as oleic. Kocher (1958) extracted annatto seeds
with alkaline propylene glycol which would yield the alkaline salts of cis- and/or
trans-norbixin. Dendy (1966a) reported an alkaline extraction method followed by
acid treatment devised for use in East Africa, together with a survey of the patented
The differences between the methods are highlighted by their use as margarine
colouring agents (Table 1), which requires a balance of red and yellow pigments.
Oil-soluble bixin can be used for margarine colour without further pigmentation,
since the degradation pigment provides the yellow contribution. The suspension in
oil, however, cannot be used alone and requires a contribution of a yellow pigment
such as curcumin which is claimed to impart stability (Todd, 1964).


Extract Red Yellow

Oil-solublebixin C25:trans-bixin + some cis-bixin C~7:degradation product

Suspension in oil C25:cis-bixin + some trans-bixin Yellow pigment required, e.g. curcumin

(iii) Water-soluble annatto

(a) From seed: The pericarp of the annatto seed is extracted by agitation in
aqueous alkali at temperatures not exceeding 70°C to give an aqueous
solution of sodium or potassium salts of norbixin, probably in the eis and
trans forms.
(b) From solvent-extracted bixin: Bixin, derived from solvent extraction of the
pericarp by one or more stages, followed by removal of the solvent, is
hydrolysed with aqueous alkali to yield the sodium or potassium salts of


(i) Stereochemistry
Since bixin was the first cis polyene to be recognised in nature, its stereochemistry
has been subjected to much investigation (see Table 2).


Boussingault (1825) First isolation

Etti (1878) Crystallisation
Heiduschka & Panzer ( 1917) Mol. formula: C25H3oO a
Herzig & Faltis (1923) Isomerisation
Karrer et al. (1929) cis ~ trans isomer
Kuhn/Ehmann (1929); Kuhn/L'Orsa (1931, 1932);
Kuhn/Winterstein (1928, 1932); Kuhn et al. (1929) Constitution
Karrer & Solmssen (1937) 1 l-cis structure
Zechmeister & Escue (1944) 9-cis structure
Karrer & Jucker (1950) 9-cis structure
Lunde & Zechmeister (1955) 7-cis for Me-bixin (IR)
Barber et al. (1961) pr Me-bixin 9'-cis structure
Weedon (1967) Me-cis-(natural) bixin synthesis
Pattenden e t a / . (1970) Me-cis-(natural) bixin synthesis

Therefore, 136 years after bixin was first reported, the structure of cis-bixin was
shown to be methyl hydrogen 9'-cis-6,6'-diapocarotene-6,6'-dioate (Fig. 1).

H O 2 C ~ 9 '

Fig. 1. Cis-bixin, C2sH3004.

(ii) Thermal degradation

lversen & Lam, 1953, showed that bixin, dissolved in vegetable oil or other solvents,
undergoes a complex series of isomerisations and degradations when heated to
extraction temperatures. A yellow pigment was isolated from a commercial annatto
preparation. Using a paper chromatographic method (McKeown, 1961), a series of
pigments from commercial annatto extracts was separated. The effects of thermal
treatment of a commercial extract can be seen in comparison with the Bixa orellana
seed extract.

(iii) Analysis oj extracts

Analysis of the extracts from the various commercial processes shows the
following major carotenoids:

Oil-soluble bixin C17 Thermal degradation product

Suspension of bixin in oil cis-bixin + some trans-bixin
Solvent-extracted bixin cis-bixin + some trans-bixin
Water-soluble extracts
(a) Aqueous alkali extract of seed'~
(b) Hydrolysis in aqueous alkali o f ~ cis- and trans-norblxin (Na or K salts)
solvent-extracted bixin )

The number and concentration of the minor constituents present may be due to the
extractive method, the temperature, the heating period, the origin of seed and the
shelf-life of the product. McKeown (1961) isolated seven components in a
chloroform extract of Bixa orellana seeds (Table 3).


Zone Identity Co~our Rj Spectra Commercial Seed

extract extract
(%) (CHCI 3)

1 Orellin ? Yellow 0-01 420, 395 6 7

2 cis-norbixin Orange 002 ca~495,465 4 2
3 Thermal product Yellow 0.07 423,401.5 40 1
4 trans-bixin Red 0.11 501,471 17 nil
5 cis-bixin Orange 0.17 494.5,464.5 12 82
6 Orange 0.22 ca.488,459 nd 3
7 Pale yellow 0.35 c0.420,400 9 1
8 Polyene aldehydes'? Orange 0.85 Variable 12 4

nd = not detected.

(iv) Spectral assay

Bixin and its isomers have maxima at about 500 nm and 470 nm in chloroform,
whereas the yellow degradation pigments show maxima at about 404 nm and 428 nm
(in chloroform) and do not absorb at 500nm (McKeown & Mark, 1962).
Analysis of the spectra at 500 nm and 404 nm can yield both the total pigment
content and the bixin content of the extract (McKeown & Mark, 1962; Reith &
Gielen, 1971).
In his final paper, McKeown (1965) proved the structure of the C17 yellow
pigment produced by thermal degradation of the C25 bixin to be as shown in Fig. 2.

(v) Thin-layer chromatography

Several TLC methods have been developed (Francis, 1965; Dendy, 1966b; Hoar,
pers. comm.) for the analysis of annatto pigments to replace the earlier paper
chromatographic procedures (Van Esch et al., 1959; McKeown, 1961). The method
(Hoar, pers. comm.) used at Unilever Research Colworth Laboratory was developed
to isolate and identify the main components in commercial annatto preparations
and to assist in the studies of the metabolic fate ofannatto pigments in the rat and in


1 CH3

( CH3

Fig. 2. C17 yellowpigment.

Precoated 250/am silica gel GF plates (Anachem) were developed in petroleum

ether (bp 40-60)/diethyl ether/glacial acetic acid (85 + 15 + 2.5). Four develop-
ments were used to improve resolution so that the main bands could be removed for
subsequent examination by spectrophotometry.
The analytical procedures were sufficiently sensitive to detect oil-soluble bixin and
water-soluble annatto at the 1 mg level and suspension of bixin in oil at a level of
0.2 mg in the liver, kidneys or tissue.


A temporary acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 1.25 mg/kg body weight for annatto
extracts has been given (FAO/WHO, 1970a, b). The monograph from this report
dealt extensively with studies by van Esch et al. (1959). Metabolic studies on the
major carotenoids of annatto were requested. Food Industries Limited commis-
sioned these studies, which were designed to complement the earlier work of

van Esch on what were essentially the same annatto extracts manufactured in
accordance with the F A O / W H O specifications without the use o f solvents.
This additional work covered the following areas:
(i) acute toxicity in rat and mouse
(ii) mutogenic action
(iii) short-term studies on rat, mouse, dog and pig
(iv) long-term studies on mouse and rat.
This toxicological work was considered by the F A O / W H O (1970a,b), resulting in an
expanded monograph ( F A O / W H O , 1976).
The metabolic studies have since been completed and show that annatto
carotenoid pigments are satisfactorily metabolised. This included work on acute
metabolism in man.
To develop upon this theme, it can be said that in the rat, oil-soluble bixin,
suspension of bixin in oil, and water-soluble annatto pigments can be detected in
blood within a few hours of administering a single large oral dose. The level of
pigments in the blood diminishes during the following 24 h, which suggests that the
body is able to metabolise these pigments.
In vitro studies suggest that the principal annatto pigments are metabolised by the
In man, annatto pigments can also be detected in blood after a single oral dose and
within a few hours the blood level has fallen to zero: only a trace of these pigments
was found in the faeces. Therefore, both in the rat and in man, annatto pigments are
absorbed from the intestine into the blood and clearance from the blood is quite
It is apparent from these studies showing similar absorption from the gut and
clearance from the blood of rat and man that the rat is an appropriate test animal
and that the results obtained by van Esch and others are relevant to the safety of
annatto pigments in food.
This latter information has been submitted to the EEC Scientific Committee for
Food which agreed (EEC, in press) that:
"the information with which it had been provided on the pharmacokinetics and
metabolism of annatto in rats following short- and long-term exposure, and
with the results of acute metabolic studies in man satisfied the requirements set
out in its Report on Colours (June, 1965).


Annatto, assigned E160b under EEC legislation, is permitted for various

applications in most countries, as shown in the Appendix.


The authors wish to thank the members of the Environmental Safety Division of the
Unilever Research Laboratory at Colworth, Bedfordshire, staffat the Royal Botanic
Gardens of Edinburgh and Kew, colleagues at the Tropical Products Institute,
London, and at Food Industries Limited, Bromborough Port.


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322 30.


Country So It drinks Sugar Flour Butter Margarine Cheese lee eream Fish produets
eonJeetionery conJeetionery
(except Western Australia
and New South Wales) * * * _ * • • •
Austria -- * • • • , ,
Belgium * -- -- < 200 mg/kg~ < 50 mg/kg:~ -- * --
Canada * * • • , , , ,
Denmark -- -- < 100 ppmt < 200 ppm t < 200 ppm t < 200 ppm t < 200 ppm t < 200 ppm t
Finland * * • • , , , ,
France * * . . . . , ,
Germany * * __ __ , , __ ,
Italy * * * • • , __ __ 0
Japan * * • • . , , ,
Luxembourg * * * • • , , ,
The Netherlands * * * • • • , ,
New Zealand * * * • _ • , ,
Norway * * * • . , , , E
South Africa -- * * * * < 600 ppmt * *
Sweden -- -- -- <200mg/kg$ < 150mg/kg:~ <25mg/kg~/ --
Switzerland * * _ • • ,
United Kingdona * * * * • • , ,
USA * * * * • • ,

* Permitted.
- - Not Permitted.
t Maximum limit.
:~ M a x i m u m limit.
N.B. Not all products falling into the above categories can necessarily be coloured; this applies especially to fish products and flour confectionery.

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