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Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

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Novel application and reused materials for extensive green roof substrates T
and drainage layers in Japan – Plant growth and moisture uptake
implementation –
Ayako Nagase⁎
Chiba University, Graduate School of Global and Transdisciplinary Studies, 1-33, Yayoicho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-8522, Japan


Keywords: This study investigates the potential utility of reused materials as an alternative material for commercial sub-
Extensive green roof strate and drainage layers. The performances of reused materials were assessed using turf with trays on a roof for
Low environmental impact material two years in Chiba, Japan. Two types of materials, a commercial green roof substrate and cocopeat, were used as
Drought tolerance the substrate. For the drainage layers, five different materials were used: a commercial green roof drainage layer,
bamboo stems and nodes, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle caps and bottoms. In addition, a sample
without any drainage layer was used. The trays were prepared with the combination of these two substrates and
six drainage applications. Overall, reused materials were observed to function well as commercial green roof
materials. The turf in cocopeat was able to survive better than turf in commercial green roof substrate. In the
drainage layers, some reused materials, such as the PET bottle caps and bamboo nodes, showed higher final plant
coverage than commercial drainage layers in cocopeat. Our study has addressed the importance of realizing the
original substrate and drainage layer using reused materials for developing sustainable and inexpensive green

1. Introduction alternative commercial green roof materials to realize low environ-

mental impact green roofs. We particularly focused on extensive green
Green roofs have been installed to ameliorate the urban environ- roofs (thin substrate; require little maintenance/irrigation). Although
mental problems. Green roofs can improve the heat island effect (Imran installment of intensive green roofs (thick substrate; require both reg-
et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018), reduce the water runoff (Nagase and ular maintenance and an irrigation system) are common and preferred
Dunnett, 2012), improve the water quality (Buffam et al., 2016), and in Japan, it is important to encourage extensive green roofs for poten-
create habitats to ensure biodiversity (Köhler and Ksiazek-Mikenas, tial environmental benefit of large scale application such as hydrology
2018). Green roofs have been extensively installed to realize sustain- (Razzaghmanesh et al., 2014). Recently, research on the life cycle as-
able cities, however, commercial green roof materials, usually com- sessment (LCA) of green roof materials has increased (Bianchini and
prising root barriers, drainage layers, filter mats, substrates, and ve- Hewage, 2012; Peri et al., 2012; Brachet et al., 2019; Rasul and Arutla,
getation, are often used without careful consideration of their 2020). LCA examines the environmental impact associated with pro-
environmental impact. The composition, purpose, and common mate- ducts or systems throughout their life cycles. Considering the whole life
rials used to construct each component of the commercial green roofs cycle of a system, the environmental burden due to the extraction,
are summarized in Table 1, which indicates that majority of these transportation, production, and construction of raw materials is largely
materials are artificial and unsustainable. In addition, the production dependent on the type of system and materials involved (Perini and
processes of some green roof materials, such as polymers, cause con- Roccotiello, 2018). Reused materials, particularly locally obtained
siderable environmental pollution (Bianchini and Hewage, 2012). This materials, are an alternative to obtain environment-friendly green
is controversial because a green roof is installed for improving the en- roofs. Previous studies have shown that reused materials can reduce the
vironment; however, the materials used for constructing them are not environmental impact associated with the construction of green roofs
considered environmental impact. (Rincón et al., 2014; Chenani et al. 2015; Pushkar, 2019). Using reused
The aim of this study is to examine the usage of reused materials as materials helps to promote circulate economy. Cities and communities

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Received 7 January 2020; Received in revised form 28 April 2020; Accepted 9 May 2020
Available online 22 May 2020
0925-8574/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

Table 1
Green roof composition, purpose, and materials (adapted from Dunnett and Kingsbury, 2008; Snodgrass and Mclntyre, 2010; Pérez et al., 2012; Bianchini and
Hewage, 2012; Nektarios et al., 2011; Sutton, 2015; Asman et al., 2017).
Green roof Purpose Materials

Root barriers To prevent plant damage to the roof surface, and a fully waterproof Modified bitumen; a blend of asphalt and polymer; single-ply sheets of
membrane provides a watertight seal to the building below plastic; PVC; rubber or thermoplastic polyolefin; various fluid-applied
Drainage layers To retain water when it rains and keep good drainage and aeration for Modular panels; polyethylene or polystyrene
substrate and roots Stone drainage aggregates; porous stone materials such as expanded clay,
expanded shale, pumice, and natural puzolana
Filter layer To prevent fine material infiltration to lower layers during the draining Polymeric fibers or polyolefins
process and maintain the integrity of the growing medium and vegetation.
Substrate To maintain adequate moisture for plant growth, facilitate the quick Usually, they are light weight substrate, mixture of inorganic matter (Clay,
removal of excess water, provide support and anchoring of the plants, sand, vesicular volcanic rocks; artificial or modified minerals such as perlite,
provide nutrients, and possess a pH and electrical conductivity (EC) vermiculite, rockwool, expanded clay, slate, shale) and organic matter
appropriate for plant growth (compost, peat, coconut coir, or decomposed sawdust or bark).

are encouraged to apply innovative strategies for approaching circu- have been studied as potential drainage layers; they are effective as
larity at the urban scale (Petit-Boix and Leipold, 2018). Recycle mate- commercial green roof drainage boards and exhibit comparable hy-
rials have been used for green roofs. Crushed bricks are frequently used draulic performances and insulating properties.
as the commercial green roof substrate. Locally obtained materials, The aim of this study is to examine the usage of recycled materials
including brick rubble and crushed concrete, are often used in biodi- as alternative commercial green roof materials i.e., drainage layers and
verse roofs, which are designed to recreate habitats. Ancient green substrate. This research was conducted in Japan with the majority of
roofs, such as Scandinavian green roofs, are another example. They are materials being locally sourced because very little research has been
often constructed using readily available and cost-effective building conducted in Japan with respect to this topic. Reused materials were
materials, such as birch bark for the sealing membrane, twigs for the chosen for the substrate and drainage layers based on the following
drainage layer, and turf cut from a meadow as insulation (Dunnett and factors: (1) easily obtainable, (2) reminiscent of environmental issues,
Kingsbury, 2008; Jim, 2017; Cascone, 2019). (3) long durability, and (4) ability to maintain water for plant growth
Despite limited research being available with respect to the usage of (Nagase et al., 2018). This study focused on plant growth and moisture
reused materials for green roofs, some studies have studied their po- uptake implications of substrate and drainage layer materials selection
tential and discussed with respect to the environmental impact of the for green roofs.
materials used to construct green roofs. Commercially available green
roof substrate is characterized by the artificial mixing of minerals and
organic materials (Sutton, 2015). Previous studies for recycle materials 2. Materials and methods
were mainly minerals. The studied materials include clay and sewage
sludge, paper ash, and carbonated limestone (Molineux et al., 2009); The experiment was conducted on a roof on the ninth floor of a
waste drywall, concrete, roof shingles, glass, and lumber cuttings building in the Nishichiba Campus, Chiba University, Chiba city, Japan
(Carson et al., 2012); and shale, crushed porcelain, and formulated (Latitude: 35.27°; Longitude: 139.55°). The building was located at a
glass (Eksi and Rowe, 2016). Organic materials are defined as plants distance of 2 km from the sea. The roof was surrounded by a 1.2-m high
and animals at various stages of decomposition, the cells and tissues of parapet; this roof received direct and unobstructed sunlight. The max-
soil organisms, and substances, such as humus produced by these or- imum and minimum temperatures as well as precipitation in Chiba are
ganisms (Handreck and Black, 2002). Generally, organic materials shown in Fig. 1. Chiba city belongs to Cfa in Koppen climate classifi-
should be maintained in low, recommended less than 20% by volume, cation and mean temperature in Chiba city is 15.7C and mean pre-
in green roof substrates owing to an associated instability (Nagase and cipitation is 1387.3 mm (Japan Metrological Agency, 2019).
Dunnett, 2010). Organic matter disintegrates over time, causing the Cocopeat (CP) was used for green roof substrate. CP is dried and
substrate to shrink. Moreover, plants with greater biomass in high or- compressed coir dust extracted from the mesocarp of the coconut and is
ganic matter will transpire more and therefore are more likely to be commonly found in Asia, tropical America, and Africa (FAO, 2000). It is
drought stressed during periods of low moisture availability (Nagase often used for crop production and horticulture because it is considered
and Dunnett, 2011; Lata et al., 2018). Humus is often used in green roof to be a high-quality substrate (Abad et al., 2002). Even though coconuts
substrates, however, recycle organic materials for green roofs have not are not produced in Japan, CP was selected because it is lightweight
much been examined. and easy to handle, making it possible to lift the material onto a roof
Except the substrate, very few studies have denoted the potential to without major difficulties. CP is very stable substrate and does not
use reused materials for green roofs, such as drainage layers. The decompose quickly. It contains much more lignin than other organic
function of the drainage layer is to remove excess water or underflow as growing substrate (Badgery-Parker et al., 2015). CP has been used as
rapidly as possible to prevent over-long saturation. The drainage layer green roof substrate mixing with other materials (e.g. Vijayaraghavan
in some instances may also double up as a means of introducing irri- and Raja, 2015). However, they were not widely used and use of 100%
gation (Dunnett and Kingsbury, 2008).Some studies have examined the of cocopeat as green roof substrate was novel in this study. CP was
manner in which using reused materials as substrates and drainage compared to commercial green roof substrate (CS), Viva soil.Viva soil is
layers can affect the performance of green roofs, including the quality one of most commonly used green roof substrates in Japan. Viva soil is a
of water runoff (Chen et al., 2018) and vegetation development (Bates mixture of organic nutrients, moist porous minerals, and other in-
et al., 2015). Further, Pérez et al. (2012) compared the performances of gredients necessary for plant growth. It is a moist, light, and porous
puzolana and rubber with that of gravel with respect to the drainage artificial soil comprising 10% organic matter (Toho leo, 2019).
layers to indicate the effectiveness of puzolana and rubber. Insulation Moso bamboo and High-density polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
cork board (Tadeu et al., 2019) and recycled rubber (Vila et al., 2012) waste material were used for the drainage layers. The materials were
chosen to mimic drainage panels. Drainage panels are molded into

A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

Fig. 1. Changes in the mean monthly temperature values and rainfall for Chiba city, Japan, during 2018–2019 (Japan Metrological Agency, 2019).

“cups” that retain excess water and “cones” with holes for drainage water drainage from the hole in the tray. They were used as single
after the cups are filled (Weiler and Scholz-Barth, 2009). Moso bamboo, layer. The no-drainage-layer (NDL) sample was filled with a substrate.
one of the largest bamboo species in the world, was introduced to Japan In total, six types of applications were tested for the drainage layers.For
approximately 300 years ago as human food (young sprouts) and other extensive green roofs without irrigation system, drainage can be im-
products (adult culms) (Shibata, 2003). However, since the 1980s, peded to al1ow areas that remain moist during wet weather, but may
majority of these forests have been abandoned because of a rapid de- not be a problem for water logging because of thin substrate.
cline in domestic bamboo industries (Fukushima et al., 2015). Moso Two types of substrate, five types of drainage layers, and no drai-
bamboo can reduce the biodiversity in forest owing to their invasive- nage layers were used with three experimental replications; 36 trays
ness (Xu et al., 2020). The PET bottle waste material exhibits com- were used in total (Table 2). Rigid plastic trays which has holes for
parable concerns. Currently, PET is the most popular packaging mate- drainage (inner dimension: 400 mm length × 350 mm
rial in the world for beverages, and its production and consumption are width × 180 mm height and outer dimension: 500 mm
increasing (Welle, 2011). PET bottle waste was shipped to China and length × 400 mm width × 200 mm height) were felled based on the
Chinese government banned plastic waste imports to reduce the pol- combination of each drainage layer and substrate. Identical trays were
lution associated with the recycling process (Zhou and Xu, 2012). They used for all of them. The depth of the substrate was 130 mm. The turf,
were compared to commercial green roof drainage layer (CDL).The CDL Zoysia japonica, was chosen as the plant material because it is drought
was Prime Board 45, which is one of the most commonly used drainage tolerant and widely used for extensive green roofs in Japan. One sheet
layers for green roofs in Japan. of turf was planted on June 14, 2017. The sheet of turf was
Five types of drainage layers were tested: a commercial green roof 371 × 300 mm, the thickness was 2–3 cm including turf and soil. The
drainage layer (CDL), bamboo stems (BSs), bamboo nodes (BNs), PET cross section of tray was shown in Fig. 3. The trays were arranged by 6
bottle caps (PBCs), and PET bottle bottoms (PBBs) (Fig. 2). Bamboo row and 6 lines and they were randomized. Irrigation was provided
with outer and inner diameters of 120 mm and 100 mm, respectively, only once to each tray once they were established; subsequently, they
was used for this study. A 320-mm length bamboo was longitudinally received only rain water. The Viva soil and CDL were obtained from
cut in half (BS), whereas a 50 mm depth bamboo was radially cut at the Toho Leo (Tokyo, Japan). CP was obtained from Proto leaf. The trays
node (BN). Two BSs and six BNs were laid directly on one tray re- and CP were obtained from the local home centers (Chiba, Japan).
spectively. Furthermore, sections of 500-mL PET bottles were used; the Bamboo was obtained from Koshikawa Chikuzaikogyo (Sousa, Chiba).
PBCs (28 mm diameter and 14 mm height) and the PBBs (65 mm dia- PET bottles were obtained from the Chiba University (Chiba city,
meter and 50 mm height), respectively. 120 PBCs and 24 (6 × 4) PPBs Chiba). Z. japonica was obtained from Himuka (Miyazaki, Japan).
were laid directly on the trays, respectively. PBBs and PBCs were placed Plant coverage was measured once a week for six weeks, i.e., from
randomly with open end facing surface to trap water. Above all drai- July 18, 2017, to September 5, 2017, and once a month from October
nage layers, filter was applied.BS, PBC, and PBB were used to mimic the 10, 2017, to September 19, 2018, for 13 times in total. From November
drainage panels. BN was used to preserve water by the restriction of 2017 to March 2018, no measurements were recorded because Z.

Fig. 2. Materials used for green roof drainage layers.

A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

Table 2 Table 3
Combination of substrates and drainage layers used in this ex- Summery of statistical analysis in this study.
Category Statistical analysis Effect
Substrate Drainage layer Replication
Shoot dry weight Two way ANOVA Substrate
CS NDL 3 Final coverage Drainage layer
CDL 3 Interaction between substrate
BS 3 and drainage layer
BN 3 Plant coverage over time Paired sample T-test Substrate
PBC 3 Repeated ANOVA Drainage layer
PBB 3 measures
BS 3
BN 3 available phosphorus, K2O, CaO, MgO, CEC (Cation Exchange
Capacity), base saturation degree, and humus. The analysis methods for
Total 36 each category are summarized in Appendix (Nagase and Tashiro-Ishii,
2018).The analysis methods followed the protocol of Japanese society
Commercial green roof substrate = CS, Cocopeat = CP. No of soil science and plant nutrition (1997).
drainage layer = NDL, Commercial green roof drainage layer = The water retention capacity of the CS,CDL, and CP were obtained
CDL, Bamboo stem = BS, Bamboo node = BN, PET bottle cap = from the leaflet information for each company (Toho leo, 2019;
PBC, PET bottle bottom = PBB. Protoleaf, 2019). The water retention capacity of the BNs, PBCs, and
PBBs were measured as follow. Firstly, one of each material was wa-
tered until maximum level and the water was measured by weight.
Secondly, the maximum water holding capacity was calculated by
number of materials used per m3. The maximum water-holding capacity
of the BSs was not measured because they do not store water.
Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to detect the ef-
fects of different substrate types and drainage layers on the shoot dry
weight and final coverage. When significant differences were identified,
the mean values were separated using the Tukey method with a p-value
of less than 0.05. To evaluate the changes in the quadrat level of turf
coverage over time, the plant coverage was compared in substrate and
drainage layer respectively. To verify the significant differences across
substrates, a paired-sample t-test was used. Finally, repeated ANOVA
measures were used to verify the significant differences in terms of the
drainage layer. The statistical analysis was conducted using Jamovi
Fig. 3. Cross section of tray in this experiment. (Version 0.9). Statistical analysis is summarized in Table 3.

japonica was dormant in winter. The plant coverage was measured 3. Results
using a quadrat (400 mm × 350 mm), with each area being divided
into 50 mm × 50 mm sections. The number of squares in the quadrat in 3.1. Shoot dry weight
which Z. japonica was green was counted, and the percentage of plant
coverage was calculated. Weeds were regularly removed. On October The mean shoot dry weight for each substrate and drainage layer in
16, 2017, and October 29, 2018, the turf was harvested at a height of 2017 and 2018 are shown in Fig. 4. In 2017, no significant differences
300 mm using an electric turf mower (Yamazen, YLB-162). After har- could be identified between the substrate and interaction between
vesting, the harvested turf leaves were dried in a drying oven at 70 °C substrate and drainage layer. In CS, compared with the CDL, the BNs
for three days; subsequently, the shoot dry weight was measured. The had a significantly larger dry shoot weight; the shoot dry weights of the
Volumetric Water Content (VWC) for representative of each substrate remaining drainage layers were not significantly different from that of
with each drainage layer (12 trays) was measured using the Em 50 Data the CDL. Overall, the shoot dry weight in 2018 was lower than 2017. In
Collection System (Decagondevices) with a 5TM and EC5 sensor every 2018, the overall growth was restricted and there were no significant
hour from 19:00 on July 13, 2017, to 23:00 on November 30, 2018. The differences between the substrate, drainage layers, and interaction be-
5TM and EC5 sensor recorded the temperature and volumetric water tween substrate and drainage layer.
content. The sensor calibration for the Decagon dielectric 5 TM and EC-
5 followed a variation of the gravimetric methods outlined in methods
3.2. Plant coverage
recommendations generated by Decagon (sensor manufacturer)
(Decagon Devices, 2012a, 2012b). After calibration, the VWC data
The mean plant coverage at the end of the experiment are shown in
which was less than 0.75 for CS and 0.95 for CP were treated as error
Fig. 5. There was significant effect on plant coverage in substrate,
because their solid phase of each substrate and VWC should be less than
drainage layers, and interaction between substrate and drainage layer.
solid phase. The data of solid phase for each substrate was obtained
The plant coverage of CP was significantly higher than that of CS. The
from the leaflet information for each company (Toho leo, 2019;
plant coverage in CS in all drainage layers except BN leached to 0% at
Protoleaf, 2019).
the end of the experiment. In CP, the PBCs and BNs had a significantly
The chemical properties of each substrate were analyzed in Ibaraki
higher plant coverage than that of the CDL. The plant coverage of the
Soukaken, a commercial soil analysis center. The following elements
remaining materials was not significantly different than that of the CDL.
were analyzed: pH, EC (electrical conductivity), NH4–N, NO3–N,
The percentage coverage changes from July 18, 2017, to September

A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

Fig. 4. Mean shoot dry weight for different substrates and

drainage layers in 2017 and 2018 (n = 3). Values are com-
pared within the same year. Uppercase letters of Tukey mul-
tiple comparison are for 2017; lowercase letters are for 2018.
Error bars represent standard error. Means with the same
letter do not differ significantly from each other within up-
percase or lowercase letters. No drainage layer = NDL,
Commercial green roof drainage layer = CDL, Bamboo
stem = BS, Bamboo node = BN, PET bottle cap = PBC, PET
bottle bottom = PBB.

19, 2018, are shown in Figs. 6. Repeated measure statistical analysis layers are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. VWC is significantly
showed that there was significant difference between different types of affected by the substrate and drainage layer. The average VWC in CS
substrate and drainage layers. For instance, in August 2017, the turf in (0.237 m3/m3) is significantly higher than that in CS (0.237 m3/m3) CP
CS reduced plant coverage, particularly for the PBBs, which recovered (0.186 m3/m3). However, under the condition of low overall soil
by autumn. However, in the second year, the plant coverage was re- moisture, the VWC in CP was noted to be higher than that in CS, such as
duced in August, resulting in complete drying. In the first year, the turf in summer time. For the drainage layer, the mean VWC was the highest
in CP had a coverage of 100%. The plant coverage was reduced in for NDL and CDL, followed by those for BNs,PBBs,BSs, and PBCs. In
August 2018, particularly in case of commercial drainage layers and many cases, the VWC in the PBBs was high, and the fluctuation of
PBB. The temperatures in July and August 2018 were unusually high change of VWC was also high. The water retention capacity of each
with very little rain. The number of days on which the temperate rises substrate and drainage layer is shown in Table 5.The water retention
above 30 °C were 61 days in 2018 although the average days above capacity of CS and CP are similar. In the drainage layer, the PBBs have
30 °C in these 30 years were 41 days in Japan. The total rainfall was the largest value, followed by the PBCs, BNs, and CDL.
58.5 mm in August 2018 although the average total rainfall was
134 mm in August in these 30 years at Chiba. (Japan Metrological
Agency, 2019). The turf in the PBCs and BNs survived well even though 3.4. Substrate analysis
its extreme weather.
The chemical properties of CS and CP are shown in Table 6. The pH
values for both CS and CP are relatively acidic. Furthermore, EC was
3.3. VWC in substrates and drainage layers higher in CP (1.17 mS/cm) than that in CS (0.30 mS/cm). Some che-
mical components, such as K2O and MgO, were found in large con-
The mean VWC for different substrates and drainage layers are centrations in CP. However, NH4–N was low in CP. In CS, the available
shown in Table 4. Changes in VWC for different substrates and drainage phosphorus, CaO, and MgO were low.

Fig. 5. Mean plant coverage for different substrates and

drainage layers at the end of the experiment, October 29,
2018 (n = 3). Error bars represent standard error. Means with
the same letter do not differ significantly from each other. No
drainage layer = NDL, Commercial green roof drainage
layer = CDL, Bamboo stem = BS, Bamboo node = BN, PET
bottle cap = PBC, PET bottle bottom = PBB.

A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

Fig. 6. Change of percentage coverage for CS (n = 3) and CP (n = 3) over time. Error bars represent standard error. No drainage layer = NDL, Commercial green
roof drainage layer = CDL, Bamboo stem = BS, Bamboo node = BN, PET bottle cap = PBC, PET bottle bottom = PBB.

available for the turf in CP to survive, although overall VWC in CS was

Table 4 higher than those in CP. Many studies have confirmed that water
Mean Volumetric Water Content in every hour for different substrates and availability is the main factor affecting the survivability of plants on
drainage layer during experiment (substrate CS n = 72451, CP: n = 72750,: green roofs (Nagase and Dunnett, 2011; Nagase and Dunnett, 2013;
drainage layer n = 24250). Razzaghmanesh et al., 2014; Vandegrift et al., 2019). The shoot dry-
Substrate VWC (m3/m3) Drainage layer VWC (m3/m3) weight of turf did not significantly differ in CS and CP although sur-
vivability was low in CS. The mineral component of CS was appro-
CS 0.24 ± 3.29 e−4 a NDL 0.25 ± 4.97 e−4 a priately balanced; good growth can be achieved if sufficient water was
CP 0.19 ± 2.78 e−4 b CDL 0.25 ± 4.91 e−4 a
available or deeper substrate which is more than 13 cm. This study
BS 0.18 ± 5.23 e−4 d
BN 0.21 ± 4.87 e−4 c investigated extensive green roofs without irrigation. However, the
PBC 0.18 ± 1.40 e−3 e results may be different when the plants were planted in irrigated green
PBB 0.20 ± 5.36 e−4 b roof or deeper substrate.
In this study, both shoot dry weight and mean plant coverage of turf
Mean ± SE. For each substrate, six application of drainage layer were aver-
dropped significantly in the second year. The previous studies using turf
aged. For each drainage layer, two application of substrate were averaged.
such as Z. japonica on green roof in Chiba in Japan showed that they
Tukey multiple comparison are comparing values within columns. Means with
the same letter do not differ significantly from each other. Commercial green were able to survive at the substrate depth of 15 cm (Andosol and
roof substrate = CS, Cocopeat = CP. No drainage layer = NDL, Commercial Isolite,8:2) without irrigation (Asano et al., 1999). However, their
green roof drainage layer = CDL, Bamboo stem = BS, Bamboo node = BN, PET studies carried out over summer only, therefore, the results may be
bottle cap = PBC, PET bottle bottom = PBB. different in the second year. When the turf experienced drought over
summer, they were not able to survive over winter.
In CP, minerals, such as phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), were
4. Discussion
obtained in large concentrations; this is agreed with previous studies
(Abad et al., 2002). The concentration of indigenous P and K in the coir
In this study, CP outperformed CS. In particular, the turf in CS was
dust markedly exceeded the optimal standard concentration ranges for
almost completely dead by the end of the experiment; however, some
P and K in organic growing media (Bunt, 1988).
survived in CP. This suggests that the turf in CS reached a permanent
However, it was unclear that how this high amount of P and K affect
wilting point during hot summers with little rain, some water is

Fig. 7. Change of VWC for substrates over time (n = 18). Commercial green roof substrate = CS, Cocopeat = CP. All applications of drainage layers were averaged
in each substrate.

A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

Fig. 8. Change of VWC for drainage layers over time (n = 6). No drainage layer = NDL, Commercial green roof drainage layer = CDL, Bamboo stem = BS, Bamboo
node = BN, PET bottle cap = PBC, PET bottle bottom = PBB. All applications of substrates were averaged in each drainage layer.

Table 5 The objective of a drainage layer is to obtain an optimal balance

Water retention capacity of substrates and drainage layers. between air and water in the green roof system. Accordingly, the
drainage layer must be able to retain water when it rains, ensuring good
Substrate Water retention capacity Drainage layer Water retention capacity
drainage and aeration of the substrate and roots (Pérez et al., 2012). In
(L/m3) (L/m2)
this study, the PBCs and BS exhibited better final plant coverage than
CS 390 ± 50 (pF1.8 – 4.2) CDL 7.1 CDL in cocopeat. PBCs were able to store more water than CDL. How-
CP 375 BN 7.2 ever, the PBBs, which can store the largest amount of water, had the
PBC 9.8
least plant coverage. This can be attributed to the fluctuations in water
PBB 31.5
over time. Moreover, a thick drainage layer can cause the soil to dry at
Commercial green roof substrate = CS, Cocopeat = CP, Commercial green roof the bottom. Interestingly, some drainage layers that do not store water
drainage layer = CDL, Bamboo node = BN, PET bottle cap = PBC, PET bottle but restrict water drainage, such as BS and NDL, exhibited good per-
bottom = PBB. formances. Green roofs without drainage layers may cause water log-
ging due to lack of aeration. For green roofs with irrigation systems, the
the plant growth. From previous study of cocopeat based media mix- drainage layer should be used because they may overflow often; how-
tures, the plant growth was affected by the differences in the physical ever, this layer may not be necessary for extensive green roofs without
properties of the media, especially with water availability and air-filled any irrigation systems. Green roof design is driven by the need for good
porosity (Awang et al., 2009). Further study is required to show the stormwater retention and adequate drainage while leaving sufficient
comparison between cocopeat with different amount of nutrient to see water in the growing media for the plants to uptake and retain storm-
how the substrate characteristics may affect the plant growth. More- water (FLL, 2008). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further la-
over, it is important to consider the water runoff from CP when it is boratory studies to understand the manner in which drainage layers
used as a green roof substrate. Previous studies showed that the per- provide water.
centage of compost in the substrate and the fertilizer used are the two There has been very little discussion on whether drainage layer
key components apparently contributing to nutrients in green roof should be used similar to the current situation. The use of drainage
outflows (Berndtsson, 2010; Hathaway et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2019). layer may depend on the slope of green roofs. A roof deck with a slope
The quality of water runoff from substrate may change over seasons and of less than 1.1° (2%) may not adequately drain; therefore, drainage
long time (Buffam et al., 2016). The Further studies are necessary to layers are required to remove excess water (Dvorak, 2011). However, a
show the changes in the quality of water runoff from CP over time. drainage layer is not necessary for a green roof with a slope larger than

Table 6
Chemical properties of substrates.
pH EC NH4-N NO3-N Available K2O CaO MgO CEC Base saturation degree Humus soil

mS/cm mg/100 g mg/100 g mg/100 g mg/100 g mg/100 g mg/100 g me/100 g % %

CS 5.3 0.30 1.10 12.00 7.1 68 120 17 15.0 43.9 2.0
CP 5.1 1.17 0.94 0.16 44.0 1450 261 201 77.2 65.1 4.5

Commercial green roof substrate = CS, Cocopeat = CP.

A. Nagase Ecological Engineering 153 (2020) 105898

5° (8.7 %) because water drains easily owing to the slope itself (Dunnett of several years. Secondly, only turf was used as the plant material at
et al., 2011). Further research is required to confirm the necessity and single site. Sheet of turf was used because it is easy to access the plant
required conditions of drainage layers for extensive green roofs. growth. Further studies are required to show the effect of the combi-
Using reused materials, it is possible to reduce the costs associated nation of reused materials and different types of plants. It is re-
with green roof materials. For example, CS costs approximately 60,000 commended to repeat the experiment with a range of species, in dif-
Japanese yen per 1 m3, whereas CP costs approximately 30,000 ferent climates and with different thickness of substrate. Finally, with
Japanese yen (Toho leo, 2019; Protoleaf, 2019). Furthermore, CP has respect to the drainage layers, it is necessary to study the water drai-
the advantage of easy transportation because it is usually pressed and nage and water storage capacity in a laboratory to obtain precise re-
condensed. This reduces construction costs because heavy substrates sults.
may require expensive machinery such as cranes. For the drainage
layer, 1 m2 of CDL costs approximately 2000 Japanese yen (Toho leo,
5. Conclusions
2019). Conversely, PET bottles and bamboo are relatively cheap and
completely free at times. There are considerable amount of potential
This study has shown that reused materials (cocopeat, PET bottle,
materials that can be used to develop green roofs in our environment,
and bamboo) were observed to function well as commercial green roof
and these local green roofs would be important for obtaining future
materials. Our study addressed the importance of investigating the
green roofs.
original substrate and drainage layer using reused materials instead of
In the green roof industry, guidelines are frequently referenced. For
selecting the commercially available green roof materials. There are
example, the FLL guideline is used in Germany; currently, standards,
plenty of reused materials that can be potentially used as green roof
such as American Standard Testing Methods (ASTM) are developing in
components, therefore, further studies are required to show the per-
the North American countries (Dvorak, 2011). Understanding the
formance of these materials in different countries and regions. Finally,
guidelines is important to ensure high-quality green roofs; however,
it is important to study the manner in which green roofs obtained using
being flexible with respect to the substrate and drainage layer types for
reused materials can improve the LCA.
sustainability is also important. According to Sutton (2015), if the de-
sign objective for a specialized habitat requires particular edaphic
properties, such as wetlands, dunes, deserts, savannahs, or other dry- Declaration of Competing Interest
land ecosystems, the FLL standards are not appropriate substrate
guidelines. Therefore, developing local guidelines for various types of
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
green roofs is important.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
Although this study showed potential of reused materials for green
ence the work reported in this paper.
roofs, there were some limitations. Firstly, this study carried out in
short time, over two years. It was still unclear the life cycle of extensive
green roofs which comprised entirely of CP, since the knowledge of Acknowledgement
longevity and maintenance of cocopeat on green roofs was premature.
Concerns regarding the need to replenish organic content due to de- This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number
composition over time will need to be raised, possibly leading to a re- 26750001 and career support program for woman scientists in Chiba
commendation for further study regarding the useful life expectancy of University to proof our English. I thank Dr. Yoriyuki Yamada at Kajima
100% cocopeat substrate to inform life cycle analysis. Therefore, it is corporation and two anonymous reviewers for providing helpful com-
also necessary to observe the manner in which CP changes over a period ments on my manuscript.

Appendix A

Soil analysis methods for each category.

Method of Analysis

pH Glass electrode method

EC Electric Conductivity method
NH4-N Indophenol blue absorptiometry
NO3-N Naphthylethylenediamine Method
Available phosphorous Molybdic acid (blue) absorptiometric method
K2O Kalibor method
CaO Ortho cresolphthalein complexone method
MgO Xylidyl blue method
Cation Exchange Capacity Calculation
Base saturation degree Calculation
Humus Absorptiometry

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