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Dare to Dream and chase it

He was only six months old when he lost his father. His mother was a very strong person
and determined to give her son the best against all odds. She returned to her father’s
house and began to help in his business. Soon she was as respected as he and began to
exert her own influence in the business. As a mother she was extremely caring and
loving. He was fortunate to have a mother like her.
He passed his matriculation and moved on to collage but did not go beyond intermediate.
He found work at his uncle’s –his father’s brother- shoe factory more interesting and
educative. He was not able to continue working for long at his uncle’s as he did not
accept his shaving off his beard, being a Sikh. By this time he had a young bride to think
of, so he applied for a job with the PWD as shorthand typist at Shimla, but failed the test.
Like his mother he was not one to give up. Destiny had something different in store for
He was very fascinated by the Faletti Cecil Hotel and the ‘power and style moving before
his eyes’. He approached the manager and was appointed as a clerk at Rs 50 per month.
His hard work and diligence didn’t go unnoticed. Mr. Clarke as manager replaced his
earlier boss and the two got on quite well in spite of the age difference. In time He set up
his own hotel and invited the young man to join .It was this hotel that he was to own later
when Mr. Clarke left permanently for England. On August 14th 1934 he became the
‘exclusive owner of Clarke’s Hotel Shimla and Delhi. Mohan Singh Oberoi took the first
step to becoming the in the words of J.R.D. Tata ‘the country’s only exclusive hotelier”
He was helped on this path by his mother Bhagwanti and wife Ishran Devi and later by
his son Biki besides many others who worked with him. But more than his achievements
as an entrepreneur and business man he will be remembered for his humility and
thoughtfulness. He was known as Big daddy to all his staff. There is a biblical proverb
which says that the industrious will sit with Kings, M.S.Oberio did sit with many of them
figuratively speaking.
Dare to Dream A life of M.S.Oberoi by Bachi J.Karkaria is very good read. Punched
with her characteristic wit and humor. This well researched biography will definitely
encourage readers to dream and then go after their dreams as a great poet says:

‘The life of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time'

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