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Oral test English B1-III

Question: What is your opinion on paintings?


From my point of view, the paintings represent one of the best contributions to the
society's culture, when we go to museums and painting exhibitions we can see the
creativity of the creator of the piece of art, and what he or she wanted to show the world al
that time. But sometimes, the message it delivers is not entirely understandable for people,
causing confusion and a little boredom. For those reasons, I honestly believe that
paintings are beautiful, mysterious, and difficult to understand.

First of all, I feel that the main reason to go to museums or exhibitions is just to appreciate
the beauty of the best creations of history. To illustrate this, when we look at pieces of art
like Mona Lisa or Starry Night we really admire the beauty of those creations, the way the
painter chose the colors and the realistic or surreal effects are often incredible. In short, we
could select several reasons to pay a ticket for an exhibition, but the winner will be always
to see the magnificence of the paintings.

Secondly, it is known that paintings usually keep secrets, which often describe the
problems of society that were taking place at that time. A really good example is Dante's
Inferno, if we look simply al the painting we can only distinguish a pit of stairs with people,
but if one looks at in-depth, it is possible to observe all the sins that lead to the purgatory,
which is very intriguing. As a result, I suppose many other paintings hide fewer known

Last but not least important is the fact that paintings many times are not understood by
people. From my perspective, this is a very common issue and could happen to all of us.
For instance, a painting could be a very beautiful art piece, but the beauty is also on the
meaning of the creation. When I look Spatial Concept by Lucho Fontana I can't understand
what happened, if someone cut the painting with scissors or something else, and the worst
part is the cost of the piece, which reaches 1.5 Million dollars, and I guess that is
ridiculous. To sum, from my point of view, the meaning of a painting is very important, it is
part of their beauty.
To resume, according to me, it seems that paintings are a very nice style of art because
they contain so much beauty and secrets. However, if a painting has no meaning I really
think that I would never appreciate it in a correct way.

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