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MODULE # 1(UNIT 1) Google meet / Google

Theme: ​Active Citizenship

Topic: ​“Volunteering”

SLOs Listening:​ Identify main ideas, details, purpose and audience in written and spoken

Activities Objective:​ Analyse problems in our communities and discuss the implications of
becoming volunteers to be active participants in the solutions for such problems.

Listening:​ “A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter”

A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter


A volunteer firefighter works as support during an

emergency. The position is common in many local
fire stations in the United States. Volunteers are
not usually paid for their work, or they only receive
a small amount of compensation.

Watch the following video and answer these

Why would someone become a volunteer firefighter?

Because they want to help others and make a change in the community.

What is the purpose of the video?

Show why volunteer firefighters do their job.

While Listening:
Identifying Details (View section 1)

Listen to the following Ted Talk and answer the questions below:

PART 1 .

1. Who fights fires in Mark Bezos’s to watch the professionals work

to stay safe
professionals only
to do something exciting
volunteers only
4. How does he describe the scene?
volunteers and professionals
It was a rainy night.
2. When did the fire Bezos is describing It was a snowy morning.
It was a sunny day.
He doesn't say.
5. Who was the captain talking to?
the second time he volunteered
the person who lived in the house
the first time he volunteered
another volunteer
a journalist

3. What was Mark Bezos hoping for when

he went to help at the fire?

PART 2. (View section 2)

1. What was the other volunteer’s 2. How did Bezos feel about the other
assignment? volunteer?
to put out the fire He was jealous.
to save the woman's dog He was happy.
to save the woman's family member He wanted to help.
3. What was Bezos’s assignment? Someone brought her a pair of shoes.
to get the woman's shoes
The firefighters were quick in putting out the
to help the captain fire.

to talk to the woman

4. What did the woman do after the

invite the volunteer firefighters to her house
visit the fire department to say thank you
write a letter to the fire department about
her experience
5. What point did she highlight in her PART 3 (View section 3)
Someone rescued her dog.
1. What acts of kindness does Mark Bezos join a game
say he sees in his life?

both big and small ones

big ones
small ones
2. When does Bezos think people should
begin making a difference?

after they have finished their education

when they have achieved success
at this moment
3. Which example of helping out does Bezos
NOT give?

volunteering at a soup kitchen

help elderly people
clean up a park
4. What does Bezos say people can do every

save someone's life

make a difference in someone's life

Identifying main idea

What is the main idea of the talk?

a. You don’t need to have to do something huge to make an impact on the world.
b. Small things can´t make a difference.
c. Great efforts are necessary to change the world
Identifying purpose

What’s the main purpose of the talk?

a. To inform
b. To persuade
c. to entertain
Identifying intended audience

a. Novice firefighters or people who want to become firefighters

b. People who are part of charities or volunteering programs
c. People interested in inspiring talks or social topics

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