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Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jl. Prof Hamka Kampus II UIN Walisongo Semarang, Jawa Tengah Indonesia


No. Dokumen : No. Revisi : Halaman: Tanggal Terbit:
PF-RPS- PFI-6206 002 1 – 19 20 Agustus 2020
MataKuliah     : Kode Mata Kuliah: Semester:  V Bobot Sifat Mata Kuliah: Mata Kuliah Prasyarat:
Micro Teaching PBI - 6439 : Wajib Lesson Planning, Language Learning
4 sks Methodology, Language Teaching
Media, Language Learning
Otorisasi Koordinator Dosen Pengampu Dosen Pengampu Ka Prodi/Kajur

(Dr. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum)

(Nur Syafa’ah, M.Pd) (Sayyidatul Fadlillah,M.Pd)
Capaian Pembelajaran  Learning Objectives:
(Learning Objectives) Pre-service English teacher must have been able to identify their learning needs, identify 8 basic skills in teaching and implement it
in video-mediated teaching sample (micro teaching practice), build their planning competence; identify appropriatedness of
teaching method to build the implementing competence, identify the appropriatedness of assessment to build the asssessment
and evaluation competence, develop teaching tutorials for online/virtual class, and write self reflection on their learning
experience. The objectives are linked with Islamic educational values, such as the Qur’anic verses on professionalism (As-shaf: 3,
Al-hasyr: 18, Al-qalam: 1-4), on learning method (An-nahl: 125, Al-ahzab: 21, Yaasin: 17), hadits on the importance of self-reflection,
clarity of speech to make listener clear, the importance of facilitating others in learnng religious knowledge.

Learning Etos:
- Pre-service English teacher will able to develop their learning autonomy and manage their learning time. Such ability can
be observed through prompt assignment submission.
- Pre-service English teacher will be able to initiate their own learning and solve their learning problems by themselves or in
consultation with their peers or teacher.
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah This course is designed to prepare pre-service English teachers for doing PPL (Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan) program at high
(Course Description) schools. This course covers pre-service teachers' preparedness, listing target of learning; eight (8) basic skills teaching, planning
competence, methods of teaching, implementing competence, assessing and evaluating competence, material development,
composing teaching tutorials for online classroom, and writing learning reflection. The online class will run both synchronously and
asynchronously with some related assignments and portfolio in the end of the course.

Minggu Kemampuan yang Bahan Kajian Bentuk Pembelajaran/ Waktu Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa/ Kegiatan Kriteria Penilaian dan Bobot
ke diharapkan Metode Pembelajaran Indikator Nilai
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Pre-service teachers Course Individual pre-test on - Course introduction Pre-service teachers’ 5%
are have been able to Overview, pre-service teachers’ 2 x 100 - Pre-test identifying pre-service responsibility,
identify their teaching Portfolio preparedness, teachers’ preparedness participation and
preparedness, the - Kinds of document must be put in the engagement in
documents must be individual portfolio classroom discussion
put in their individual - Listing target of learning and the dealing with their
porfolios, list their strategic plan to reach the target self identification on
target of learning and - CV completion as supporting help to their preparedness
the strategies to reach identify the pre-service teachers’ and listing target of
their target learning, preparedness learning and
and complete their CV straegies to achieve
as supporting help to the target and
identify their complete the CV
2 Pre-service teachers 8 Basic Skills Video-mediated Learning the implementation of 8 basic Pre-service teachers’ 5%
are have been able to in Teaching critical learning, peer 2 x 100’ skills in teaching: Questioning, responsibility and
critically identify 8 check and classroom Reinforcing, Varying , Explaining, Opening participation in
basic skills in teaching, discussion and classroom discussion;
& Closing, Guiding Small-Group
discuss and peer presentation performance in
Discussion, Organizing/Managing the
correct their findings presenting the
and share the Class, Teaching Small Group or Individual corrected findings
corrected findings with with the class
the class - Learn the shared materials

- Access to watch a teaching video
- Identify the 8 basic skills used in the
video: which parts, how appropriate are
they, why are they in/appropriate
- Discuss and peer correct the findings
- Share and discuss the corrected findings
with the class
3-4 Pre-service teachers 8 Basic Skills Individual task on 2x2x Planning the implementation of 8 basic Pre-service teachers’ 15%
are have been able to in Teaching composing a complete 100’ skills in teaching responsibility in
plan 8 basic skills in lesson plan, peer comppsing their
teaching documents in Planning check, classroom - Arrange a complete lesson plan through individual portfolio
their lesson plan using Competence discussion using scientific instruction, project- on instructed lesson
scientific instruction, based learning, inquiry learning, plan, involment and
project-based learning, problem-based learning for varied levels ability in doing peer
inquiry learning and of Junior and Senior High School check using the
problem-based students indicators of
learning for varied - Check the lesson plan using the planning
levels of Junior High indicators of planning competence competence,
School students - Peer check the lesson plan using the activeness and
same instrument participation in doing
- Share and discuss the lesson plan with peer check, and
the class activeness in
classroom discussion
5-6 Pre-service teachers 8 Basic Skills A 15 minutes Video- 2x2x Implementing 8 basic skills in teaching Pre-service teachers’ 15%
are have been able to in Teaching mediated individual 100’ responsibility in
demonstrate 8 basic teaching in - Make an individual teaching video composing Individual
skill in teaching demonstrating 8 basic within 15’ duration demonstrating 8 portfolio on teaching
through a 15 minutes skills based on the basic skills based on the prepared sample throough a
video-mediated prepared lesson plan; lesson plan 15 minutes video,
teaching and self identify the - Self-check the teaching demonstration individual check list
administer a self check appropriatedness and by identifying 8 basic skills used in the on
or identificationon the completedness of their teaching demonstration: which parts,
appropriatedness and teaching sample how appropriate are they, why are they
completedness of their in/appropriate

sample teaching
7 Pre-service teachers 8 Basic Skills Peer-check teaching 2x2x - Peer-check the teaching demonstration Pre-service teachers’ 5%
are have been able to in Teaching demonstration on 8 100’ by identifying 8 basic skills used in the activeness and
critically check the basic skills, classroom teaching demonstration: which parts, participation in doing
completedness and discussion how appropriate are they, why are they peer check,
appropriatness of their in/appropriate innvolment in
peer sample of - Discuss the findings with the class classroom discussion
teaching and discuss
the findings in class
8-9 Pre-service teachers Methods of Doing task on 2x2x - Watch the students’ teaching videos Pre-service teachers’ 5%
are have been able to Teaching identifying the 100’ implementing scientific instruction, critical thingking and
identify the appropriatedness of project-based learning, inquiry learning, activeness in doing
appropriatedness of teaching method problem-based learning individual
teaching method and showed through - Individually identifying the appropriacy identification of the
describe how the students’ teaching of the implementation of each method : appropriatedness of
method implemented; video; peer check; are all the stages implemented, how are theaching method,
present their findings (virtual) classroom they implemented engagement in doing
in classroom discussion - Peer-check the individual findings the peer check and
discussion - Discuss the findings with the class involvement in doing
classroom discussion
10 Pre-service teachers Implementin Task-based learning on 2 x 100’ - Watch the provided teaching video Pre-service teachers’ 5%
are have been able to g identifying the stages - Individually identify the stages of results of individual
identify the stages of Competence of learning based on learning based on the indicators of identification of the
learning based on the the indicators of implementing competence indicators of
indicators of implementing - Peer-check the individual findings implementing
implementing competence, (virtual) - Discuss the findings with the class competence; peer
competence and classoom discussion check and iactiveness
present their findding iin classroom
in classroom discussion
11 Pre-service teachers Assessing Self-check on the 2 x 100’ - Learn student self lesson plan focusing Pre-service teachers’ 5%
are have been able to and planned assessment ; on assessment responsibility and
check the planned evaluating peer checking; - Check the planed assessment based on ability to do the self
assessment based on competence classroom discussion the indicators of Assessing and check on the planned

the indicators of evaluating competence assessment based on
Assessing and - Peer-check the individual findings th eindicators of
Evaluating - Discuss the findings with the class Assessing and
Competence; do the Evaluation
peer check critically Competence,
their individual involment and
findings and presents responsibility in
their finding through doing the peer check
classroom discussion and presenting the
finding in the
classroom discussion
12-13 Pre-service teachers Material Pair task on writing 2x2x - Individually, write a learning modul for Pre-service teachers’ 15%
are have been able to Development and composing 100’ one basic competence of Junior or responsibility and
write/ compose a learning module; peer Senior High School fulfilling the criteria: involvement in
learning modul for one checking; classroom a) self-intructional package-can be used writing/ composing
basic competence of discussion without a teacher, b) considering the learning modul;
Junior High School individual learning differences. c). peer checking and
fulfilling the criteria: a) having specific learning aims, d) classroom discussion
self-intructional scaffolded systematically,e) maximizing
package-can be used the use of communication media, f)
without a teacher, b) focusing on active participation of users.
considering individual g) scaffolded learning evaluation.
learning differences. - Peer-check the individual work based
c). having specific on the modul criteria
learning aims, d) - Discuss the findings with the class
maximizing the use of
communication media,
f) focusing on active
participation of users.
g) scaffolded learning
evaluation; do a peer
check based on the

modul criteria and
present the finding to
the classroom
14-15 Pre-service teachers Tutorial Project- based learning 2 x 2 x - Access to … watch a tutorial video for Pre-service teachers’ 15%
are have been able to Video for in making tutorial 100’ online class responsibility to
make a tutorial video online class video for online/virtual - Make a tutorial video by using the complete their task
for online class class following considerations: 1. Keep pace in making a tutorial
with lecture progress, Tutorials typically video for
follow up on a lecture. Try to attend
lectures yourself (seek the instructor's
consent first). Alternatively, arrange for
students to share with you a copy of
their notes, so that you have a better
picture of what they have learned, 2.
Make connections between the tutorial
and the course.  Help students visualize
the "big picture" and integrate the
tutorial with the rest of their
experiences in the course. Make
statements like, “remember when we
learned how to calculate x earlier in the
term?” or “later on in the term, you will
learn about…” Ask students to make
such links., 3. Use relevant
examples.  Illustrate points with
examples taken from the field under
study. When possible, share personal,
research, or real-world experiences to
help students visualize practical
applications of concepts, 4. Engage your
students.  When on campus, maintain
eye contact during your tutorials so you
can see raised hands and develop
rapport with your students. Speak loud
enough and with enthusiasm to keep
students’ attention. Circulating around
the room when students are engaged in
individual or group work allows them to
ask questions easily, 5.Avoid speaking
to your visuals.  Whether you use the
blackboard or a screen, you may be
tempted to look at and speak to your
visuals. Remember to point your toes to
the back of the room before you speak
so that students can hear and see you
and so that you can see their responses
to your teaching

16 Pre-service teachers Wrapping up Self-reflection; 2 x 100’ - Post course CV Pre-service teachers’ 10%
are have been able to collaborative reflection - Individual reflection (identifying lesson responsibility and
write an individual learnt and the achievement of learning involvement in
reflection on the targets) writing individual
lesson have been - Identify pre-service teachers’ learning reflection,
learnt and their preparedness classroom reflection
achievement of - Class reflection and completeness of
learning target; involve - Complete individual portfolio the individual
in the classroom portfolio
reflection and
complete the
individual portfolios


1. Klaimathi, H. & Julius, A., 2015, Micro Teaching: A Way to Build Up Skills. Laxmi Book Publication.
2. Brown, Goerge, 1991, Mengajar Mikro, Program Ketrampilan Mengajar. Penerjemah: Laurens Kaluge, Surabaya: Airlangga University Press.
3. Dadang Sukirman, 2012, Pembelajaran Micro Teaching, Jakarta: Kementerian Agama RI, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam.
4. Hasibuan J.J. dan Sulthoni, 2003, Kemampuan Dasar Mengajar (Bahan Sajian Program Pendidikan Akta Pengajar), Malang: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Negeri Malang.
5. Ismail SM, 2011, Strategi Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis PAIKEM, Pembelajaran Aktif Inovatif Kreatif Efektif dan Menyenangkan, Semarang: Rasail & LSIS.
6. Ismail, Lift Anis Ma’shumah, 2010, Microteaching: Pengantar Menjadi Guru Profesional, Semarang: Rasail.

1. Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
2. Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen.
3. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan.
4. Permendiknas No. 16 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kompetensi Pendidik.
5. Permendikbud No. 103 Tahun 2014 tentang Pembelajaran pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
6. Permendikbud No. 53 Tahun 2015 tentang Penilaian Hasil belajar oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
7. Permendikbud No. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 tentang SKL, Standar Isi, Standar Proses, Standar Penilaian, Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar Kurikulum 2013 (revisi


1. Melengkapi dokumen portofolio individu

2. Membuat modul pembelajaran untuk sekolah menengah


1. Membuat video keterampilan dasar mengajar dan mengunggahnya ke paling lambat satu pekan sebelum Ujian Akhir Semester
2. Membuat perangkat pembelajaran aktif untuk micro teaching (RPP, LKPD, media, instrumen penilaian, bahan ajar)
3. Memraktikkan pembelajaran aktif sesuai rencana pembelajaran aktif yang disusun


1. Tugas Mandiri (a) : 25%

2. Tugas Terstruktur (b) : 75%

Nilai Akhir = (a x 25%)+(b x 75%)

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