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January 2011
January 2011
Volume 4, Issue 2

St. Brigid’s National School

St . B rig id ’s N at i onal Sch oo l
K illy garr y

Inside this issue:
Inside this issue :

Eating 2
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all the Cookery

to HealthyDemo
Eating, Sporting Parents Associationof Medi-
the Administration G.A.A. 2
pupils of St. Brigid’s National Events and the Book Fair. cine. This policy will be cir-
The staff and board The Parents Association will
School after the Christmas culated to all parents in the
of management of be carrying out bag packing Other Sporting Events 2
Holidays. Hope you had an coming weeks.
the school would on the 13th and 14th of
enjoyable break. The staff and management
like to thank all the May in Super Valu, Cavan.
of the school would like to
Arrive on Time parents who purchased Senior pupils are asked to Calendar of Events 3
thank all the parents and The Parents Association are
tickets for our Cookery Dem- help out.
are asked
has been
to relatives who collected a holding a Horse Race Night
onstration in the Hotel Kil-
put together
please ensurefor their
all parents
child is at huge amount of Tesco A
ontotal of €2,150
Friday the 4th of April in
more in December. Due to School
More upUniform
and coming 4
to inform
school onyoutimeofevery
all the
up Sports for Schools Tokens was raised onView,
the Meadow the Cavan.
the dreadful weather condi- Events
ing comingthat events
they linethat
upthe and for those who are cur- recent
Furthersponsored walk.
details to follow.
tions only a small number of
with their
in the school
in rently collecting the Super- Thank you to the Parents Healthy
people turned up the event. Out andEating
About 4
over the next few months.
yard. Value Tokens. Over the past Association committee and
Therefore Super Valu has
All the events mentioned number of years the school all
To the sponsors
celebrate for yourDay
St. Brigid’s
School Attendance agreed to do another Cook-
will take place between now has received a wide range support.
all pupils are asked to bring Home School
Book Fair 4
ery Demonstration in March.
and the
Any pupil Easter
who Holidays.
misses more All of sports equipment thanks in rushes on Wednesday Partnership
Details to follow. St. Brigid’s Day
that will be
20 days receive
must be re-a to the active involvement of 30th of January to make
further to
ported newsletter
the NEWB. afterPar- Policies
the parents of the school To celebrate
crosses. The St. Brigid’s
crosses willDay
ents canlisting
nowthesend events
in ab-and and the wider community. all
thenpupils are asked
be blessed at atomass
bringin  Astro-turf pitch and
A number of new policies
sence letters
for the
to the
term. in
schoolononMonday 31st
Friday 1st ofof
have been formulated in the car park
online by going onto our January make crosses.
school including a Green
school website. Awards will A number of new policies The crosses will then be
School Policy and a policy
In this
be givennewsletter
to pupilsyouwithwill
full have been formulated in the blessed in the school on  Five new iPod Touch
on the Arrival and Dismissal
find information
attendance at assembly.
in relation school including a policy on Monday1st of February.
of pupils.

 Visualisers and Server

for Killygarry N.S.

Enrolment of New Pupils 2011


 Pupils prepare for Con-

firmation and Holy
The closing
closing date
date for
for enrol-
enrol- 049-4362144
4362144 to request
to request
an Ap-
an Policy,
ber of school
will then
make their
ment of of all
all new
new pupils
pupils toto the
the Application
plication forfor
Enrolment(AfE) decision
Board of regarding
Management, all new
school forfor September
September 20082011 (AfE)
or download
will then beit enrolments
conjunctionto with
isis the
the 14th
16th of of March
March 2008.
2011. from
the school
on a Registration
website at ment Policy, will then make  Speech & Drama and
Form with a copy of the Parents their decision
All parents who wish to en- Music Theory Exams
then be forwarded
for Parents on a regarding all
rol their child in St.
All parents who wish to en- Registration
Booklet and Form
a number
with of
a new enrol-
Brigid’s National
rol their child in St. Brigid’s copy
the Information
The Boardfor ments to the
School must con-  World Book Week
National School must con- Parents
of Management,
Booklet andin conjunc-
a num- school.
tact the school at 2011
tact the school at 049- tion with the Enrolment
Page 2 St. Brigid’s National School

Green Flag
The Green School Committee, co- reduce the amount of paper school day.
ordinated by Mrs. Dunne, are working used in the school.
7. Water Conservation measures
extremely hard this year towards achiev-
4. Electrical appliances are turned are currently been put in place.
ing our second Green Flag. Below are
off when not in use and data Thermostatic valves are being
just a few of the things that have been
projectors are turned to standby put on all sinks and dual-flushing
going on in St. Brigid’s National School as
during break and lunch time. units are being put on all toilets.
part of the Green Schools Programme.
5. Litter Wardens are 8. All pupils and staff
1. The E.S.B. Meter Readings are
working hard every- continue to compost
taken every afternoon by our En-
day to keep the their biodegradable
ergy Wardens.
school clean and waste. This waste is
2. Numerous recycling activities are tidy. put into the class compost bin
going on throughout the school. and transferred to the school’s
6. The Heating has been turned
compost bin.
3. Text a Parent is being used to down low throughout the

BOYS FOOTBALL new skills based Mini-Sevens competi- girls will also participate in a skills based
The school boys teams have played all tion later on this term. Francie, our new mini–sevens football competition and
their Gaelic Football matches for this hurling coach comes to the school to the Go Games blitzes.
year apart from the Go Games blitzes train the pupils on a Thursday. This
which will take place in the second training is limited to classes with third
term. The boys will also participate in a and fourth class pupils in Rounders will begin again shortly when
skills based mini-sevens competition. them only this year. the astro-turf pitch is completed.
Andrew Mc Govern, the school’s G.A.A.
coach, will return for Gaelic Football
training on the 30th of March. The girls will soon begin training for the Any parent who wishes to help out
Cumann na mBunscol football League. with any of the events above or would
We are hoping that the new astro-turf like to start up a new activity on the
The boys will be participating in the pitch will be build within the next two school’s astro-turf pitch are asked to
Cumann na mBunscol league and in a months so that training can begin. The contact the school as soon as possible.

Other Sporting Events

The pupils of St. Brigid’s Na- Ms. Mc Gowan will be taking part ary for third and fourth class boys and
tional School participated in the in the Buntús Leprechaun Rugby girls. The boys competition will begin at
Annual Swimming Gala in coaching course in Stradone 9:30am and the girls competition will
Cavan Sports Complex on the 15th of Community Centre on Wednes- begin at 12:00pm. Miss Neylon will be
December and were very successful in day 9th of February. This will enable accompanying the pupils to this event.
winning a total of 50 medals. Well the school to avail of a free Leprechaun
Soccer training will begin for all pupils
done to all involved! Rugby Kit. This is a new sport that we
on Tuesday the 22nd of Febru-
will be introducing into the school
Congratulations to all the pupils who ary in the school. Pupils are
when the astro-turf pitch is complete.
ran in the Cavan Cross-Country asked to bring €1 each per
competition in the Rugby Club Futsal 5-aside Soccer will take place in week for six weeks to pay the
on the 14th of November. the Sports Complex on the 28th of Janu- soccer coach.
Volume 4, Issue 2 Page 3

Calendar of Events
Thursday 20th January Monday 31st January sixth class boys from 7-9pm.

In-school hurling training began for The pupils will be making their St. Brigid’s Thursday 3rd February
third and fourth class pupils with our Crosses in the school and Fr. Tully will
Enrolment night for fifth
new hurling coach, Francie. bless them afterwards.
and sixth class for Breifne
Wednesday 26th or Thursday 27th Monday 31st January College from 6:30-8:30pm.
Robin Hood will be visiting the school Friday 4th February
Prayer service for all First Holy Commun- and putting on a fantastic show in the
Ms. White’s class will begin their swim-
ion pupils in the Pastoral Centre at St. community centre. €2 per pupil please.
ming lessons in Cavan Sports Complex.
Patrick’s College at 7p.m.
Tuesday 1st February
Saturday 5th February
Friday 28th January
The pupils will celebrate St. Brigid’s Day.
Enrolment for fifth class girls to Loreto
Futsal 5-aside soccer blitz
Tuesday 1st February College from 9am to 12:30pm.
in Cavan Sports Complex for third &
fourth class. Enrolment night in St. Patrick’s college for

February & March Events

Sunday 6th February for Parents and Pupils will take place pupils in the Cathedral at 7:30p.m.
from 7pm to 8pm in the Pastoral Centre.
Cavan Credit Union Quiz in the Radisson Tuesday 8th March
SAS Farnham Estate Hotel, Cavan @ Thursday 17th & Friday 18th February
3pm. The pupils of the school will
School closed for Mid-Term break. get the opportunity to
Thursday 3rd February make pancakes for Shrove
Thursday 3rd March
All pupils will get their throats blessed in Tuesday in the school.
World Book Day—The pu-
the school for the Feast of St. Blaise. Wednesday 9th March
pils will dress up as their
Wednesday 9th February— favourite book character. Fr. Tully will come to the school
2nd March to bless each child with ashes
Saturday 5th March
Confirmation Programme for Ash Wednesday.
Pledging Sunday mass for Confirmation

Out and About in the Second Term

Thursday 10th March Thursday 17th March and Friday CHARITY EVENTS
18th March
Cumann na mBunscol Quiz in the Kil- Friday 25th of February
more Hotel at 7:00pm. Age limit applies School closed for St. Patrick’s Day
Non-Uniform Day in the school to raise
to qualify for Ulster.
Wednesday 13th April money for Africa. Cian Donohoe (past
Wednesday 16th March pupil) is travelling to Africa.
First Confessions in the Cathedral at
Speech and Drama exams will take 7:30pm. Monday 15th of March
place all day in the school for all pupils
Friday 15th April—Tuesday 3rd May Raffle tickets will go on sale for Easter
participating in the exams.
Eggs to raise money for the Senior Citi-
School closes for the Easter Holidays.
zens Party
St. Brigid’s National School Home School Partnership
Co. Cavan Parent/Teacher Meetings
Phone: 049-4362144 Parent/Teacher meetings for Miss Smith’s class will take place during the
Fax: 049-4362144 week of the 24th to the 28th of January.
Website: Shared Reading Information Meeting
An Act of Charity Art and Craft Display An information meeting on the Jolly Phonics Programme and Shared
The Christmas Art and Reading Programme was held in the school on the 23rd of November.
The pupils of St. Brigid’s
National School gave Craft Display took place Christmas Carol Service
over 100 selection on the 17th of December
in the Community Cen- Our Christmas Carol Service took place on the 16th of December. The
boxes to the St. Vincent
tre. The pupils had a junior infants did a brilliant job in presenting the story of the Nativity.
de Paul Charity along
with a mas- surprise visit from Santa Headlice
sive box of on the day and the sen-
ior pupils sang for the There has been a number of cases of head lice reported to the school this
food items
occasion. Tea, coffee term. All parents are asked to check and threat their child’s head a.s.a.p.
full of all
sorts of and the traditional mince Healthy Eating I.C.T.
goodies. pies were served to all
who attended. All pupils As part of the school’s All teachers in the school have
Thank you
got a treat and a selec- Healthy Eating Policy, children are recently received a new iPod
to all who supported
tion box. not allowed to bring in sweets, Touch which enables the teachers
this charity.
crisps or lollipops to the school. to download education applica-
Astro-Turf Pitch and Car Parking Pupils are only allowed to drink tions to be used in the classroom.
water or milk. A number of pupils
The school also received an I.C.T.
Work has begun at the side of the school are bringing in sugary drinks which
Grant and we are in the process
on the staff new car park and astro-turf pitch. A causes tooth decay. We ask that
of purchasing a server for the
new car park is being built to hold all the teachers this practice is stopped. Thank you.
school and some visualisers.
cars. The current car park will soon be turned into a
second lane for traffic and will be used for set-down
Bird Cam Nest Box Visualisers enable the teacher to
parking only. All parents are asked to remain pa- Ms. Wynne’s class have won a Bird put text books up onto the inter-
tient with the workmen on site as they try to do Cam Nest Box after coming second active whiteboard for all the pu-
their job within a very tight and restricted setting. in the National Diversity Project run pils to see. Check out
Work on the astro-turf pitch is due to begin in the by Conservation Services Ireland.
next eight weeks.
Achievements Cumann na mBunscol
The Cumann na mBunscol timetable for this year will be posted on the
Well done to Meabh Connolly who participated in the
Cumann na mBunscol website in the coming weeks. Check out
Scor na nÓg Ulster Finals and to Lauren Cahill who
recently starred in Grease the Musical in Solstice Arts
Centre in Navan. What an achievement! School Uniform Music Theory
World Book Week 2011 We would like to remind all pupils and Preparations have begun for the Pre-
parents about the correct school uni- paratory Grade, Grade 1 and Grade 2
All pupils will receive a voucher for
form that should be worn in school. It music theory exams with fourth, fifth
€1.50 which can be used to purchase
has come to our attention that a num- and sixth class.
books in book shops across the country
ber of pupils to not possess the full
during world book week.
school uniform and we would appreci- Speech & Drama
The pupils will be given the ate if all parents could ensure that their Speech and Drama exams will take
opportunity to visit Cavan child has each item of clothing below. place on Wednesday 16th of March.
Library during this week and also to
Boys Uniform: Grey trousers, wine v- Junior Infants—Kindergarten 1
listen to some story telling in the library.
neck jumper (with school crest), grey
A story teller will visit the school during shirt, school tie, grey tracksuit bottoms Senior Infants—Kindergarten 2
the month of May. This is kindly spon- and polo shirt (for P.E. days only). First Class—Grade 1
sored by Poetry Ireland. Pupils can
Girls Uniform: Grey trousers/skirt/ Second Class—Grade 2
dress up as their favourite book charac-
pinafore, wine v-neck jumper (with
ter on Thursday the 3rd of March. Ms. Third Class—Grade 3
school crest), grey shirt, wine tights or
White’s class will be
wine socks, grey tracksuit bottoms and Fourth Class—Grade 4
participating in the
polo shirt (for P.E. days only).
Write a Book Com- Fifth Class—Grade 4
petition as part of The Principal will be doing random in-
World Book Week spections of school uniforms every week Sixth Class—Grade 5

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