Wide-Area Traveling Wave Fault Location System Based On IEC61850

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2, JUNE 2013 1207

Wide-Area Traveling Wave Fault Location System

Based on IEC61850
Yu Chen, Dong Liu, Member, IEEE, and Bingyin Xu, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Existing traveling wave fault location systems employ The traveling waves generated by a fault propagate towards
the double-end method and do not make use of data from neigh- both substations at the ends of the faulty line, and then continue
boring substations. If one of the data acquisition equipments at ei- to travel on to other substations via the transmission lines in the
ther end of a line fails to capture the fault transient, no fault loca-
tion result can be obtained. A wide-area traveling wave fault loca- network. Practical fault recordings have shown that fault-gen-
tion (WA-TWFL) system, which makes use of traveling wave data erated traveling waves can propagate over more than 1500 km
from various substations across the monitored network, is intro- [6]. Therefore, the fault location can be determined and verified
duced. The WA-TWFL algorithm first identifies the area of the using the arrival time of the traveling waves at these substations.
monitored network in which the source of the disturbance origi-
To record the fault transient reliably, traveling wave fault lo-
nated by analyzing the traveling wave propagation times using the
extended double end method. Then, the faulty line, and the distance cation equipment is usually set to be more sensitive than relays
to fault, are determined using selected records from the identified and so will record more than just fault transients.
area of the disturbance. This approach provides fault location reli- Traveling wave fault location systems currently operating in
ability than the traditional TWFL algorithm. Traveling wave data substations usually sample only the current traveling wave or
models based on IEC61850, which supports open communication
and interoperability between data acquisition equipment and the
the voltage traveling wave, so it is impossible to get the direction
master station of the WA-TWFL, are also presented in this paper. of the traveling wave and therefore the faulty line cannot be
The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is proved using traveling identified.
wave data from an actual fault on a power grid in China. The source of disturbances that do not trigger the relay, can
Index Terms—Fault location, IEC61850, traveling wave, wide be determined using the recorded traveling wave data. These
area. disturbances are normally associated with defective insulators
which utilities can focus on replacing during routine mainte-
nance to avoid future problems.
I. INTRODUCTION WA-TWFL algorithms have been studied [7]–[10]. They first


method has been widely applied in power systems be-
cause of its wide applicability and high accuracy [1]–[3].
determine the faulty line through the operation signal, then cal-
culate the accurate distance to fault by using the traveling wave
data of various substations across the monitored network. Ref-
However, most existing TWFL systems employ the double-end erences [7]–[9] search for the shortest path between any two
method and do not make use of the data from neighboring substations and the fault point in the whole of the power net-
substations. If one of the data acquisition equipments (DAE) at work and use the double-end method to get the fault distance for
either end of a line fails to capture the fault transient, it will fail each pair of substations. The location result is obtained using
to provide a fault location result. With the rapid development weighted means based on the lengths of each line section. To
of traveling wave fault location technology, wide-area traveling reduce the degree of computation, reference [10] proposed that
wave fault location is investigated. This makes use of traveling only data from substations to near to the faulted line be used to
wave data from various substations across the monitored net- get the location result. Because they need the protection oper-
work and therefore has better reliability than the conventional ation signals to determine the faulty line, the above algorithms
double-end method. Moreover, it also can reduce the number can not be applied to disturbances that do not trigger the relay.
of DAEs installed to save costs by optimizing the deployment Some DAEs do not monitor the protection operation signals
of DAEs [4], [5]. and so a WA-TWFL algorithm that avoids their use need to be
Manuscript received November 14, 2011; revised April 07, 2012 and July 10, TWFL equipments installed at substations may be supplied
2012; accepted December 07, 2012. Date of publication January 04, 2013; date by different manufacturers using different data models and in-
of current version May 18, 2013. This work was supported by the National High- compatible communication protocols. Utilities need to resolve
tech R&D Program of China (863 Program with issue number 2012AA050803)
and Kehui Power Automation Co. Ltd. Paper no. TSG-00623-2011. this problem urgently. The IEC61850 standard aims to address
Y. Chen and D. Liu are with the Key Laboratory of Control of Power Trans- such a problem, but there is no traveling wave fault location
mission and Conversion, Ministry of Education, (School of Electronic, Infor- data model in the standard at present, and it therefore needs to
mation and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shanghai
200240, China (e-mail: chenyukh1@hotmail.com; dongliu@sjtu.edu.cn). be extended.
B. Xu is with Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China A WA-TWFL system is introduced in this paper. A traveling
(e-mail: xuby@china.com). wave data model based on IEC61850 is presented to support
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. open communication and interoperability between data acquisi-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2012.2233767 tion equipments and master stations. The WA-TWFL algorithm,

1949-3053/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


which does not depend on protection operation signals, is pro-

posed to identify the faulty line and determine the distance to


The WA-TWFL system, as Fig. 1 shows, consists of the trav-
eling wave data acquisition devices installed at substations, the
master station that runs traveling wave analysis software de-
ployed in the control center, and the communication network.
The traveling wave data acquisition device records the trav-
eling wave transients in the power lines. It continuously sam-
ples the secondary outputs of a current transformer (CT) or a
voltage transformer (VT) and stores the sampled data in a cir-
cular memory buffer. When the unit is triggered, i.e., the devi-
ation of any input signals exceeded the preset threshold level,
the prefault buffered data and the transient data, within a preset
time frame, are transferred to nonvolatile memory. The acquired
data are then sent to the master station via the communication
network for further processing.
The master station runs traveling wave analysis software in
PCs typically using the Windows environment. It collects the
transient data acquired by the traveling wave data acquisition
devices installed at the substations and calculates the distance to Fig. 1. Wide-area traveling wave fault location system.
the source of the disturbance automatically. It also allows users
to view the transient waveforms and compute the distance to the
disturbance point by analyzing the reflections within the faulty Based on the requirement and features of the TWFL, the
line section. application function is divided into 1) fault location function;
The master station consists of a communication server, a data- 2) disturbance recording function; 3) input and output func-
base server, a web server, and a workstation. The communica- tions, including inputs from protection relays and circuit breaker
tion server collects the recorded data from the traveling-wave condition and outputs indicating device status; and 4) interface
data acquisition devices installed at the substations, calculates function, which includes setting, logging, and data storage.
the distance to the disturbance point, and stores the record and C. Logical Node Modeling
location results in the database server. The workstation is used
to configure and maintain the master station software. The web According to the IEC61850 standard, application functions
server publishes the traveling wave fault location result and the are provided by the logical nodes. Because there is no definition
current status of devices in operation to the utility so that the for the traveling wave fault location application, a new traveling
patrol crew can quickly locate the fault point and restore power. wave fault location logical node RTFL is presented. Here, R in-
dicates that this logical node belongs to the protection-related
function and TFL is an abbreviation of traveling wave fault loca-
tion. After the disturbance occurs on the line, the RTFL logical
A. IEC61850 Data Model node will calculate the distance to the source of the disturbance
according to the recorded initial traveling wave arrival time and
IEC61850 is the data modeling and communication standard waveform. The RTFL logical node must support the double-end
for substation devices in smart grids. The physical equipment method, and therefore must provide a means for the exchange
is represented by logical devices and logical nodes. IEC 61850 of the initial traveling wave arrival time with the remote substa-
uses a hierarchical model: a server can contain multiple logical tions. The other related logical node is described in Fig. 2.
devices; a logical device contains multiple logical nodes; a log- Here, the IEC61850 logical nodes TCTR and TVTR repre-
ical node contains multiple data objects; a data object has mul- sent the current transformer and voltage transformer; XCBR
tiple data attributes. A server is used to represent the externally is the corresponding circuit breaker; RDRE represents the dis-
visible behavior of a device; therefore, the server must provide turbance-recording function; RADR is the logical node for the
one or more service access points. In the communication net- disturbance record analog channel, and provides disturbance-
work, a server node is a function node which can provide data, recording control for the analog channel; GGIO obtains the cor-
and also allow other function nodes to access its data. responding line circuit breaker status and reports the device start
or abnormal status; IHMI at the station level is the operator inter-
B. Decomposition of TWFL Functions face, which provides for adjusting settings, password changes,
To establish an intelligent electronic device (IED) object and other functions; IARC provides for historical data archiving
model using IEC61850, the first step is to define, decompose, and access. Finally, each physical device needs to have LPHD
and allocate the IED functions. and LLN0.

Fig. 2. Decomposition of TWFL functions.


Fig. 3. TWFL IED model.

specification (MMS). For the TWFL application, the TWFL

IED server is mapped to the virtual device (VMD) of MMS.
Logical devices are mapped to the domain of MMS with logical
node classes, data types, the report control block, and the log
control block all mapped to the named variable of MMS. The
data set class is mapped to the named variable list of MMS and
the file class to the MMS file object. The services are mapped
to the corresponding services of the MMS classes.
After the disturbance occurs, the TWFL IED can get the re-
mote substation traveling wave data provided it has a commu-
nication channel, and can then generate the TWFL report using
the double-end method. If there is no communication channel, it
will generate a disturbance report directly, without a double-end
result, which is then mapped to the MMS report. The master sta-
tion can then access the file service to get the data, especially the
waveforms, for further analysis.

For the new logical node RTFL, the data are described in IV. WIDE-AREA TRAVELING WAVE FAULT
Table I. The data column is the data object name of the RTFL LOCATION ALGORITHM
and the description column defines the meaning of the corre-
sponding data. The M/O column indicates whether the data ob- The master station can get the wide-area traveling wave data
ject is mandatory or optional. by archiving the TWFL IED installed at substations. From the
logic node RTFL, the master station obtains the arrival time
D. Traveling-Wave IED Modeling of the disturbance initial traveling wave. By using the arrival
After modeling the logical nodes, the TWFL IED model is time set and the monitored network topology, the master station
shown in Fig. 3. can determinate the location of the disturbance point using the
TWFL IED is modeled as one server and one logical de- WA-TWFL algorithm.
vice. The logical device includes LLN0, LPHD, and the appli-
cation logical nodes. The RADR, TCTR, and TVTR have many A. Fault Location Principle
instances. 1) Propagation of Traveling Wave: The disturbance trav-
eling wave is a traveling wave propagated along the transmis-
E. TWFL IED Service Mapping sion line whenever there is a disturbance. During the traveling
As there is no real-time performance requirement for TWFL, of the disturbance-traveling wave, it will experience reflection
the IED communication services primarily use a client/server and transmission wherever there is a junction, bus or other
mode. This supports association, reports and files transfer ser- impedance discontinuity where a portion of the traveling wave
vices. All the relevant data in the logical node is contained in will be reflected, while the remainder will travel through to the
its data set and access by the TWFL IED is achieved through a nearby substations.
client request for the data set. When an incident traveling wave travels from a dielectric
IEC61850-81 defines the mapping of the abstract communi- with wave impedance to a dielectric with wave impedance
cation service interface (ACSI) to the manufacturing message , a reflected wave and transmitted wave are produced.

Fig. 5. Extended double-end disturbance location method.

Fig. 4. Transmission of substation bus traveling wave.

The magnitude of the reflection of the traveling wave is de-

fined by the ratio of the reflected voltage (or current) and the
incident voltage (or current) at the junction; this ratio is known
as the reflection coefficient. The reflection coefficient of the trav-
eling wave voltage is

Fig. 6. Disturbance area of power network.
While the transmission coefficient of the traveling wave is
represented by the ratio between the transmitted voltage (or cur-
rent) and the incident voltage (or current), the transmission co- Equation (3) is for the conventional double-end fault location.
efficient of the traveling voltage and the traveling current has The traveling wave will also travel to substations A and D. The
the same value. The propagation coefficient is Line A-B-C-D can be regarded as one line, and the distance from
the point F to substation A can be computed by:

In Fig. 4, there are 4 lines on the bus at Substation B; if we (4)

assume all the lines have the same characteristic impedance and
line 1 is the disturbance line, the current incident wave of Line Similarly, using the traveling wave arrival time at substations
1 , will produce a composite current in Line 1 at Substa- A and C or B and D, we can compute the distance to the distur-
tion B of which will be shared equally as current bance point. Equation (4) is the basic calculation equation for
traveling waves transmitted into Line 2 (and Lines 3 and 4) of the WA-TWFL. By using this equation, the disturbance posi-
. The wave that transmits through to Line 2 will then tion can be calculated for two non-neighboring substations.
travel to its neighboring substation where, if there are also 4 3) Selection of the Disturbance Area: When a disturbance
lines connected to the bus, the waves transmitted will be in occurs, the disturbance traveling wave will travel to the neigh-
amplitude. If the loss on the line is also considered, the transmis- boring substations and the nearest substation to the disturbance
sion wave’s amplitude will be lower. For existing TWFL sys- point will detect the traveling wave first. The substation that first
tems, the signal amplitude needs to exceed a preset threshold detects the initial traveling wave is set as the central point and
to trigger the capture of the disturbance traveling wave. So al- the disturbance point is within an area of less than half of the
though the signal will be transmitted to many substations, it may shortest electrical path between the central point and other sub-
not be large enough to trigger a recording. For wide-area trav- stations. If there are many circuits between two substations, the
eling wave fault location, the data from the neighboring substa- shortest one is called the shortest electrical path.
tions are essential. If the substation that first detects the traveling In Fig. 6 substations represented by “ ” have traveling wave
wave is defined as grade one and the neighboring substations recording devices and substations with “ ” are without such de-
as grades two and three, all the substations within these three vices. If the disturbance point is near S1, then S1 is the one that
grades comprise a valid substation area for wide-area traveling first detects the initial traveling wave, and the disturbance point
wave fault location. is in the dotted line area. That is, the disturbance point is within
2) Extended Double-End Fault Location Theory: The 1/2 of the shortest electrical path of S1 and substations S2 to S5.
double-end TWFL method tags the arrival time of the traveling 4) Location of the Disturbance Point: If the disturbance
wave generated by the disturbance at both ends of the line. point is on the transmission line, as Fig. 6 shows, the dis-
The disturbance distance is then determined in terms of the turbance point location can be calculated by using the initial
difference in the arrival times. traveling wave arrival times at S1 and S2. While using the
If a disturbance occurs at point F on Line BC, as Fig. 5 shows, corresponding times for S1 and S3, S1 and S4 will give a value
the initial wave will arrive at substations A, B, C and D, and the that equals their respective path lengths, thereby confirming
arrival time is , , , and . The distance from point F to that S1-S2 is the disturbance line.
substation B is If the disturbance point is located in a substation, all the sub-
station pairs, S1-S2, S1-S3, S1-S4, will give values equal to
(3) their respective path lengths.
5) Path Selection for Parallel Circuits: Corridor access lim-
Here, is the velocity of the traveling wave and is the line itations often necessitate the use of parallel circuits between
length. substations to meet increasing load demands. When a traveling

time, the disturbance line is identified, and the disturbance point

is located. The algorithm is described as follows:
1) Preliminary Selection of Traveling Wave Arrival Time: A
traveling wave arrival time record set includes all arrival time
records that were recorded by the traveling wave devices in dif-
ferent substations caused by the same disturbance.
When a disturbance occurs, the master station will receive all
records, and determine which set the record received belongs to.
Then the algorithm will be applied to the selected record set.
Fig. 7. Non-double-circuit line disturbance network. The record set selection method compares the initial traveling
wave arrival time detected by the first substation with that from
other stations. If the arrival time difference is less than the preset
threshold value, the master station will regard these records as
belonging to the same set.
The preset threshold value depends on the maximum network
area width which can be set manually or dynamically. Dynamic
calculation uses a width first search algorithm of the network.
Fig. 8. Double-circuit lines disturbance traveling wave. Then, the time difference is calculated using the maximum net-
work width divided by the traveling wave speed. The time dif-
wave propagates between substations, the parallel line may in- ference multiplied by a coefficient gives the threshold value.
terfere with the disturbance point location. The coefficient represents the ratio of selection area width and
In Fig. 7, two neighboring substations, S1 and S2, have two whole network width.
circuit lines, L1 and L2; either of the following two conditions After this preliminary selection, the traveling wave arrival
may take place when a disturbance occurs: time set may include some data that does not belong to the se-
(a) The disturbance line is not between S1 and S2, i.e., the lected disturbance. This needs to be selected after the distur-
disturbance line is neither L1 nor L2, as Fig. 7 shows. bance line and the disturbance point have been determined. This
Here, the initial disturbance traveling wave will transmit avoids the problem of multiple disturbances that occur simulta-
from S1 to S2 through the shorter path of L1 and L2. So neously being mistaken for a single disturbance.
the shortest electrical path of S1 to S2 is the shorter of L1 2) Selection of Valid Calculation Area of Traveling Wave:
and L2. A power network can consist of hundreds of substations and
(b) The disturbance line is between S1 and S2, i.e., the dis- transmission lines which would require a very large memory
turbance line is L1 or L2. If L1 and L2 are of the same and long computation time to compute the weighted adjacency
length, the healthy line has little influence on the algo- matrix directly. Using traveling wave propagation characteris-
rithm. But if they are not of the same length, like Fig. 8 tics, the substation that first detects the initial traveling wave is
shows, where L1 is longer than L2, different disturbance nearest to the disturbance point, and the traveling wave ampli-
points will have different influences on the algorithm. tudes becomes less as they pass through more substations. The
If L2 is the disturbance line, the initial traveling wave occur- location of the disturbance point, can therefore be determined
ring on L2 will arrive at S1 and S2 without being influenced by by using data from the substation that first detects the traveling
wave and data from its nearby substations.
L1. If L1 is the disturbance line, it will influence the double-end
In large power networks, there may be simultaneous dis-
traveling wave method.
turbances at several locations under some extreme conditions,
As Fig. 8 shows, the length of L2 is , the length of L1 is .
such as thunderstorms or strong winds. For disturbances on
If the disturbance occurred at the end of L1, within the area of
non-neighboring lines, the valid calculation areas can be iden-
from S1, the initial traveling wave which travels to the left,
tified and grouped based on the initial traveling wave arrival
transmits to L2 through the bus of S1, and reaches S2 along L2
times, and the algorithm used separately to determine each of
prior to the initial traveling wave that travels to the right along
the disturbance points.
L1. Using the initial traveling wave arrival times of S1 and S2,
If the substation that first detects the traveling wave is defined
the disturbance point will be calculated as S1. (The error is less
as grade one and its neighboring substations as grades two and
than ).
three, the substations within the three grades comprise a valid
Normally, the parallel circuit lines are similar in length, with substation area for the WA-TWFL. Using this method, the com-
a difference of less than 1 km in most cases, producing an error plicated calculation required for a large power network can be
which still meets the patrolling and inspection requirements of simplified to become a number of small networks for multiple
the utilities. simultaneous disturbance points.
3) Shortest Path Search in the Valid Calculation Area: A
B. Algorithm
weighted graph is used to represent the valid
The algorithm uses the substation that detects the traveling calculation area for wide area traveling wave fault location. The
wave first as the center to get the valid calculation area, and then graph G consists of three finite sets, V, E, and W. Each element
calculates the shortest electrical path and distance to the other of V is called a vertex. The elements of E, called edges, are un-
substations in the area. By using the initial traveling wave arrival ordered pairs of vertices. And each element of W is called an

edge’s weight. For power grid wide-area traveling wave fault

location, V is the substation, E is the power line, and W is the
power line length. For a weighted graph, the shortest path dis-
tance is the sum of the weight of the edges.
A weighted graph usually represented by an adjacency ma-
trix. For a simple power grid as Fig. 7, the adjacency matrix A

Fig. 9. Disturbance line identification.

First, the initial value of the confidence coefficient is set to

0. Then the directly connected substations are found by using
the shortest path matrix —the matching calculation being
done by using (3) or (4). If the result equals the path distance, it
shows that the double-end substations have recorded the correct
Weighted adjacency matrix A is an order matrix, where traveling wave arrival time. The confidence coefficients of these
is the number of substations. The matrix elements represent two substations are incremented by 1.
the line length between substations, 0 is assigned to the diagonal All substations with confidence coefficients not equal to 0 are
elements representing the distance between the substation and considered to have the correct initial traveling wave arrival time.
itself and is used to represent the absence of a direct line 5) Disturbance Line Identification: After matching the cal-
between 2 substations. culation of the initial traveling wave arrival time in the valid
The Floyd–Warshall algorithm [15] is a commonly used calculation area, the disturbance line is identified according to
method for solving the all-pairs shortest path problem of a the following rules:
weighted graph. The algorithm compares all possible paths 1) If the result equals the shortest path distance of the pair
through the graph between each pair of vertices. First it gets the of substations, the traveling wave arrival time record is
weighted adjacency matrix of any vertex and , and correct, and the disturbance point is not on this path.
then finds all possible paths from to comparing them to get As Fig. 9 shows, the result calculated using S1 and S2
the shortest path distance matrix . After many iterations, equals the S1-S2 path length, so the recorded time of S1
the shortest path distance matrix can be obtained. and S2 is correct. Similarly, S4, S6, and S7 can be checked.
The steps are as follows: If the time of S4 is wrong, the result calculated using S4
Step 1) Create the weighted adjacency matrix A for the and S6 will not equal the S4-S6 path length.
power network and initialize the shortest path and 2) If the result does not equal the shortest path distance of the
distance matrix. The shortest path distance matrix paired substations, there are 3 possibilities:
is and the shortest path matrix a) If the path includes the substation that first detects
is , here. the initial traveling wave, then this path includes the
disturbance line.
b) If the result equals the distance of any substation on
this path, the initial traveling wave is from the other
lines of this substation.
c) The recorded initial traveling wave arrival time is in-
Step 2) Compute the iterative matrix and the Using the above rule, the recorded traveling wave arrival time
shortest path matrix , here is checked and confidence in the result can be increased using
verified substation data.
Disturbance line identification steps are as follows:
Step 1: find all the paths from the substation that first detects
the initial traveling wave to its neighboring substations.
Correspondingly, if , then Step 2: use (3) or (4) to do matching calculations according
update the shortest path matrix , that is to the path saved. If the result equals the path length, it is not
, which shows the path the disturbance path; if the result is less than the path length,
from to becomes shorter after it goes through this path is the disturbance path and the result is the distance
. Else, . to the disturbance point; if all the results are equal to the corre-
Step 3) If , iteration finished. sponding path length, the disturbance is at the central substation.
At this stage the shortest path and the distance of all-pairs The algorithm flow chart is shown in Fig. 10.
processes are complete.
4) Initial Traveling Wave Arrival Time Check: Use and V. CASE STUDY
to check the initial arrival time of traveling waves at the This case is from Hubei province, China, and is a 220kV
substations. power grid where 61 substations have traveling wave data ac-

the datum time of substation S1. Because there was no recording

device installed in substation S6, no arrival time recorded.
The weighted adjacency matrix of the disturbance area is:

The initial distance matrix , and the initial path

matrix is

The shortest path distance matrix using the Floyd-Warshall

algorithm is

Fig. 10. Algorithm flow chart.

The corresponding shortest path matrix is

quisition devices installed, and a total of 137 lines are moni-

Here, shows that the substations are connected directly. The
tored. All the substations communicate to the master station via
master station uses (3) to determine the substations connected
a comprehensive data network. The wide-area traveling wave
directly, and the line length can be obtained from the shortest
master station was put into operation in October 2008.
path matrix D; the time recorded is given in Table II. The matrix
One disturbance occurred at 05:24:09 on March 27, 2009,
after the calculation is R,
on the Chatang line, i.e. the line between S1 and S2 shown
in Fig. 11. to simplify the representation, only the network
topology near the disturbance line is shown.
After the disturbance occurred, the master station collected
all the substation trigger records and did the preliminary selec-
tion. Then taking the Chaanling substation that detected the ini-
tial traveling wave as reference, the master station calculated
the time differences of the other substations with this reference.
If the time difference was less than the preset value, it was
saved—in this case the preset value was 2 ms. In this matrix, the element
Then the valid calculation area was searched from the source,
Chaanling substation; the searching result is shown in Fig. 11.
The arrival times of the initial traveling wave following the
disturbance is given in Table II. The time below is references to Here, i and j are the substation identification numbers.

Fig. 11. Network topology of the disturbance area.

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Yu Chen was born in 1974. He received the Bach- Bingyin Xu (M’95) was born in 1961. He received
elor degree from Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Xi’an, the Ph.D. degree from Xi’an Jiao Tong University,
China in 1996, and the Master degree from Tsinghua China, in 1991. He studied in the City University
University, China, in 2003. Now he is a doctoral can- London, UK, from October 1988 to October 1990,
didate in the Key Laboratory of Control of Power as part of a split-Ph.D. training program.
Transmission and Conversion, Ministry of Education He is now Chairman of the board of Kehui Power
(School of Electronic, Information and Electrical En- Automation Co. Ltd., China, and a registered Pro-
gineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), China. fessor at Shandong University of Technology. His re-
His research interests include protection and con- search interests are fault location and monitoring of
trol in power systems. power networks and distribution automation.

Dong Liu (M’02) was born in 1968. He received the

Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Southeast
University, China, in 1997.
He is now a Professor at the Key Laboratory of
Control of Power Transmission and Conversion,
Ministry of Education (School of Electronic, In-
formation and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University), China. His research interests
include smart grid and cyber-physical systems.

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