Student Guide: Lesson 9: Rome's Expansion and Crisis

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HST103A World History | Unit 3 : The Western Classical World | Lesson 9

Student Guide
Lesson 9: Rome's Expansion and Crisis

Lesson Objectives
• Describe on a map the Roman Republic's expansion.
• Explain the changes in Rome that led to the demise of the republic.
• Identify major individuals, events, and results of the Punic Wars.
• Identify the major causes, events, and results of the Punic Wars.

Approximate lesson time is 60 minutes.

For the Student
Lesson Answer Key
World History: Our Human Story
History Journal
Keywords and Pronunciation
Carthage (KAHR-thij)
Carthaginians (kahr-thuh-JIN-ee-uhns)
Gaius (GAY-uhs)
Gracchi (GRAK-iy)
Punic (PYOO-nik)
Pyrrhus (PIHR-uhs)
Scipio (SIP-ee-oh)

Activity 1: Lesson Checklist (Online)
• Read Chapter 8, Section 2, pages 157–161, and answer the questions.
• Complete the Use What You Know activity.
• Complete the Checkpoint.

Activity 2: The Roman Republic Threatened (Offline)

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HST103A World History | Unit 3 : The Western Classical World | Lesson 9


Read Chapter 8, Section 2, pages 157–161, and answer the questions.

Quickly skim through this section. Read the section and subsection titles. Look at the images and read the
captions. Based on this quick preview of the section, how do you think the Roman Republic was able to grow?

Think about the following question as you read: What changes occurred after 100 B.C. that threatened the
Roman Republic?

1. Why was the Roman army so effective?

2. Briefly describe three major causes of the Punic Wars.

3. Place the following events in the order in which they occurred to describe some of the major events of the
Punic Wars. Fill in the blanks in the statements, and then write the number of each event in the correct box below
the time line.


4. What was the result of the Punic Wars in terms of Rome’s territorial expansion?

Refer to the map on page 169 to answer questions 5–7.

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HST103A World History | Unit 3 : The Western Classical World | Lesson 9

5. In 264 B.C., when the First Punic War started, the borders of the Roman Republic were within which present-
day country?

6. In 146 B.C., how far west did the Roman Empire extend?

7. By which date (from the map key) had Rome become an empire? Explain your answer.

8. How did the Roman Republic maintain power and control in the lands around the Mediterranean Sea it had

9. Complete the following to show the changes that were occurring in Rome around 100 B.C. In each rectangle,
write a sentence or phrase that describes the problem.

10. What did the Gracchi do that angered patricians?

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HST103A World History | Unit 3 : The Western Classical World | Lesson 9

11. What did Gaius Marius do that changed the Roman army?

12. What problems, if any, did the Roman Republic begin to experience that were similar to the problems previous
empires had faced?

Use What You Know

As Rome’s legions expanded the empire in faraway lands such as Carthage and Spain, things were changing at
home. The republic seemed to be in disorder. Imagine you are a tribune in one of Rome’s citizen assemblies. You
are concerned with the disorder you see in the city of Rome. Prepare a speech to deliver to the assembly. In your
speech you will:

• Describe at least four problems or changes you see occurring

• Describe a solution you feel will correct each problem or help restore order
You do not need to write out the entire speech; instead, prepare an outline of your speech. The outline must
include, at a minimum, brief descriptions of at least four problems or changes and brief descriptions of your

Complete the Checkpoint.

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HST103A World History | Unit 3 : The Western Classical World | Lesson 9

Lesson Checkpoint: Rome's Expansion and Crisis (Online)
Use your completed Student Guide to answer the following questions.

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