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Stonesong Keeper

Stonesong Keeper
More so than any other dwarf clans, the dwarves of
Stonesong revere their mages and lore-masters - ancient
keepers of rites and rituals. The most powerful nobles of
Stonesong are in fact, its Keepers - sages and mystics of
arcane study.
The passing of knowledge itself is a tradition - for as a
Keeper ages, they begin to record the sum of their
knowledge and understanding, passing it down to the
most worthy successor. In this way, only a select few
dwarves at any given time are privy to the greatest
repositories of secret lore and spells. These dwarves are
waited on hand and foot by a vast sum of acolytes,
desperate to share in the knowledge that may one day
elevate them to such a lofty and coveted position.
Dark Covenant. Stonesong's Keepers draw from a
wide breadth of magic, and each family will have their
own range of signature abilities. Some powers have
become shared knowledge among different families in a
bid to hold on to their power, the most common of which
is using a blood sacrifice to boost the effectiveness of
certain spells.
Cruel Experimenters. The Keepers are also in charge
of furthering development of magical technology for
Stonesong, a duty they take advantage of for free reign
to experiment as they please. An example of their
previous works are Dwarven Treasure Seekers, vicious
automatons that house the shard of a dwarven soul..

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