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Death from Above

Snuff Sorelicker
Long ago, there was a goblin clan that dwelt in the
sewers of a great desert city. The clan eeked out an
existence in secret, bursting from filth in the dead of night
to steal food and trinkets.They lived like this until the
dragon came. Like a great storm, it carved its way
through the city- leaving a wake of ruin and flame. The
city was destroyed - its people scattered and killed. Not
even the hidden network of tunnels survived. But, one
goblin stood upon the city wall, and watched the carnage.
Not in fear, but in awe. 'One day', thought Snuff, 'I shall
have this power too!' He stole away, fleeing with the
refugees of the calamity, and fell in with a group of
adventurers. Throughout his travels, he took every
chance to become like the dragon he so revered. Rumors
persist of his death, but adventurers still speak of a
cackling little monster lying in the shadows, waiting.
Mantle of the Rattledrake. In his travels, Snuff has
acquired a Mantle of the Rattledrake - an enchanted
cloak made from the wing of a Rattledrake, that allows
him to glide and fall from great heights - just like a
dragon! Snuff is never without it, however if it is forcibly
removed, he is no longer able to use Falling with Style,
Spiked Mantle or Safe Fall.
Teeny, tiny assassin. Snuff is a skulking and agile
killer. He darts between shadows, hides in crates, and
leaps from buildings onto unsuspecting foes. Very rarely
will an adventurer know from which direction Snuff will
Not just a name. Snuff has a strange ability few can
explain. Whether he imbibed a potion, is secretly a holy
cleric or even just the combination of plentiful bacteria in
his mouth causes strange effects - Snuff's saliva has
healing properties! By ernestly and fervantly licking a
wound, he can mend and stitch flesh. Though of course,
many would instead prefer to suffer the wound.

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