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"Have you been good this year?

Or do I need to fetch my sack of coal?"

The famous Santa Clause is a jolly, lovable and joyous
figure - spoken of highly throughout the land by children
everywhere! This kindly figure is renowned for his annual
visits, spreading joy, cheer and even gifts to good little
girls and boys. Though Santa is a generous and
benevolent figure, he is not defenseless, and he is not
above dispensing justice or punishment when he deems
it necessary.
Generous. Santa spends every year in his workshop
crafting all manner of toys for children, and even
enters the homes of good children to leave them gifts.
Magical and Mysterious. It is often wondered how
Santa makes his deliveries. Some say he comes
down the chimney, however he still manages to visit
those without a fireplace! It is evident Santa is some
kind of powerful caster, and seems to be able to get in
Rules as written. Santa is a stickler for the rules -
often advising children to listen to their parents and to
behave. Santa has even been known to deliver coal to
naughty children - and as for naughty adventurers...
well, they tend to get harsher punishments. The true lord of the north

Lair Actions Regional Effects

When fighting inside his lair, Santa can invoke the The region containing Santa’s workshop is affected by
ambient magic of his workshop to take lair actions. the magical nature of it, generating one or more of the
following effects.
On Initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Santa takes - Aurora Borealis lights up the night sky overhead,
a lair action to cause one of the following effects; creating bright light conditions during night hours in a
Naughty. All creatures within the lair that are 1 mile radius of the workshop.
enemies of Santa are affected by a bane spell (no - All surfaces are covered in snow, and snow falls
saving throw) until the end of the round. Santa can’t lightly within a 1 mile radius of the workshop. This
use this lair action again until he has used a different does not affect terrain or lighting conditions.
one. - The laughter of children can be heard on the wind
Nice. All creatures that are allies of Santa are within 1 mile of the workshop.
effected by a bless spell until the end of the - On Christmas each year all children receive a gift
round. Santa can’t use this lair action again until he that magically appears beneath a tree or similar icon
has used a different one. in their dwelling. This ability has no distance limits.
Full Steam Ahead. All of the workshop’s features
activate – conveyors, machines, and If Santa dies, all regional effects fade over the course
overworked miniature fey – creating a frenetic of 3d10 days.
environment of chaotic activity. All surfaces in the
workshop become difficult terrain until a different lair
action is activated. Santa is immune to this effect.

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