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food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186

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Beer dealcoholization using non-porous

membrane distillation

M. Purwasasmita, D. Kurnia, F.C. Mandias, Khoiruddin, I.G. Wenten ∗

Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this present work, performance of non-porous membrane distillation method is inves-
Received 11 June 2014 tigated during beer dealcoholization process. A thin-film composite polyamide membrane
Received in revised form 6 is used as membrane module while a commercial beer product with 5%-volume ethanol
December 2014 is used as feed. The results indicate that non-porous membrane distillation can be used
Accepted 2 March 2015 to dealcoholize beer without losing the other nutrients and flavoring components such as
Available online 6 March 2015 maltose and glycerol. The increase of feed pressure and vacuum pressure can improve mem-
brane flux due to higher permeability. However, membrane selectivity is decreased with the
Keywords: increase of vacuum pressure. The membrane flux and ethanol concentration in perme-
Dealcoholization ate are 0.15–0.76 L/m2 h and 3.66–4.64%-vol., respectively. Meanwhile, there are no specific
Beer sequences on the maltose concentration in the effect of operating conditions. The slight
Non-porous membrane loss of maltose in the dealcoholized beer can be attributed to adsorption phenomena in
Membrane distillation membrane surface thus membrane flushing may be conducted to recover it. The glycerol
Non-alcoholic beer behavior in dealcoholization process is similar to maltose. Some glycerol compounds are
Polyamide found in the permeate stream but all of them are less than 0.005%-vol. At 3000 mbar feed
pressure and 580 mbar vacuum pressure, the flux of membrane is 0.69 L/m2 h with 3.70%-vol.
and 4.60%-vol. of ethanol concentration in dealcoholized beer and permeates side respec-
tively, no maltose and only 0.001%-vol. glycerol in permeate side. A long run operation for
beer dealcoholization using these operating conditions can reduce the alcohol content from
5%-vol. to 2.45%-vol. in 6 h.
© 2015 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Non-alcoholic beers can be produced by interrupting the

fermentation process of beers (Kunze, 1999). Another alter-
The market of non-alcoholic beer keeps increasing in the last native process for low-alcoholic beverages is ethanol removal
few years because there are regulations concerning health and from a completely fermented beverage. The alcoholic contents
religion issues (Catarino and Mendes, 2011a,b). Non-alcoholic removed from the beer can be used for various uses and
beer is a beer with very low (<0.1%) or no alcohol content not considered as waste. One of the usage for the alcoholic
(Perpète and Collin, 2000). In most of the EU countries beers contents is for bioethanol fuel. However, most of these meth-
with low alcohol content are divided into alcohol free beers ods produce beers which lack nutrient and flavoring content
(AFB) containing ≤0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV), and to low- compared to normal beers.
alcoholic beers (LAB) with no more than 1.2% ABV (Montanari In order to dealcoholize alcoholic beverages without reduc-
et al., 2009). AFB and LAB have been produced and distributed ing the aroma and flavor contents, researchers consider the
widely in America and some European countries. Both AFB usage of membrane methods which are permeable only for
and LAB are valued with higher price than normal beers. alcohol such as osmotic membrane distillation (Varavuth

Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 818620014; fax: +62 22 2511404.
E-mail address: (I.G. Wenten).
0960-3085/© 2015 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186 181

et al., 2009; Gostoli, 1999; Liguori et al., 2013a,b), dialysis mem-

Table 1 – Anker Bir main compositions.
brane (Branyik et al., 2012), pervaporation membrane (Tan
Compounds Concentration Retention time (min)
et al., 2005; Takacs et al., 2007; Catarino and Mendes, 2011a,b;
del Olmo et al., 2014), nanofiltration membrane (Labanda et al., (%-vol.) (g/L)
2009; Catarino and Mendes, 2011a,b), reverse osmosis (Branyik
Ethanol 5.00 12.06 21.965
et al., 2012; Catarino et al., 2006; Gil et al., 2013; Pilipovik and Maltose 1.01 9.43 8.932
Riverol, 2005), and membrane contactor (Liguori et al., 2010; Glycerol 0.02 0.23 13.659
Diban et al., 2008, 2013). Water 93.97 936.9 19.426
Membrane distillation method is a separation process
that is energy efficient compared to other methods such as
reverse osmosis or distillation. Membrane distillation has var-
ious advantages such as: 100% theoretic rejection of ions,
thin-film composite with 0.37 m2 surface area is used. The
colloids, biological cells, and non-volatile components; low
maximum operation temperature and pressure for this mem-
operation temperature, low operation pressure, less chemi-
brane is 45 ◦ C and 10 bar, respectively.
cal interactions between membrane and process fluids, less
vapor gap than distillation, and simple membrane mechanical
characteristics. Even though membrane distillation has many 2.2. Methods
advantages, this system also has many limitations, such as
the feed solution must be dilute enough to avoid membrane The membrane distillation system is described in Fig. 2. This
wetting (Lawson and Lloyd, 1997). system is operated in batch mode operation. The beer feed
Membrane distillation is one of thermally based membrane (3.1 L) is contained in a feed tank which is circulated by a
processes in which the membrane is not directly involved in pumping system into the membrane module. The stream is
separation and acts as barrier between two phases. Selectiv- split into permeate stream that permeates through the mem-
ity is determined by the vapor–liquid equilibrium thus the brane and contains mostly alcohol and water and the retentate
component with the highest partial pressure has the high- stream that contains dealcoholized beer with reduced alco-
est permeation rate (Mulder, 1996). For example, in the case hol contents. The retentate stream is then recirculated into
of an ethanol/water mixture where the membrane is not wet- the feed tank and the permeate stream is then flowed onto a
ted, both components are transported through the membrane. chiller by the help of vacuum pumping system. The alcohol
However, since the ethanol has higher vapor pressure, the per- contents are condensed in the chiller system.
meation rate of ethanol is always relatively higher. Before the experiment is started, it is necessary to wash the
The membrane used in this study is a non-porous mem- membrane distillation system with demineralized water or
brane thus has similar mechanism with pervaporation. The fresh tap water by pouring the water in the feed tank and tur-
permeate is removed as a vapor due to low vapor pressure ning on the circulation pump. The washing is done for about
existing on the permeate side by applying a vacuum pump. 20–30 min and then the membrane distillation system is dried
Since the membrane has dense structure, membrane wetting until all of the water pours out.
is not a drawback of the process. In addition the dense struc- The process is conducted by varying operation conditions
ture provides another advantages for beer dealcoholization both feed pressure in the feed side and vacuum pressure in
which avoid the permeation of other components in the beer. the permeate side. In the feed side, the feed tank is at room
In this study, vacuum membrane distillation method with temperature. Beer is pumped into the membrane module by
non-porous membrane is investigated during dealcoholiza- varying the pressure from 2 to 3 bar (gauge). Meanwhile, in
tion of beer. The vacuum condition is introduced to create a the permeate side, permeate stream is at vacuum condition
driving force for the mass transfer of ethanol which will shift by varying vacuum pressure from 490 to 660 mbar. The vapor
the vapor–liquid equilibrium of ethanol where the evapora- outlet is then condensed in a chiller system (4 ◦ C). Because
tion of ethanol happen followed by ethanol diffusion through water is also permeated through the membrane, the other
the membrane. Non-porous membrane can avoid the loss components of beer will increase in concentration. By assum-
of important components from beer because of diffusion ing no other beer component but ethanol permeates through
through the membrane. the membrane, we must add some makeup water to the feed
tank until the initial beer volume is reached in order to main-
tain the concentration of other components in dealcoholized
2. Materials and methods beer.
In order to identify and analyze the concentrations of var-
2.1. Materials ious components in both permeate and retentate stream, a
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is
The beer used in this research is Anker Bir from PT Delta used with HPLC Waters system and Aminex HPX-87H col-
Djakarta Tbk. The beer main compositions are described in umn. The eluent used for HPLC analytical method is sulfuric
Table 1. There are some peaks detected in the HPLC analysis acid (H2 SO4 ) with 0.6 mL/min flow rate. The operation pres-
results which can be seen in Fig. 1. However the size area of sure for HPLC is 988 psi, and the internal and external (heater)
the peak is too small to be considered major component in HPLC temperature are 40 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C respectively. Quantita-
beer. Therefore, it was analyzed only two nutritious content tive data were obtained by comparing the peak areas of the
of the beer, maltose and glycerol. The other trace compo- compounds with those of standards of known concentrations.
nents are not included in the table because it is undetected The experimental samples (both permeate streams and reten-
in the HPLC analysis, thus they can be ignored. A commer- tate streams) were collected for about 10 mL on the end of each
cial spiral wound non-porous membrane, TW30-1812-75 from run, stored in a refrigerator with cool condition (±4 ◦ C) and
DOW Filmtec (Dow Chemical Company) made from polyamide were analyzed using HPLC method.
182 food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186

Fig. 1 – Peaks detected in HPLC analysis of fresh Anker Bir.

3. Results and discussion see that the permeate flux is proportional with both feed pres-
sure and vacuum pressure.
3.1. Results The maltose concentration in retentate stream is shown in
Fig. 4. It is shown that there are no specific sequences on the
All of the experimental results are summarized in Table 2. It is maltose concentration in the effect of operating conditions.
shown from Table 2 that ethanol concentrations are reduced However, most of the concentration is lower compared to the
in all experiment compared to their initial concentration in fresh beer (1.01%-vol.) and there are no maltose detected in
fresh beer (see Table 1). On the other wise, ethanol are found the permeate stream. The relationship between glycerol con-
in permeate stream with higher concentration than those centration (%-vol.) in the retentate stream with feed pressure
in retentate. Meanwhile, concentration of other components, and vacuum pressure is depicted in Fig. 4. The figure shows
namely maltose and glycerol are slightly reduced in retentate that the plot of glycerol concentration and maltose concen-
and very small concentration even undetected in permeate tration in retentate stream are the same. It is found that the
(for maltose). The results indicate that the non-porous mem- glycerol behavior in this dealcoholization process is similar
brane distillation is effective to remove ethanol from beer to maltose. But there are some glycerol compounds found in
while retains its nutrients (maltose, glycerol, and other unde- the permeate stream but all of them are less than 0.005%-
tected sugars, organic acids, esters, etc.). The operational vol.During the long run, the sample from the retentate stream
condition we wanted to get is a condition which yields high is taken. The concentration profile of ethanol in the retentate
flux and low nutritious content in the permeate stream, and stream in relationship with time is shown in Fig. 5.
also low alcohol and high nutritious content in the retentate
stream. From Table 2, it is shown that ethanol concentration 3.2. Discussion
in the retentate stream mostly increases with increase vac-
uum pressure which means that the dealcoholization process At higher vacuum level, volatile components can evaporate
is less successful. and migrate through membrane easily. Therefore, it reduces
In Fig. 3, the permeate flux and ethanol concentration in membrane selectivity. However, in the 2500 mbar feed pres-
ethanol stream for each experimental run are shown. We can sure condition we can see that the ethanol concentration in

Fig. 2 – Membrane distillation system diagram.

food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186 183

Fig. 3 – Effect of feed pressure and vacuum pressure on permeate flux and ethanol concentration in permeate stream

Fig. 4 – Maltose and glycerol concentration in retentate.

Fig. 5 – Profile of ethanol concentration (%-vol.) in retentate and permeate stream.

184 food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186

retentate stream decreases with increasing vacuum pressure

which is different from the other feed pressure conditions.

It possibly implies that feed pressure contributes to volatile
components permeation (or diffusion) from bulk phase into
membrane phase while the evaporation effect is provided by
Selectivity, S*

vacuum pressure thus combination of both parameter should

be adjusted appropriately. Non-porous membrane distillation

has similar process to pervaporation. In pervaporation, there

are three steps in sequence which involves in the process:
(i) selective sorption into the membrane on the feed side, (ii)
selective diffusion through the membrane, and (iii) desorp-
tion into a vapor phase on the permeate side (Mulder, 1996).
P (L/m2 h bar)

The selectivity is determined by membrane characteristics

and operation conditions that suitable for components separa-
tion. It is known that vapor pressure of each components are
different that makes them separated from the others which
is controlled by the vacuum pressure. Hence, the vacuum
pressure should be adjusted properly to obtain high selectiv-
ity. It is also shown that the bigger the feed pressure, there

will be lower ethanol concentration in the retentate stream,


which shows that feed pressure increases the permeability

Permeate (%-vol.)

of ethanol. The lowest concentration of ethanol in retentate

stream is achieved by 3000 mbar feed pressure and 660 mbar


vacuum pressure (3.67%-vol.) which is closely followed by the


same feed pressure with 630 mbar vacuum pressure (3.69%-

The increase on both feed and vacuum pressure also
increases the permeability of both ethanol and water through

the membrane thus improves the flux. On the experimen-

tal run with 2000 mbar feed pressure and 660 mbar vacuum
pressure, the permeate flux is zero because there are no fluid
on the permeate stream. It is shown that this condition is

insufficient for ethanol and water to permeate through the

membrane. Meanwhile, the highest permeate flux is achieved

Retentate (%-vol.)

in 3000 mbar feed pressure and 490 mbar vacuum pressure

(0.76 L/m2 h) since it provides the highest driving force – high-

est pressure difference – for permeation across the membrane.

Table 2 – Membrane dealcoholization: experimental conditions and results.

The maltose concentrations in the retentate are lower com-

pared to the fresh beer (<1%-vol.) and there are no maltose
detected in the permeate streams. The loss of maltose is

probably attributed to adsorption phenomenon of maltose on


membrane surface. In membrane filtration, some particles

could interact with the membrane by adsorption or locating

in pores which can be both surface and internal interactions
(Chen et al., 1997). Since the membrane used in this study is
Flux (L/m2 h)

a non-porous membrane, the results possibly indicate there

is interaction between maltose and membrane surface which

then adsorbed maltose onto membrane. Therefore, in order

to recover maltose contents in dealcoholized beer, membrane
flushing should be conducted. Generally, the increase of vac-
uum pressure does not influence the maltose concentration
Vacuum pressure

in retentate stream since there are no maltose content in per-

meate stream as indication. However, the increase of maltose

M, maltose; G, glycerol; E, ethanol.

concentration as shown in Fig. 4 is mostly affected by perme-


ation of other components. Even though glycerol is considered

as non-volatile component, some of the glycerol still can
permeate through the membrane. This phenomenon can be
S = Epermeate /Eretentate

associated to the size of glycerol molecule (MW = 92.09 g/mol)

which is slightly different than ethanol (MW = 46.07 g/mol)
Feed pressure

thus it still has the possibility to permeate through the non-

(mbar gauge)

2500 (P2.5)
2500 (P2.5)
2500 (P2.5)
2500 (P2.5)
2500 (P2.5)

porous membrane.
2000 (P2)
2000 (P2)
2000 (P2)
2000 (P2)
2000 (P2)

3000 (P3)
3000 (P3)
3000 (P3)
3000 (P3)
3000 (P3)

From all of the experimental runs, it is found that the

optimum condition is 3000 mbar feed pressure and 580 mbar

vacuum pressure. This condition gives a high flux (0.69 L/m2 h)

food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186 185

Fig. 6 – Comparison between short run (2.5 h) and long run (6 h) of permeate and retentate concentration (first letter:
M = maltose, G = glycerol, E = ethanol; second letter: R = retentate, P = permeate).

and also good ethanol separation which can achieve 3.70%- reverse osmosis – high energy consumption. Dealcoholization
vol. and 4.60%-vol. ethanol concentration in the retentate and of beer was done using pervaporation membrane and spinning
permeate stream, respectively. As indicated by Table 2, this cone column distillation to obtain ethanol content less than
condition provides the highest permselectivity, P.S, perme- 0.5%-vol, then the aroma of the beer was recovered to obtain
ability times selectivity. Performance comparation of long run dealcoholized beer with good flavor profile (Catarino and
(6 h) and short run (2.5 h) operation are shown in Fig. 6. From Mendes, 2011b). This combination process could be complex
Fig. 6 we can see that there are no significant difference on since involving two different processes. Osmotic distillation
the flux (which are around 0.69 L/m2 h) as well as for ethanol technique was used to reduce ethanol content in wine from
and glycerol concentration in permeate stream. The differ- 13%-vol. to 8.71%-vol. and 13.2%-vol. to 8.1%-vol. (Varavuth
ence of the long run and the short run is the concentration et al., 2009). Aroma components were significantly lost dur-
in retentate stream, wherein all of the components concen- ing the operation of osmotic distillation. The lost of aroma
tration decrease. During the long run operation, the ethanol components could be attributed to porous membrane used.
concentration in retentate stream is lower than those encoun- Polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor (Liqui-Cel,
tered in short run operation due to long permeation time. A Extra-Flow 4×28, Celgard X50) was used for dealcoholiza-
similar trend is also found for maltose concentration. How- tion of Aglianico wine from 12.8%-vol. to less than 0.5%-vol.
ever, concentration reduction of maltose in retentate stream ethanol content through five cycles of process (Liguori et al.,
during long run operation is associated with adsorption as 2010). There are major changes in the beer aroma (Liguori
previously explained. et al., 2010). Similar process using polypropylene (PP) hollow
The concentration profile of ethanol in the retentate stream fiber membrane contactor (Liqui-Cel® Extra-Flow 2.5 in. × 8
can be approached with exponential regression as follows: in., 1.4 m2 , Celgard) was used for reducing ethanol content
in wine (10–13%-vol. ethanol content) to 2%-vol. and no sig-
CER = 0.0499 · exp(−0.119t) (1) nificant changes of beer aroma occurred (Diban et al., 2008).
Two red wines with 14.8%-vol. and 16.2%-vol. ethanol content
where CER is the ethanol in retentate stream (%-vol.) and t were partially dealcoholized by reverse osmosis, reducing the
is time (h). The ethanol concentration in both retentate and ethanol content as much as 1%-vol. and 2%-vol. (Gil et al.,
permeate stream gradually decreased with time. During the 2013). No statistically significant differences were found in
6 h operation, there is significant decrement of the ethanol pH, color intensity, total phenolic index, proanthocyanidin
concentration in retentate stream. The ethanol concentration concentration (Gil et al., 2013). The results indicate that mem-
in the beer after 6 h run reaches 2.45%-vol. In the permeate brane distillation has some advantages compared to some of
stream, the ethanol concentration does not decrease signifi- other technologies since there are almost no nutrients and
cantly. The ethanol concentration in permeate stream is down flavor components of the beer permeated through the mem-
to 4.52%-vol. Ethanol content in the beer decreases within brane. However, in the range of operation condition during this
time as well as the ethanol permeation which explains the study, the permeate flux is still low. Thus, further development
decrement of ethanol concentration in the permeate. for dealcoholization using non-porous membrane distillation
The results of some similar researches focusing on the is needed to improve membrane permeability and selectivity.
dealcoholization process of alcoholic beverages, such as wine
and beer are as follows. Ethanol content in wine was reduced 4. Conclusions
from 12%-vol. to 5%-vol. using nanofiltration and reverse
osmosis membrane (Catarino and Mendes, 2011a). Aroma of It was demonstrated that non-porous membrane distillation
the wine changes, but aroma compound recovery was done can be used to dealcoholize beer without losing the other
using pervaporation membrane (Catarino and Mendes, 2011a). nutritive and flavoring components in beer such as maltose
However, high pressure is required for nanofiltration and and glycerol. The results indicate that non-porous membrane
186 food and bioproducts processing 9 4 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 180–186

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