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Youth unemployment hampers meaningful economic development.

There are no secrets to

success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

It is amazing that you can gain more knowledge, ideas, insight and background in choosing what
course you are going to take in college. Experience gives us the tests first and the lessons later. This
experience helps me on how to be a responsible, a better person and a successful professional someday.
The lesson that I gained is how to be tough, have perseverance in doing the activities that my teacher
assigned. Even if you feel tired and your neck was aching, you still need to act that you are okay.
However, it is still enjoyable because you can talk with the people around you. They really taught me
something about being one family. As one family, they continue to fight together side by side through
the difficulties and struggles that they would encounter with support and help from each other.

In line with the passive society, and being in the 21st Century, it is truly viable to have a shift in
the academic curriculum that the Philippines has. This is why, the government have established
Republic Act No. 10533, or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or more known as the K-12
Law. Until this law’s enactment, the Philippines was the only country in Asia and one of only three
countries worldwide, together with Angola and Djibouti, with a 10-year pre-university cycle. The
enhanced basic education program covers at least one year of kindergarten, six years of elementary
education and six years of secondary education, broken down into four years of junior high school and
two years of senior high school. One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop
in learners the competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or
joining the world of work. To achieve greater congruence between basic education and the nation’s
development targets, Work Immersion, a required subject has been incorporated into the curriculum.
This subject will provide learners with opportunities: to become familiar with the work place; for
employment simulation; and to apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in
authentic work environments. As such, On-the-job training is a form of training taking place in a
normal working situation. It helps students to gain knowledge by performing in the real working
environment. It is essential to get students to understand how to perform their job correctly. Colleges
require their students to experience such training in a certain total number of hours. For the students,
an on-the-job training gives opportunities to go through and explore the particular job by the means of
equipment and credentials. The real working environment turns out to be a development site for the
trainee to be trained more about their selected field and run through what they have studied from the
college. On the other hand, an OJT program also profits establishments who acknowledge trainees.
Interns can support and assist normal employees to help minimize their labor activities. The trainees are
also a good way to help employees of the company to extend their patience when it comes to training
the interns on how to handle their work. The management also trains them how to share what they
know and be open to questions. Therefore, the internship also becomes a way in training for
possible supervisors or executives of the company. Work Immersion may be considered as an
opportune moment for reason that everyone is able to learn strategies, methods and approaches in the
future professions of the students. Thus, this may be the best way to hit two birds in one stone.
Knowledge and experience is relevantly significant to students for these things armored them in the
future. Knowledge regarding their workplace, different is important for the students for they can
acquire ideas. The importance of Work Immersion to the Senior High School students gives a
multifaceted experience to learn. Thus, this kind of program is intended for growth in knowledge and
experience by the future professionals. This plays a role for improvement and for realization of
educational, experiential and developmental goals. As such, the Marian Learning Center and Science
High School Inc. came up with the very first On-Campus Work Immersion held from November 4,
2019 until November 15, 2019 which consisted of 10 days, and has a duration of 8 hours per day,
which totals to 80 hours that is prescribed by the DEPED.

The Work Immersion program is exclusive for the Grade 12 students for the purpose of gaining
an experience like this and gaining knowledge on the field they are interested in. This program is a pre-
requisite for graduation. Being a group of students, inexperienced on being on this program, the group
helps each other to successfully done the project. The group rendered their full efforts and supports for
the realization of the intended act. In cognizance to the vital and current aim of education on 21st
century teachers, the students aimed on extending the acquisition of knowledge from classroom setting
to converge systematize program addressing their own needs to become more aware of the changes in
the society This program manifests the ideals of GLOBALLY COMPETENT STUDENTS.
Briefing is designed to provide information quickly and effectively which is needed to clarify
the constituent parts and provide insights so that the key points would be placed in consideration. In
doing so, not all details are presented depending on the appropriate information needed by certain
audiences. It is of great importance to provide them with the facts that are concise, factual, clear,
substantiated, and unbiased, making sure that they are clear and easy to understand.

With this in mind, the Grade 12 students of Marian Learning Center and Science High School
Inc. (MLCSHSI) were able to brainstorm what lies ahead of them in entering the immersion program of
the curriculum. A pre-immersion seminar was held at
the dance studio of MLCSHSI, October 16, 2019,
involving all of the Grade 12 students and their
advisers. This was facilitated by selected Humanities
and Social Sciences (HUMSS) who were ought to be
deployed to Human Resources (HR) Department of
the school.

The Department of Education released a new

memorandum pertaining to work immersion’s environment. From the past programs, they observed a
flaw which is irrelevant work given for the trainees. Instead of them learning through observation of
the work proper, they become assistants.

Even in the region where it is said that they perform work immersion program the best, exhibits
this flaw. The students master not the essentials for the profession they will take. Even though they get
the privilege to go to big companies that partner with the institution, trainees are not given the chance
for hands on operation with the equipment and practice basic procedures with patients available around
their area. This system was modified and now dedicated in giving more appropriate experience for the
students given their intended course in college.

This new
that the
will learn is of their line of work. Not only will this assure skills but also strengthen their drive on why
they chose their course. Even if it is in-campus, is still involves practitioners and professionals outside
the campus. The student trainees get to see them on their field and environment, get to talk and ask
them relevant questions. If there is a basic procedure that they can

perform, they can be able to do it with the aid of the professional. The school’s partners would give
way for this to happen, thus gives the trainees their respective training ground.

Aside from pre-immersion seminar, a day after the

pre-immersion seminar, before concluding the immersion
proper, they also conducted a Korean Language Seminar.
With the same staff, they raised awareness that the students
should be literate when it comes with foreign language.
Mrs. Aurea Javier led the train of thoughts regarding to
why should the trainees-to-be should learn Korean
language when there are plenty of other languages to
choose from.

First, she emphasized that this is not about going with the trend of Korean Pop or KPop culture
but is about business and work purposes. Batangas City is surrounded by many Korean companies who
are hiring many Filipinos to either work at a power plant here, tutor in or outside the country, or maybe
sent to Korea to work there. With the help of getting to know the culture of the Koreans, many
Filipinos would be employed by those companies.

She has been tutoring for some time now and

the results were nothing but success. Many of her
students are either currently working at Korea and
comes back from time to time, or currently working
but settled for a residency in Korea. Seeing her
students has filled a great joy in her heart for she
knows that she helped in providing them their

By imparting the knowledge of the Korean culture to senior high students, they will have a
chance for a global market job and would gain a high percentile of preparedness upon entering the
Korean market affairs. This would therefore affect the country’s economy and social status.
Furthermore, this strengthens the relationship of Korea and the Philippines and would lead to opening
of more jobs inside and outside the country, investing trust and manpower.
Pre-Immersion Seminar

Korean Language Seminar

The following photographs

were taken during the Pre-
Immersion Seminar and
Korean Language
Seminar last October 16-17,
2019 at MLCSHSI
Dance Studio.
To test if the students were able to apply the tips given to them at the recently concluded
seminars, the school conducted a job interview for each department before their actual work or
deployment. This is to make the students feel that they are really in the field of work where there is no
shortcut. The only way to gain the job is to pass the interview and be able to pass the requirements
needed by the company.

They accomplished the paper works at

home and was brought at the day of the
interview which is November 4, 2019. The
students were all dressed in their corporate
attire, looking decent, they undergo an intense
interview that lasted for half a day for all the

This was first led by the teachers then was joined by the HR Department staff. They sought to
find out the weakness and strengths of the applicant not only on what they say but also on their attitude
when answering. It is important to look smart when being questioned by the company’s panel of

Aside from looking decent, they also must be dignified as they answer for this adds up to extra
hiring points. They also must exhibit great emotional attachment with the school (the company they are
applying for) since they will deal with its endeavors for two weeks.

This has ensured that every student has been immersed to the world of job application, opening
their minds that applying for a job is not a joke, and everyone must be accounted to give effort in doing
so in the future. This has also been a glimpse on how it feels being interrogated with your own identity
based on the resume you have given, and judging your capacity and characteristics by how you act.
Job Interview (November 4, 2019)

Medical trainees are not permitted to do procedures that require professional skills thus, being
deployed to the school clinic helped them experience the basic things to do like taking the vital signs of
the patients and treating simple illnesses they possessed at that time being.

The first day consisted of a small orientation regarding the work proper. The Nurse-in-charge,
Nurse Flores, or as we call Mommy Nurse, guided us all throughout the session. We familiarized the
station that we are going to stay for two weeks. The trainees get to know the nurse and shared stories
about why they chose to be in the Medical field when the majority of the stem students are in the
Engineering field. We have different reasons why we took this career path, but we all had a common
denominator, we are ready to commit our time and efforts to pursue this dream.
As our daily routine in the morning, we always have our daily lecture that discuss on us by
Nurse Flores. We learned how to get the vital signs, basic first aid, Body Mass Index, the oxygen
administration, the emergency response and short distance transfer, kinds of bandages, wounds,
condition and ailments. After we catch up our lessons, we usually take our rounds in the school to
apply all the learnings that we obtained. We did countless vital checkup and mastered the art of getting
the blood pressure of our patients.

The limited resources of the school when it comes to medical practices led for an Industry Visit.
We first visited Office of Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) and had a short orientation with Dr. Alfrayzar
C. Mulsid about the different opportunities we can have in the near future inclined to medicine. We had
an insight about the years we will spend studying medicine as well as the salary we can get. We’ve
learned that it is hard to take medicine courses because it takes time, effort, money and sacrifice. After
the first visit, our adviser—Mr. Darwin S. De Castro—divided us into two batches. The first batch went
to Alangilan Health Center last November 11,2019 to have their observation regarding to women’s
pregnancy. They experienced hearing the baby’s heartbeat inside the mother’s womb. On the other
hand, the second batch went to the Alangilan Health Center two days after the first batch. Mrs. Lanie
Ebora—the midwife—toured us to facilities of health center and discussed us how to use the
equipment. We also witnessed the immunization of the babies in their barangay. We also had our
dental visit to Dra. Ma. Pillar Magpantay’s clinic.

The school held a program entitled “Care and Share 2019”, were the medical students are
assigned for their last task to give a vital check up to the participants. Even though that is the last day of
work immersion, we seized every moment that we are together. We are all fulfilled knowing that we
make someone happy in our own little ways. Those ten days are indeed a blast for all the STEM
MEDICINE students.

Overall, we realized that work immersion taught us to be more open to our colleagues and treat
them as a true family. We are overwhelmed to spend those ten days to the deserving ones.

Visit at OSCA with Dr. Muslid

True success is helping other people, as before the immersion start we met 2 amazing people
that teaches us things that we must do especially when we are working. It is such a privilege to us that
we understand things like that. With the help of Mr. John Carlo Paita we understand that in everything
we do we must not be selfish especially when you are working, that we must consider na proper
etiquette always second is when we met Mrs. Aurea Javier that teaches us and brought us to a different
place which is korea. She teaches us some basic letters on how we will spell things in korean and some
basic words to speak. More than that she taught us the culture and traditions that little of us know.

Having a work immersion helps us to be sure in the track or course we want to achieve. Also it
helps us to prepare for the future ahead of us. It become our steppingstone and a start in pursuing our

As each day pass we visited

different places that are incline to the
course we choose which is the medical
field. We met different people with
different specialty. One is Dr. Alfrazar
Mulsid that teaches us about different
courses that we can take in college and
share with us some inspiring stories on
how people succeed in their chosen field.
Second is Mrs. Lanie Ebora she is a
midwife she shown us things we must
consider if we will conduct a check up
to the pregnants and she let us hear the
heart beat of the baby in the mother’s
belly. Third is Dra. Maria Magpantay
she is a dentist, She let us visit to her
dental clinic and let us watch on how she
conduct the removal of the nerve in a
tooth and adjusting of braces.

All in all My reflection in the

immersion is that being in medical
field is tiring but satisfying because in
our industrial visit i saw how the doctor’s in their specific job help people when it comes to their
health, also i experience how to conduct a heart rate and bp to other people.
“Fill your life with experiences. Not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.” Anonymous

For almost 80 hours of having Work Immersion. I could say it was really such a great
experience for me. It gives a lot of knowledge that I can share to others. In Working Immersion we’ve
shared all of the struggling, sacrifices, laughter, happiness and knowledge about something.

Working Immersion is initiated through seminars. The first speaker is Mr. John Carlo A. Paita,
he shared his knowledge about resume and interview. He taught us on what we are going to do in
making resume and some questions that can be asked in interview. The second speaker is Mrs. Aurea
C. Javier, she discussed about Korean language, cuture, tradition and their history. It is very exciting ,
because I’ll learned on how to read and write Korean language that helps me a lot for me to understand
my Kpop bias. On the other day, we interviewed by HUMSS students, I answered their questions
honestly. After that, we are deployed in our department that we assigned. We are assigned in the clinic
with Mrs. Novelyn Flores. She will be the one who observed and gives works in our work immersion.

We also had visits

in different center, clinic
and office. Our first visit
is in the OSCA
(Office of Senior
Citizen Affairs), Dr.
Alfrayzar C. Mulsid shared
their experience
and knowledge
about the course that
we are taken in college. He
gives me a lot of
background in my course
that gives realization
that was good to be chosen.
We also visit Alangilan
Health Center. I can
still remember
how gentle was Dra.
Lanie Ebora was during
the vaccination.
She’s so kind and so
genuine whenever
she’s injecting the babies. I’ve learned so much. In the afternoon, we also visit the clinic of Dra.
Magpantay, I’ve learned the proper way of removing tooth. She is also kind.

At the 10th day of Work Immerion, I’ll received certificate of completion of 80 hour Immersion
Proper. This experienced is very memorable that I’ll bring in the future. It helps me a lot in preparing
on the next chapter of my life. I will treasure all the things that I’ve learned in Working immersion.
“Experience gives us the tests first and the lessons later.” With this activity that I joined for the
first time, I fully understand why it was called an “immersion.” It was to throw or absorb ourselves into
the situation of others. At first, we have an interviewing to practice the students in the future. Day by
day I felt excited because I learned so many things about medicine also it enhanced my skills just like
getting blood pressure, pulse rate, heart rate and respiratory rate . But the most exciting part of our
work immersion was the travels. Going to different places like in the Senior Citizen Office located at
Mabini Plaza, Dr. Mulsid tangled some courses in medicine field and of course he motivate us to
pursue our dreams and never give up. Second, we go to Alangilan Center to observed how to inject
vaccination to the babies and of course they are so very adorable after that we go to Magpantay Dental
Clinic and Dr. Magpantay discussed how to extraction of tooth and how she cleanse the teeth. Next, our
school do the earthquake drill and we as a trainee we assist Mrs. Flores our Nurse Trainor to give first
aid to the patient. And the last day of
our work immersion Sir
Ronnie Ilagan our school principal
give us certificate to prove that we
finished our immersion and I
felt so sad because I will miss our
trainor also the work we did every

Everybody has an ambition in

his life to do something in
better and different manner. Ambition
mean a strong desire to do or
achieve something in the life. It gives
us aims, objects, goals and targets
of life. And gives us a sense of
direction and motivation
towards our goals in the life. I must
say that this is just a beginning all the
hardship we fell today is just a
sample in medicine field and
I know I still have many struggles to come to be a successful one. And I believed that, once you choose
hope, anything's possible.
“Every new experience brings its own maturity and a greater clarity of vision.” Indira Gandhi
In my first Working Immersion I can say that it was an experience that gives you a lot of
activities and tests that you need to observe first and after that is realization and applying for something
and also the lessons in the reality of life in this world.
The Working Immersion has begun through seminars. The first seminar is about resume and
interview. It leads by Mr. John Carlo A. Paita, the first speaker. He discussed the steps in making
resume and some technique on how to do it easily. He also discussed some questions that will be
asked in our first interview. He gave example questions that helps me a lot. The second seminar is
about Korean language, history, tradition, culture and foods. It leads by Mrs. Aurea C. Javier, the
second speaker. She is very energetic and lively. This seminar are very exciting and enjoyable. I’ll
learned on how to write, read and saying those words. I will also discovered their history and foods.
From this two seminar, I’ll gained a lot of knowledge that I can share to others.
After of two seminars, we interviewed by the HUMSS students and other teachers. I felt nervous
and mixed emotions because this is my first interview. I’ll answered the questions honestly and
applying some tips that I’ve learned in the seminar. After that, we are deployed. We are assigned to the
clinic. Mrs. Novelyn Flores
are the one who observed us and
the one who gives some
activity. She taught us on
how to get Blood Pressure,
heart rate, pulse rate and
respiratory rate. She also
discussed about first aid kit and
on how we apply it. Mr.
Darwin De Castro gives the
first activity that we need to
do, it is the case study. In the
first activity I was challenged.
Because we need to find the
disease or illness that
stated on the problem.
We visit the OSCA
( Office of Senior Citizen
Affairs), Dr. Alfrayzar C.
Mulsid, discussed our
course and the school that
helps us a lot. He gives me
motivation to the course that
I’ve chosen. We also visit in
Alangilan Health Center,
Ms Lanie Ebora shared their
experience as a midwife. She is
very kind and approachable.
We also visit to the clinic of Ms.
Maria Pillar Magpantay. She
discussed about by taking care
of our teeth and show on how she do the process of root canal and the adjustment of braces. She is also
kind and approachable.
On the last day of Work Immersion, I’ll received the completion of 80- hour Immersion Proper.
I am very thankful to God by guiding me to my immersion and to the teachers that challenged me to
faced the reality of life and by giving me hope to the dreams that I want to pursue. And also I want to
say thank you to my fellow students who has been with me in working activities. This Working
Immersion will become part of my story to be told and to be shared. That was a great experience ever!
I once dreamt of holding a paintbrush, painting the wildest imagination I have. I even wanted to
hold a spatula, that I may fill their stomach with art. And ever since I learned how to write, I saw
myself with my pen and paper filled with scratch, a laptop filled with drafts. But as a child, a child of
art, I also saw myself holding a scalpel, piercing through the skin so delicate, pointing the tip with
precision and angle. Yet of all my dreams, I held nothing but faith that with God, I claim the victory
and I will be who He wants me to be.
From the start, I felt anxious, I almost felt cold sweat running all throughout my body as I
gathered myself up for the job interview. I always had trouble on public speaking making me a shy
type kind of person. That has been my weakness until I regained my strength through prayers. I was
careful not to utter answers that may be invalid to answer the question given to. At the end, I was able
to deliver myself well, presented the best of my capabilities, and I was given an identification card
making me an official trainee. My heart was full of tingling butterflies from my stomach. I cannot
contain such joy that I made a promise to myself that I will do everything to achieve my dream.
In the afternoon after the interview, we were called for a meeting at the gym making me jump
outside of my box and start this journey ahead without hesitation. As the principal, along with our
teachers, gives us briefing about our future deployment, I have been wondering how will life inside the
clinic, treating patients would be like. If there is something I am anxious about, it is entertaining guests
and patients. But I know that in this field, I have to be approachable and likable, so that my patients
would not tire themselves out going to their appointments.

Then we were deployed to our

offices. The medical team went to their
post which is the clinic. At first, I was
a bit alarmed about what will we be able
to know here. The equipment is limited,
the medical procedures done are
very few, and it is just in the campus where
there is no change in the environment.
This is where I was wrong. Us being
deployed in the clinic was the best thing
that has happened to us. Not only did we
get to know about vital signs, which are
the basic necessities for first aid, we also
created a bond. Mommy Nurse has
been calm yet still a disciplining teacher
we had. She does not have an experience
with teaching but she taught us so much.
Not only the hands on learning but also the
ethics and attitude we should exhibit in the
We also had appointments with
doctors outside the school. Dr. Muslid
gave us a glimpse on what our chosen
career has in store for us and what should
we do to prepare for it.
Mrs. Ebora showed us around
the Alangilan Health Center where we saw
how the government has been funding the
place. Even though it has not been in the
greatest condition, since the facility is
not enough for the patients, their
accommodation was great that they have
satisfies patients. She showed us how their immunization program works and we saw a bunch of babies
Lastly we visited Dr. Magpantay who showed us how to exract the tooth and how to clean that.
This will mark to me the most because it is the profession I ought to take. I know that God will be me
all though out my journey of taking up Doctor of Dental Medicine. This has been your future Michaela
Shawnaemar Dimaano, D. M. D.

It was the day of opportunities for the entire grade 12 students. I learned a lot from the ten days
of work immersion plus the two days of seminar.
The first speaker, Mr. John Carlo Paita taught us the relevance of work immersion to the job we
will take in the near future. He told us that work immersion helps us--the students-- to become familiar
with the workplace, apply our competencies on areas of specialization or applied subjects in authentic
work environment. Work immersion is a course requirement for graduation. We students should
complete the 80 minimum hours and 320 hours maximum of work immersion. In our case, they just
give us minimum of 80 hours to complete the WI. Doing the work immersion is not exactly working, it
is more on observation. If the class is suspended, work immersion is also suspended but need to have a
makeup class to cover the 80 hours needed. He also told us that company rules and regulations must be
followed. After discussing us about work immersion, Mr. Paita, taught us how to write a resume—the
important job search tool. The purpose of resume is to get us an interview. He told us that when writing
a resume, it should have maximum of 2 pages with the description of information. The first 10-15 lines
must contain the most important parts which are the Summary, Career summary, Professional profile
and Professional highlights We should focus on how to benefit the employer, be clear and straight to
the point.
November 4, 2019, Monday, the start of work immersion of all grade 12 students. This day, we
are about to get our interview but before it start, we all gathered in the gymnasium for the assembly and
for the giving of DTR. We are all in our corporate attire, looking like a totally professionals but despite
of the looks, we are also very nervous. After our job interview, the HR—human resources—department
gave us our ID for the entire work immersion. They also told us where our workplace is. As a STEM-
MED student, I’m assigned to duty in the school clinic.
November 5, 2019, Tuesday, the day
where med students officially starts their
duty. Miss Novelyn Flores or Mommy
Nurse, taught us many things. She guide us all
throughout our work immersion. She taught
us how to get the vital signs: cardiac rate,
pulsed rate, and blood pressure. We
experienced to have a rounds and get the vital
signs of students, teachers and staff in
school. She also taught us how to operate an
oxygen, nebulizer and how to perform a
first aid. We experienced it by cooperating to the
simultaneous earthquake drill. We are assigned to
do the fisrt aid.
On November 13, 2019, Wednesday, we
went to the alangilan health clinic. Mrs.
Ebora, the midwife, toured us to the health
center and taught us how to do the immunization
or also known as vaccination. There are a
lot of babies there. After that, we went to Dr.
Magpantay’ dental clinic. We saw how she
performed extraction to the her patient. We also
saw how she cleaned her daughter’s teeth.
November 15, 2019, Friday, the day were work immersion is finally done. Before WI ends, we
help in the care and share program. It’s fulfilling to help other people. Their smiles are satisfying. In
addition to our overflowing happiness, Sir Ronnie—our principal—told us that we have completed the
minimum of 80 hours WI. We received our certificates.
Those ten days were a blast. It is an unforgettable experienced for all the grade 12
students. We’re learning while enjoying. It is an honor to be in this kind of program. I will definitely
miss the feeling of being a trainee. I’ll also miss the clinic and of course, Mommy Nurs

My work immersion went well and I learned a lot from the two good speakers who share their
knowledge about work immersion and learning a new foreign language about Korean. The first
speaker, Mr. John Carlo Paita taught us about work immersion. I learned about its purpose and the
objectives of having a work immersion. He also discussed on how to write a resume and its format .He
also discussed the basics of job application on how you present yourself in front of your manager. This
speaker emphasized the advantages of having a work immersion in G12 students. The second speaker,
Mrs. Aurea Javier tells the advantages of learning a new foreign language. She discussed many things
about the culture of
Korea. She also teach us on how
to write Korean alphabet.

In my two weeks of
having my work immersion in
school, I’ve learned a lot.
Mommy nurse taught us many
things including on how to get a
vital signs to a person. She also
had a discussion about first aid,
the common ailments and
also the wounds. She
also taught us what to do
when having a first aid to
person. We also had our visit to
alangilan health center. When
we visited there, midwife’s
patient are all pregnant
mommies. I discovered
many things when it comes
to a pregnant woman. We had a talk to a doctor of senior citizen and he discussed about all our courses
that we wish to be. He told us the benefits of having our courses and also the advantages and
disadvantages of it. We also had our visit to Mrs. Magpantay’s dental clinic. She had a patient that
needs that go through a root canal sealing. And her last patient that we encounter is a girl who had her
adjustment for her braces. This 2 weeks of my work immersion helps a lot to know more, do more and
love more about my job. And I will always bring the learnings that I’ve got for these work immersion. I
enjoyed having my job in my school. I love to treat students in a simple way that I can. The memories
that i had with my mommy nurse and my classmates is worth the priceless. It’s a thing that I will
cherish forever. And it’s a learning that I can bring forever.

“Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success", said John Hays Hammond, an
American inventor who is popularly known as the “father of radio control.” In line with this, the work
immersion journey of mine has helped me a lot in honing myself as a productive individual
In a span of one month, from October until now, I can say that I already gained a lot of

knowledge with regards to my dream profession. Let me share you my experiences by attending
seminars offered by our school.
The first seminar that was held was headed by Mr. John Carlo A. Paita. He taught us that
working is not a joke. He taught us that if you want to be a successful worker, you should practice
being in good attitude and being good in socializing your co-workers. One thing I always remember
about the talk of Mr. Paita is that, intelligence and your hard work is considered nonsense if your
attitude is bad. I always keep that in mind during the work immersion, and good results showed. Our
group in the clinic becomes more open to each other because of the trust we commit to each other. We
become happier every day if we come to our work and help each other in the midst of difficult times
and pain.
Next speaker is Mrs. Aurea Javier. She taught us how to speak basic Korean language. Even
though our time with Mrs. Javier is short, we learned a lot from her. Culture, tradition, language and
the behavior of the Korean are some of the areas that Mrs. Javier focused in. She also taught us the
importance of learning Korean language. If we are working with Koreans, it'll be easy for us to
communicate and to adjust because, we learned how to speak and how to communicate with the
Korean people.
The work immersion proper was a blast. It is one of my experiences that I will never forget.
Even though, only gist of having work we experienced, I am so happy and excited to do some work. As
a medical student, we learned the basic work of being a doctor. We learned how to get the blood
pressure, heart rate, pulse rate. Our mommy nurse also taught us the first aid, how to properly put some
bandages to the patient, what are the meaning of oxygen administration, and many more. Also, while
we are rounding around the campus and act like doctors, we also have paperworks we need to do and
pass. We realize that we are actually working and we are actually exerting efforts. This experiences is
one of the best I can always remember even if I already have a work in the future.

As the interview starts for the trainees of this Work Immersion being nervous just like the others
is completely normal but mine was a bit different. I am nervous because I know interviews, I have been
familiarize by the questions and I truly know myself.
If I could describe myself one word, I would not resort into things or what my favorite is maybe
I'd more on what I'm good at but sadly I haven't know what or where I can say 'I really love to do this'
no, not yet.
I don't know if I'm lucky enough, or the HR Department was too good to accept my unreliable
answers to them. I passed, I am really a trainee I wanted to be happy but you know deep inside there's a
doubt on myself, can I really do this? Well I can. Right after the interview, we are deployed in our own
stations, well as y'all know I happen to be in the STEM-Med group. The first day was okay, good for
the start and best for a person like me. The days were smooth and not too difficult it was perfectly
balanced though, we get the chance to rest in the afternoon. As a future medical student working on a
medicine field, big word, we have learned the basic things every person should know. Getting the
blood pressure (where until now I haven't trust my ears fo being so poor listener), getting the pulse rate
and heart rate. We are doing rounds right after the lecture everyday so we can practice more and act
like 'doctors' inside the campus. Mommy Nurse also taught us how to administer oxygen. We
experienced on how to set the oxygen to a patient. Few days after we visited some clinics and learned
some lectures from them, it was a bit tiring but we need to go on. Mommy Nurse also let us to assist on
the Earthquake Drill. It was thrilling, that's our first time but it was not bad for a first timer like us. I
don't know what more plot twists may be pulled off along this immersion anymore, it's about to end.
I may not have
known, still, my special skill
or what career I belong to in the
future but I am happy on what
I did for the past two weeks.
I may have committed mistakes along the way atleast I tried and I learned from my own. I felt sad
knowing a while ago I was annoyed copying notes for the day lecture and now I'm writing this
reflection letter for the closure. Well, time seems to go faster as we grow up but it doesn't mean we
should lag behind and be stuck there. For the record, you can say that med-trainees had an easy
immersion this year, we can tell that also, hooray for that! Just kidding tho, it was hard but because of
faith we build in ourselves, we were able to complete the immersion a little bit late but atleast we still
reach the end. We, Med Students of our Mommy Nurse, believe that success in this two week
immersion comes from having and bearing the faith from ourselves and in God, knowing that He is
above all and having no doubt in Him until the very end. This is me giving my truest words on this
reflection I am working on, I'm gonna miss the bed.
It was the day of multifaceted opportunities for the entire future medical students. This 80 hours
of immersion is helpful and a meaningful experience during Senior High School. It is amazing that you
can gain more knowledge, ideas, insights and background about your future career. I learned a lot from
the two good medical professionals who share their knowledge about their experience in medical field
without any hesitations.
Before starting an Immersion we meet a two good speakers who share their knowledge about
having an Immersion and learning a new foreign language which is the Korean Language. The first
speaker was Mr. John Carlo Paita, he discussed about what is the purpose and the objectives of having
a work immersion. This speaker emphasized the advantages of having an work immersion in Grade 12
students. The second speaker was Ms. Aurea Javier, she discussed about the culture of korea and some
alphabetical letter of Korea or the Hangul.
“You can achieve anything if you believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities! Without a
humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” – Norman
Vincent Peale; Paolo Coelho
It was my mindset before I started doing this immersion. This will help me to encourage myself
to do more and to learn more. Having an Immersion, we need to be ready not just physically but
mentally ready as well. Each of us have our own capabilities and perspective. But having this
immersion I’ve realized that it takes a lot courage, patience, perseverance, to achieve what you really
want to be in the future.
As a STEM student who wants to pursue a medical degree, I have realized that every patient is
important, every medication is important, and every medical treatment is important. In the future, I
want to use my knowledge and skills in helping people who are in need of my help.
In our Immersion,
Mrs. Novelyn Flores
assists us. She shares her
knowledge and skills for
being a Nurse. I was quite
nervous and excited, nervous
because I was too scared
that I think that I can’t do it,
and excited because this is my
dream career. It also
encourages me that it takes a
lot to take up a medical
On the other hand,
we also meet Mr.
Alfrayzar Mulsid he gave us
a broad and comprehensive
talk about taking up a
medical field. He
discussed that taking up a
medical degree wasn’t
easy, it was full of sacrifices
and taking risks. He also said
that it is a long process but
in the end it was fulfilling.
And it inspires me more
to become a doctor.
We also meet Mrs.
Lanie Ebora, the
Midwife of Alangilan health
center. While we are in Alangilan Health Center, we observed the patients of Mrs. Ebora. She checked
up the pregnant woman and searching for the fetal heart rate of a baby. We also meet Mrs.
Magpantay’s Dental Clinic, we also observed the patients of Mrs. Magpantay, the first patient was
undergo on a root canal sealing. And second patient that we encounter is a girl who had her adjustment
for her braces.
A weeks of having an immersion, I’ve realized that there is no easy course, you should learn to
have a lot of patience and it enables you to realize that taking up a medical degree isn’t an easy task.

"Whatever happens, take responsibility", said Tony Robbins. Before the official Work
Immersion 2019 started, two amazing and marvelous persons have given us the gist about the world of
work. I learned a lot from different speakers we've been encountered.
The first speaker is Mr. John Carlo A. Paita. He taught us that working is not a joke. He taught
us that if you want to be a successful worker, you should practice being in good attitude and being good
in socializing your co-workers. One thing i always remember about the talk of Mr. Paita is that,
intelligence and your hardwork is nonesense if your attitude is bad. I always remember that even i
started the work immersion, and a good result happened. Stem Medicine in the clinic becomes more
open to each other because of the trust we commit to each other. We become happier everyday we
comes to our work and help each other in the midst of difficult times and pain.
Next speaker is Mrs. Aurea Javier. She taught us how to speak basic korean langauage. Even
though our time with Mrs. Javier is short, we learned a lot from her. Culture, tradition, language and
the behavior of the korean Mrs. Javier focused in. She also taught us the importance of learning korean
language. Communication is one of the importance of learning korean language. If we are working
with koreans, it'll be easy for us to communicate and to adjust because, we learned how to speak and
how to communicate with the korean people.
The work immersion proper was a blast. It is one of my experiences that i will never forget.
Even though, only gist of having work we experienced, i am so happy and excited to do some work. As
a medical student, we learned the basic work of being a doctor. We learned how to get the blood
pressure, heart rate, pulse rate. Our mommy nurse also taught us the first aid, how to properly put some
bandages to the patient, what are the meaning of oxygen administration, and many more. Also, while
we are rounding around the campus and act like doctors, we also have paperworks we need to do and
pass. We realize that we are actually working and we are actually exerting efforts. This experiences is
one of the best i can always remember even i havey own work in future.
As a whole, working is a very hard, but if you put efforts, dedication, trust, and a good attitude,
all of your hardwork will paid off. I learned that even you are tired on what you are doing, never ever
think about quitting. You are in the world of work, so if you are tired, weak and down, always take
responsibility because no one will be doing it for you. Once you started, finish it with all of your heart.
“The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the
day gets on” – Charles Dickens

A week before our Work Immersion started, I learned a lot from the two well speakers that
shares their knowledge as they enhance our mindfulness in the field of work.
Mr. John Carlo A. Paita, our first speaker who taught us that when it comes to work it’s not
about the skills we know but the attitude we have as a person and as a worker. He help us to be more
familiarize in our working area, and told us the characteristic we should have to become more
successful in life. I also learn the proper work etiquettes to be considered while working. I always put it
on my mind all the information that I learned as I finally started my work immersion in the school
clinic with my co-STEM MED students under the school nurse Ms. Novelyn Flores.
Mrs. Aurea Javier, our second speaker, taught us how to speak the basic Korean language. I
learned that it is better for us to learn a new language especially if its foreign languages, it is because
we not just know their culture and tradition but we also learn that it can be useful for travel and job
opportunities as well as the communication factors of it. Mrs. Javier also taught us how to write in
Korean alphabet which we really found out that it is interesting and fun as well.
Our work
immersion is great
opportunity for us to
experience a lot of things.
As our morning
routine, we always have
our daily lectures that
discussed on us by Ms.
Nurse. We learned how
to the vital signs such as
pulse rate, respiratory
rate, heart rate,
temperature, and the blood
pressure of a person. She
also taught us the basic first
aid responses, how to
properly put the bandages
to an injured person,
common ailments and
condition, the different
types of wounds and
many more. Then, in the
afternoon, we takes our
rounds in the school to
apply of what we learned
that day particularly,
in getting the vital signs of
our patients. I realize that
we are actually
working as medical staff
because of the effort we
exert while doing our
jobs and tasked
assigned to us. We also
have our industry at the
OSCA or Office of the
Senior Citizen Association which we have a short orientation with Dr. Alfrayzar C. Mulsid about the
different opportunities we can have in the near future if we really pursue ourselves working in the
medical field. We also have our industry visit at Alangilan Health Center with Mrs. Lanie Ebora the
midwifery in the center and a day with a dentist with Dra. Marla Magpantay. One of my greatest
experience that I felt while working in this immersion is the moment that I have with my co-med
student especially the connection, the bonding, and closeness we have as a not just a staff but also a
As a whole, I realize that all the lesson that I learned, all the experience and memories I have
and all the exert effort and hard work that I’ve done become a token for me step ahead in the world of
work I’ve enter.

"Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will
succeed in spite of your desire to let go. Dream big and your problems become small.", said Catherine
Pulsifer. Before the official Work Immersion 2019 started, two great persons have given us knowledge
on how to cope up in the field we really desire. I learned so many lessons from different speakers
we've been encountered. Things maybe hard,but atleast you try your very best to achieved your goal.
Mr. John Carlo A. Paita is first speaker who taught us that you need to be more serious at
work,because working is not easy. He taught us that if you want to be a successful one, you should
practice of having a good attitude and being good entertainer to your co-workers. Always remember
that Attitude is more important.Because your attitude can lead you in a better future. There are so many
things that happened in my life because of this immersion,so many possitive results. As the days goes
by we STEM-MED always having a good time.
Next speaker is Mrs. Aurea Javier. She taught us how to speak basic korean langauage. Even
though we only had a short time together, we learned a lot from her. She emphasized the culture of
Korea that is profoundly influenced by Confucian principles and this pervades not only personal lives,
but also business, the tradition include the ethical code of conduct in social life and showing respect to
the elders and family,the language in Korea is also called Hangul and the behavior of korean people
really wonderful.. She also taught us the importance of learning korean language. Learning korean
language is important for us
to communicate with them. If we
are working with koreans,
it'll be easy for us to
communicate and to adjust
because, we now know how
to speak and how to
communicate with korean
The work immersion
proper was a great
experience.It was the day of
opportunities for the entire
future Nursing. I learned a lot
because Mommy Nurse
is ready to share her knowledge
without hesitation on
how to be a good nursing student. As a grade 12 student it is really my memorable experience that I am
going to treasure.
This is the experience that I will never forget. MommyNurse is really kind,She make as feel that we are
already a Professional one. Our MommyNurse taught us on how to get the blood pressure, heart rate,
pulse rate.She also taught us the first aid, how to properly put some bandages to the patient, and many
more. Also, while we are rounding around the campus and act like Registered Nurse.I realize that if
you really love what you are doing your are going to exert more efforts. The challenge that I
encountered here in Immersion will be a great lesson for me.
For my entire experience, working is going to fill a large part of our life,so the only way to be
satisfied is to do what we really desire. I learned that we need to enjoy every minute of our life.We
know that working is really tiring,always remember that there is no substitute for hard work. Never
stop fighting.Because,with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

This 80 hours of immersion is helpful and a meaningful experience of our Senior High School
days. It is amazing that I can gain more knowledge, ideas, insight and background in choosing what
course I’m going to take in college. This experience helps me on how to be a responsible, a better
person and a successful professional someday.
Reflecting back to my first day, we are interviewed by the Hr Department for our job interview. I
remember feeling so excited and a bit nervous at the same time for what was to come; little did I know
how wrong I would be. After being interviewed, on our second day of work immersion we are
deployed to our working place (clinic). Having the immersion was really a good start to experience
how does it feel to be in a work place. My nursing clinical experience presents the opportunity to work
with real patients, learned how to get their blood pressure, body mass index and etc. Experienced work
environments that I want to pursue once I have earned the Bachelor Of Science in Nursing, and learn
how I will work with my fellow nurses, physicians, and other member of health care team. In my case,
I was so to fortunate enough to have my immersion at the clinic of our school because in the strand of
STEM- MEDINE. I am very
much happy because working at
the clinic and spending my
immersion there with my co- med and
especially Mami Nurse, even in just a
short span of time had really opened
my eyes on how fun at the same time,
experienced working at the clinic.
After a few weeks of immersion,
I have realized some things that will
really be useful for my future.  From my
experiences I have learned that they
usually can be won over if you show
them that you are a serious student, there
to learn from them, not to judge the way
they practice. They say life is what you
make of it, well, it is my opinion that
the same is true for clinical
experiences.  The more I as a student
advocate for myself, the more
experiences I gain exposure to, the
better nurse I will be. Be more prepared for my eventual practice and feel more comfortable joining the
professional world. Also more prepared for clinical than I think. I will make mistakes, we all do, nurses
with years of experience still make mistakes. The important thing to do is look at my mistakes, learn
from them, and move forward. Keep a positive attitude and realize that I am learning. Never be afraid
to try a skill again just because I made a mistake, and should in fact force myself into this experience
again, so that I know I can do it.
To sum it all up, I am glad for another experiences that I will treasure the most. There, I have
experienced new things that aren’t familiar with the things I usually do at school. I have met new
people. And learned something.

“Overall it was fascinating. I loved every minute of it.”

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