Feminism and Its Misinterpretations

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Feminism and its misinterpretations

We can define feminism as a political movement and an ideology that seeks for equality in
different fields like economic, political, social and personal for both sexes. If it sounds so
good why so many people are against feminism or they just think it is not necessary? Are
they against it because they disagree of its ideals or just because they don’t know what it is?
Unfortunately most people are not aware of the actual purpose of this movement, the lack
of information about it make very common for people to think that it is the absolute
opposite of machismo*, which is not. Feminism is not about wanting more power than men,
or that feminists hate men, they do not want to rule the world either, they just want same
opportunities, they want to be respected, to be heard, they just want their opinion to count.
Then why is it so difficult for some people to accept it? Some of them say that things were
fine just like they used to be. My grandparents have been married for almost fifty years; my
grandpa has always worked and provided financially for his family, while my grandma has
always been a housewife who took care of the children and had dinner ready at night, in
some occasions mi grandpa beat her and said very bad words to her, she always accepted
that because she thought that’s how it was supposed to be if she did something wrong, she
was taught like that. My grandpa eventually stopped mistreating her when she got tired and
both started to understand feminism. Times have change, but it is not always easy for older
people to change their minds as the time goes by. It is hard to think that there are women
against it, but sadly there are a lot. There was this hashtag on Tumblr
#WomenAgainstFeminism that was used to list some reasons why feminism is not
necessary or even useful, there were some that said “I don’t need feminism because I am
not a man-hater”, “I don’t need feminism because all my friends are men, and they are
nicer” etc. All those reasons had nothing to do with feminism, there is where I understood
that someone who claims to be anti-feminism, have no idea what feminism means!

*Machism: the exaggerated sense of masculinity. Includes an aggressive attitude. The

belief in the right to dominate and control, including, but not limited to, control over

Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share
a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social
equality of sexes
a través de los años el feminismo ha sido un movimiento que ha tomado cada vez más
fuerza, lastimosamente no todos estan enterados cuál es su verdadero propósito y
hablan de el feminismo como algo que no aporta nada positivo a la humanidad

Over the years feminism has been a movement that has taken more and more strength,
unfortunately not all are aware of what is their true purpose and speak of feminism as
something that does not bring anything positive to humanity

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