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Chapter 3 __ Water’s structure and function.

Part 1. Question: Which liquid is most likely water?

Oval is the one that is water
Liquid 1 Liquid 2 Liquid 3 Liquid 4

Boiling Point 100℃ 100℃ 200℃ 212℃

Freezing Point 32℃ 0℃ 10℃ 0℃

Part 2 :FRQ Prompt

A farmer hears a news report regarding a frost advisory for his region. To protect his strawberry plants, he
decides to spray water on the crops prior to the frost that evening and early morning. Using your knowledge of
the structure of water and its properties, justify (AP vocabulary for “make a claim and provide supporting
evidence and reasoning”) the farmer’s reaction to the frost advisory by explaining how one of the emergent
properties of water fit this example.
After the farmer sprays the water on the plants and the water freezes, it releases some extra heat into the
atmosphere and so when the frost comes through at night, this frozen water can provide a sort of
insulation to the plant as due to ice’s ability to float on water and the release of latent heat when it melts,
the sprayed water provides insulation against the frost.
Part 3: Properties of water Choose
2 Properties
1. Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid.
2. Water can absorb a lot of heat.
4. Water molecules are cohesive/adhesive/capillary action/surface tension; use one.
5. Water is the “Universal Solvent”.

To receive full credit you need to:

1. Use water molecules, orient them the right way with the correct name of the bonds and explain how this allows
for the property to exist. In other words, model the property. Create you own Model, don’t just copy and paste
it from a website.
There are many tools you can use; this is called “Jamboard” and it’s a google app. If you click on this link you
should be able to move around the molecules. Make sure to COPY this to your drive before you make any
2. Explain living organisms benefit from this property--do not use one already mentioned in the PowerPoint. Make
sure you include a picture to illustrate the concept.
- Due to surface tensions, animals like beetles can breathe under water. They are able to trap air under a layer of
film, so it creates bubbles so the beetle can breathe.

- Due to water being less dense as a solid than a liquid, many animals can live under the ice in many oceans and
lake. It provides a layer of insulation too.

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