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World War II Study Guide Name_____________________

1. Name the Axis powers and their leaders:

The three main Axis powers were:

• Germany: Der Fuhrer(Leader) Adolf Hitler.

• Italy: Il Duce(Leader) Benito Mussolini.
• Japan: Prime Minister Tojo Hideki.

2. Name the Allies and their leaders:

Stalin for Russia, Churchill for Britian, and Roosevelt for America.

3. The uniting of Austria and Germany against the terms of the Versailles Treaty is
called: Hitler's Foreign Policy

4. The agreement between Germany, England, and France that gave Hitler the
Sudentenland if he promised to not take over any more territory: Munich Agreement
September 29 1938

5. In 1936, Hitler signed this agreement with Japan and Italy against the spread of

6. Laws that denied German Jews citizenship and the right to vote:

7. The German president that made Hitler Chancellor in 1933:

8. An ancient religious symbol that became the emblem for Nazi Germany:

9. The name of the book Hitler ‘wrote’ while in prison:

10. What does the title of the book mean in English:

11. What was the Beer Hall Putsch?

12. What does NAZI stand for?

13. The policy of exterminating a group of people based on race:

14. Germany’s brief attempt at a democracy after the Great War (WWI) was known as
the ______________________ Republic.

15. This country, with a history of military leadership, became a world power after
defeating Russia in 1905:
16. In what country did the fascist movement begin?

17. The violent purge of brown shirts by Hitler’s newer, more elite black shirts (SS –
Storm Troopers) was called:

18. What British Prime Minister left office in disgrace because he “appeased” Hitler’s
quest for territory?

19. Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with this country and agreed to split Poland with
it (Hitler later turned on this ally and invaded it):

20. Great Britain (England) and France declare war on this country after it invades
Poland on Sept. 1, 1939:

21. What do the Jewish people call Hitler’s “final solution”?

22. What laws were passed to keep the U.S.A. out of the growing storm in Europe?

23. President Roosevelt stopped shipments of scrap iron, and later, oil, to this nation,
which may have led to our involvement in WWII:

24. What was the Battle of Britain?

25. What was the name of the pro-German government set up in France?

26. What was the lend-lease deal?

27. What American president was voted into an unprecedented 4th term?

28. Name the British Prime Minister who so valiantly led England in WWII:

29. What U.S. Act of 1938 provided for the building of a 2 ocean navy?

30. What treachery put Germany into a two front war when Hitler broke the Non-
Aggression Pact?

31. What is the Atlantic Charter?

32. “A day that will live in infamy” refers to:

33. Hitler promised his people an empire that would last for a 1,000 years – this is
known as:

34. Hitler’s title:

35. Mussolini’s title: His country:

36. Define Fascism:

37. Define appeasement:

38. Define totalitarianism:

39. Where did the Allies make the Normandy Invasion, and what was the date and code
name for the action?

40. General MacArthur’s vow of “I will return” referred to what country?

41. In what battle did General MacAuliffe reply “Nuts!” when the Germans demanded
he surrender the 101st?

42. What happened to the ‘Battling Bastards of Bataan”?

43. What was the code name for the U.S. development of the atomic bomb in Los
Alamos, NM?

42. Name the conference between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt which gave many
concessions to the Soviet Union (Russia):

43. Out of this conference came the plans for this international body:

44. What group of American citizens was placed in ‘concentration camps’?

45. What group of Americans was responsible for our secret communications?

46. What two minorities were the most decorated in WWII?

47. Who became president when Roosevelt died in office?

48. Who was the Desert Fox and for which side did he fight?

49. Who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and later became
president of the U.S.?

50. What was Operation Torch?

Operation Torch (initially called Operation Gymnast) was the British-American invasion
of French North Africa in World War II during the North African Campaign, started 8
November 1942.

51. Name the two Japanese cities that we dropped the Atomic Bomb upon?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

52. How many people were killed in concentration camps? 11 million

How many were Jews? 6 million

53. Who was Rosie the Riveter?

Rosie the Riveter was the name given to the woman depicted on many of the propaganda

54. What were rationing coupons?

Every man, woman and child was given a ration book for food and had to register
with a grocery store. The grocery store was only given enough food for the people on
their list.

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