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Egg Chasing Drills - Zurich 2006


• Warm Up with any form Tig / Tag. Tunnel Tig & Tail Tig are good, even for Pro’s!

• In 2’s, run around, passing the ball to each other – must be two hands. No spin passes.
• As above but make area smaller.
• Add a ‘clap’ before catching pass.
Introduce Side-steps, Dummy Pass, Calling for the Ball, Showing hands.

• Introduce Swing Pass, perhaps show Spin Pass. In 2’s, simple swing action across body.
• Practice using both sides of the body.
• Walking or Jogging while Swing Passing.
Allow players chance to practice moving without traffic, then with traffic.

• 5m x 5m . 4 v 1. 1 trying to intercept ball. Only need a touch on it.

• 5m x 5m . 4 v 1. 4 trying to touch 1 with ball.
• As above, but player with ball not allowed to move.
Now make it bigger!

• 15m x 15m (22m – 10m lines on pitch). 5 v 4. 4 trying to intercept ball.

The player, who makes the bad pass, joins the 4.
• As above but only 2 handed passes.
• As above but not allowed to pass back to the player who passed to you.
Can add Targets such as 10 passes then change over. Change the shape of the area being used.

• Hawick Ball aka Rammy Rugby. Teams now score at each end by placing the ball on the ground.
 Can pass in any direction but 2 handed passes only.
 One hand touch anywhere below shoulder = change of possession.
 One handed pass, Dropped pass or ball on ground = change of possession.
Adjust touch rule to 2 hands, or even 2 hands below waist.
Socks can be placed on the side of shorts to be pulled out. Posh schools have Tag Belts!!
If too many changes of possession, allow teams 5 attacks / touches, before changing over.
Pitch size and Team size can be adjusted easily to suit class size.

• In 6’s, in a circle. Passing ball to anyone in circle. 2 handed passes.

• Have competition between 6’s, to see how quickly ball can go around circle.
• As above, but 2 or 3 times around circle.
• Turn players around. Make players face outwards.
• Player who starts with ball, passes, then runs around outside of circle, racing the ball back.
• As above, but change player running around circle.
Have promotion / demotion. Players who beat ball move to group who pass quicker.
Make circle bigger / smaller depending on ability.

• In 6’s, passing along the line as jogging forwards. Remind players of Swing pass.
• As above, but only passing backwards.
• Increase speed as ability improves.

At this point, introduce Acceleration onto the ball, Slowing down after passing.
• 5m x 5m . 3 with 3, 2 balls. Both 3’s move across towards each other, passing.
Players will need to look for players on own team and watch out for other team.
• Increase size as players get better / faster.
• The other 3 can now intercept pass if opportunity arises. Must stay in line of 3 though.
Line sizes can be increased, or teams can be sent in waves, continuously across same .

• 5m x 5m . 2 v 1. 2 have to get across , without 1 intercepting ball.

• As above, but remind players of Dummy pass & Side-step. Introduce ‘Drawing the Player.’
If all is going well, put 6’s back together again.

• 10m x 10m . 3 v 2 v 1.
 The 3 attempt to beat the 2. The player who passed should ‘draw in’ one of the 2.
 The attacking 2 left over, now try to beat the 1, and score over the line.
 No tackling, just touch.
All passes should now be backward passes only. Emphasis on 2 handed passing.

• 15m x 15m . 3 v 3. Same rules as Rammy Rugby, but only Backwards passing.
Pitch size and Team size can be adjusted easily to suit class size.


• In 6’s, stand opposite each other in 3’s. One ball between 6.

Run with ball in 2 hands and ‘pop’ ball to player opposite. Repeat.
• As above but place ball into opposite players stomach. Repeat. (‘bread basket’ drill)
• As above but ‘post’ ball into ground, opposite player steps over and picks ball up. Repeat.
Now place a ball at the front of each 3 and repeat the above drills.
Then join 2 groups together, place 3’s in a cross, diagonally from another 3. Therefore 12 in total.

• Repeat the above drills. If breaks down too many times, only use 2 balls, not 4.
• Now players run into the middle of cross, turn right, pass right and follow their pass.
• As above, but everything left.
• As above, but pass right, run left.
• As above, but pass left, run right.
Other variations include pass left, run straight, etc.

• Try 1 ball per group. Ball passes straight, left, straight, right. Ball carrier always runs diagonal.
Targets can set. How many passes in 1 minute? How many dropped passes?

• In 3’s, run single file, either ‘pop’ pass left or right, or ‘post’ and pick up. Use both sides of body.
Player running onto ball calls ‘left’ or ‘right’ for pop passes. It should be no higher than head.
• If group good enough, player with ball can turn and place ball into advancing players stomach.
Tackling Introduction Games

• Slap knees / Holding wrists – slap faces / Try to lift partner / Mini-scrum with partner.
• 10m x 10m . In 6’s, socks on side of shorts. Chaser grabs as many socks as possible in 1 minute.
• As above, but with ball. Chaser goes after player with ball. Make 2 chasers if too difficult.
• Chinese Ladders. Ball at top of Ladder. Every player as a number. When number called, run!
Run over legs, pick up ball, and try to get back to place. Player opposite tries to tackle player.

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