Abismaïl Et Al.. 1999. Emulsification by Ultrasound Drop Size Distribution and Stability PDF

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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83

Emulsification by ultrasound: drop size distribution

and stability
B. Abismaı̈l, J.P. Canselier*, A.M. Wilhelm, H. Delmas, C. Gourdon
Laboratoire de Génie Chimique (UMR CNRS 5503 INPT/UPS), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Génie Chimique, 18 chemin de la loge,
F31078 Toulouse, France


The aim of this work is to compare the oil-in-water emulsions produced by mechanical agitation ( Ultra-Turrax, 10 000 rpm,
P=170 W ) or power ultrasound (ultrasound horn, 20 kHz, 130 W ) using the same model system : water/kerosene/polyethoxylated
(20 EO) sorbitan monostearate. The following parameters were varied : emulsification time, surfactant concentration, consumed
power and volume fraction of oil. With ultrasound, the drop size (Sauter diameter, d ) is much smaller than that given by
mechanical agitation under the same conditions, which makes insonated emulsions more stable. For a given drop size (d ), less
surfactant is required. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Emulsification; Emulsion stabililty; Power ultrasound

1. Introduction surfactants reduce the surface free energy required to

increase any interfacial area (DG=cDA), by lowering
According to P. Becher, an emulsion is ‘‘a hetero- the interfacial tension, c, and allow finely dispersed
geneous system, consisting of at least one immiscible media to be created easily. In fact, a much higher
liquid intimately dispersed in another in the form of amount of energy, with respect to this thermodynamic
droplets, whose diameters, in general, exceed 0.1 mm. part, is necessary, since comminution of large droplets
Such systems possess a minimal stability, which may be into smaller ones involves additional shear forces, so
accentuated by such additives as surface-active agents, that the viscous resistance during agitation absorbs most
finely divided solids, etc.’’ [1]. In this respect, surfactants of the energy [2,6 ]. The excess energy is dissipated as
may be present as monolayers or liquid crystals; poly- heat. Energy may be provided through various means,
mers are another class of emulsifiers. Those thermody- namely mechanical agitation (stirrer, colloid mill, mixer,
namically unstable (i.e., only kinetically stable) liquid– valve homogenizer, …) or ultrasound generation. High-
liquid dispersions possess a high interfacial area. The power ultrasound must be used, low-intensity acoustic
type of simple emulsion (water-in-oil or oil-in-water, waves leaving the medium unchanged. High-frequency
commonly abbreviated as w/o or o/w) is decided mainly vibrations applied to a diphasic liquid system provide a
by the volume ratio of the two liquids, their order of different means of breaking and dispersing a bulk phase:
addition and the nature of the emulsifier [2], charac- large drops (ca. 80 mm), produced by the instability of
terized, for instance, along the HLB scale [3]. Emulsions interfacial waves, are broken into smaller ones by acous-
are common in a large range of technologies [4] and tic cavitation [7,8]. Ultrasound emulsification was
their preparation should be carefully but easily con- reported for the first time by Wood and Loomis [9].The
trolled when scaled up to commercial production. first patent was granted in 1944 in Switzerland [10].
Except in special cases where spontaneous emulsifica-
Since then, many scientists and industrialists have used
tion can occur [1,5], energy must be supplied to produce
different types of ultrasound devices (whistle, horn) to
such metastable mixtures. Thermodynamically speaking,
make emulsions [1,11]. Beal and Skauen have studied
the influence of exposure time and sample geometry on
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +5-62-25-23-31; the quality of emulsion [12]. Higgins et al. have observed
fax: +5-61-25-23-18. that, in general, for short exposure times, higher power

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76 B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83

Fig. 1. Destabilization phenomena in emulsions.

setting produces higher specific surface area, but an In emulsion breaking, two kinds of phenomena can be
optimum amount of energy seems to exist in order to discriminated (Fig. 1): those, generally reversible,
produce a maximum interfacial area [13]. Above this involving particle aggregation and migration and those,
optimum, degradation of the surfactant may occur. In irreversible, related to particle size modification. On the
fact, it has been observed by Alegria et al. [14] that the one hand, reversible flocculation of droplets can be
surfactant accumulates at the interface of cavitation followed by creaming or sedimentation, according to
bubbles, where it can be chemically degraded by H• the respective densities of dispersed and continuous
and •OH radicals produced by the thermal decomposi- phases. The migration rate of the particles of the dis-
tion of water [15,16 ]. persed phase is given by Stoke’s law. On the other hand,
The ultrasound device has been found to produce irreversible changes, through Ostwald ripening and
o/w emulsion with very small particle sizes, more stable coalescence, lead to formation of larger drops, therefore
than those prepared, for instance, with the Eppenback to less and less stable emulsions and eventually to phase
Homomixer or other mechanical devices [17]. The best separation. Phase inversion can occur with temperature
emulsions were prepared at optimum surfactant levels, or composition change. To summarize, emulsion sta-
optimum HLB [3] and high power. In the emulsions bility depends on:
studied, the effects of HLB and surfactant parameters $ droplet size,
appear to be more important than those of the power $ density difference between dispersed and continuous
parameters [13]. Besides, Reddy and Fogler [18] claim phases,
to have prepared very stable ‘acoustic’ o/w emulsions $ viscosity of the contiuous phase, and
(however, at very low volume fraction of oil ) without $ above all, electrostatic and/or steric repulsion between
any surfactant: they invoke electrostatic stabilization droplets (for which the surfactant plays a major role).
due to preferential adsorption of OH− ions at the Ultrasound emulsification is thus an already known
oil/water interface. phenomenon [19], but in this work our goal was to
Emulsions may remain practically unchanged to the undertake a systematic phenomenological study compar-
naked eye for several months, but will eventually return ing the performances of ultrasound energy with those
to their stable state, that is, a phase-separated system. of classical mechanical agitation, all other things being
B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83 77

equal. Our main interests lie in the average size of Samples of 6 mL of each emulsion were observed in the
droplets as well as their size distribution, and in emulsion Turbiscan (back-scattering mode) at 35°C for only
stability. 25 min.

2. Experimental 3. Results and discussion

In the present work, parallel studies on batch emulsi- The parameters studied were the time of emulsifica-
fication processes were conducted through mechanical tion, the surfactant concentration, the power supplied
agitation and power ultrasound. An Ultra-Turrax and the volume fraction of oil. It is important to note
(10 000 rpm, 170 W ) and an ultrasound horn (Misonix that there was no sonochemical degradation of sodium
Sonicator XL 2020, 20 kHz, 130 W ) were used, dodecylsulfate, a model surfactant, under our working
respectively. conditions. Therefore, we conclude that over the very
Two series of experiments were then carried out with short time of exposure to the power source, the surfac-
a model o/w emulsion system. The oil was kerosene tant used in our experiments was not decomposed either.
(CAS Registry No. [8008-20-6 ], required HLB = 12)
[19] and the surfactant a polyethoxylated (20 EO) sorbi- 3.1. Variations of d versus exposure time
tan monostearate (CAS [9005-67-8], as Tween 60 or
Montanox 60, kindly supplied by ICI and SEPPIC, With a volume fraction of oil (w) of 0.25 and a
respectively). Its cmc in pure water (8.10−5 M at 25°C, surfactant concentration (c) of 10 g/L, the variations of
with c =35 mN/m), was determined by surface ten- the Sauter diameter, d , as a function of the exposure
cmc 32
sion measurements. The measured micelle size was ca. time are presented in Fig. 2. In both cases, d decreases
4 nm (MALVERN Zetasizer 3000). Surfactant HLB is with the exposure time, but the most severe influence is
14.9 [19,20] and cloud point 69°C [21], according to observed during the first 15 s. After 30 s, the slopes
NFT 73-403 annex [22]. Although Tween 60 is a non- approach zero. Anyway, the ultrasound technique
ionic surfactant, the f potential of the droplets amounts always gives smaller droplet sizes and, after 30 s, the
to −18 mV and the conductivity of the aqueous phase diameter is three times smaller with ultrasound than
is not zero, either of which may be due to residual with mechanical agitation. In the following, the emulsi-
electrolyte coming from ethoxylation catalyst. Above fication time was fixed to 30 s.
surfactant cmc, the interfacial tension of the Tween
60–H O/kerosene system is 9.5 mN/m. Since the behavi- 3.2. Variations of d versus surfactant concentration
2 32
our of metastable systems depends on the conditions of
preparation of the final mixture, the procedure must be The next experiment describes the variation of d vs.
rigorously the same for all experiments. A fixed volume surfactant concentration, all other parameters being the
of emulsion (V=80 mL) was prepared at room temper- same as previously (Fig. 3). The Sauter diameter
ature, the surfactant being first dissolved in distilled decreases while the surfactant concentration increases
water; oil was then added and energy supplied over a up to ca.10 g/L. This follows a rather general observa-
controlled period of time. tion, which makes sense, since the amount of surfactant
The average drop size, expressed as the Sauter diame- available to form an adsorbed monolayer onto the
ter (d =S n d3 /S n d2, representing a surface average emulsion droplets controls the interfacial surface area
32 i i i i
value), and the drop size distribution, were both produced. At low surfactant concentration, the tempo-
obtained by means of a laser diffractometer (Malvern rary interface is not completely covered, therefore drops
MasterSizer S) according to the Mie theory. coalesce and give rise to higher values of d . In fact,
Emulsion stability was studied by visual inspection knowing the area per polar head of the amphiphilic
and with the help of the Turbiscan MA 1000 species from the slope of the Gibbs adsorption isotherm
(Formulaction) [23]. This is a recently designed auto- (A~115 Å2) should allow a check on the conditions of
mated optical device, working in the near-infrared region total coverage of the interface by surfactant molecules
with a double detection mode: transmission and back- with the monolayer hypothesis.
scattering (turbidity range from 0 to 50 000 NTU ). It Two further comments may be added. Firstly, the cmc
carries out step-by-step vertical scans of a tube (flat- value does not seem to play a role in the variation of
bottomed cylindrical cell ) containing a sample of a d vs. c: it has already been observed that, with non-
concentrated dispersion (such as emulsion, suspension ionic surfactants, droplet size is further reduced above
or foam) and converts the macroscopic aspect of the the cmc, perhaps because of the solubility of the non-
mixture into graphics. Designed to work in the kinetic ionic in both phases [2]. Secondly, Fig. 3 shows that
mode, it allows very early visualization of flocculation, much less surfactant is required with ultrasound for a
sedimentation, creaming and coalescence phenomena. desired average drop size.
78 B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83

Fig. 2. Variations of d as a function of the exposure time (MA: mechanical agitation; US: power ultrasound ) (c=10 g/L, w=0.25,
P =170 W, P =130 W ).

Fig. 3. Variations of d as a function of the surfactant concentration (MA: mechanical agitation, US: power ultrasound ) (t=30 s, w=0.25,
P =170 W, P =130 W ).

3.3. Drop size distributions be made. Firstly, if the effect of surfactant concentration
is considered, in both cases (ultrasound and agitation)
Let us now consider the possible relation between the volume drop size distributions flatten with higher surfac-
surfactant concentration, the emulsification mode and tant concentrations. In the case of ultrasound, we
the volume drop size distribution. The results are pre- observe: a peaked distribution at low surfactant concen-
sented in Figs. 4 and 5. Two types of comparisons may trations (c=1 g/L, standard deviation s =0.737) but a
B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83 79

Fig. 4. Volume drop size distribution of o/w emulsions at various surfactant concentrations: (a) mechanical agitation, (b) power ultrasound.

Fig. 5. Volume drop size distribution: (a) low surfactant concentration, (b) high surfactant concentration.

flattened distribution at higher surfactant concentrations the sole ultrasound energy does not allow efficient
(c=15 g/L, s =1.16). The same tendency is observed breaking of the bulk oil phase into primary large drops.
in the case of mechanical agitation, with respective s This is likely to be due to insufficient acoustic streaming
values of 4.802 and 10.535. The number drop size under the horn. Gentle stirring in batch operation or
distribution would show the reverse trend with respect continuous flow process should easily improve this first
to the concentration scale (s small for high surfactant step. Anyway, between 90 and 130 W, the Sauter diame-
concentration). Secondly, if the two techniques are ter values are about four times smaller with ultrasound
compared, the standard deviation values, s and s , as ( Fig. 6).
v n
well as the d values, are always much lower with the The reported power P for mechanical agitation is in
ultrasound technique. fact the difference of power consumption between the
loaded and unloaded states at various rotation speeds.
3.4. Variations of d versus power supplied Now, let us try to determine the quantity of heat (Q)
absorbed by water per unit of time at the starting of the
For an oil volume fraction of 0.25 and with 10 g/L process. The well-known calorimetric formula reads:
surfactant, mechanical agitation always gives complete
Q=m C (dT/dt) ,
emulsification in 30 s, whatever the power involved. On p t=0
the contrary, with the ultrasound device, a minimum where m is the mass of the system, C its heat capacity,
power of 90 W is necessary to emulsify the mixture T the absolute temperature and t the time.
completely. In fact, in the particularly unfavourable The measurement supposes that all ultrasound energy
cases of mercury-in-water and analogous liquid metal- that propagates in the liquid is converted into heat: the
in-water emulsion systems (very high density differ- loss of energy by thermal exchange at the liquid–liquid
ences), no emulsification occurs below the threshold of interface and at the walls of the vessel is therefore
cavitation [24]. Now, cavitation is produced above only neglected.This is verified on the initial straight part of
2 W/cm2. This means that, in our experimental condi- T vs. t curves, whose slopes yield values of Q to be
tions (geometrical features of the equipment, rather compared with the corresponding electrical inlet power
large volume of emulsion and volume fraction of oil ), values. According to this approach through very simple
80 B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83

Fig. 6. Variations of d as a function of the power (t=30 s, c=10 g/L, w=0.25 ).


experiments involving pure water, a much lower dissi- 3.6. Compared stability of emulsions
pated energy has been evidenced in the case of ultra-
sound generation ( Table 1). Therefore, ultrasound, Simple visual inspection shows longer stability of
although providing less energy, affords better emulsifi- ultrasound-made emulsions. For instance, the same
cation performances. extent of creaming appears 6 days after insonation vs.
1 day after mechanical emulsification. The Turbiscan
3.5. Variations of d versus volume fraction of oil MA 1000 [23] shortens the period of observation
required to draw a conclusion, somewhat predicting the
Finally, let us consider the effect of w on d . future behaviour of an apparently stable emulsion. A
Surfactant concentration is now constant with respect parallel study, carried out with this apparatus, shows
to aqueous phase and not to the total sample volume the following types of back-scattering intensity varia-
As expected, we then get the reverse trend: in both tions (DI ):
cases, the Sauter diameter increases with w ( Fig. 7). $ a drop of DI at the bottom of all samples, due to
Since emulsification is not always complete at high w clarification of the mixture,
values, the other purpose of this experiment is to deter- $ an increase of DI at the top of the less-concentrated
mine the dispersive power of the two techniques towards samples, with a typical isosbestic point, associated to
kerosene. Here again, ultrasound appears as more effi- creaming (particle migration),
cient than agitation, all other things being equal. $ a drop of DI at the top of the more-concentrated
Besides, phase inversion, water then becoming the samples, without isosbestic point, coming from clari-
dispersed phase, occurs around equal volumes of both fication (drop size increase followed by oil phase
phases. The observed phenomenon can be illustrated by separation).
a simplified scheme (Fig. 8). On the whole, ultrasound Reporting back-scattering intensity data for agitated
yields more complete and finer dispersions. and insonated emulsions at 35°C for 25 min, Fig. 9
shows increasing creaming as a function of time, but
Table 1 the main difference lies in the larger extent of clarifica-
Electrical power (P) and evolved heat flux (Q) values
tion at the bottom of the tube for an Ultra-Turrax-
P (W) Q (W) made emulsion, compared with the insonated sample.
Since the continuous and dispersed phases are immisci-
Mechanical agitation 170 120
ble, Ostwald ripening can be neglected and destabiliza-
Ultrasound 130 53
tion originates only in coalescence. Fig. 10 summarizes
B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83 81

Fig. 7. Variation of d as a function of oil fraction (t=30 s, c=10 g/L, P =170 W, P =130 W ).
32 MA US

Fig. 8. General behaviour of agitated (AG) and utrasound-made ( US ) o/w emulsions as a function of oil volume fraction (w).

Fig. 9. Back-scattering variations in the Turbiscan sample tube for agitated ( left) and insonated (right) kerosene-in-water emulsions.
82 B. Abismaı̈l et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 6 (1999) 75–83

Fig. 10. Destabilization of agitated and insonated kerosene-in-water emulsions observed at the top of the samples as a function of oil volume percent.

the behaviour of kerosene emulsions as a function of affords several interesting results in favour of the ultra-
oil volume fraction. The bars represent the initial desta- sound technique:
bilization rates, as differences in back-scattered inten- $ smaller average drop sizes d (down to 0.3 mm) can
sities per hour at the top of the samples. Below 25% oil, be obtained,
both emulsions are rather stable, with some creaming. $ for a given desired diameter, the surfactant amount
Above this value, agitated and insonated emulsions required is reduced,
behave differently: clarification of the medium, reflecting $ energy consumption (through heat loss) is lower,
phase separation, is much faster after mechanical agita- $ ultrasound-made emulsions are less polydispersed
tion and increases with higher oil volume fraction. It and more stable.
appears that, under those conditions, mechanical and Hopefully, those first results will be further explained
ultrasound emulsification are efficient up to about 25% thanks to a better knowledge of cavitation phenomena.
and 37.5% oil phase, respectively. An extension of this work would require the direct
Consistently with the droplet size differences, the first measurement of acoustic bubble size and their distribu-
results regarding the stability of emulsions obtained by tion as a function of the working parameters.
both techniques therefore indicate a much higher sta-
bility of ultrasound-made emulsions.
Moreover, at constant overall surfactant concen-
tration, a higher interfacial area implies a higher amount
of adsorbed surfactant, therefore a lower amount of
The authors thank Formulaction S.A., and especially
micellized surfactant. Then, the depletion interaction
K. Puech, for performing the stability study with their
(attraction between droplets associated with the presence specific equipment ( Turbiscan MA1000).
of micelles) could be weakened, which would enhance
emulsion stability.

4. Conclusion
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