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Drug Delivery
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Transdermal Delivery of Nicardipine: An Approach

to In Vitro Permeation Enhancement
a b b
Reza Aboofazeli , Hossein Zia & Thomas E. Needham
School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Applied Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Rhode
Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, USA
Published online: 04 May 2015.

To cite this article: Reza Aboofazeli, Hossein Zia & Thomas E. Needham (2002) Transdermal Delivery of Nicardipine:
An Approach to In Vitro Permeation Enhancement, Drug Delivery, 9:4, 239-247

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Drug Delivery, 9:239 – 247, 2002
Copyright °c 2002 Taylor & Francis
1071-7544 /02 $12.00 + .00
DOI: 10.1080 /1522795029009783 1

Transdermal Delivery of Nicardipine: An Approach

to In Vitro Permeation Enhancement
Reza Aboofazeli
School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Hossein Zia and Thomas E. Needham

Department of Applied Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island, Kingston,
Rhode Island, USA

solvent. A similar trend also was observed for the permeation con-
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

Nicardipine hydrochloride (NC-HCl), a calcium channel blocker stant, while the values of lag time were reversed. The ternary mix-
indicated for the treatment of chronic stable angina and hyper- ture was then selected as a potential absorption enhancement vehi-
tension, seems to be a potential therapeutic transdermal system cle for the transdermal delivery of drug. In general, higher  uxes
candidate, mainly due to its low dose, short half-life, and high were observed through hairless guinea pig skin as compared with
Ž rst-pass metabolism. The objective of the present study was to the human stratum corneum. Based on the results obtained from
evaluate its  ux and elucidate mechanistic effects of formulation the release study of NC-HCl from saturated solutions of the drug,
components on transdermal permeation of the drug through the a novel lecithin organogel (microemulsion-based gel) composed of
skin. Solubility of NC-HCl in different solvent systems was deter- soybean lecithin, propylene glycol, oleic acid, dimethyl isosorbide,
mined using a validated HPLC method. The solubility of drug in and isopropyl myristate was developed as a possible matrix for
various solvent systems was found to be in decreasing order as transdermal delivery of NC-HCl. In vitro percutaneous penetration
propylene glycol (PG)/oleic acid (OA)/dimethyl isosorbide (DMI) studies from this newly developed gel system through giunea pig
(80:10:10 v/v) > PG > PG/OA (90:10 v/v) > polyethylene glycol skin and human stratum corneum revealed that the organogel sys-
300 > ethanol/PG (70:30 w/w) > transcutol > dimethyl isosorbide tem has skin-enhancing potential and could be a promising matrix
(DMI) > ethanol > water and buffer 4.7 > 2-propanol. Propylene for the transdermal delivery of nicardipine. Furthermore, higher
glycol was then selected as the main vehicle in the development of a permeation rates were observed when nicardipine free base was
transdermal product. As a preliminary step to develop a transder- incorporated into the gel matrix instead of hydrochloride salt.
mal delivery system, vehicle effect on the percutaneous absorption
of NC-HCl was determined using the excised skin of a hairless Keywords Cosolvent System, Lecithin Organogel, Microemulsion-
guinea pig. Vehicles investigated included pure solvents alone and Based Gel, Nicardipine Free Base, Nicardipine Hydro-
their selected blends, chosen based on the solubility results. In vitro chloride, Penetration Enhancement, Transdermal Drug
permeation data were collected at 37±C, using Franz diffusion cells. Delivery
The skin permeation was then evaluated by measuring the steady
state permeation rate ( ux) of NC-HCl, lag time, and the perme-
ability constant. The results showed that no individual solvent was
capable of promoting NC-HCl penetration. Permeation proŽ les of The transdermal route of administration has been recognized
the drug through hairless guinea pig skin using saturated solutions as one of the potential routes for both the local and systemic
of drug were constructed. Among the systems studied, the ternary
mixture of PG/OA/DMI and binary mixture of PG/OA showed ex- delivery of drugs. Transdermal delivery for systemic activity
cellent  ux. The  ux value of the ternary system was nearly three provides several advantages, especially when drugs have low
times higher than the corresponding values obtained for the binary oral bioavailability due to the extensive Ž rst passage metabolism
and/or a short half-life or even when drugs indicate some ad-
verse side effects following the oral administration. On the other
Received 29 January 2002; accepted 28 March 2002. hand, the main limitation of transdermal delivery of drugs is
The authors would like to acknowledge the support by a grant from that the skin layers provide high resistance to the penetrant
Lohmann Therapie-Systeme GmbH & Co. and the Ministry of Health, molecules. Among these layers, the stratum corneum possesses
Treatment and Medical Education of I.R. of Iran for granting a sabbat- the most important barrier function, which results in the rate-
ical leave.
Address correspondence to Hossein Zia, Dept. of applied Pharma- limiting step in percutaneous absorption. Consequently, it is
ceutics, College of Pharmacy, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI difŽ cult to deliver many drugs at rates sufŽ cient to provide clin-
02881, USA. E-mail: ically effective plasma concentrations. Different strategies have


been developed to minimize the skin’s barrier function, such as ScientiŽ c (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA). Isopropyl myristate and al-
employing appropriate components with skin-enhancing poten- mond oil were obtained from Ruger Chemical Co. (Irvington,
tial (Sinha and Kaur 2000; Squillante et al. 1998, 2000; Singh NJ, USA). Polyethylene glycol 300, dimethyl isosorbide (DMI),
et al. 1996) or applying electricity and ultrasound, referred to as and triacetin were provided by Union Carbide Chemicals
iontophoresis and sonophoresis techniques, respectively (Curdy (Danbury, CT, USA), ICI (Wilmington, DE, USA), and Eastman
et al. 2001; Guy 1998; Mitragorti and Kost 2000; Mitragorti et al. Chemical Co. (Kingsport, TX, USA), respectively. Transcutol
1995). was a gift from Gattefosse’ (CedexFrance, France) and ethanol
Nicardipine hydrochloride (NC-HCl), a dihydropyridin e cal- was purchased from AAPER Alcohol and Chemical Co.
cium channel blocker, is indicated in the management of hyper- (Shelbyville, KY, USA). Nicardipine free base (NC-base) was
tension and angina pectoris and related cardiovascular disorders. prepared from the hydrochloride salt via an acid-base reaction
Although this drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal with NaHCO3 and recovery by chloroform. Soybean lecithin
tract following oral administration, its extensive Ž rst-pass meta- (Epikuron 200, with 95% w/w phosphatidylcholine) was pro-
bolism, along with its short half-life (Sorkin and Clissold 1987; vided by Lucas Meyer Company (Germany) and was used with-
Frishman 1989) make it a potential candidate for transdermal de- out further puriŽ cation. All reagents were used as obtained.
livery. A transdermal delivery system also would have the advan-
tage of constant delivery of drug into the blood circulation, which
in turn would decrease the interindividual variability in plasma METHODS
level due to the differences in bioavailability and metabolism High Performance Liquid Chromatography Assay
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

following oral administration. However, with an initial dose of A Waters liquid chromatograph equipped with a SB-CN
60 mg per day and an oral bioavailability of 35%, a transder- Zorbax column (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA),
mal device with a 20-cm2 release surface area should deliver two Waters 515 HPLC pumps, a Waters 746 data module, a Wa-
NC-HCl at rates in excess of 43.75 ¹g/cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 . Nicardipine ters 717 plus autosampler, and a Waters Lambda-Max model
hydrochloride itself has poor permeability in skin transport and 480 LC spectrophotometer (set at 240 nm) were used for analy-
hence is not capable of penetrating through the skin at a rate sis. The samples were eluted using acetonitrile/methanol/0.02 M
necessary to provide a therapeutic concentration. monobasic potassium phosphate solution with a ratio of
Very few reports have been published investigating the in u- 20:30:50 v/v at 37± C and a  ow rate of 1 mL/min. Calibra-
ence of vehicles on the enhancement of percutaneous absorption tion was carried out by 10 runs of NC-HCl standard curves on
of NC-HCl and nicardipine free base (NC-base). These works different days, and a composite standard curve with a correlation
are limited to the reports of Seki et al. (1987, 1989), Yu et al. coefŽ cient of r2 D 0.9999 was then obtained over the concen-
(1988), and Diez et al. (1991). Thus, the three principal objec- tration range of 1–100 ¹g/ml.
tives of the present study were: 1. To examine the comparative
effect of several pure or mixed solvent systems on the  ux of
NC-HCl through hairless guinea pig skin. 2. To perform a com- Solubility Determinations
parative study of percutaneous absorption of the drug dissolved The solubility of the drug in a variety of media was deter-
in the selected solvent systems. 3. To optimize a transdermal mined, in triplicate, at room temperature. An excess amount of
formulation, with respect to in vitro human skin  ux by devel- drug was suspended in the medium in screw-capped vials and
oping a semisolid preparation in an attempt to obtain a semisolid equilibrated in a rotating bottle for 24 hr. Then, an aliquot of the
reservoir transdermal device with sufŽ cient efŽ cacy. suspensions was transferred to a 1-mL microcentrifuge Ž lter, Ž t-
To achieve the Ž nal objective, it seemed more reasonable to ted with a 0.22 ¹m nylon Ž lter (Corning Incorporated, Corning,
look for a carrier that interacts with the human skin and allows NY, USA), and centrifuged. The Ž ltrates were appropriately di-
the permeation of the drug into the skin. In this regard, lecithin luted with methanol before assaying by HPLC.
organogels (so-called microemulsion-based gels) were consid-
ered as potentially pharmaceutically acceptable carriers for the Preparation of Suspensions of NC-HCl
transdermal transport of nicardipine. These thermodynamically An excess of NC-HCl was added to the pure solvents and their
stable, transparent organogels are interesting for their high sol- blends and the initial suspensions thus obtained were agitated for
ubilizing capacity for various molecules and may be used as a 24 hr at room temperature. These suspensions were employed
matrix for the transdermal delivery of drugs with relatively great as donor formulations in the permeation studies.
in ux (Dreher et al. 1996, 1997).
Preparation of Nicardipine-Loaded Lecithin Organogels
MATERIALS The lecithin organogel containing drug was prepared at room
Nicardipine hydrochloride (NC-HCl), cis-oleic acid (OA), temperature by Ž rst dissolving nicardipine (either as a salt or
and olive oil were supplied by Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). base) in the PG/OA/DMI ternary mixture, followed by the addi-
Acetonitrile, methanol, monobasic potassium phosphate, 2- tion of isopropyl myristate and lecithin. The mixture was stirred
propanol, and propylene glycol (PG) were purchased from Fisher for sufŽ cient time until a clear relatively viscous solution was

obtained. The gel was formed after dropwise addition of a spe- in which
ciŽ c amount of water.
Kp D
Preparation of Stratum Corneum h
The human skin samples were purchased from the National Where K p is permeability constant and has a unit of cm/s.
Disease Research Interchange. Epidermal membranes were pre- Integration of equation (2) between limits of zero and t where
pared by the heat separation technique. Simply, the excess fatty M is zero at t D 0, yields a straight line equation as follows:
and connective tissues were removed from the skin and then
small pieces of circular sections with a 3-cm diameter were M D K p SCd t
punched out and immersed in a water bath at 60 § 1± C contain-
ing 0.002% (w/v) sodium azide, for about 60 sec. Using forceps, or
the epidermis was teased away from the underlying dermis and
 oated on the surface of distilled water in a beaker, washed, then M D K p SC d (t ¡ t L ) [3]
transferred onto an aluminum foil, dried, and stored in a freezer
until use. Where t L is the lag time.
Penetration curves were constructed by plotting the cumula-
In Vitro Permeation Studies tive amount of drug penetrated through unit area of the mem-
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

The passage of the solubilized drug (nicardipine hydrochlo- brane versus time. The steady state  ux was determined by re-
ride) from suspensions, prepared with various pure solvents and gression analysis of the linear portion of the plot. The permeation
their blends, through the hairless guinea pig or human skins was study results are the average of six replicates. Permeability con-
studied using  at  ange Franz diffusion cells. The active dif- stants were calculated by dividing the slope by the corresponding
fusion area and the volume of the receiver compartment were concentration of the drug in the donor compartment, and the lag
0.64 cm2 and 5.3 mL, respectively. The membrane (full thick- time also was determined by extrapolating the linear portion of
ness hairless guinea pig skin or human stratum corneum) was the cumulative amount-time curve to the abscissa. The enhance-
mounted carefully onto the diffusion cell with the stratum ment ratio (ER) relative to pure solvent also was used to compare
corneum side facing the donor compartment. The donor and the drug  ux among some of the formulations studied.
receiver compartments were clamped together and the receiver
compartment was then Ž lled with 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH
4.7 solution and stirred with a magnetic stirrer. After reaching Statistical Analysis
37± C temperature, 300 ¹L of each suspension or 400 mg of Results are reported as mean § SD. The permeation param-
lecithin gel formulation of the drug was placed in the donor eter,  ux, obtained for various vehicles, was compared using
compartment. At speciŽ c intervals, the receptor solution was one-way ANOVA. Differences between the treatments were as-
completely withdrawn and the acceptor compartment was re- sumed to be signiŽ cant at p < .05. All data analysis and statistical
Ž lled with fresh buffer solution. The drug concentration in the calculations were performed using Minitab Statistical Software
receiver  uid samples was assayed by HPLC. 13.1 for Windows (PA, USA).

Data Analysis RESULTS

The in vitro skin  ux was determined from the Fick’s law of
diffusion written as: Solubility Measurements
Table 1 shows the solubility of NC-HCl in pure solvents,
1 dM DP(C d ¡ Cr ) binary systems of propylene glycol/oleic acid (PG/OA) and
Js D D [1]
S dt h ethanol/PG, and ternary system of propylene glycol/oleic acid/
where Js is the skin  ux (¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 ); P, partition coefŽ cient dimethyl isosorbide (PG/OA/DMI) at room temperature. The
of drug between donor and membrane; dM=dt, the amount of highest solubility (about 33 mg/mL) observed in the ternary
drug permeated per unit time (¹g¢hr¡1 ); S, the surface area (cm2 ) PG/OA/DMI (80:10:10 v/v) solvent system amounted to about
of diffusion; D, the drug diffusion coefŽ cient (cm2 ¢hr¡1 ); Cd 1.2 and 3.2 times greater than that in PG and DMI alone, re-
and Cr are the drug concentration in the donor and receptor spectively. However, the solubility of NC-HCl in binary co-
compartments (¹g¢cm¡3 ), respectively, and h is the thickness of solvent systems showed a decrease when oleic acid or ethanol
the membrane (cm). was added to the pure PG solvent. In general, the solubility re-
If sink conditions hold in the receptor compartment, Cr ¼ 0, sults showed an decreasing order of PG/OA/DMI (80:10:10 v/v)
then one can write that: PG > PG/OA (90:10 v/v) > polyethylene glycol 300 > ethanol/
PG (70:30 w/w) > transcutol > DMI > ethanol > water and
dM DPSCd buffer 4.7 > 2-propanol. Nicardipine hydrochloride is spar-
D D K p SCd [2] ingly soluble in normal saline, isotonic buffer (pH 4.5), triacetin,
dt h

Saturation solubility of nicardipine hydrochloride in various
solvent and cosolvent systems

Solvent Solubility SD
Water 4.072 0.146
Normal saline 0.242 0.046
Buffer 7.4 Not measurable —
Olive oil 0.029 0.004
Almond oil 0.045 0.017
Propylene glycol (PG) 27.999 0.871
Polyethylene glycol 300 21.718 0.740
Ethanol/PG (70:30 wt%) 21.185 0.634
Ethanol 8.404 0.090
FIG. 2. Release proŽ le of nicardipine hydrochloride through hairless guinea
2-Propanol 1.149 0.095
pig skin, from PG/OA and PG/OA/DMI suspensions .
Dimethyl isosorbide (DMI) 10.220 0.568
Oleic acid (OA) Not measurable —
portion of the plots (cumulative amount permeated per unit area
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

Triacetin 0.158 0.019

versus time), lag time, and permeability constants are shown in
Transcutol 13.624 2.454
Table 2. The results showed that no individual solvent was ca-
Isopropyl myristate Not measurable —
pable of promoting sufŽ cient NC-HCl permeation to meet our
Buffer 4.7 4.070 0.191
objectives. Although the solubility of NC-HCl in PG and PEG
Isotonic buffer 4.5 0.219 0.019
300 was higher than that in other pure solvents, there is no sub-
PG/OA (90:10 v/v%) 24.599 2.12
stantial increase in the permeation of drug from the PG and PEG
PG/OA/DMI (80:10:10 v/v%) 32.861 0.336
300 suspensions. The high  ux observed after 20 hr with the DMI
suspension may be due to skin damage. The one-way ANOVA
almond oil, and olive oil and is practically insoluble in isopropyl performed on the release data indicated no signiŽ cant difference
myristate, buffer (pH 7.4), and oleic acid due to its physicochem- in  ux and permeability constant, among these suspensions at
ical nature. ® D 0.05 ( p D 0.186).
Figure 2 compares the enhancement potential of the binary
and ternary cosolvent formulations, prepared by blending PG/OA
Release ProŽle Through Hairless Guinea Pig Skin (90:10 v/v%, f 5 ) and PG/OA/DMI (80:10:10 v/v%, f 6 ), re-
from Saturated Solutions spectively. Table 2 summarizes the permeation parameters of
Based on the results of the solubility studies, PG, PEG 300, NC-HCl from these cosolvent systems through guinea pig skin.
DMI, and transcutol were chosen for percutaneous absorption Table 3 displays the corresponding enhancement ratios. In gen-
testing. Figure 1 shows the permeation proŽ les of NC-HCl from eral, the addition of 10% oleic acid and 20% OA/DMI mixture
suspensions (saturated solutions) through hairless guinea pig (with the ratio of 1:1, v/v) to the PG-based suspension promoted
skin. The corresponding NC-HCl  ux calculated from the linear  ux to a much greater degree with shorter lag times than the
corresponding pure solvents. Also, as shown in the Table 2, the
lowest coefŽ cients of variation for the permeation parameters
(Q24 , J, and K p ) were observed when the drug was suspended in
the binary and ternary mixtures, compared with those obtained
from pure single solvent systems. The decrease in the release rate
after 16 hr may be attributed to the absence of sink conditions,
due to the increase period of the sampling. SigniŽ cant differ-
ences were observed in  ux values from f 5 and f 6 formulations
compared with the pure solvents ( p < .0005).

Release ProŽle Through Hairless Guinea Pig Skin

from Lecithin Organogels
The lecithin-matrix gel containing nicardipine (as salt and
base) was Ž rst studied for permeability of the drug across the
FIG. 1. Release proŽ le of nicardipine hydrochloride through hairless guinea hairless guinea pig skin. Table 4 indicates the composition of the
pig skin, from suspensions prepared with various pure solvents. drug-loaded lecithin gel formulations investigated in this study.

Permeation parameters of nicardipine hydrochloride in pure base solvents, binary and ternary mixtures, through hairless
guinea pig skin (mean § SD)

Q24 a Jb Kpd tL e
Vehicle Composition (¹g¢cm¡2 ) (¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 ) r (cm¢hr¡1 ¢105 ) (hr)
f1 Propylene glycol 8.66 § 6.62 0.58 § 0.40 0.9735 2.07 § 1.44 10.10
(76.4%) (69.6%) (69.6%)
f2 Polyethylene glycol 400 6.68 § 4.96 0.47 § 0.33 0.9923 2.41 § 1.51 9.56
(74.3%) (70.2%) (62.6%)
f3 Dimethyl Isosorbide 72.73 § 88.09 1.39 § 1.13 0.9909 13.60 § 11.08 5.34
(121.1%) (81.5%) (81.5%)
f4 Transcutol 9.44 § 14.63 0.57 § 0.89 0.9876 4.22 § 6.57 8.03
(155.0%) (155.7%) (155.7%)
f5 Propylene glycol/oleic acid 2545.20 § 1024.70 f 115.15 § 39.05 0.9933 468.13 § 158.76 3.38
(40.3%) (33.9%) (33.9%)
f6 Propylene glycol/oleic acid/ 7361.35 § 2827.73 471.37 § 252.24 0.9917 1434.45 § 767.60 1.72
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

dimethyl isosorbide (38.4%) (53.5%) (53.5%)

Cumulative amount of drug permeated per unit area. b Flux. c Correlation coefŽ cient of curve Ž t. d Permeability constant. e Lag time obtained
from the mean release curve. f Q 26 .
Numbers in parentheses show the coefŽ cient of variation.

Figure 3 shows the total amount of nicardipine permeated into was released when the drug concentration was raised 3.57% to
the receiver after a 28-hr period when the donor is composed of 9.34% and 13.0% (w/w), although the increase in the cumulative
the different weight percentages of nicardipine (either as salt or amount of drug permeated was not directly proportional to the
base) solubilized in lecithin organogel. increase in drug content. Although the single-factor ANOVA
It should be noted that NC-base could be solubilized in the gel performed on the  ux values of the different gel formulations
matrix to a greater extend than NC-HCl. In this regard, although containing NC-base ( f8 , f9 , f10 ) showed no signiŽ cant differ-
the concentration of NC-base in formulation f8 is approximately ence ( p D .081), the difference in the transport rate between
2-fold greater than the concentration of NC-HCl in formulation NC-HCl and NC-base loaded gels was found to be signiŽ cant
f7 , it has been observed that the release rate obtained from the f8 ( p < .0005).
gel formulation was about 16-fold higher than that obtained from
the f7 gel formulation. This difference in permeation rate may be
mainly attributed to the fact that the more lipophilic free base can Release ProŽle Through Human Stratum Corneum
penetrate the skin much more readily than the hydrochloride salt The cumulative amount-time curve proŽ les of NC-HCl and
(Table 5). As can be seen in Figure 3, a higher amount of drug NC-base through human stratum corneum from three vehicle

Effect of binary and ternary cosolvent systems on the
permeation of nicardipine hydrochloride, through hairless
guinea pig skin

Propylene Oleic Dimethyl

glycol acid isosorbide
Vehicle (%) (%) (%) ERa
f5 90 10 — ERPG : 199, EROA : 45
f6 80 10 10 ERPG : 814, EROA :
182, ERDMI : 339
ERPG , EROA , and ERDMI designate the ratio of  ux of nicardipine
hydrochloride from mixtures relative to the  ux of the drug from pure
solvent. The average  ux of nicardipine hydrochloride from oleic acid FIG. 3. Release proŽ le of nicardipine (as salt and base) through hairless
saturated solution was found to be 2.59 ¹g/cm2 /hr. guinea pig skin, from lecithin organogel s composed of various drug contents.

Composition of drug-loaded lecithin organogels

Drug PG/OA/DMIa IPM Lecithin Water

Formulation (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
f7 NC-salt, 1.54 49.69 5.12 37.65 6.00
f8 NC-base, 3.57 44.85 8.78 36.60 6.20
f9 NC-base, 9.34 40.37 7.80 33.64 8.85
f 10 NC-base, 13.00 37.30 8.30 28.15 13.25
This mixture was prepared with the ratio of 80:10:10 by volume.

formulations are shown in Figure 4 and the corresponding per- DISCUSSION

meation parameters are summarized in Table 6. It should be One of the major priorities in pharmaceutical research is to
noted that the time to reach the steady state  ux of NC-base from design and develop formulations for nonoral administration in
lecithin gel formulation ( f10 ) was remarkably shorter than that an attempt to overcome potential disadvantages, such as Ž rst-
for the other two vehicle formulations studied. The cumulative pass effect, low bioavailability, and the adverse effects often
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

amount of NC-base released from gel matrix was 2.1-fold higher associated with oral delivery. In this regard, the potential of skin
than that from tertiary solvent formulation with NC-base and as a site of administration for systemically active drugs has been
2.8-fold greater than tertiary solvent formulation contained NC- realized. However, the skin, and especially the stratum corneum,
HCl. This suggests that the gel matrix possesses more skin pen- behaves as a barrier and often provides signiŽ cant resistance to
etration enhancement effect. The permeability coefŽ cients of f11 penetration. For this reason, candidate drugs for transdermal de-
and f6 vehicles were found to be 32.18 £ 10¡5 and 13.75 £ 10¡5 , livery require favorable physicochemical properties for the suc-
respectively, while the  ux were 10.62 ¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 and cess of percutaneous absorption. A desired transdermal delivery
4.52 ¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 , respectively. system (TDS) should provide a short lag time and adequate  ux.
The high  ux and other permeability parameters of NC-base To achieve these goals, a candidate drug is required to have suf-
might be due to the increased lipophilicity of the drug as a free Ž cient solubility in the vehicle and a high permeability constant.
base in the medium. This Ž nding is in good agreement with that The pharmacokinetic characteristics of NC-HCl, a dihydropy-
observed in the comparative release study of NC-HCl and NC- ridine calcium antagonist commonly used for the treatment of
base, dissolved in gel formulations, through guinea pig skin. hypertension, make this drug a potentially suitable candidate for
However, the sharp increase in the amount of NC-HCl perme- formulation in a TDS (Diez et al. 1991). However, its low  ux, as
ated after 20 hr may have been from the loss of skin integrity. with  ux of other drugs in this category (Squillante et al. 2000)
Statistical analysis showed a signiŽ cant difference in the  ux necessitates a unique novel method to enhance its permeation
values between the three formulations studied (p D .001). through the skin.

Permeation parameters of nicardipine hydrochloride and nicardipine free base dissolved
in lecithin gels, through hairless guinea pig skin (mean § SD)

Q24 a Jb Kpd (§SD) tL e

Formulation (¹g¢cm¡2 ) (¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 ) r (cm¢hr¡1 ¢105 ) (hr)
f7 5.97 § 9.29 0.32 § 0.44 0.9896 2.12 § 2.96 3.9
(155.6%) (139.5%) (139.5%)
f8 118.64 § 39.48 6.26 § 2.00 0.9981 17.89 § 5.71 4.8
(33.3%) (31.9%) (31.9%)
f9 175.88 § 88.32 10.02 § 5.18 0.9972 10.73 § 5.54 6.3
(50.2%) (51.7%) (51.7%)
f 10 (n D 12) 213.55 § 111.16 12.29 § 5.91 0.9945 9.45 § 4.54 7.4
(52.1%) (48.1%) (48.1%)
Cumulative amount of drug permeated per unit area. b Flux. c Correlation coefŽ cient of curve Ž t.
Permeability constant. e Lag time obtained from the mean release curve.
Numbers in parentheses show the coefŽ cient of variation.

PEG 300 (21.718 mg/mL), DMI (10.220 mg/mL), and transcutol

(13.624 mg/mL).
In other words, no individual solvent possessed the capabil-
ity of promoting NC-HCl permeation through guinea pig skin.
That is, despite of the difference between the drug-solubilizing
capacity of the solvents, it seems that the thermodynamic ac-
tivity of the drug in all the different suspensions is roughly the
same. This Ž nding suggests that the permeation rate of the drug
is independent of the nature of the pure solvents employed.
Squillante et al. (1998) have investigated the effect of pure
or mixed solvent systems on the skin permeation of nifedip-
ine through excised mouse skin. They have shown a positive
synergistic interaction among the formulation component PG,
FIG. 4. Release proŽ le of nicardipine (as salt or base) through human stratum OA, and DMI and noted that a mixture of these components
corneum from a 13.0% lecithin organoge l and ternary mixture. would yield optimal  ux and lag time. The present in vitro per-
meation experiments showed that a binary mixture of PG and
Results obtained from the solubility experiments showed that OA (90:10 v/v) and a ternary mixture of PG, OA, and DMI
NC-HCl has adequate solubility in PG, PEG-400, DMI, and (80:10:10 v/v) had a remarkably positive effect on the pen-
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

transcutol. Consequently, these pure solvents were examined etration of NC-HCl. The results were even more satisfactory
for their in uence on drug permeation. From the thermodynamic with the application of the ternary system. It should be noted
point of view, the steady state  ux can be expressed by (Higuchi that when OA was added to PG, the resulting binary system
1960): so formed had lower solubility for NC-HCl (24.599 mg/mL),
but had the effect of increasing permeation. In other words, the
ad D
J D [4] binary mixture with comparatively lower solubility promoted
am h
 ux 200-fold greater (115.15 ¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 ) with a consider-
where ad is the thermodynamic activity of the drug in the vehi- ably shorter lag time (3.38 hr) than the corresponding PG sus-
cle, am is the activity coefŽ cient of the drug in the skin, D and h pension ( ux value of 0.58 ¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 and lag time value of
are diffusion coefŽ cient of the drug in the skin and skin thick- 10.10 hr).
ness, respectively. This equation simply shows that the maxi- Furthermore, it was found that with an increase of only
mum  ux may be achieved when the drug is at maximum ther- 5 mg/ml in solubility in the ternary system over that in the
modynamic activity, provided that all the terms in the equation pure solvent PG, NC-HCl yielded a calculated  ux of 800 times
remain constant. Therefore, for the release studies, suspensions higher (471.37 ¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 ). These results imply that the level
rather than solutions were used to guarantee a constant level of the enhancement was signiŽ cantly dependent upon the choice
of activity. Although the solubility of NC-HCl in PG was the of the cosolvent vehicle rather than drug solubility. Since the
highest among the pure solvents studied (27.999 mg/mL), as thermodynamic activity of NC-HCl in the different cosolvent
depicted in Table 2, the in vitro skin permeation rate was vir- systems is approximately the same, the rapid skin permeation
tually the same for all the high solubility solvents, including would seem to be related to changes in the diffusion coefŽ cient

Permeation parameters of nicardipine hydrochloride and nicardipine free base in ternary mixtures
and lecithin gel, through human stratum corneum (mean § SD, n D 12)

Q24 a Jb Kpd tL e
Vehicle-drug (¹g¢cm¡2 ) (¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 ) r (cm¢hr¡1 ¢105 ) (hr)
Gel (13.0%)/NC (base) 432.46 § 275.75 20.84 § 12.74 0.9982 16.03 § 9.80 3.3
( f 10 ) (63.8%) (61.1%) (61.1%)
PG-OA-DMI/NC (base) 201.21 § 151.66 10.62 § 8.56 0.9996 32.18 § 25.93 5.1
( f 11 ) (75.37%) (80.6%) (80.6%)
PG-OA-DMI/NC (salt) 153.82 § 87.70 f 4.52 § 4.28 0.9729 13.75 § 13.03 6.8
( f6) (57.0%) (94.8%) (94.8%)
Cumulative amount of drug permeated per unit area. b Flux. c Correlation coefŽ cient of curve Ž t. d Permeability
constant. e Lag time obtained from the mean release curve. f n D 8.
Numbers in parentheses show the coefŽ cient of variation.

of drug in the skin and/or the activity coefŽ cient of drug in the biocompatible matrix for trandermal delivery of drugs. These
skin, which are induced by the penetration of these solvents (Seki systems are particularly interesting (Dreher et al. 1996, 1997)
et al. 1987). It has also been shown that both PG and DMI readily because:
permeate the skin, increasing the solubility of the penetrant in
² They are thermoreversible systems that become liquid
the stratum corneum, and that OA facilitates penetration into the
with lower viscosity at temperatures above 40± C and
skin by disrupting the  uidity of the stratum corneum (Squillante
regain high viscosity by cooling.
et al. 1998; Potts et al. 1991). Therefore, it would seem that ve-
² They are capable of solubilizing various guest mole-
hicles that permeate the skin also promote NC-HCl  ux. Table 2
cules (lipophilic, hydrophilic, and amphoteric).
demonstrates that the coefŽ cients of variation calculated for the
² They do not cause skin irritation.
permeation parameters were quite considerable for all solvents
² They possess long-term stability.
and cosolvents, which could be attributed to the skin variabil-
² They are transparent, allowing the use of spectroscopic
ity. However, the least variation was observed when binary and
methods to detect possible structural changes of the
ternary solvent system were used for release study.
guest molecules.
Although it is not possible to extrapolate the animal data
to humans, if we assume that the hairless guinea pig skin is The formation of lecithin organogels in the system lecithin/
10 times more permeable than the human skin, one would ex- organic solvent/water with various organic solvents, such as lin-
pect that the ternary mixture could yet be the optimized liquid ear and cyclic alkanes, ester of fatty acids, and amines, have been
vehicle for the transdermal delivery of NC-HCl at the desired reported in the literature (Scartazzini and Luisi 1988). However,
Downloaded by [Osaka University] at 22:10 15 July 2015

rate. However, when comparison was made of the intrinsic abil- for pharmaceutical and medical applications, the organogels
ity of the ternary mixture to promote drug permeation through need to be composed of biocompatible components. This re-
human stratum corneum, this mixture had little effect on the skin search relates to a novel method of administration of a phar-
permeability of the drug (the  ux value of 4.52 ¹g¢cm¡2 ¢hr¡1 macologically active dihydropyridin e calcium channel blocker,
was obtained). Thus, a decision was made to evaluate the re- nicardipine, to promote the absorption and provide therapeu-
lease kinetics of NC-base through skin membrane. Figure 4 tically effective concentration in the bloodstream. The method
compares the amount of NC-base permeated into the receptor comprises the drug nicardipine base in combination with a
chamber through human stratum corneum, when the free base lecithin organogel carrier vehicle, composed of nontoxic ad-
was dissolved in PG/OA/DMI mixture ( f 11 ) with the same con- juvants selected from among propylene glycol, dimethyl isosor-
centration as formulation f 6 . Though the enhancement was not bide, oleic acid, and isopropyl myristate that have no physiolog-
substantial and the amount delivered still remained below the ical in uences in the body other than they increase the rate of
therapeutic level, drug permeation was improved. This result absorption across the body membranes.
indicates that the more lipophilic free base penetrates the skin In general, the results obtained from the release study through
more readily than the hydrochloride salt (Yu et al. 1998). It has guinea pig skin showed that the permeation rate from a ternary
been proposed that PG and DMI displace the water in the stra- mixture composed of PG/OA/DMI was signiŽ cantly greater than
tum corneum required to decrease the lipid rigidity and cause that observed with the corresponding lecithin gels. The explana-
dehydration (Squillante et al. 1998;). NC-base has a very poor tion for this difference is that there are some factors, including
solubility in water (Kou et al. 1993), hence, one would expect drug-micelle interaction (i.e., the location of the guest molecule
diffusion of the base through dehydrated skin likely would be in the reverse micelles, either in hydrophilic core or in lipophilic
improved, due to this displacement of stratum corneum water. hydrocarbon chains), the amount of the entrapped drug inside
In apolar organic solvents, soybean lecithin (a mixture of the micelle cores, and the quantity of water used as the gel in-
phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidy- ducer (or viscosity modiŽ er) which strongly affect the transport
lethanolamine) can form a thermoreversible, isotropic, nonbire- rate. The comparison between the trandermal transport curves
fringent gel-like system, so-called microemulsion-based gel or obtained from organogels composed of NC-HCl (1.54% w/w)
organogel, characterized by considerably high viscosity and op- and NC-base (3.57, 9.34, and 13.0% w/w) through guinea pig
tical transparency (Bhatnagar and Vyas 1994; Scartazzini and skin reveals two points: an increase in the drug content leads to
Luisi 1998). Lecithin, a naturally occurring surfactant, is ca- an increase in the  ux, and the transport rate with NC-base is
pable of forming reverse micelle-based microemulsions in an at least 20 times higher than NC-HCl. The latter reconŽ rms the
apolar environment due to its geometrical constraints. It is be- higher penetrability of the free base.
lieved that upon addition of a speciŽ c amount of water, the Although the apolar phase of the gel is composed of a mixture
small reverse micelles present initially in the lecithin-organic of PG/OA/DMI with its own skin penetration enhancement po-
solvent mixture tend to grow monodimentionally into long  ex- tential, it also has been suggested that lecithin gels may slightly
ible and cylindrical giant micelles, above a critical concentration disorganize the structure of the skin, and thus, the micelles may
of lecithin. These giant micelles then build a continuous entan- have been received by the skin barrier as hydrophobi c entities
gled network with a high macroscopic viscosity (Schurtenberger that permit increased permeation (Willimann et al. 1992). It
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