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María Fernanda García Abril

The history of the dentistry

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The earliest evidence of dentistry can be tracked to 3,000 B.C. a Egyptian scribes
named Hesy-Re who became the first dentist recognized, he was found with a flint
drill bit by the same time, scientists found teeth with slight decay on them, this
suggested his patients had their teeth drilled to rid themselves of tooth decay and
some translated papyrus manuscripts describe tooth diseases and toothache

Around 300 B.C in Greece, the "Father of Medicine" Hippocrates wrote about the
radical method he had developed for treating a patient's with toothache, his
treatments included tooth extraction, tooth ointment, oral tissue cauterization and
pray to the gods. Other philosophers spoke about dentistry, Diocles was the first to
talk about the importance of a regular oral hygiene, Claudius was the first to
deduce that teeth are made of bone with nerves inside and Aristotle made
descriptions of tooth growth, tooth decay, and gum disease.

During the middle age the monks were the most educated citizens and carried out
surgical procedures of dentistry, when the church banned monks from performing
surgery and extracting teeth. These tasks were made by barbers, because their
expertise shaving gave them ability with knives.

In 1723 Pierre Fauchard published "The Surgeon Dentist, A treatise on Teeth" in

this book, he wrote about the sugar effects on tooth decay, described techniques
that are still used in modern dentistry, he established dentistry as a distinct
The Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, was the world's first dental school it
opened in 1840. Actually, the dentistry involves medical science and procedures,
these two are focused on the prevention and treatment of our teeth, our gums,
including the wellness of our entire body.

In Colombia Guillermo Vargas Paredes is the father of the dentistry, he opened the
"Colegio dental de Bogotá" in 1888. He wrote books about: embryology, anatomy,
histology, development and teeth eruption, pathology and dental therapeutics,
operative dentistry, decay, filling materials and extraction procedures.

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