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British Journal of Social Psychology / Volume 40, Issue 2

National identity: Pride and prejudice?

Nick Hopkins

First published: 16 December 2010
Citations: 21
Citing Literature 

Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 21

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Marharyta Fabrykant, Vladimir Magun, Dynamics of National Pride Attitudes in Post-Soviet Russia,
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Kristin Hanson, Emma O’Dwyer, Patriotism and Nationalism, Left and Right: A Q‐Methodology
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Horst-Alfred Heinrich, Causal Relationship or Not? Nationalism, Patriotism, and Anti-immigration

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Juan García-García, After the Great War: Nationalism, Degenerationism and Mass Psychology,
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Craig McGarty, Ana-Maria Bliuc, Re ning the Meaning of the “Collective” in Collective Guilt: Harm,
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