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September 13, 2020

Meghin Delaney
Communications Director

Governor Sisolak issues statement on President Trump’s


CARSON CITY, NV – Tonight, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak issued the

following statement on President Trump’s actions in Nevada this weekend:

Tonight, President Donald Trump is taking reckless and selfish actions that
are putting countless lives in danger here in Nevada. Despite reports from
his own White House, despite local officials in Southern and Northern
Nevada reiterating to the venues the existing restrictions in State
emergency directives, tonight, the President of the United States is
knowingly packing thousands of people into an indoor venue to hold a
political rally.

The President appears to have forgotten that this country is still in the
middle of a global pandemic. Early on in this crisis, when it came time to
exhibit real leadership and make difficult decisions to protect the American
people, he failed to develop a unified national response strategy. To put it
bluntly: he didn’t have the guts to make tough choices -- he left that to
governors and the states. Now he’s decided he doesn’t have to respect our
State’s laws. As usual, he doesn’t believe the rules apply to him.

Instead, he came into our State and blatantly disregarded the emergency
directives and tough choices made to fight this pandemic and begin
reopening our economy by hosting an indoor gathering that’s categorized
as “high risk” according to his own CDC. This is an insult to every Nevadan
who has followed the directives, made sacrifices, and put their neighbors
before themselves. It’s also a direct threat to all of the recent progress
we’ve made, and could potentially set us back.

As Governor, I have worked with public health and infectious disease

specialists to create emergency directives to protect public health and get
our economy back on track. That means limiting gathering sizes, mandating
face coverings and practicing social distancing. All of which the President
recklessly disregarded for his own gain this weekend in Nevada.

At a time when Nevada is focused on getting our economy back on track

and protecting public health, the President’s actions this weekend are
shameful, dangerous and irresponsible.

I want to thank the local governments - like the Reno-Tahoe Airport

Authority and the City of Henderson - who have done all they could to
ensure businesses and visitors follow the state COVID-19 directives.

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