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Asthma Case Study

Asthma Case Study


Kadidia C. Tall-Waiters
Asthma Case Study

1. The patient asthma attack maybe triggered by Cigarette smock.

2. the assessment data that is associated with an acute asthma are:

Respiratory rate of 34 and shallow
Audible wheezing
Using accessory muscles to breathe

3. Nursing intervention: open up airway, use Pulmicort-steroid

4. Plan of care :

I. Ineffective breathing pattern

r/t increase tightness of the chest
AEB shortness of breath and using accessory muscles.

Short term gold: patient will breathe without using accessory muscle after first

long term gold: patient will have even and unlabored respiratory rate within 24h
of treatment.


1.) Give bronchodilators as prescribe:

To open air way.

2.) Give O2 as needed :

To increase SaO2.

3.) Monitor ABGs :

To prevent respiratory alkalosis.

4.) Encourage client to cough and deep breath

To expend rib cage.

5.) teach patient how to use rescue inhaler properly.

II. Risk for activity intolerance

AEB Shortness of breath.
Asthma Case Study

Short term gold: patient will be able to speak and converse using 10 to 15 words
sentence without shortness of breath an hour after first treatment.

Long term gold: Patient will perform ADL's independently without shortness of
breath within 48hrs of admission.


1.) Place patient in fall precautions with armband and/or sign on bed to allow
everyone to be aware of the fall risk.
2.) Call for assistance PRN to reduce falls
3.) Place non-skid socks on patient to increase slip resistance.
4.) Educate patient to rest in between ADLs to prevent shortness of breath
5.) Move patient close to the nurse station to allow nursing staff to keep their eye
on her.

Discharge teaching for the patient : Refer her to PCP for follow up, teach client
when, how and why to use rescue inhaler. Educate patient to have Asthma plan
with family.
Asthma Case Study


Lewis, S. L., Dirksen, S. R., Heitkemper, M. M., & Bucher, L. (2016). Medical

surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (10th ed.). St.
Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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