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Self and Team Member Evaluation of a Group


Your Name:_____________________________________________________

1) Please add your name and the names of your team members in the space provided.
2) Place a score of (0-5) next to each member’s name for each of the categories.
3) Answer the measurement question at the end of the document
4) You are also encouraged to provide additional comments at the end of the document to
provide your professor with qualitative information about the group project and process.
5) This completed evaluation will influence your final project score and may influence your
individual score.

Quality of Input Unacceptabl Marginal = 1 Very good = 3 Excellent = 5

1. 0135 Work was of Work often had Generally work Amazingly
2. 0135 poor quality, errors and omissions was of high good
and regularly which needed to be quality, only output, well
3. 0135
needed to be fixed/and or was “off occasional beyond
4. 0135
redone target” with the errors. expectations
5. 0135
6. 0135
7. 0135
8. 0135
9. 0135
10. 0135
11. 0135
12. 0135
13. 0135
14. 0135
15. 0135
Quantity of Input Unacceptabl Marginal = 1 Very good = 3 Excellent = 5
1. 0 1 3 5 Did not Provided less than Worked hard, Worked hard
2. 0 1 3 5 provide any their share/less than carried their and provided
3. 0 1 3 5 work. what was agreed share of the extra work
4. 0135 upon. load. when needed.
5. 0135
6. 0135
7. 0135
8. 0135
9. 0135
10. 0135
11. 0135
12. 0135
13. 0135
14. 0135
15. 0135
Participation, punctuality Unacceptabl Marginal = 1 Very good = 3 Excellent = 5
1. 0 1 3 5 Work was Work was Work was Work was
2. 0 1 3 5 always periodically submitted on submitted
submitted submitted late and time ahead of time
3. 0 1 3 5 late. this did, or could
4. 0135 have, affected the
5. 0135 project.
6. 0135
7. 0135
8. 0135
9. 0135
10. 0135
11. 0135
12. 0135
13. 0135
14. 0135
15. 0135

Interaction, supporting other team members, Unacceptable Marginal = 1 Very good = 3 Excellent = 5
sharing information =0
1. 0135 Was a major Some interaction Interacted well Went out of the
2. 0135 problem to problems, with others, way to help
3. 0135 interact and unhelpfulness, or helpful, teammates and
4. 0135 work with. failure to flexible, enable them to
communicate. pleasure to contribute.
5. 0135
work with.
6. 0135
7. 0135
8. 0135
9. 0135
10. 0135
11. 0135
12. 0135
13. 0135
14. 0135
15. 0135
Dependability and Unacceptable Marginal = 1 Very good = 3 Excellent = 5
meeting commitments =0
1. 0135 Was not Usually met Conscientious Went out of the
0135 reliable/Could commitments. about way to pick up
2. Needed some commitments.
not be slack for others
3. 0135 counted on at reminders or follow Very who miss
4. 0135 all. up. dependable. commitments.
5. 0135
6. 0135
7. 0135
8. 0135
9. 0135
10. 0135
11. 0135
12. 0135
13. 0135
14. 0135
15. 0135

Roles/Ownership Unacceptable Marginal = 1 Very good = 3 Excellent = 5

1. 0 1 3 5 Did not fulfill Some occasional Fulfilled role Role was done
2. 0 1 3 5 role problems related to expectations & exceptionally
responsibilities. role. responsibilities well, made a
3. 0135 pretty well. big difference!
4. 0135
5. 0135
6. 0135
7. 0135
8. 0135
9. 0135
10. 0135
11. 0135
12. 0135
13. 0135
14. 0135
15. 0135

1. About how much of the final project/speech/report did each member contribute to?
Adjust the percentages accordingly.

Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________% `
Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________%

Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________% `
Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________%

Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________% `
Name: ___________________________%
Name: ___________________________%

Total: 100%

2. Additional Comments about your team, the project in general, etc.:

Last revision 10/12

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