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Golden Dawn - The Ancient Dream

And so it is...that we are the Voice of the Crimson Council. We greet you on this day Dear
Ones, on this day of endings and this day of new beginnings. For at this point in your 'time'
which is merely an illusion by the way - time that is. At this point in your illusion of time you
stand upon a threshold of tremendous proportions. It is not simply the changing of one year to
another, it is not simply the passage of an old year, it is not merely a turning over of a page on a
calendar. It is much more profound than that Dear Ones. This time that you stand within is a
turning point, an evolutionary threshold as it were for humanity. This grand time that you stand
within is a time of celebration for the true new to come forth. Now what might the true new be
you may ask. It is indeed nothing we may conceptualize or categorize. We will not limit the
true new by placing definitions upon it. For it truly is unlimited, it is your grandest potential yet,
a potential of which your mind can not conceive. So we can not answer the question of what
your true new may be, for it is truly up to you to create it for yourselves, but we do see the
potential of things so grand there are no human words to convey the absolute grandeur of the
things taking shape that we see around you. We see the New Golden Sun peeking over the
horizon, shining out the light of the this new Era. We stand with you to greet this New Golden
Dawn. We shout in celebration with you for this truly is the beginning of your New Golden Era.
This is the time that you have dreamed of, for ages you have dreamed of this time of the true new
Golden Era on this planet of Earth. Breathe it in Dear Ones, breathe in the majesty, and the
grandeur of your New Golden Dawn! Breathe your Life into your New Day! We stand with
you, joining you and adding our Breath to yours. It is a glorious time indeed!

As we said the mind can not conceive of this potential of a true new era that you are bringing in,
so lets ignore the mind for a while here Dear Ones. Lets ignore that old human mind that has
been programmed to define and categorize and that is so limited and so very, very tired. Give
your tired old mind a break, let it go, give it permission to integrate with You, the complete and
whole You. Allow your mind to truly rest, for indeed it is ready to rest. You can handle any
situation, you have no need to go to your mind for solutions, you have a greater and more
efficient system, and it is the Divine You, your Soul, your Essence. Your tired old mind is but
part of the old human game you've been playing for centuries and millineum and it is crying out
for rest, so allow that tired mind to rest. The Divine You can handle it all! So take a deep breath
and let go of that mind. Care enough for yourself and your mind to allow it to rest.

And so with that Dear Ones, we say to you to look not at the past, for the past is not your present
moment. The past matters not. We say to you to focus in your now moment, breathe and let us
look at the energies of this transition time you stand within. We say that you stand within these
energies for you are ready to move, to progress, to expand. You are not idle and complacent
sitting within these energies but you are standing ready, alert to take your next step. Indeed this
transition time you stand within is a grand new era, much more than a simple change of the
calendar. The true new is here, and we celebrate with you in this moment, for it is a moment of
true transition, transition from old to new, indeed it is the active, vibrant, expanding potential of
your evolutionary process. So take a deep breath Dear Ones, we breathe with you on this
profound day in this moment of transition. We celebrate with you for you are the ones who have
chosen to experience this grandest of times immersed within your creation of it. And here we sit
on the other realms, watching and supporting you in all you do. And know Dearest Ones that
what you do is appropriate. You can not make a mistake, you can do no wrong. Just relax and
let the energy of the true new come in to serve you.

These energies are here to serve you, and the things that you have desired are ready to be brought
into your realm. The time of waiting and wondering where and when your desires will manifest
is truly over, for in this new era that you are transitioning into your desires are crying to you to
love them, and to support them. Your desires are your creations. Nurture your desires Dear
Ones, as you nurture your own Self. Your desires are part of you so we would say to care for
them as you care for your own Being, Soul and Body. Your desires cry out to you, the creator
for support and for nurturing. Hear these deep cries on this day of transition, pay heed to those
cries, and answer those cries for it truly is time for you to bring your desire, to bring your ancient
dream into this realm. And you may ask how? How do I bring my desire into this realm? How
do I manifest my ancient dream? Its really very simple Dears. Take a deep breath, deeply into
your Core. Take a deep breath and feel you Essence within you and from that sacred space of
You allow your desire, allow your dream to expand within your reality, give it permission to
manifest. Breathe into your desire, infuse your Essence into your dream, into your creation.
Consciously infuse your Life into your desire to experience your ancient dream and then stand
back, for you the Creator have just set in motion a grand process. This is the very process of

We would suggest to you that you now release your desire, release your hold on it for it needs no
manipulation or control to become manifest in your reality. You have set in motion a natural
process. You as Creator have breathed Life into your desire, so sit back and watch it happen.
And when that mind wants to jump in, just remind it that it is on vacation. You are giving it a
much deserved break, a break from tiring you out with all the analyzing, figuring, and
categorizing. Never mind (pun intended) your mind, it matters not! Your minds thinking will
only produce more dualistic old energy. Let that old thinking go and see how much more at
peace you really are. Stop the struggle, and just let go. The mind only wants to hang on to the
old for that is all it has known, it is what it has been programmed to do, but you are in a time of
transition from old to new, in which the old does not work as well as it once did, especially for
those who are reading our words. For you would not be drawn to these words if there were
nothing here for you. There are no accidents, as there are no mistakes. Accidents and mistakes
are simply old energy belief systems, judgments if you will that will make you feel as if you are
not responsible for your own life and circumstances.

There is in fact some reminder, some nugget here for you if your eyes are on this page. This is
the way the new energy works, one of the ways it works. The, we shall call it 'vibration' for lack
of a more appropriate word, the vibration of new consciousness is infused into the words that
Anah pens, then that 'vibration' draws to itself resonate energy. The vibration, the emanation of
new consciousness from these words shines a light so to say, it sends out a clarion call for those
who are ready to receive. On some level you who read these words see that light and hear that
call, and come to read these words even if you do not agree with what we say. The potential is
still available for you to allow your consciousness to rise, to allow your evolution to ensue. We
welcome you here, within this safe space and know that we honor you dearly and hold no
judgment for you in any way. For we do indeed have a broader view than you, from where we
sit upon the other realms on the very pinnacle of Angels Peak. We see the truth of who you are,
you are indeed the Creator, you hold the same spark of Divine Light that we or any other Angel
or human holds. At times that Divine Spark is buried quite deeply, but not so deeply that we do
not see that reality of your Divine spark peeking through the layers and layers of beautiful
coverings that you have put upon it because of fear of facing who you really are. We see and
know who you are Divine One, and you have all our honor. We are here in service to you. We
invite you to open up, open to that Divine Spark within, open to the You that has been hidden
like a treasure. Open up with the deep conscious breath and begin to explore the sacred vastness
of who you really are. It is time Dear Ones, time to be seen, it is time to allow your beauty and
light to shine out, to call out to resonate energies and to join together with those resonate
energies. For when you join together with resonate energies the potential is exponential!

And so we say to you Dear Ones, do not dismay, be not afraid, there can no bad thing happen,
you can do no wrong or make no mistake. All is in Divine Order as it should be. We would add
that it is your own Divine Order that all is in! Relax, celebrate, and breathe. Breathe in the
glorious chaos of this transition, and halt your judgment of chaos as bad. For when you perceive
a thing as bad it will be bad, for you the Creator are calling it bad, so it will do as the Creator
says, and be bad for you. That's a rather simple concept, that when you judge something as bad
or wrong it will be that way for you. So we would say to begin to see chaos or whatever may be
troubling you at the moment as simply energy here to serve you, with no judgment of good or
bad placed upon it, for when you place a judgment upon it it will surely heed the Creator and
serve you in that way. Allow those energies to serve you with no limits of judgment or agenda
placed upon them. When you limit energies with judgment or agenda you are merely
manipulating them.

So breathe in the chaos that is this transition with no judgment or agenda and you place the
potential of transformation within it and it naturally flows and expands to Earth and the
dimensions. As on Earth so it is upon the other dimensions. If you were not here doing your
'work' there would be no transition or transformation from old to new. You have evolved Human
Consciousness to the point it is now saying "I am ready". Consciousness is ready to shift, ready
to evolve and indeed it is doing so. It may seem slow and indeed it will take the physical world
'time' to catch up with Consciousness. But consciousness is running swiftly now and we
encourage you to be patient with the physical, it shall catch up with no interference for it is a
natural process. It needs no interference or manipulation from anyone. You have put it in
motion, now just stand back and breathe. Guide the ones who ask, honor all experience and
choice, know there is nothing wrong, stop interfering and most of all have true compassion for
your own Self. You look at your body, your problems, your situations and you wonder how you
will ever get out of those situations or get anything done. We remind you that you need do
nothing, there is nothing to get out of, your existence is an illusion, albeit a very real illusion, but
it is only a game that you have convinced yourself is real. Your Life on the other hand is another
matter, for your Life is your Being and your expression of your Being is your experience. You
as a Sovereign Being may do as you desire with no limits or controls.

We love you dearly and in your darkest moments know that all you need is your own sweet
Light, the light of your own Essence. You are never alone! And so it is that we breathe with you
in joy and celebration in this time of transition from the old to the new. We celebrate with you
as you move into your New Golden Era. With the light of the New Golden Dawn breaking
around you we breathe with you. We celebrate with you as the light of your Ancient Dream is
quickly replacing the old duality with your new reality.

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