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DIRECTION: The Examinee’s Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) is not a test. It consists of

several items on some information you are to give about yourself. Each item is followed by
several possible answers. After each item on your Answer Sheet, blacken the circle that
corresponds to your answer to that item. Do not leave any item unanswered.

1. How many members make up your family, including father, mother and children?
(Count only the living.)
a. 3
b. 4 – 5
c. 6 – 7
d. 8 – 9
e. More than 10
2. What is your birth order in the family?
a. Eldest
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
e. Fifth
f. Sixth
g. Only child
h. Youngest
i. Others
3. What is the highest educational attainment of your mother?
a. Post graduate
b. College graduate
c. College undergraduate
d. High school graduate
e. High school undergraduate
f. Elementary school graduate
g. Elementary school undergraduate
4. What is the highest educational attainment of your father?
a. Post graduate
b. College graduate
c. College undergraduate
d. High school graduate
e. High school undergraduate
f. Elementary school graduate
g. Elementary school undergraduate
5. What is the occupation of your father?
a. Manager, chairman, commissionaire, director, elected official, judge, cabinet
member, armed forces officer.
b. Professional (chemist, engineer, teacher, doctor, lawyer, nurse, architect,
accountant, pharmacist, pilot)
c. Law enforcer (policeman, enlisted man, detective)
d. Performing artist (actor, dancer, singer, musician)
e. Clerk, encoder, secretary, salesman, bank teller, salesclerk, bookkeeper,
news reporter, etc.
f. Mechanic, technician, welder, electrician, tailor, blacksmith, tinsmith,
shoemaker, carpenter
g. Domestic helper, waiter, barber, beautician, masseur
h. Transport worker( seaman, driver, conductor, stevedore, steward)
i. Construction worker ( mason, plumber, laborer, foreman, timekeeper)
j. Vendor, peddler, factory worker, farmer, fisherman, etc.
k. Others not mentioned.
6. What is the occupation of your father?
l. Manager, chairman, commissionaire, director, elected official, judge, cabinet
member, armed forces officer
m. Professional (chemist, engineer, teacher, doctor, lawyer, nurse, architect,
accountant, pharmacist, pilot)
n. Law enforcer (policeman, enlisted man, detective)
o. Performing artist (actor, dancer, singer, musician)
p. Clerk, encoder, secretary, salesman, bank teller, salesclerk, bookkeeper,
news reporter, etc.
q. Mechanic, technician, welder, electrician, tailor, blacksmith, tinsmith,
shoemaker, carpenter
r. Domestic helper, waiter, barber, beautician, masseur
s. Transport worker( seaman, driver, conductor, stevedore, steward)
t. Construction worker ( mason, plumber, laborer, foreman, timekeeper)
u. Vendor, peddler, factory worker, farmer, fisherman, etc.
v. Others not mentioned.
7. To what club or organization in school do you belong?
a. Glee Club
b. Science Club
c. Math Club
d. English Club
e. Filipino Club
f. Sports Club
g. Dance Troupe
h. Student Council
i. School Publication
j. None
8. What are the educational facilities you have at home?
a. Books only
b. Books, magazines and newspapers
c. TV, books, magazines and newspapers
d. Encyclopedia, TV and sets of books and magazines
e. Small library, including TV and computer
9. What highest honors or awards did you receive in the fifth grade?
a. First honors
b. Second honors
c. Third Honors
d. Fourth Honors
e. Best in Math / Science / English / Filipino
f. None
10. What is your favorite subject?
a. English
b. Filipino
c. Science
d. Mathematics

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