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1. Explain the Doctrine of Exhaustion of stated in Industrial Enterprises, Inc. vs.

Court of
Administrative Remedies. Give at least three Appeals, 184 SCRA 426, the doctrine of primary
exceptions to its application. (2000) jurisdiction applies where a case is within the
concurrent jurisdiction of the court and an
The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative administrative agency but the determination of the
remedies means that when an adequate remedy is case requires the technical expertise of the
available within the Executive Department, a administrative agency. In such a case, although the
litigant must first exhaust this remedy before he matter is within the jurisdiction of the court, it
can resort to the courts. The purpose of the must yield to the jurisdiction of the administrative
doctrine is to enable the administrative agencies case.
to correct themselves if they have committed an
error. (Rosales vs. Court of Appeals, 165 SCRA 344 4. Does the failure to exhaust administrative
(1988) remedies before filing a case in court oust said
court of jurisdiction to hear the case? (1996)
 Pure Question of Law No, the failure to exhaust administrative remedies
 Agency is estopped before filing a case in court does not oust the
 Act is patently illegal court of jurisdiction to hear the case. As held in
 Urgent need for judicial intervention Rosario vs. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 384,the
 Small Claims failure to exhaust administrative remedies does
 Irreparable Damage will be suffered not affect the jurisdiction of the court but results
 No other plain, speedy, and adequate in the lack of a cause of action, because a condition
 remedy precedent that must be satisfied before action
 Strong public interest can be filed was not fulfilled.
 Private Land
 Quo Warranto 5. Full Text of Question:
For being notoriously undesirable and recidivist,
2. Should the motion to dismiss on the ground Jose Tapulan, an employee in the first level of
of failure to exhaust administrative remedies be the career service in the Office of the
granted? (2004) Provincial Governor of Masbate, was dismissed
by the Governor without formal investigation
So the rule is you have to exhaust these remedies pursuant to Section 40 of the Civil Service
plus complete the process. If this is not complied Decree (P.D. No. 807) which authorizes
with, it may be susceptible, meaning your cause of summary proceedings in such cases. As a lawyer
action in court not complying with this one, to of Jose what steps, if any, would you take to
motion to dismiss for failure to comply with a protect his rights?
condition precedent, or at the very least, failure to Suggested Answer:
state your cause of action. So the case will be
dismissed. As lawyer of Jose, what steps, if any, would you
take to protect his rights? (1991)
3. Distinguish the doctrine of primary
jurisdiction from the doctrine of exhaustion of Section 40 of the Civil Service Decree has been
administrative remedies. (1996) repealed by republic Act No. 6654. As a lawyer of
Jose Tapulan, I will file a petition for mandamus to
The doctrine of primary jurisdiction and the compel his reinstatement. In accordance with the
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies ruling in Mangubat vs. Osmeña, G.R. No. L-12837,
both deal with the proper relationships between April 30, 1959, there is no need to exhaust all
the courts and administrative agencies. The administrative remedies by appealing to Civil
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative Service Commission, since the act of the governor
remedies applies where a claim is cognizable in the is patently illegal.
first instance by an administrative agency alone.
Judicial interference is withheld until the 6. Give the two (2) requisites for the judicial
administrative process has been completed. As review of administrative decisions/actions, that
is, when is an administrative action ripe for notice of hearing required for Quasi-Legislative
judicial review? (2001;1998) Rules. Exception would be:
1. Required by law
1. The administrative action has already been fully 2. It ADDS BURDEN to those affected
completed and, therefore, is a final agency action;
2. All administrative remedies have been 10. The Secretary of the Department of
exhausted. (Gonzales, Administrative Law, Rex Transportation reversed a decision of the
Bookstore: Manila, p. 136 (1979). LTFRB. The Office of the President set aside
the decision of the Secretary. A case was filed
7. Are GOCCs within the scope and meaning of in the Court of Appeals on Certiorari questioning
the “Government of the Philippines?” (1997) the decision of the Office of the President on
the ground that it has no jurisdiction over the
Section 2 of the Introductory Provisions of the case in the absence of any law providing for an
Administrative Code of 1987 defines the appeal from the DOTC to the Office of the
government of the Philippines as the corporate President. Will the case prosper? (2011)
governmental entity through which the functions
of government are exercised throughout the Full Text:
Philippines, including, save as the contrary appears Jax Liner applied for a public utility bus service
from the context, the various arms through which from Bacolod to Dumaguete from the Land
political authority is made effective in the Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Philippines, whether pertaining to the autonomous (LTFRB). BB Express opposed. LTFRB ruled in
regions, the provincial, city, municipal or barangay favor of Jax. BB appealed to the Secretary of
subdivisions or other forms of local government. the Department of Transportation and
Government-owned or controlled corporations are Communication (DOTC), who reversed the LTFRB
within the scope and meaning of the Government of decision. Jax appealed to the Office of the
the Philippines if they are performing President which reinstated the LTFRB’s ruling.
governmental or political functions. BB Express went to the Court of Appeals on
certiorari questioning the decision of the Office
of the President on the ground that Office of
8. When the President abolished certain offices the President has no jurisdiction over the case
in the government, it was questioned for being in the absence of any law providing an appeal
an encroachment of legislative powers and from DOTC to the Office of the President. Will
therefore void. Is the contention valid? (2003) the petition prosper?

MABALOT vs DOTC – (A) No, exhaustion of administrative remedies up

President has the continuing authority to to the level of the President is a pre-requisite to
reorganize under the General Appropriations Act judicial recourse.
(GAA). Even if such authority is a pro-forma
provision in every GAA, it is still Congress saying (B) No, the action of the DOTC Secretary
and recognizing that the President has such power. bears only the implied approval of the President
Reorganization may include the abolition of an who is not precluded from reviewing the decision
office or it may not. of the former.

9. The harbour pilots then filed a suit to have (C) Yes, when there is no law providing an appeal to
the new MARINA rules and regulations declared the Office of the President, no such appeal may be
unconstitutional for having been issued without pursued.
due process. Decide the case. (2000)
(D) Yes, the doctrine of qualified political agency
t’s Quasi – Legislative but rate – fixing because it renders unnecessary a further appeal to the
involves fees. What’s important here is that this is Office of the President.
an application of CIR vs. CA that generally, no
See also Page 12 of Admin Law Notes from USC
(not sure) Which one of the following theories does not
support the valid delegation of authority by the
11. When is an administrative rule that fixes Congress to an administrative agency:
rates valid? (2010; 2011) a. an administrative agency may "fill up the details"
of a statute;
2012 BAR EXAMS b. the legislature may leave to another body the
Under the Administrative Code, in the fixing of ascertainment of facts necessary to bring the law
rates, no rules or final order shall be valid unless: into actual operation;
a. the proposed rates shall have been submitted to c. an administrative agency has equal expertise
the U.P. Law Center for publication at least two with the legislature in crafting and implementing
weeks before the first hearing thereon; laws;
b. the proposed rates shall have been published in d. contingent legislation.
the Official Gazette at least two weeks before
the final hearing thereon; 14.“Substantial evidence” in administrative
c. the proposed rates shall have been published proceedings mean _____? (2010)
in a newspaper of general circulation at least
two weeks before the first hearing thereon; Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla
d. the proposed rates shall have been published in of evidence. It means such relevant evidence as a
a newspaper of general circulation at least two reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
weeks before the final hearing thereon. support a conclusion, even if other minds equally
reasonable might conceivably opine otherwise.
(C) Section 9(2), Chapter 2, Book Vii of 15. Under the Administrative Code, which of
Administrative Code the following does not come under the definition
of a “rule”? (2010)
12. The Secretary of Agriculture issued a
regulation imposing the penalty of imprisonment Which one of the enumeration below does not
for ten days. Is the regulation valid? (2011) come under the Administrative Code definition
of a "rule":
Full Text:
A law authorized the Secretary of Agriculture a. agency statement of general applicability that
to require the quarantine of animals that suffer implements or interprets a law;
from dangerous communicable diseases at such b. fixes and describes the procedures in or
place and for such time he deems necessary to practice requirements of, an agency;
prevent their spread. The Secretary of c. includes memoranda and statements concerning
Agriculture issued a regulation, imposing a internal administration;
penalty of imprisonment for 10 days on persons d. an agency process for the formulation of a
transporting quarantined animals without his final order.
permission. The regulation is
16. Under the Administrative Code,
(A) a valid exercise of the power of subordinate “adjudication” means ______. (2010)
Under the Administrative Code, "adjudication"
(B) invalid for being ultra vires. means:
a. whole or any part of any agency permit,
(C) a valid exercise of police power. certificate, or other form of permission, or
regulation of the exercise of a right or privilege;
(D) invalid for being discriminatory.
b. an agency process for the formulation of a
13. Which one of the following theories does final order;
not support valid delegation of authority by
Congress to an administrative agency? (2010)
c. agency process for the formulation, amendment,
or repeal of a rule;

d. agency process involving the grant, renewal,

denial, revocation or conditioning of a license.

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