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The plan is to understand the dangers of the coming pole-shift and prepare
against them. The run-down to the Pole-shift is also tricky and dangerous
in the latter stages. We have to live a double-life meanwhile: maintain our
personal, social and business network all the while preparing and keeping
an eye on Planet X-caused Earth change events.

Global No-Go Danger Zones

2 Votes

Linked here is my new video on Global no-go zones for safe

locations against the Pole-Shift. The idea for this video developed
from the many requests I get from people for my opinion about their
prospective safe locations that happen to be in danger or death
zones. The idea with this video is to hopefully save people, and
myself, some time in addressing common death zones such as the
meso-American countries that are south of Mexico City and north of
mainland Columbia and the Caribbean Sea island all the way east to
the island of Trinidad/Tobago. Mexico in general is an excellent safe
area, but it needs to be well-defined and will be in my next safe-
locations video. There are many other death zones found globally of
course, hence my video.
Now speaking of Danger zones, they require a massive amount of
research to establish a safe area within them when using mind,
otherwise it’s a massive gamble with your life. Enter waking dreams.
Waking dreams will simply point the way with little effort by self
providing life-giving and immediate support from one’s over-soul.
Waking dreams are daily events, sights and sounds that stick out of
the texture of your daily life. We all have a groove, a pattern and
established ways that we go about our daily affairs within, the
waking dream will present itself in many ways that are noticeable in
some way specifically tailored to the individual. Waking dreams are
perfectly timed to clue-in the human living-observer of them. In
most cases they are prophetic, in which case they will manifest
seemingly unrelated to our daily texture of life, yet our readiness to
read them will be at a peak. The more you work with them, the more
you will see them. Waking dreams can be exquisitely subtle with the
most sensitive and tender message, they can also be rough and
ready according to what is required to wake us up to what we need
to know. Above all, they are always for us, to uplift us and to assure
us to what is needed and what is coming in our lives. All you have to
do is be willing to know, willing to observe the events of your daily
life dispassionately.

Global Pole Shift Overview

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Safe Location analysis: Mexico Pole-Shift Readiness: A Layered Video: Surviving The Pole-Shift
In "General" approach. In "General"
In "General"

May 11, 2019  6 Replies

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JOANNE SMITH on May 12, 2019 at 7:51 am

Cris, Thank you for up date. Robert Smith

Sent from my iPhone


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Chris Thomas on May 12, 2019 at 7:54 am

Hello Robert, You’re welcome.

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louise nicholls on May 13, 2019 at 6:12 am

Hello Chris,

I greatly appreciated this post on Global No-Go Danger Zones as I

own property in Barbados, so I will not be spending many more
retirement years there, however I am currently living in Hamilton
Ontario and am wondering if there is a safe zone in the province
that won’t be disrupted by nuclear plant/facility explosions or being
flooded out by ever expanding lakes and rivers? Is there such a
safe area that is hidden away or is it necessary to leave the
province entirely? Your comments would be most welcome.

Kindest Regards,

Louise Nicholls



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Chris Thomas on May 16, 2019 at 6:09 pm

Hello Louise. Yes, sell your property in Barbados!

Hamilton Ontario is just not safe, besides, it’s a large city and
will be dangerous after the PS just on that point alone. In
Addition, the Great Lakes will be draining, even before the PS,
and certainly because of the New Madrid fault line earthquake
sometime in late 2021 or early 2022. During the PS, the lakes
will be sloshing as well, so Hamilton will be inundated by
moving lake water forever changing Hamilton as a city making it
a dangerous wasteland of sagging and broken structures,
impassable portions of roads and desperate citizens and soon
communicable diseases will take hold of the populous still
For Ontario in general, the prevailing winds will move any
nuclear dust/radiation to the current southeast away from
central, western and northern Ontario. The subject of radiation
often comes up regarding the after-math of the PS, of course
these thoughts are common, but much spiritual help via
UFO/ET assistance is afoot for this particular PS. Many nuclear
power stations will be rendered inert, but just to be “karmically
safe” I recommend locating to the current northwest of any
nuclear plant, but obviously keeping your distance by 20 miles
or more.
There is a plethora of safe locations in Ontario, too many to list.
You could watch my Manitoba and Ontario safe locations video
here: as well
for more information.
I suggest looking at a few locations that interest you, and get
back to me, I’ll comment on them. You want to be UP from a
river or Lake and make sure you have a minimum of bridges to
cross and rivers to drive along to get to your safe location, plus
you should be there by the end of 2020. Chris.

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juliejean1 on June 4, 2019 at 9:43 am

Hi Cris. Im new to your site and message. I feel that I was guided
here. I feel really afraid, I have 2 babies. I live in Toronto. My heart is
telling me I need to follow this advice. Im considering moving north
near lake huron. Do you still think this will happen? Are you willing
to share how you know these dates? I am open minded. There
have been failed prophecies in the past, how can we be certain? Im
so paralyzed with fear thinking of survival with my babies. Sorry for
all the questions. I know our world is looking at a very grim climate
change forcast and this earth shift actually gives hope for a future
that climate change does not. I feel like i need to survivevthis for
some reason. I asked for a sign. I didnt see it myself but my sister
came to me the next day and said i saw tge most beautiful thing, a
red cardinal on my window sill. I was shocked by that. The mere
fact that she thought to mention it to me.

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Chris Thomas on June 4, 2019 at 10:24 am

Hi Julie, I get many messages saying and asking similar things

from people spotted all over the globe. I’m happy to help, but
your questions are very broad and would require much time to
write it all out, and as I am very busy writing and creating
videos, etc, consequently I suggest we talk over the phone or
facebook or whatsapp. If you want to email me your phone
number and I’ll call you:

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