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J Am Acad Audiol 22:491–500 (2011)

Performance of Normal Adults and Children on

Central Auditory Diagnostic Tests and Their
Corresponding Visual Analogs
DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.22.8.2

Teri James Bellis*†

Jody Ross*‡


Background: It has been suggested that, in order to validate a diagnosis of (C)APD (central auditory
processing disorder), testing using direct cross-modal analogs should be performed to demonstrate that
deficits exist solely or primarily in the auditory modality (McFarland and Cacace, 1995; Cacace and
McFarland, 2005). This modality-specific viewpoint is controversial and not universally accepted (Amer-
ican Speech-Language-Hearing Association [ASHA], 2005; Musiek et al, 2005). Further, no such analogs
have been developed to date, and neither the feasibility of such testing in normally functioning individuals
nor the concurrent validity of cross-modal analogs has been established.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of cross-modal testing by examining
the performance of normal adults and children on four tests of central auditory function and their corre-
sponding visual analogs. In addition, this study investigated the degree to which concurrent validity of
auditory and visual versions of these tests could be demonstrated.

Research Design: An experimental repeated measures design was employed.

Study Sample: Participants consisted of two groups (adults, n 5 10; children, n 5 10) with normal and
symmetrical hearing sensitivity, normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, and no family or personal
history of auditory/otologic, language, learning, neurologic, or related disorders.

Data Collection and Analysis: Visual analogs of four tests in common clinical use for the diagnosis of
(C)APD were developed (Dichotic Digits [Musiek, 1983]; Frequency Patterns [Pinheiro and Ptacek,
1971]; Duration Patterns [Pinheiro and Musiek, 1985]; and the Random Gap Detection Test [RGDT;
Keith, 2000]). Participants underwent two 1 hr test sessions separated by at least 1 wk. Order of sessions
(auditory, visual) and tests within each session were counterbalanced across participants. ANOVAs (anal-
yses of variance) were used to examine effects of group, modality, and laterality (for the Dichotic/Dichoptic
Digits tests) or response condition (for the auditory and visual Frequency Patterns and Duration Patterns
tests). Pearson product-moment correlations were used to investigate relationships between auditory and
visual performance.

Results: Adults performed significantly better than children on the Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits tests. Results also
revealed a significant effect of modality, with auditory better than visual, and a significant modality 3 laterality
interaction, with a right-ear advantage seen for the auditory task and a left-visual-field advantage seen for the
visual task. For the Frequency Patterns test and its visual analog, results revealed a significant modality 3
response condition interaction, with humming better than labeling for the auditory version but the reversed
effect for the visual version. For Duration Patterns testing, visual performance was significantly poorer than
auditory performance. Due to poor test-retest reliability and ceiling effects for the auditory and visual gap-
detection tasks, analyses could not be performed. No cross-modal correlations were observed for any test.

Conclusions: Results demonstrated that cross-modal testing is at least feasible using easily accessible
computer hardware and software. The lack of any cross-modal correlations suggests independent pro-
cessing mechanisms for auditory and visual versions of each task. Examination of performance in indi-

*Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of South Dakota, Vermillion; †Division of Basic Biomedical Sciences, Sanford
School of Medicine, Vermillion, SD; ‡Winnipeg Hearing Centres, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Teri James Bellis, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of South Dakota, 414 E Clark St,
Vermillion, SD 57069; Phone: 605-677-6201; Fax: 605-677-5767; E-mail:

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Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 22, Number 8, 2011

viduals with central auditory and pan-sensory disorders is needed to determine the utility of cross-modal
analogs in the differential diagnosis of (C)APD.

Key Words: Central auditory processing, dichoptic, dichotic, gap detection, modality specificity, temporal
Abbreviations: (C)APD 5 central auditory processing disorder; LVFA 5 left-visual-field advantage;
REA 5 right-ear advantage; RGDT 5 Random Gap Detection Test; SRT 5 Speech Recognition

odality specificity of central auditory process- central auditory tests. That is, even when all efforts
ing disorder ([C])APD) has been a key topic of are made to hold task-related factors constant to the
controversy in recent years. Cacace and greatest extent possible, can the resulting measures ever
McFarland (2005; McFarland and Cacace, 1995) have be truly analogous and equivalent? Not only is it difficult
recommended that, in addition to central auditory diag- to render such tasks equivalent in terms of difficulty lev-
nostic tests, performance on analogous tests in other els, it is also highly unlikely that such tasks could be
sensory modalities should be examined for possible equivalent in terms of processing mechanisms required,
multimodal, pan-sensory, and/or task-related (rather given the significant differences that occur in auditory
than auditory-specific) difficulties in children suspected processing versus processing in other sensory modal-
of (C)APD (central auditory processing disorder). These ities. For example, as discussed in depth by King and
authors have advocated for the development and use of Nelken (2009), a substantial amount of auditory process-
direct visual or other sensory analogs of behavioral ing occurs prior to processing by primary auditory cortex
tests of central auditory function for purposes of differ- (A1) via multiple subcortical relays. As a result, process-
ential diagnosis of (C)APD. Specifically, they state that, ing in A1 is far more complex and represents a higher
because behavioral tests of central auditory function level of processing than occurs in primary visual cortex
can be affected by several nonauditory factors, includ- (V1), which receives projections directly from retinal
ing memory, attention, language, and others, it is nec- cells by way of visual thalamus only. These neurophysio-
essary to vary systematically the nature of the stimulus logic and psychophysical differences between auditory
while holding other task-related factors constant to and visual processing represent a significant barrier
demonstrate that performance deficits observed are to constructing truly analogous auditory-visual cross-
due, in fact, to the nature of the stimulus (e.g., auditory modal tasks. Therefore, for purposes of this paper, the
versus visual), rather than to more global confounds. terms analog and analogous are used for convenience;
Musiek, Bellis, and Chermak (2005) expressed concern however, the caveat that these measures may not be
regarding the use of direct analogs to validate diagnosis of truly analogous should be kept in mind throughout.
(C)APD for several reasons. These include the fact that vis- In short, the use of visual analogs of central auditory
ual and related testing is not in the scope of practice of the tests in the diagnosis of (C)APD remains a contentious
audiologist and the concern that there are no data demon- topic. To compound the problem further, no direct vis-
strating the neurophysiologic substrates or sensitivity/ ual or other analogs of behavioral central auditory tests
specificity of such tasks. As such, it is unclear whether in current clinical use exist for this purpose at the
these analogs recruit similar processing mechanisms. present time. Before one can assess the utility of such
Indeed, in an investigation of the concurrent validity of analogs in the differential diagnosis of (C)APD from
a dichotic listening task and its corresponding visual ana- other pan-sensory, multimodal, or task-related con-
log, Voyer and Boudreau (2003) found no significant cross- founds, the feasibility of conducting such testing must
modal correlations between the auditory and visual tasks, be demonstrated, and performance of typically func-
suggesting that each task measured independent brain tioning adults and children must be elucidated.
processes. These findings were consistent with those of The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasi-
Wexler and King (1990) and Bellis et al (2008), who bility of using visual analogs of commonly used central
also found no cross-modal correlations between audi- auditory tests in the assessment of normal adults and chil-
tory and visual tasks in normal participants. However, dren and also to provide a baseline against which the per-
Bellis et al (2008) did find significant cross-modal corre- formance of individuals with disorders can be compared.
lations between an auditory dichotic task and its corre- Specifically, this study sought to elucidate the per-
sponding visual analog in a group of children diagnosed formance of normal adults and children on four central
with (C)APD presumed to involve the interhemispheric auditory tests in common clinical use for the diagno-
pathways, which may suggest some degree of concur- sis of (C)APD and four corresponding visual analogs
rent validity of these tasks in some individuals. developed by the investigative team to alter the mode
A more important concern revolves around the diffi- of stimulation (auditory to visual) while attempting
culty inherent in creating true cross-modal analogs of to hold all other task-related factors constant. Further,

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Visual Analogs of (C)APD Tests/Bellis and Ross

in an effort to determine whether similar processing Materials

mechanisms are employed for each auditory/visual com-
bination, this study investigated the degree to which con- Four central auditory tests were selected for in-
current validity on these tests could be demonstrated via clusion in this study: Dichotic Digits (Musiek, 1983),
cross-modal correlations. Frequency Patterns (Pinheiro and Ptacek, 1971), Dura-
tion Patterns (Pinheiro and Musiek, 1985), and the
METHOD Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT; Keith, 2000).
These tests were selected because they are in common
Participants clinical use for the diagnosis of (C)APD, they represent
categories of central auditory testing recommended by
Participants for this study consisted of 10 adults current consensus documents for central auditory assess-
(mean age 5 23.2 yr, SD 5 2.04) and 10 children (mean ment (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
age 5 12.6 yr, SD 5 2.17) recruited from the general [ASHA], 2005; American Academy of Audiology [AAA],
community as part of a larger study investigating a 2010), and their test constructs rendered them particu-
variety of auditory, visual, and electrophysiological larly suitable for translation into the visual modality.
tasks in normal and disordered auditory processing Further, three of the tests—Dichotic Digits, Frequency
and attention. All participants evidenced normal and Patterns, and Duration Patterns—have been shown to
symmetrical hearing sensitivity as measured by pure- be sensitive, specific, and efficient for the identification
tone air- and bone-conduction thresholds ,15 dB HL of dysfunction of cortical and interhemispheric central
and #5 dB HL interaural difference for octave frequen- auditory pathways (e.g., Musiek et al, 1980; Musiek,
cies 250–8000 Hz, normal findings on tympanometry 1983; Musiek, Gollegly, et al, 1984; Musiek, Kibbe,
and acoustic reflex testing, and normal or corrected- et al, 1984; Musiek and Pinheiro, 1987; Musiek et al,
to-normal visual acuity. In addition, Speech Recog- 1990; Musiek, 1994). The fourth test, the RGDT, was
nition Thresholds (SRTs) were obtained to provide selected because of its commercial availability and com-
for determination of intensity levels for the auditory mon clinical use at the time of the study and because gap-
experimental tasks. Further, participants had no fam- detection/auditory-fusion paradigms have been shown
ily or personal history of diagnosed or suspected au- to be sensitive to cortical, particularly left-hemisphere,
ditory, language, learning, or related disorders, and dysfunction (Lackner and Teuber, 1973).
no history of otologic or neurologic disorder or insult. Visual analogs of each central auditory test were
Finally, all participants were native speakers of Eng- developed using SuperLab Pro Experimental Labora-
lish and were consistently right-handed for nine of the tory Software version 2.0 (Cedrus Corporation, 1999).
most reliable items on the Edinburgh Handedness All attempts were made to mirror precisely the task
Inventory (Oldfield, 1971; Raczkowski et al, 1974). demands; response requirements; content, number,
All participants were naı̈ve to the experimental tasks and order of stimulus items; instructions to the partic-
and were paid for their participation. Informed con- ipant; and all other characteristics of the analogous
sent was obtained from each participant or his/her auditory task. However, some minor stimulus-related
legal guardian; child assent was obtained from each modifications were necessary to render the tests feasi-
child. Ethical approval to conduct the study was ble in the visual modality. Further, for all of the visual
obtained through the Institutional Review Board of tasks, the interstimulus intervals varied as the signal to
the University of South Dakota. advance to the next stimulus was triggered following
the participant’s response. This allowed for maximiza-
Procedures tion of performance without the confounding effect of a
time-based task. For the same reason, and consistent
Testing was conducted over two 1 hr test sessions, with clinical administration of these tests, it was deter-
separated by at least 1 wk. Order of sessions (i.e., vis- mined in advance that the auditory tasks would be
ual, auditory) and tests administered within each ses- paused between stimuli if additional response time
sion were counterbalanced to control for possible order was required; this situation did not occur during the
or learning effects. All auditory tests were conducted current study for any participant. A description of each
in a sound-treated audiological test booth. Stimuli auditory test and its corresponding visual analog,
were routed from a compact disc player through a two- including modifications, follows.
channel audiometer meeting ANSI (2004) standards
and were delivered via ER3a insert earphones. All vis- Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits
ual tests were conducted in a private office with the
door closed and outside noise minimized, with black The Dichotic Digits test (Musiek, 1983) consists of
stimuli presented on a white background using a com- 25 stimulus items with each composed of two digit
puter and 17 in LCD monitor. pairs separated by an interstimulus interval of 3 sec

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Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 22, Number 8, 2011

presented to each ear simultaneously in a dichotic man- binaurally at 50 dB SL re: 1000 Hz pure-tone threshold.
ner at 50 dB SL re: SRT, for a total of four digits per Stimuli were 200 msec in duration with an interstimu-
stimulus item. Stimuli are numbers from 1 to 10 lus interval of 150 msec. Consistent with clinical recom-
(excluding 7) delivered by a male speaker of Standard mendations for administration of this test, 25 stimulus
American English. Participants were instructed to items were presented for each of two response condi-
report all four numbers heard, or as many as possible, tions: linguistic labeling, in which the participant
in a free-recall paradigm, and were encouraged to guess was instructed to label the three-tone pattern presented
if unsure. Performance was scored as a function of per- (e.g., high-high-low, low-high-low), and humming, in
cent correct per ear, and a subtraction of left- from which the participant was instructed to mimic nonver-
right-ear performance yielded a measure of right-ear bally the pattern. Percent correct per response condi-
advantage (REA). Practice items were provided before tion was calculated. As with all tests administered,
testing to ensure participants’ understanding of the practice items were provided prior to testing to ensure
task. participants’ comprehension of the task.
For the visual analog (Dichoptic Digits), stimuli con- A Visual High-Low paradigm was created as a visual
sisted of the same digit pairs in the same presentation analog to Frequency Patterns. Stimuli consisted of a
order as in the auditory paradigm (two digits on each black rectangle measuring 6 cm in width by 4 cm in
side of a central fixation marker), except that the num- height presented at horizontal midline on a white back-
ber 1 was substituted for the number 10, which could be ground. Triads of stimulus presentations were con-
construed by the participant as two separate digits structed with the visual stimuli appearing at “high”
(1 and 0). The substitution of 1 was chosen because the (bottom edge at 4 cm above center) or “low” (top edge
alternative (0) could have been viewed as the capital let- at 4 cm below center) locations on the screen. Twenty-five
ter O by the participants and also because verbal report stimulus triads were presented for each response condi-
of the number 0 requires a bisyllabic utterance. Black tion (linguistic labeling, humming) in the same order as
stimuli were presented tachistoscopically on a white in the auditory Frequency Patterns task. Each individual
background using a computer and 17 in LCD monitor. stimulus item was presented for a duration of 500 msec,
A black cross (1 cm width and height) served as a cen- with a within-triad interstimulus interval of 50 msec. The
tral fixation marker. One pair of digits (one digit to the duration and interstimulus interval were chosen based
right and left of the central fixation marker) was pre- on pilot studies during the test development stage that
sented for a duration of 200 msec to allow for recogni- showed that these parameters were more than adequate
tion of both digits while at the same time ensuring for normal adults to perform the task while, at the same
visual half-field presentation by eliminating the oppor- time, not being so long as to tax working memory. Fur-
tunity for optical hemisaccades that would allow for the ther, pilot studies clearly demonstrated that the 50 msec
acquisition of the targets via central (foveal) vision. interstimulus interval was entirely sufficient for the per-
This was followed by an interstimulus interval of 100 ception of a clear demarcation between successive stim-
msec, after which the second pair of digits was pre- uli, even when they occupied the same spatial position on
sented for a duration of 200 msec. Therefore, the overall the screen. Spatial position (high versus low) was chosen
stimulus duration was, by necessity, longer for the vis- rather than visual frequency (e.g., color) so as to hold the
ual dichoptic digits task as compared to the auditory task and responses constant across auditory and visual
dichotic task. Digit stimuli were 1.5 cm in height and modalities (i.e., labeling and humming of “high” and
1 cm in width, with the distance between the central “low” stimuli). In addition, there is evidence to suggest
fixation marker and the inner edge of the leading stim- that brain regions involved in processing demands for
ulus subtending 3˚ of visual angle. A chin rest was used this task are similar across modalities in that processing
to reduce head movement. Instructions to the partici- of both visual-spatial position and tonal patterns are, at
pants, provision of practice items, and methods of scor- least initially, subserved primarily by right-hemisphere
ing were the same as those for the auditory dichotic brain regions (e.g., Blumstein and Cooper, 1974; Joseph,
listening task, with performance scored as percent cor- 1988). Instructions to participants, response conditions
rect per visual field. In addition, a subtraction of the (i.e., labeling, humming), provision of practice items,
left-visual-field score from the right-visual-field score and methods of scoring were the same as for the analo-
yielded an intratest comparison measure of Visual Field gous auditory task.
Advantage (VFA).
Auditory and Visual Duration Patterns
Frequency Patterns/Visual High-Low
The auditory Duration Patterns task (Pinheiro and
Stimuli for the Frequency Patterns test (Pinheiro and Musiek, 1985) is similar to the auditory Frequency Pat-
Ptacek, 1971) consist of triads of tone bursts that differ terns task in that stimuli consist of triads of tone bursts.
in frequency (high 5 1112 Hz, low 5 880 Hz) delivered For this task, 25 triads of 1000 Hz tone bursts differing

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Visual Analogs of (C)APD Tests/Bellis and Ross

in duration (long 5 500 msec, short 5 250 msec) were perceived. The gap detection threshold was calculated
presented at 50 dB SL re: 1000 Hz pure-tone threshold in the same manner as in the auditory task.
in each of the two response conditions, linguistic label-
ing and humming. Scoring of responses was identical to RESULTS
that of the auditory Frequency Patterns task.
The visual Duration Patterns task utilized the same
black rectangles described previously for the Visual
High-Low task. For this task, stimuli (long 5 800 msec,
F or the digits and temporal patterning tasks, two
levels of data analysis were performed, with the
first examining group differences in test performance
short 5 250 msec) were presented at horizontal and ver- and the second examining cross-modal correlations.
tical midline, with a within-triad stimulus interval of In addition, Cohen’s d was calculated as a measure of
100 msec. Twenty-five stimulus items were presented effect size for each pairwise comparison. As will be dis-
in each report condition and in the same order as in cussed below, statistical analyses were not possible for
the auditory paradigm. It should be noted that the “long” the gap detection tasks due to inconsistent test perform-
visual stimulus (800 msec) was longer in duration than ance across groups for the auditory version and ceiling
the “long” auditory stimulus (500 msec) due to the in- effects for the visual version.
creased difference limen for duration discrimination in
the visual modality (e.g., Silva et al, 2007). A pilot study Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits
conducted during the task-development stage for the vis-
ual paradigms confirmed that a larger difference was Results of Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits were subjected to
necessary for typically developing individuals to perceive a 2 3 2 3 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Group
a difference consistently. Scoring per response condition (adults, children), Modality (auditory, visual), and Lat-
was identical to that described previously for the other erality (right, left) as the between-group, or independ-
temporal patterning tasks. ent variables, and percent correct performance as the
within-group, or dependent, variable. ANOVA revealed
Auditory and Visual Gap Detection a significant effect of Group (F(1,72) 5 7.093; p , .01;
d5 .55), with adults exhibiting better overall perform-
To assess auditory gap-detection performance, the ance than children. ANOVA also revealed a significant
RGDT (Keith, 2000) was employed. This test consists effect of Modality (F(1,72) 5 11.156; p , .01; d 5 .71),
of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz 500 msec pure tones with overall performance in the auditory modality bet-
and clicks in which a silent gap is inserted. The duration ter than that in the visual modality. These results are
of the gap is varied randomly from 0 to 40 msec, with displayed in Figure 1. Finally, ANOVA revealed a sig-
gap intervals of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 msec. nificant Modality 3 Laterality interaction (F(1, 72) 5
The listener’s task is to indicate whether one or two 5.254; p , .05), with an REA observed in the auditory
stimuli were perceived for each stimulus presentation. modality but the reversed effect (a left-visual-field
The entire test consists of nine stimulus presentations advantage [LVFA]) observed in the visual modality.
per frequency, and the lowest gap identified at each This is illustrated in Figure 2. No significant effect of
stimulus frequency is ascertained. Practice items con- Laterality (F(1,72) 5 .0, p 5 1.0; d 5 .0) and no other sig-
sisting of nine nonrandom stimuli with progressively nificant interactions were found. In fact, when collapsed
larger gap intervals are provided. The composite gap across group and modality, mean scores for Laterality
detection threshold is calculated by the simple arith- were identical (right595.525, left595.525), although var-
metic mean of the results obtained at each stimulus fre- iability was somewhat larger for right-ear/visual-field
quency. In addition, the click gap detection threshold is scores (SD 5 6.75) than for left (SD 5 4.536). This find-
calculated by identifying the lowest gap correctly iden- ing was due to an equal and opposite effect of the REA
tified for the click stimuli. for Dichotic Digits and the LVFA for Dichoptic Digits in
The visual gap-detection paradigm was constructed this group of normal children and adults.
to be identical to the auditory RGDT (click stimuli) in
the areas of stimulus presentation order, gap durations, Frequency Patterns/Visual High-Low
and response requirements. The same black rectangles
used in the previous two paradigms were utilized and Results of Frequency Patterns/Visual High-Low were
were presented on a white background at horizontal subjected to a 2 3 2 3 2 ANOVA with Group (adults,
and vertical midline for a duration of 500 msec. children), Modality (auditory, visual), and Response Con-
Blank-screen gaps of 0 to 40 msec were inserted into dition (humming, labeling) as the between-group, or inde-
stimulus presentations in the same order as in the audi- pendent, variables, and percent correct performance as
tory RGDT (click stimuli) for both practice and test the within-group, or dependent, variable. ANOVA revealed
items. As with the auditory task, participants were no significant main effects of Group (F(1,72)5 1.178; ns;
instructed to indicate whether one or two stimuli were d5.297), Modality (F(1,72)5.550, ns; d5.164), or Response

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Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 22, Number 8, 2011

Figure 1. Performance of Group 1 (Adults) and Group 2 (Children) on Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits by ear/visual field (right, left) and modal-
ity (auditory, visual). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Condition (F(1,72) 5 .198, ns; d 5 .098). A significant ipants exhibited visual gap detection thresholds of
Modality 3 Response Condition interaction was found 5 msec. Therefore, statistical analyses could not be per-
(F(1,72) 5 4.951, p , .05), with performance in the hum- formed on results of the gap-detection testing.
ming condition better than in the labeling condition for
the auditory task, but the reverse finding for the visual Cross-Modal Correlations
task. These results are shown in Figure 3. There were no
other significant interactions. Pearson product-moment correlations revealed no sig-
nificant correlations between overall test performance in
Auditory and Visual Duration Patterns the auditory and visual modalities for Dichotic/Dichoptic
Digits, Frequency Patterns/Visual High-Low, or Auditory/
As with the previous test, results of auditory and visual Visual Duration Patterns. As previously stated, correla-
Duration Patterns were subjected to a 2 3 2 3 2 ANOVA tion analysis could not be performed on gap-detection
with Group, Modality, and Response Condition as results. These results indicate that individual overall test
between-group factors and percent correct performance accuracy in the auditory modality is not related to overall
as the within-group factor. ANOVA revealed a significant task accuracy in the visual modality for any of these tasks
main effect of Modality (F(1,72) 5 45.674; p , .01; d 5 in normal individuals.
1.53), with performance for the visual task significantly Similarly, no significant cross-modal correlations were
poorer than that for the auditory task. There were no sig- found for any ear/visual-field combination for the Dichotic/
nificant main effects of Group (F(1,72) 5 .594, ns; d 5 .14) Dichoptic Digits task. To compute response asymmetries,
or Response Condition (F(1,72) 5 1.037, ns; d 5 .18) and left-ear or visual-field responses were subtracted from
no significant interactions. These results are displayed
in Figure 4.

Auditory and Visual Gap Detection

Performance of all participants on the auditory RGDT

was highly variable with extremely poor test-retest reli-
ability, which rendered it impossible to obtain reliable
gap detection thresholds for all participants. Specifically,
gap detection thresholds of 5 msec were obtained from
two children and three adults. Thresholds could not be
calculated for three children and four adults due to
inconsistent responses (e.g., reporting two stimuli during
0 or 2 msec gap durations yet reporting one stimulus dur-
ing significantly longer gap durations). The remaining
participants reported hearing two stimuli for all gap Figure 2. Ear and visual-field advantages obtained from Group
1 (Adults) and Group 2 (Children) on Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits by
durations, including the 0 ms condition. These problems degree of advantage (positive values indicate right advantage,
persisted despite reinstruction to ensure understanding negative values indicate left advantage) and modality (auditory,
of the task. For the visual gap-detection task, all partic- visual). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

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Visual Analogs of (C)APD Tests/Bellis and Ross

Figure 3. Performance of Group 1 (Adults) and Group 2 (Children) on auditory Frequency Patterns and Visual High-Low tasks by
response condition (humming, labeling) and modality (auditory, visual). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

right-ear or visual-field responses and divided by the sum oping children on four tests of central auditory function
of the two values [(R 2 L)/(R 1 L)] (Repp, 1977). This pro- and their corresponding visual analogs. A secondary
vides an index of laterality that is independent of overall purpose was to explore the concurrent validity of these
performance. Analysis revealed no significant relationship auditory and visual homologous tasks through the use
between auditory and visual laterality indices for this of cross-modal correlation analyses.
task. These results are consistent with those of Wexler With respect to the first purpose, results of this study
and King (1990), Voyer and Boudreau (2003), and Bellis indicate that, for the Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits task,
et al (2008), who also found no significant cross-modal cor- adults’ overall performance was significantly better
relations between auditory and visual laterality indices. and less variable as compared to the children. Although
Finally, no significant cross-modal correlations were found the effects of maturation on dichotic listening have been
between auditory and visual modalities for the other two well-documented with results for the Dichotic Digits
tasks in either the humming or labeling response condi- task reaching adult values by 11 to 12 yr of age, there
tions. The lack of any cross-modal correlations suggests are no studies to date that have examined maturational
that the auditory tasks and their corresponding visual effects on dichoptic performance. Therefore, these re-
analogs invoke independent processing mechanisms in sults suggest that, if such visual analogs are to be used
normal individuals. clinically for differential diagnostic purposes as sug-
gested by Cacace and McFarland (2005; McFarland
DISCUSSION and Cacace, 1995), age-specific normative data must
be obtained for the visual measures.

T he primary purpose of this study was to investigate

performance of normal adults and typically devel-
For the auditory Frequency Patterns/Visual High-
Low and the Auditory/Visual Duration Patterns, no

Figure 4. Performance of Group 1 (Adults) and Group 2 (Children) on Duration Patterns by response condition (humming, labeling) and
modality (auditory, visual). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.

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Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 22, Number 8, 2011

effects of subject group were observed. Although this seen in the auditory task; however, an LVFA was seen
finding may suggest that maturation has little effect in the visual task. This finding was most pronounced in
on these tasks, this is inconsistent with previous find- the children. These results are consistent with previous
ings indicating clear maturational effects on auditory reports of reversed cerebral asymmetry for auditory
temporal patterning tasks (e.g., Musiek, Gollegly, dichotic versus visual dichoptic performance, particu-
et al, 1984; Bellis, 2003). A more likely explanation is larly in children (Voyer and Boudreau, 2003; Bellis
that participants in the current study (mean age 5 et al, 2008). It is hypothesized that this effect likely is
12.6 yr) were performing at adult levels as predicted due to the preeminence of the right hemisphere for the
by previous studies showing that performance on these processing of visual-spatial features of orthographically
tasks reaches adult levels by approximately age 11 or presented stimuli, in contrast to the well-recognized
12. As such, it is likely that, had Group 2 consisted of left-hemisphere dominance for the processing of verbally
younger children, significant group effects on these presented stimuli (Voyer and Boudreau, 2003; Bellis
tasks would have been observed. et al, 2008). As such, a left-visual-field (right hemisphere)
For two of the measures (Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits advantage might be predicted for dichoptic stimuli such
and Auditory/Visual Duration Patterns), auditory per- as these.
formance was significantly better and less variable than An interaction between Modality and Response Con-
visual performance. An effect of Modality was not dition also was observed in the auditory Frequency
observed for the Frequency Patterns/Visual High-Low Patterns/Visual High-Low task, with performance in
task. It is important to note that ceiling effects were the labeling condition poorer than in the humming
observed for right-ear Dichotic Digits performance for condition for the auditory modality, but the reversed find-
the majority of the participants (7/10 adults and 7/10 ing in the visual modality. The presence of better hum-
children). However, ceiling effects were observed for ming than labeling performance for the auditory version
left-ear performance on the auditory task in only 2/10 of this task has been well-established in the literature,
adults with none of the children exhibiting 100% per- with this difference being attributed to the need for inter-
formance for the left ear. For the visual dichoptic digits hemispheric transfer when verbal report is required (e.g.,
task, ceiling effects were observed in 3/10 adults and Musiek, Gollegly, et al, 1984). A likely explanation for the
2/10 children for right-visual-field performance and in reversed pattern in the visual homolog may simply
4/10 adults and 3/10 children for left-visual-field per- be that this finding reflects difficulty in transferring a
formance. Ceiling effects also were observed for the visual-spatial code into a pitch-based humming code as
auditory Frequency Patterns task in both the humming is required by the humming response condition. In con-
(6/10 adults, 7/10 children) and the labeling (6/10 trast, the verbal report of “high” or “low” relative to spa-
adults, 4/10 children) response conditions; similar ceil- tial position on the screen may simply be an easier and
ing effects were observed for the Visual High-Low task more intuitive task. Whatever the reason, this finding
(7/10 adults and 3/10 children for humming; 9/10 adults clearly indicates that different processing mechanisms
and 8/10 children for labeling). Finally, although ceiling come into play for these auditory-visual analogs, even
effects were observed in auditory Duration Patterns in when attempts have been made to maintain the same
both the humming (7/10 adults, 2/6 children) and label- overall task requirements across modalities.
ing (4/10 adults, 1/10 child) response conditions, such Finally, the presence of significant variability and poor
effects were not observed in the visual task in either test-retest performance for the auditory gap-detection
response condition for either group. task used in this study (the RGDT) precluded the ability
The presence of ceiling effects on the auditory tasks to evaluate group differences or cross-modal correlations
used in this study in normal individuals has been shown for this task. These findings also may raise concern re-
previously (e.g., Bellis, 2003). As such, the utility of these garding the clinical utility of this task. It should be noted
tasks for investigation of the magnitude of hemispheric that shortcomings to the RGDT as a clinical tool have been
laterality effects in normal subjects likely is limited. reported previously (e.g., Chermak and Lee, 2005).
However, the sensitivity and specificity of these tasks As to the second purpose of the study—the degree to
for the detection of dysfunction in the central auditory which the auditory and visual analogs demonstrate con-
pathways have been well-documented (e.g., Musiek et al, current validity as measured by cross-modal correlation
1980; Musiek, 1983; Musiek, Kibbe, et al, 1984; Musiek analyses—results revealed no relationship between the
and Pinheiro, 1987; Musiek et al, 1990; Musiek, 1994). auditory tasks and their corresponding visual analogs.
Therefore, despite the presence of ceiling effects in nor- These findings are consistent with previous reports of
mal subjects, these auditory tasks have been shown to no correlation between auditory and visual dichotic/
have clinical utility for the diagnosis of central auditory dichoptic tasks and have been interpreted as indicating
dysfunction in disordered populations. Further, for the that the auditory and visual tasks clearly represent
Dichotic/Dichoptic Digits task, a significant Modality 3 separate and distinct cognitive processing mechanisms
Laterality interaction was observed in that an REA was (e.g., Wexler and King, 1990; Voyer and Boudreau,

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Visual Analogs of (C)APD Tests/Bellis and Ross

2003; Bellis et al, 2008). However, an alternative con- ence performance on tests of central auditory function
clusion is equally likely. That is, due to the ceiling (McFarland and Cacace, 1995; Cacace and McFarland,
effects and reduced range observed, performance on 2005). Inherent in this suggestion is the concept of
these tasks may have precluded the ability to evaluate modality specificity, with the primary argument being
cross-modal relationships in these healthy individuals. that, for (C)APD to be a valid diagnostic construct, it
That this is a possibility is supported by the findings of must be shown that deficits are either confined to or
Bellis et al (2008), who did find significant cross-modal are more pronounced in the auditory modality as com-
correlations in dichotic/dichoptic digits testing in children pared to the visual (or other sensory) modality.
with central auditory disorders. Therefore, it may be dif- Results of the current study do indicate that although
ficult to determine the degree to which these tasks recruit such testing is at least feasible using readily available
independent or separate processing mechanisms in nor- computer hardware and software, constructing truly
mal adults or typically developing children. Further, the analogous tasks across auditory and visual modalities
mechanisms underlying the auditory paradigms used in is difficult, particularly regarding differences in diffi-
this study are relatively well-understood and have been culty levels and uncertainty concerning the degree to
supported by both behavioral data from listeners with which the underlying mechanisms might truly be anal-
known lesions of the central auditory nervous system ogous. This, combined with findings in the literature
as well as through physiologic means (e.g., Kimura, that the expectation of modality-specificity of (C)APD
1961; Milner et al, 1968; Sparks and Geschwind, 1968; is inconsistent with the current evidence regarding audi-
Musiek et al, 1980; Musiek, 1983; Musiek, Gollegly, tory and cognitive processing (e.g., ASHA, 2005; Musiek
et al, 1984; Musiek and Reeves, 1986; Musiek and et al, 2005; King and Nelken, 2009), may limit the applic-
Pinheiro, 1987; Musiek et al, 1990; Musiek, 1994; Aiello ability of these paradigms in the clinical setting. Further,
et al, 1994; Hugdahl et al, 1999; Wioland et al, 1999; even if one accepts the theoretical argument that truly
Westerhausen et al, 2006). In contrast, and as empha- analogous tasks can be constructed and validated and
sized by Musiek et al (2005), we do not know what neuro- that the addition of these tasks will improve the diagnos-
physiologic and processing mechanisms underlie visual tic specificity of (C)APD, the differential diagnostic utility
analogs of central auditory tests. Certainly, the fact that of cross-modal testing in disordered populations cannot
auditory and visual processing differ substantially from be inferred simply from performance of normal popula-
one another from both a neurophysiologic and psycho- tions on these tasks. Therefore, cross-modal testing of
physical perspective (King and Nelken, 2009) suggests participants with auditory and pan-sensory disorders
that such “analogs” quite likely are not truly analogous. is needed to determine whether the inclusion of such ana-
Therefore, the utility of visual analogs of auditory tests logs aids in the differential diagnosis of (C)APD.
in the differential diagnosis of central auditory dysfunc-
tion remains unclear at the present time. Acknowledgments. This work was supported by a subpro-
Finally, results of this study indicate that, for two ject of National Institutes of Research Resources Grant P20
of the measures, the visual tasks were more difficult RR-015567 to T.J.B. that is designated as a Center of Biomed-
than the auditory tasks. This may be due, at least in ical Research Excellence (COBRE).
part, to the need to transfer from a visual input mode
to an auditory/verbal output mode which could be ex-
pected to recruit additional resources not necessary REFERENCES
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