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The Asia- pacific Economic Cooperation and the Global

environment Facility

Roles- Abejar

Conclusion- Abejar


Roles of APEC Roles of GEF

 The globalization strategy of APEC to date has  GEF serves as the financial mechanism for the
been incomplete, however. It has failed to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the
recognize fully that trade and investment United Nations Framework Convention on
liberalization, while clearly in the overall Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the
interest of all of its member economies, levies Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
costs on some groups and individuals within Pollutants. In this capacity, the GEF
each of those economies. functions under the guidance of the
 APEC works in so many different areas that it Conventions.
would be impossible to rank order such a  The GEF supports projects in reversing and
diversity of initiatives. The best approach would preventing desertification/land degradation and
be to highlight a few examples from a number in mitigating the effects of drought in affected
of the areas that benefit businesses most directly areas in order to support poverty reduction and
 APEC works in so many different areas that it environmental sustainability.
would be impossible to rank order such a  the GEF represents the single largest source of
diversity of initiatives. The best approach would international financial assistance for achieving
be to highlight a few examples from a number global environmental benefits its investment in
of the areas that benefit businesses most directly International Waters remains comparatively
 aim to create greater prosperity for the people of small. Since the GEF is designed to achieve
the region by promoting balanced, inclusive, global environmental benefits through
sustainable, innovative and secure growth and provision of grant and concessionary funding
by accelerating regional economic integration. for the agreed incremental costs of projects its
primary objective is not capacity building.
Nevertheless, the need for capacity building at
the individual and institutional levels within
projects was recognised early during the
initiation of GEF activities.

The functions of APEC The functions of GEF

include: include:
1. To enhance social equity in the region
2. It helps to improve the competitiveness of 1. Strategically focusing its investments to
SME by promoting entrepreneurship and catalyze transformational change in key
innovation by connecting technology start-ups systems that are driving major environmental
with funding and mentors loss, in particular energy, cities and food;
3. To reduce non-renewable energy in the region 2. Prioritizing integrated projects and programs
and to work toward doubling the share of that address more than one global
renewable energy by 2030. environmental problem at a time, building on
4. To improve logistics and transport networks to the GEF's unique position and mandate to act
enable component parts and final goods to on a wide range of global environmental
travel across multiple borders, contributing to a issues; and
more efficient regional supply chain. 3. Implementing new strategies and policies to
5. To connect the region through improving enhance results, including stronger
physical infrastructure linkages, people engagement with the private sector,
mobility and institutional ties across the Asia- indigenous peoples, and civil society, and an
Pacific. increased focus on gender equality.
6. To foster transparency, competition and better
functioning markets in the Asia-Pacific
through regulatory reform, improving public
sector and corporate governance, and
strengthening the legal infrastructure.
7. Improved the ease of doing business in the
8. Making it Easier to Trade Across Borders
9. To promoting trade and economic growth in
the Asia-Pacific.

Objectives of APEC Objectives Of GEF

To Sustain the growth and development of the region GEF OBJECTIVES GEF lies in its role as an
for the common good its peoples and, in this way, to effective financing mechanism for many multilateral
contribute to the growth and development of the world environmental conventions covering a wide range of
economy. To enhance the positive gains, both for the global environmental issues.
region and the world economy, resulting from Grouping different environmental treaties and
increasing economic interdependence, including by addressing them under the same financial mechanism
encouraging the flow of goods, services, capital and helps in tackling crosscutting issues and avoiding the
technology. To develop and strengthen the open transfer of negative environmental impact between
multilateral trading system in the interest of Asia- the focal areas. To give you an example, as
Pacific and all other economies. To reduce barriers to deforestation affects both biodiversity as well as
trade in goods and services and investment among climatic changes, GEF holds the potential of
participants in a manner consistent with GATT increasing the efficacy of all related treaties by
principles, where applicable, and without detriment to collecting and addressing them under one single
other economies. umbrella. In the same way, in case of the ozone focal
area, targeting reduction and elimination of ozone-
depleting substances could potentially contribute to
the reduction of climatic changes as well, because
many of the ozone-depleting gases are greenhouse
gases too.

Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a global organization that provides grants for projects
related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, persistent
organic pollutants (POPs), mercury, sustainable forest management, food security, sustainable cities. On
the other hand, APEC works to help all residents of the Asia-Pacific participate in the growing economy.
For example, APEC projects provide digital skills training for rural communities and help indigenous
women export their products abroad. Recognizing the impacts of climate change, APEC members also
implement initiatives to increase energy efficiency and promote sustainable management of forest and
marine resources. Therefore, APEC is a regionalization because it promotes sustainable economic growth
in the region. While GEF is a globalization because it is a multilateral organizational arrangement that
embodies partnerships at different levels and dimensions.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) works to help all residents of the Asia-Pacific
participate in the growing economy. It aims to create greater prosperity for the people of the region by
promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure growth and by accelerating regional
economic integration. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is an ‘international fund’ and an
independently operating financial organization to tackle earth’s immediate environmental problems.
APEC enhance the social equity in the region while the GEF have a national benefit into one with global
environmental benefits.

APEC ensures that goods, services, investment and people move easily across borders. Members
facilitate this trade through faster customs procedures at borders; more favorable business climates behind
the border; and aligning regulations and standards across the region. The initiatives put forward
in APEC help the Philippines stimulate and improve the competitiveness of domestic producers and
sectors. It is to the economy's advantage to utilize these initiatives, backed with the upgrading of domestic
facilities to meet global standards and the aligning of domestic regulations while the GEF was created to
provide new and additional grant and concessional funding to meet the agreed incremental costs of
measures to achieve agreed global environmental benefits. This mission has remained in place over the
years with the addition of new focal areas, strategic priorities, and partners



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