Conflict: (CITATION Mya17 /L 16393)

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The term conflict is difficult to define, as it arises in many distinct contexts. The aspect of

conflict seems to be dispute, discrepancy, or discordance. In this manner, conflict refers to the

situation where there are inconsistent goals, cognitions or emotions with self or between

individuals or company that lead to action or opposing communication. There are basically

three type of conflict which is goal, cognitive and affective conflict. Conflict exist in several

forms which result from competition and administrator need to understand various way of

conflict resolution. Conflict management is the technique which is used to reduce the

negative of conflicts advance the positive outcome for all members engage.

Conflict in workplace

‘Don’t apprehension conflict; grasp it- its your job’. In work place we try to avoid conflict,

but we cannot escape or avoid it. Conflict is the part of the work place. It’s the fact of matter

which is unavoidable. The capability to identify conflict, knowing the feature of conflict, and

able to carry abrupt and just settlement to conflict will make us a good leader. Conflict in

work place is exceptionally resolves its, in case conflict usually intensify if not dealt with

aggressively and accordingly[ CITATION Mya17 \l 16393 ]. While conflict is the part of the

communal and managerial setting, the objection lies how one individual deal with in and how

one select to deal with it.

Example: When I use to work at corporate office I was assigned in human resource

department. I was hired as employee but in work place I have to work as intern for few

months. I took that agreement and start to work. After completing internship period company

wants me to work more month as an intern. Job was assigned me to teach new intern and to

look after the department as well. There occurs conflict between me and department, as
department wants to perform different work with same amount of payment. In this situation

compromising fits for both the parties. As, this theory seeks to find the midst ground by

keeping both parties to accept some aspects of their needs so that a solution can be

acknowledge upon.

Pros and cons of theories

Compromising style pursue to find a solution that will partially amuse both the parties. This

typically leads to employee unsatisfied or satisfied to at certain range .It is also known as

integrative bargaining theory as both parties wins in a certain extent. This style of theory is

best used when we need to find the solution which can be temporary solution. The pros and

cons of compromising theories are


 Faster argument settlement. Compromising theory may be more feasible when time

aspect come.

 This is best solution for the problem temporarily where we are still searching for the

final solution or win win solution

 Most relief style compare to other style as result comes satisfying both

parties[ CITATION Man15 \l 16393 ]


 Valuable beliefs and long term objectives can be crash in this process

 May need close monitoring and conduct to assure the agreement are met

 This style may not work if basic demands are too huge

 Does not commit to building trust in long term

Theory and management decisions:

In most of the situation, theories which are learned at course help to deal with different

people in different situation. As an intern at the beginning I learn about the work place, how

to work in a group, how to deal in different situation. Conflicts arise in every work place, as

of nature of human interactions. In way to find out to get rid of it we need to craft the policies

and manage conflict earlier. There are some ways to handle the situation when we are facing

conflict in work place. Like we can appraise and know the emotional reaction of people.

Different people have different nature, first we need to understand their nature. Is the person

self-aware or know about the situation. One of the factor where conflict occur when one party

particularly disclose another party wrong and disclose party get averting.

Effect of moral:

Conflict can create frustration in work place if employees don’t get their solution in sight or

they feel they are being incognito by the group. This situation may lead stressed and affect in

work. In some case when company spend much of time dealing with conflict, employees may

not be able to focus in their work. Conflicts some time inspire to get new ideas to solve the

problem. Conflict can encourage employee to brainstorming new ideas, while analysing

problems from different views.


Manjunatha. (2015). winwires technologies. Retrieved from

Myatt, M. (2017, feb 22). forbes. Retrieved from


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