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Margosatubig Pax High School /Kindergarten ,Inc.

7035 Poblacion , Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur

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Senior High School
Grade 12- Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
First Semester
ACTTITY TITLE Cultural, Social and Political Change
Content standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts
Performance The learners
standard 1. appreciate the nature of culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology

MELC Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society.
LEARNING Joefe B. Santarita and Randy M. Madrid. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Vibal Group, Inc Pages 9-
Core values Deepen and nurture faith life and relationship with God, others and all of creations.
Learning Target/s: At the end of the lesson, the students CAN…
1. Recognize the common concerns on intersection of anthropology, sociology, and political science
with respect to the phenomenon of change by;
1.a. analyzing social, political, and cultural change and define social differences and social change
1.b. giving examples of social, political and cultural change
1.c. understanding how these changes affect our society

Directions: Fill up the column “What do you KNOW about this?”
What do we mean by the word CHANGE?

What do you KNOW about this? What did you LEARN about this?
Social Change
Cultural Change
Political Change

is the alteration of patterns of culture, social structure and social behavior over time.
Involves the complex interaction of environment, technology, culture, personality, politics, economic and religion.
Factors Causing Social Change
 Environment
- Physical environment causes social change through influences of changes in environment.
- Quick change because of environmental disasters.
- Slow change because of pollution, garbage disposal needs and greenhouse effect.
 Cultural Innovation
- Discovery, new perception of something that exist
- Invention, combination or new use of knowledge to produce something that did not exist before
- Diffusion, spread of cultural elements from one society to another
 Population
- Increases or decreases in population create social change affecting all institutions.
 Technology
- The practical applications of scientific or other knowledge creates social change.
 Human Action
- Individual action
- Collective action, includes invasions, occupations by foreign powers, wars and colonization.
Sociologist Cultural Change…
Horton & Hunt Changes in the culture of society
Kingsley Davis Occurs in any branch of culture including, art, science, technology, philosophy as well as changes in the
forms and rules of social organization
David Dressler and Donald Caens It is the modification or discontinuance of existing ‘tried’ and ‘tested’ procedures transmitted to us from the
culture of the past, as well as the introduction of new procedures.
5 Sources of Cultural Change
Discovery Invention Diffusion Acculturation Assimilation
It is a normal function of internal and external politics. Rulers will be voted out, retire, or die while in power, and the new leader will make changes.

A significant disruption in a government that leads to new or modified leadership or policies.

A. Clarifying for Understanding
Directions: Fill up the column “What did you LEARN about this?”
What do you KNOW about this? What did you LEARN about this?
Social Change
Cultural Change
Political Change
1. How does political change/ social change/ cultural change affect our society?
Give some instances.
Direction: Based on the activity, answer the question:
Do the similarities and differences of every individual affects the life of the whole community? Why?
Answer: Answer:
Lifelong Learning:
Example: Yes Example: Why?
What is the interplay of culture, society, and political identities?

Choose and write the letter of the best answer on the space providedbefore the number.
____1. Understanding, Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP) is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents, methods,
and theories of the following EXCEPT:
A. Anthropology B. Mathematics C. Political Science D. Sociology
____2. It refers to the culturally defined standards by which people assess desirability, goodness, and beauty and that serve as broad guidelines
for social living.
A. Folkways B. Mores C. Norms D. Values
____3. It is a method used in studying anthropology wherein researchers immerse themselves in the culture of their subject in a long period of time.
A. Ethnocentric View
B. Historical Particularism
C. Linguistic Research
D. Participant Observation
____4. The following are significance of studying society EXCEPT:
A. It emphasizes the cognitive thinking of our mind.
B. It acknowledges that social institutions shape and affect how we live our life.
C. It broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and others’ culture.
D. It gives us a full understanding of how social groups affect our thinking and behavior.
____5. As a ____________ we carry our ancestors’ tradition and beliefs, speak the language of our parents, practice faith and the distinct way
of life of our community, create and showcase the arts and heritage of our people and transmit some, if not all, of these to the next generation.
A. cultural being
B. political being
C. social being
D. spiritual being
____6. The term culture was first used by the English anthropologist ________ in his book, Primitive Culture.
A. Edward B. Tylor
B. Charles Page
C. Robert MacIver
D. Talcott Parsons
____7. Karen used to tease her newly transferred Mangyan classmate because of his kinky hair and tanned skin. What kind of cultural view
Karen has?
A. Culture B. Cultural Relativism C. Ethnocentrism D. Society
____8. Mommy and Daddy taught their one-year old daughter Cloud how to play ABC song with the use of their Lenovo cell phone. Now,
Cloud can able to open the phone and sing the ABC song. What characteristic of culture is shown in the situation?
A. culture is integrated
B. culture is learned
C. culture is shared
D. culture is symbolic
____9. “Sabong” is a vice which Lolo Imbo has been indulged with until this year. This kind of gambling was being brought in the Philippines
during the Spanish colonization. This only proves that culture is __________.
A. integrated B. learned C. shared D. symbolic
____10. Sandra, a 16-year-old Filipina girl had been nominated to be an exchange-student in Australia during winter season. In her preparation
of things, she excluded her shorts and sleeveless and start pulling out her jackets and boots on her cabinet, while her Australian exchange
student began to take in her shirts and shorts on her personal baggage bag. What does this show?
A. culture is abstract
B. culture is adaptive
C. culture is dynamic
D. culture is symbolic

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