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Design of Shape Memory Alloy Actuators for Morphing Laminar Wing With
Flexible Extrados

Article  in  Journal of Mechanical Design · September 2009

DOI: 10.1115/1.3160310

65 222

5 authors, including:

Thomas Georges V. Brailovski

Pratt & Whitney Canada École de Technologie Supérieure


Daniel Coutu Patrick Terriault

Pratt & Whitney Canada École de Technologie Supérieure


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Thomas Georges Design of Shape Memory Alloy

Vladimir Brailovski
Actuators for Morphing Laminar
e-mail: Wing With Flexible Extrados
Emeric Morellon An active structure of a morphing wing designed for subsonic cruise flight conditions is
e-mail: composed of three principal subsystems: (1) flexible extrados, (2) rigid intrados, and (3)
an actuator group located inside the wing box. The four-ply laminated composite flexible
Daniel Coutu extrados is powered by two individually controlled shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators.
e-mail: Fulfilling the requirements imposed by the morphing wing application to the force-
displacement characteristics of the actuators, a novel design methodology to determine
Patrick Terriault the geometry of the SMA active elements and their adequate assembly conditions is
Professor presented. This methodology uses the results of the constrained recovery testing of the
e-mail: selected SMA. Using a prototype of the morphing laminar wing powered by SMA actua-
tors, the design approach proposed in this study is experimentally validated.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 关DOI: 10.1115/1.3160310兴
École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS),
1100 Notre-Dame Street West, Keywords: morphing wing, flexible extrados, SMA actuators, Ti–Ni shape memory
Montréal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada alloys, design

1 Introduction wing functions as follows: according to the changing flow condi-

tions, a controller commands the actuators to modify the wing
Common requirements for actuators designed for robotic, auto-
shape to assure its conformity with a series of optimized profiles
motive, aeronautic, and spatial applications 关1,2兴 are small size
stored in the control system database 共open-loop control兲 关8兴. The
and weight, low cost, and integration compatibility. Compared
2D WTEA supercritical airfoil 共Institute for Aerospace Research,
with traditional 共electrical or pneumatic兲 or advanced 共piezoelec-
National Research Council of Canada兲 is selected as the reference
tric, magnetostrictive, or electrostrictive兲 actuators, innovative ac-
profile for the morphing laminar wing with a 500 mm chord and a
tuators based on the shape memory alloy 共SMA兲 technology pos-
990.6 mm span. This WTEA airfoil has a maximum thickness/
sess the highest power density 关3,4兴. Other advantages offered by
chord ratio of 16% and is similar to a family of natural laminar
the SMA devices are their compliance with harsh environments,
flow-capable, supercritical airfoils 关9兴. Measuring from the lead-
the simplicity of their actuation mechanisms, their silent and
ing edge, the flexible part of the wing extrados is contained be-
smooth motion, and their autosensing ability. SMA actuators are
tween 3% 共15 mm兲 and 70% 共350 mm兲 of the chord 共Fig. 1兲. The
thus interesting candidates for aeronautic applications, particularly
control system database covers a flow condition range encompass-
for airfoil profile control systems 关4–7兴.
ing 7 Mach numbers 共M = 0.2– 0.35 incremented by 0.025兲 and 7
This work is focused on the design of the actuator system for a
morphing wing with flexible extrados. The design arrangement of angles of attack 共␣ = −1 – 2 deg incremented by 0.5 deg兲 for a total
the SMA-based actuator system will be presented and analyzed in of 49 optimized wing profiles, and thereby defining the target
terms of governing equations. The stress-strain design diagram morphing envelope for the active structure 关10,11兴.
will be built from a series of constrained recovery experiments Based on the results of a multicriteria optimization of the active
with the selected SMA. Taking the functional requirements for the structure 关10兴, the flexible extrados is made from laminate com-
actuation system of the morphing wing and the recovery stress/ posite consisting of four carbon/Kevlar plies and epoxy matrix
strain performances of the SMA into account, the design of the and moved by two spanwise oriented actuation lines located at
actuators will be completed by calculating the cross section and 25.3%c and 47.6%c, as shown in Fig. 1.
length of the SMA active elements and by dimensioning other
components of the power transmission system. Finally, the pro- 3 Design of the Actuator Group
posed design configuration will be validated experimentally.
3.1 Functional Requirements of the Actuators. The active
2 The Active Structure system of the morphing wing with two actuators is schematized in
Fig. 2. For the selected four-ply-two-actuator configuration, the
The active structure of the morphing wing consists of a flexible forces and displacements required from each actuator to reach the
extrados connected to actuators via a transmission system, and it target morphing profiles were directly obtained from the finite
is subjected to variable flow conditions 共aerodynamic forces兲. As element 共FE兲 structural analysis for each of the flow cases studied
presented in Fig. 1, modification of the airfoil profile occurs when 共Figs. 3共a兲 and 3共b兲兲 关10兴. In Fig. 3共c兲, the working envelopes for
actuators located inside the wing box apply individually con- Actuators 1 and 2 are superposed and one actuation case corre-
trolled displacements to the flexible extrados. The overall stiffness
sponding to the angle of attack ␣ = 0.5 deg and Mach number
and integrity of the experimental wing is provided by the rigid
M = 0.275 is highlighted as an example. The optimal profile, for
intrados. The front and rear edges of the flexible extrados are
this case, is reached when Actuators 1 and 2 impose vertical dis-
connected to the rigid intrados in such a way that profile tangency
placements of 6.57 mm and 3.34 mm to the flexible extrados. For
continuity and accommodation to shape modifications are assured
Actuator 1, a force of 1032 N acting against the aerodynamic
and aerodynamic forces are sustained. The morphing laminar
suction is necessary to keep the skin in its nominal position 共null
displacement兲. As the aerodynamic load 共suction兲 pulls the skin
Manuscript received December 1, 2008; final manuscript received May 27, 2009; upwards, the force in the actuation system can be reduced to 533
published online August 18, 2009. Review conducted by Nancy Johnson. N by applying 499 N in the same direction as that of the aerody-

Journal of Mechanical Design Copyright © 2009 by ASME SEPTEMBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 091006-1

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Fig. 1 Conceptual design of the morphing laminar wing

namic load to allow 6.57 mm displacement of the flexible extra- “pull” 共or retaining兲 mode because the aerodynamic suction forces
dos. When Actuator 1 moves, Actuator 2 should generate an ad- prevail on the forces needed to deform the flexible extrados.
ditional 100 N 共from 900 N to 1000 N兲 to allow its displacement
of 3.34 mm. 3.2 Conceptual Design of the Actuator Group. The actuator
The maximum and minimum actuation forces and displace- group, illustrated schematically in Fig. 4 consists of four main
ments obtained from Fig. 3 for Actuators 1 and 2 are displayed in subsystems: the SMA active element, the transmission system 共in-
Table 1. It can be observed that the forces required from both cluding the slider and crank mechanism兲, the flexible extrados,
actuators have a positive sign, thus indicating that they are in and the compression bias spring 共for simplicity, only one actuator
is shown here兲. The SMA element is connected to the flexible
extrados through the transmission system. The bias spring is
placed in parallel with the SMA element. The use of the transmis-
sion system allows adjustment of the force-stroke actuator char-
acteristics to the force-displacement characteristics of the flexible
extrados 关11兴.
The compression bias spring pushes the slider to the left, which
corresponds to the nominal extrados position 共Fig. 4共a兲兲, while the
aerodynamic forces pull the flexible extrados upward to move the
slider to the right, which corresponds to the deployed extrados
position 共Fig. 4共b兲兲. The SMA active element can reach two ex-
treme states: 共a兲 cold 共“off”兲 and 共b兲 hot 共“on”兲. The cold state
corresponds to the nominal 共low兲 extrados position 共Fig. 4共a兲兲,
and the hot state to the morphed 共deployed兲 extrados position
Fig. 2 Actuators and flexible extrados 共Fig. 4共b兲兲.

Fig. 3 Force-displacement characteristics of the four-ply-two-actuator active structure for 49 benchmark flow
cases: „a… Actuator 1, „b… Actuator 2, and „c… Actuators 1 and 2 †10‡

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Table 1 Force-displacement envelopes for Actuators 1 and 2

Actuator 1 Actuator 2
Parameters Min Max Min Max

Vertical extrados displacement, ␦ext 共mm兲 0 8.16 0 4.1

Aerodynamic force per 1 m of span, Faero 共N兲 510 1800 410 1420
Actuation force per 1 m of span, Fact 共N兲 15 1800 420 1760
Extrados stiffness coefficient, kext 共N/mm兲 43.8 110.6 ⫺28.6 613.4

3.2.1 Nominal Extrados Position (SMA is Off). In this con- 共Fext − Faero兲
figuration, the SMA element is in its cold state 共off兲 and the com-
FSMA = 共Fspr + kspr␦兲 + 共2兲
pression bias spring acts against the aerodynamic suction forces
while stretching the SMA active element. The extrados is in its 共Fspr + kspr␦兲 is the bias spring reaction when the slider moves to
nominal position and does not apply any force. This situation is the right, which corresponds to the deployed extrados position,
illustrated schematically in Fig. 4共a兲. kext is the stiffness coefficient of the bias spring, ␦ is the actuator
Given the presence of the transmission system with transmis- stroke, Faero and Fext are the aerodynamic force and the force
sion ratio R, the aerodynamic forces and the forces related to the needed to move the extrados from its nominal to the deployed
extrados reaction, as presented by the active element and the bias position, respectively, and Fext = kext␦ext so that kext is the stiffness
spring, will be decreased by a factor of R, while the stroke pro- coefficient of the flexible extrados and ␦ext = ␦ / R, which is the
vided by the active element will be increased by the same factor flexible extrados displacement at the actuation point.
R. Using the free-body diagram 共FBD兲 of Fig. 4共a兲, the reaction of The actuator stroke from the nominal to the deployed extrados
the cold-state SMA element FSMA can be determined: position can be calculated as follows:
Faero ␦ = LSMA
c h
FSMA = Fspr − 共1兲
R c h
where LSMA and LSMA are the lengths of the SMA element in its
where Fspr is the bias spring force and Faero is the aerodynamic cold and hot states, calculated as follows:
force when the extrados is in its nominal position.
LSMA = LSMA + ␦0 + ␦ and h
LSMA = LSMA + ␦0 共3兲
3.2.2 Deployed Extrados (SMA is On). In this configuration,
the SMA active element is heated to move the extrados from its where LSMA is the length of the stress-free SMA element before its
nominal to the deployed position and, therefore, it works against installation in the system. During installation, this element is
both the bias spring and the flexible extrados but is assisted by the stretched to apply an elongation, which is the sum of the hot state
aerodynamic forces 共Fig. 4共b兲兲. Using the FBD of Fig. 4共b兲, the elongation ␦0 and the actuator stroke ␦.
force to be provided by the SMA active element FSMA can be To summarize, the behavior of the active structure is the result
calculated by the following equation: of the interaction between the active SMA element, the bias

Fig. 4 Schematic representation and simplified mechanical models of the actuator in „a… nominal
extrados position and „b… deployed extrados position

Journal of Mechanical Design SEPTEMBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 091006-3

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Fig. 5 Experimental testing bench for SMA characterization

spring, and the flexible extrados submitted to variable aerody- wing actuation system 关12兴. To fulfill this task, four testing modes
namic forces. If the flexural extrados stiffness, the pressure distri- are used 共Fig. 6兲. Each testing was repeated 200 times in order to
bution and the extrados displacements from the nominal to the stabilize the SMA behavior.
target position are known, the design of the active structure can
then be completed by selecting an appropriate SMA element and 3.3.1 Constant-Stress Mode. A constant stress of 220 MPa ap-
bias spring. plied to the SMA active element in its martenstic state determines
its initial testing strain of 3%. When thermomechanical cycling is
3.3 SMA Active Element—Material Characterization and repeated, an evolution of the material behavior is observed. After
Design Diagram. The material selected to manufacture the SMA 200 cycles, the SMA behavior stabilizes and its martensitic 共␧m兲,
active elements is a 쏗1 mm Ti–50.26 at. % Ni wire supplied by austenitic 共␧a兲, and recovery 共␧rec = ␧m − ␧a兲 strains can be ex-
Special Metals Corp. 共NY兲 subjected to 30% cold work by cold tracted 关12兴. The martensitic strain of 5.5% is then selected as a
rolling 共CR兲 and postdeformation annealing 共PDA兲 at 300° C 共1 starting point for the subsequent testing modes.
h兲. After cold rolling, the cross section of the SMA wire reduces to
0.7 mm2. To characterize this material, the experimental setup 3.3.2 Fixed-Support Mode. The stiffness of the active element
shown in Fig. 5 was developed. SMA specimens 共1兲 共initial length support is close to infinity. In these conditions, the SMA can only
of 70 mm and cross section of 0.7 mm2兲 are thermally cycled generate stresses, the displacement is null. The recovery stress
between ambient temperature 共25° C, approximately 5 ° C lower increment generated upon heating up to 150° C can be defined as
than the martensite finish temperature兲 and 150° C 共50° C higher ␴rec = ␴a − ␴m, where ␴m are martensitic and ␴a are austenitic
than the austenite finish temperature to complete the martensite- stresses.
to-austenite transformation兲 by resistive heating. A power supply 3.3.3 Elastic Bias Mode. Representing an intermediate load-
共2兲 共Sorensen DML 40-15, Ametek Programmable Power Inc., ing case, the diagram shown here is associated with the stress-
CA兲 is used to inject electrical current into the specimen, and the strain behavior of an active SMA element connected to an elastic
heating is controlled using the temperature signal as a feedback. bias spring.
The temperature is measured using a K-thermocouple 共3兲 placed
directly on the surface of the specimen and electrically isolated 3.3.4 Combined Constant-Stress–Fixed-Support Mode. The
from it by a Wakefield thermal compound. The force generated by previously described actuation system with limited nominal and
the actuator is measured by the load cell 共4兲 共LC 101-500, Omega deployed extrados positions can also be tested using the testing
Eng. Inc., CT兲 fixed on the linear guide 共5兲; the displacement by bench of Fig. 5. To this end, the specimen is heated first under
the linear variable displacement transducer 共6兲 共Trans Tek series constant stress 共1-2, Fig. 6兲; but when a certain amount of strain
240, Intertechnology Inc., ON, Canada兲; and the electrical resis- induced by this force is recovered, the specimen’s extremities are
tance by a Keithley 2010 multimeter 共7兲 共Keithley Instruments blocked, while heating continues with an additional increase in
Inc., OH兲. The data acquisition and the control are performed stress 共2-3, Fig. 6兲. Upon cooling, the sequence is reversed. First
using a PC programed for this application with LABVIEW software the stress decreases without a change in the specimen length 共3-2,
共8兲 共LABVIEW 8.2, National Instrument Corp., TX兲. Fig. 6兲 and then, if cooling continues, an additional elongation
Testing bench was designed in order to define a functional en- occurs 共2-1, Fig. 6兲.
velope for the SMA active element, thus constructing a design The results obtained from each of these testing modes after the
diagram for the SMA active element to be used in the morphing 200 cycle stabilization allow the working space of a given active

091006-4 / Vol. 131, SEPTEMBER 2009 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 6 SMA design diagram „stress-strain space…

element to be delimited as shown in Fig. 6. The “cold assembly should be noted that whereas the force to be provided by the
point” determines the SMA element’s equilibrium position in its actuator in the cold state should be determined using the maxi-
martensitic state and the “hot curve” determines the SMA el- mum value of the aerodynamic forces, the force to be provided in
ement’s equilibrium position in its austenitic state, for variable its hot state is determined using its minimum value. This approach
bias conditions. leads to a conservative design of the actuator because the SMA
To guarantee the functional stability of the SMA active el- element is designed under the most stringent loading conditions.
ement’s performances during repetitive recovery strain and stress
generations, the following limitations are imposed in the present c Faero
work: the strain varies between 3% and 5% and the stress varies FSMA = Fspr −
between 250 MPa and 500 MPa, as shown by the hatched area in
Fig. 7. The application of these constraints prevents loosening of
the SMA wires when the actuator cools down and their overload- 共Fext − Faero兲
FSMA = 共Fspr + kspr␦ext
ing and, therefore, premature degradation when it is heated up. R
3.4 Design Procedure. In our design case, Actuator 1 should
meet higher functional requirements than Actuator 2, and it is thus
LSMA − LSMA = ␦0 + ␦
a critical element of the application. The mandatory information
for the Actuator 1 design combines the force-stroke requirements ␦ = R␦ext
from Table 1 as well as the allowable strains and stresses from
Fig. 7, as regrouped in Table 2. Since the SMA active element is a wire, its geometry is defined by
The complete actuator is described by a system in Eq. 共4兲. It the wire cross section 共S兲 and stress-free length 共LSMA兲, and the

Fig. 7 SMA design diagram in strain-stress space with delimited actuation


Journal of Mechanical Design SEPTEMBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 091006-5

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Table 2 Design information for Actuator 1

Parameters Value

Maximum vertical extrados displacement, ␦ext

共nm兲 8.16
Minimum and maximum aerodynamic forces, Faero and
Faero 共N兲 510 and 1800
Maximum extrados stiffness, kext 共N/mm兲 110.6
Minimum and maximum SMA strain, ␧min and ␧max 共%兲 3 and 5
Minimum and maximum SMA stress, ␴min and ␴max
共MPa兲 250 and 500

maxima and minima recovery forces and displacements generated

by this element can be expressed as follows:
Fig. 8 Manufacturing setup of the flexible extrados †2‡
FSMA = ␴minS
FSMA = ␴maxS c
LSMA = LSMA + ␧maxLSMA = 1225 ⴱ 共1 + 0.05兲 = 1286.25 mm
LSMA − LSMA = ␧minLSMA or to 5% wire elongation.
The maximum actuation force corresponds to the actuator’s on
LSMA − LSMA = ␧maxLSMA 共deployed extrados兲 position and to the shortest length of the
SMA element
− LSMA = R␦ext
共5兲 h
= LSMA − 3␦ext
= 1286.25 − 3 ⴱ 8.16 = 1261.18 mm
By combining systems 共4兲 and 共5兲, one can write or to 3% wire elongation 共see the actuation trajectory in the stress-
Faero strain space of Fig. 7兲.
␴minS = Fspr −
4 Experimental Validation of the SMA Actuator De-
共kext ␦ext − Faero
max max min
兲 sign
␴maxS = 共Fspr + kspr␦ext
兲+ 共6兲
4.1 Morphing Wing Prototype. To fulfill the function of the
flexible extrados, the laminated composite structure used in the
共␧max − ␧min兲LSMA = R␦ext
present study is manufactured from the Huntsman 8602 reinfusion
Two equations in respect to the cross section and length of the epoxy resin and two types of plies, as shown in Fig. 8, a low-
SMA element can therefore be obtained as follows: modulus unidirectional carbon and a 2 ⫻ 2 twill woven hybrid
carbon/Kevlar. During vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding, the
max min
− Faero 兲 + ␦ext 共kext + R2kspr兲
max max
S= laminate is formed to the reference shape of the WTEA upper
R共␴max − ␴min兲 profile using a machined aluminum mold. To minimize the lami-
共7兲 nate weight, all of the plies are oriented so that their higher elastic
moduli are aligned with the wing chord, leading to a typical
LSMA = 共0H / 0C / ¯兲 laminate stacking sequence. To ensure shape modifi-
␧max − ␧min
cation uniformity in the span direction without affecting flexural
The use of a compression gas spring 共GS兲 as a bias element is behavior in the chord plane, steel stiffeners are fixed to the inner
considered in this work because this device applies quasiconstant surface of the laminate, precisely where the actuators are con-
forces, thus decreasing the power requirements for SMA active nected to the structure.
elements and approaching the “d” testing mode of Fig. 6. If the To validate the proposed design methodology, the wing proto-
selected transmission ratio R equals 3 and the stiffness coefficient type with two actuators was tested under laboratory conditions
of the bias spring is negligible 共kspr ⬇ 0 N / mm兲, we can now 共Faero = 0兲 using the testing bench of Fig. 9. The SMA wires 共1兲,
calculate, using Eq. 共7兲 and the data from Table 2, that an SMA forming an active element, are connected to the rigid base-plate
wire with a cross section of 3.5 mm2 and a length of 1225 mm 共2兲 and to the mobile slider 共3兲. During actuation, the SMA wires
will be sufficient to accomplish the task and the forces to be pull the slider 共3兲 and the crank 共4兲, which is attached to the rail,
provided by the bias spring and the SMA element will be as fol- transfers the movement to the flexible extrados 共5兲. A crank
lows: mechanism 共6兲 connects the slider 共3兲 to the rigid base-plate 共2兲.
FSMA = ␴minS = 875 N 共8兲 The displacement of the slider 共3兲 is measured by the linear po-
tentiometer 共7兲 共LP804 series, Omega Eng. Inc., CT兲. The gas
Faero spring 共8兲 that assures the return of the morphing wing to its
Fspr = c
+ FSMA = 1475 N 共9兲 reference position is connected to the base-plate 共2兲 and the slider
3 共3兲 to counteract the SMA active element 共1兲. The prestrain of the
SMA wires is assured by the tensioner, composed of the threaded
共kext ␦ext − Faero
max max min
兲 rod connected to the gas spring 共8兲 and the rigid base-plate 共2兲.
FSMA = 共Fspr + 3kspr␦ext
3 This testing bench has two functioning modes: 共a兲 the manual
共10兲 mode to characterize the flexible skin and the transmission system
FSMA = 1600 N and 共b兲 the automatic mode to test the SMA-powered actuators.
The minimum actuation force thus calculated corresponds to the 4.1.1 Characterization of the Flexible Skin and the Transmis-
actuator’s off 共nominal extrados兲 position and to the maximum sion System (Manual Mode). For this testing, the SMA actuators
length of the SMA element and the gas spring are not used and are replaced by a mechanical

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Fig. 9 Schema of the flexible extrados testing bench

actuation system composed of the threaded rod 共9兲 connected to Actuator 1 is manually activated using the rod 共9兲 共Actuator 1 is
the slider 共3兲 at one extremity, and to the rigid base plate 共2兲 at the active兲; while Actuator 2 is dragged by the flexible extrados
other 共Fig. 10兲. When the rod 共9兲 is rotated, the slider 共3兲 moves, movement 共Actuator 2 is passive兲. To allow independent control
thus deforming the flexible extrados. The force applied is mea- of each actuator, it should be possible to keep Actuator 2 motion-
sured by the load cell 共10兲 共LC 201-100, Omega Eng. Inc., CT兲. less when Actuator 1 moves and vice versa. This indicates that
The force-displacement characteristics of the active structure
when more than one actuator is used in the system, blocking
corresponding to both actuation lines are presented in Fig. 11. It
can be observed that the behavior of the active structure is hys- forces 共Fbloc兲 corresponding to each actuator should be deter-
teretic and can be interpreted as linear with two stiffness coeffi- mined and considered in the selection of the bias spring for each
cients for the loading and for the unloading 共Table 3兲. In this case, actuator 共see Table 3兲.

Fig. 10 Schema of the extrados testing bench for characterization of the

flexible skin and the transmission system

Fig. 11 Force-displacement characteristics of the active structure „Actuator 1 is active

and Actuator 2 is passive…

Journal of Mechanical Design SEPTEMBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 091006-7

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Table 3 FE calculated and measured data for Actuator 1

Parameters FE calculated Measured

Maximum vertical extrados displacement, ␦ext

共mm兲 8.16 7.70

100 共loading兲
Extrados stiffness coefficient, kext 共N/mm兲 110.6
82 共unloading兲

153.6 共Actuator 1兲 100 共Actuator 1兲

Blocking forces, Fbloc 共N兲, for Actuators 1 and 2
174.4 共Actuator 2兲 180 共Actuator 2兲

The difference between the experimental and the modeled ac- of Fig. 12兲. During setup, the GS was loaded to 120 mm 共1270 N兲
tive structure characteristics can be explained as follows: 共a兲 the and then slightly unloaded to the requested 1100 N, which corre-
displacement of 8.16 mm was intentionally limited to 8 mm be- sponds to the nominal extrados position 共1兲. During actuation,
cause of the design and manufacturing constraints and 共b兲 the SMA wires move the GS from its initial position of 120 mm to its
manufacturing tolerances and friction explain the hysteretic be- final position of 120+ 7.7ⴱ 3 = 143.1 mm corresponding to the
havior and the maximal measured value of 7.7 mm. The latter force of 1285 N 共1 → 2 → 3兲. To regain the nominal extrados po-
value represents physical limitation of the system and cannot be sition, the GS moves backward 共3 → 4 → 1兲 and then the cycle can
exceeded because any additional displacement is prevented by the be repeated.
stop slider 共see a drastic increase in reaction forces when the 7.7 SMA actuators have been thermomechanically cycled before
mm displacement is reached, Fig. 11兲.
their integration in the prototype in order to stabilize their me-
4.1.2 SMA Actuator Testing. The current arrangement inside chanical properties. After 200 training cycles under a constant
the wing box implies a paired number of wires and allows a maxi- stress of 230 MPa, corresponding to 3% of the initial strain, the
mum number of six Ti–50.26 at. % Ni wires per actuator group. SMA in the cold state 共Fig. 6兲 had a martensitic strain of 5.5%
The SMA wires are disposed along the span direction, and a pul- c
corresponding to LSMA = 1900 mm. The wires were then installed
ley system is used to double their working length. The SMA pre- on the rigid base plate 共Fig. 9兲 and the slider was blocked in the
strain can be regulated with the adjustment screw installed be- nominal extrados position corresponding to 5% of the SMA strain.
tween the rigid base plate and the T-support. The total SMA wires By heating of the SMA active elements, the exceeding 0.5% cold
cross section for one actuation group will therefore be S = 6 ⴱ 0.7 strain was recovered, thus establishing the necessary installation
= 4.2 mm2 and the length as LSMA = 1800 mm. These values give conditions.
safety factors of 1.5 for the stroke and 1.2 for the force available The force in the SMA wires 共1兲 was first removed by untwisting
for actuation as compared with the calculated data 共see Sec. 3.4兲. the adjustment screw, and then the flexible extrados 共5兲 was fixed
The spring force can be calculated as follows 共see Eq. 共9兲 with to the cranks 共4兲 with the slider 共3兲 in the nominal extrados posi-
Faero = 0 N and Table 3兲: tion. The gas spring 共7兲 was then fixed to the rigid base plate 共2兲
Fbloc + Faero and a prestrain of 120 mm was imposed with the tensioner. Finally
Fspr = FSMA + = 1100 N 共11兲 the prestrain on the SMA wires 共1兲 was restored using the adjust-
3 ment screw 共Fig. 9兲.
The selected gas spring 共Industrial Gas Spring Inc., PA兲 has a To control the SMA active elements, a power supply 共SPS 100-
1000 N-rated load capacity and 2 N/mm stiffness for loading and 33, AMREL Power Product Inc., CA兲 was used to inject electrical
unloading curves 共see the experimental force-displacement plots current into the specimen, and the current was controlled using the

Fig. 12 Force-displacement characteristics of the gas spring „1000 N, In-

dustrial Gas Spring Inc., PA…

091006-8 / Vol. 131, SEPTEMBER 2009 Transactions of the ASME

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wing via a gas spring. To meet the functional requirements of the
application, the geometry 共length and cross section兲 of the SMA
active elements and the bias spring characteristics were calculated
and experimentally validated in the absence of aerodynamic pres-
For the wind tunnel test, the cold and hot state forces recalcu-
lated with the aerodynamic load for Actuator 1 will be FSMA
= 1050 N and FSMA = 1835 N. For this testing, the gas spring
should have Fspr = 1700 N load rating capacity. Given that the
maximum force of 1835 N that the designed SMA active element
共S = 4.2 mm2 and LSMA = 1800 mm兲 must provide will be less
than the 2100 N corresponding to the maximum allowable stresses
of 500 MPa, the experimental wing should safely morph under all
the aerodynamic conditions considered in this study. This last as-
sertion will be verified during the forthcoming wind tunnel test-
ing, as well as the stability of the SMA active element behavior
Fig. 13 SMA design diagram for Actuator 1 „force- during repetitive actuation.
displacement space…
displacement signal as a feedback. To avoid overheating, speci- The authors acknowledge the contributions of C. Fischer, S.
men’s temperature was measured using a K-thermocouple placed Bérubé, and J.-S. Ratelle to the design and manufacture of the
directly on the surface of the specimen and electrically isolated experimental morphing wing prototype used in this study. The
from it by a Wakefield thermal compound 共the maximum tempera- authors would like to thank the Consortium for Research and In-
ture was set at 130° C兲. The data acquisition and the control were novation in Aerospace in Quebec, the Natural Sciences and Engi-
performed using a PC programed for this application with LAB- neering Research Council of Canada, Bombardier Aerospace, and
VIEW software. Thales Canada for their financial support. The authors acknowl-
For Actuator 1, the experimentally measured 共solid line兲 and the edge G.-H. Simon from Thales Group as the project initiator.
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2D-aspect laminar morphing wing prototype combines three main 24共6兲, pp. 405–411.
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Journal of Mechanical Design SEPTEMBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 091006-9

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