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Case Study

Bunătăți de la Bunica / Homemade goodies

Package design Brand imagery

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Creating a brand extension into comfiture market

Orkla Foods Romania, one of BrandTailors largest clients, decided to extend Bunătăți de la Bunica umbrella
brand on the comfiture market.

Having a long history with Bunătăți de la Bunica BrandTailors was commissioned to develop the package design
for three SKUs.

The design execution had to preserve all brand values while enlarging the visual territory. BrandTailors
succeeded in delivering a visually strong design, ensuring a high shelf impact level.

Creating a brand extension into the pasta sauce market

Orkla Foods Romania – a long standing BrandTailors client – saw the opportunity of extending Bunătăți de la
Bunica umbrella brand also on the pasta sauce market since retail audit data proved an incredible volume
growth of this category.

Due to the important experience that BrandTailors had with this brand, we were asked to develop the package
design solution for four SKUs.

The design execution was meant to represent in a unique way the fourth SKUs in order to differentiate
themselves from the important competitors, whilst also maintaining the brand values.
Brand audit and brand strategy - Beatrice Daniş
Project management - Roxana Iancu
Graphic concept and development - Raluca Beldiman
Printing pre-production - Mircea Brătianu

Project implementation started in March 2007.

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