Bangladesh Studies Contents

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Monthly Academic Study Plan-2018

Std: VIII (International)
Subject: Bangladesh Studies
Book : 1. Bangladesh Studies (History, Culture, Environment and Development of Bangladesh)
2. Bichitra Primary School ATLAS

1st Term (1 January to 27 June, 2018)

Months No. of Classes Chapters/ Topics

January 15 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Section A (Mandatory topic)
Topics-1.1: Problems facing Pakistan

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
Location, climate, and biomes
Atlas: Map- Outline of Bangladesh
February 16 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics-1.2 : The uneven state
Section B
Topics 2 : Early Bengal (AD600-C.1538)

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
Location, climate, and biomes
1.2 Tectonic and Glacial Processes and Landforms, and Geophysical
Atlas: Map- Physical Features of Bangladesh
March 15 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics-2.1 Early kingdoms in Bengal (AD 600-1206)
Topics-2.2 Pre-Sultanate Bengal.

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
1.2 Tectonic and Glacial Processes and Landforms, and Geophysical
Atlas: Map- Identify the rivers of Bangladesh
April 14 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics-2.2 Pre-Sultanate Bengal.
Topics-3: The Mughal Empire (C.1550-1764)

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
2.1 Bangladesh’s economy: the primary sector and the need for food
Atlas: Map- Identify the Divisions of Bangladesh
May 8 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics-3.1: Resistance to the Mughals.
Topics-3.2: The Mughals in Bengal

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
2.1 Bangladesh’s economy: the primary sector and the need for food
Atlas: Map- Identify the Districts of Bangladesh
Revision Work
2nd Term (15 July to 22 November, 2018)
Months No. of Classes Chapters/ Topics
July 10 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics-4: Bengal Under British Rule (1764-1911)
Topics-4.1: The British in Bengal

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
2.2 Bangladesh’s economy: secondary, tertiary/quaternary and transport
Atlas:Map-Identify the Main Districts of Bangladesh
August 9 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics- 4.2 : The War of Independence. (1857)

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
2.2 Bangladesh’s economy: secondary, tertiary/quaternary and transport
Atlas:Map-Identify the Sea ports of Bangladesh
September 15 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Section- C The road to partition (1909-1947)
Topics-5.1 : First attempts at reform

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
3.1 Indicators of development, population patterns and trends
Atlas:Map- Identify the Resources of Bangladesh
October 10 Bangladesh Studies(Paper-1)
Topics-5.2: Reform, reaction and repression.
Bangladesh Establishing the New Country.
Topics-6.1: Political Development (1975-2001)

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
3.1 Indicators of development, population patterns and trends
Atlas:Map-Identify the Forest Resources of Bangladesh
November 10 Topics-6.1: Political Development (1975-2001)
Topics-6.2 : Bangladesh in World affairs.

Bangladesh Studies(Paper-2)
3.2 Quality of life in rural Bangladesh: challenges of life in rural
Atlas: Map- Practice All
Revision work

Question Pattern & Marks Distribution as per Edexcel IGCSE:

Marks Distribution:
Term Exams will be converted into = 75
AT = 05
CT = 20
Total = 100

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