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Tugas !

Make each of the 3 examples of conditional sentence types 0,1,2, and 3 !

Answer :

1. Conditional sentence type 0

a. If  she sleeps late, she is sleepy at school.
b. Water will boil if you heat it at 100 degrees Celsius.
c. This day is so cool, we will get fever if we don’t wear our jacket.
2. Conditional sentence type 1
a. If Lucy come to see me, I will deliver your message to her.
b.   If I put too much cheese on tha pizza I make, my children will not eat it.
c. If you do not behave good, nobody will like you.

3. Conditional sentence type 2

a. If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.
b. If Andi come to my house, I would make a delicious cake.
c. If Nisa didn’t study hard, she would fail. atau Unless Nisa studied hard, she
would fail.

4. Conditional sentence type 3

a. If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
b. I would have get that ticket concert if I had queued up since early morning.
c. Vicky would have not offered me to eat peanuts if she had known that I am
allergic to it.

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