Vidal, Clarissee G. August 10, 2019 Assessment of Learning 1 & 2

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Vidal, Clarissee G.

August 10, 2019

Assessment of Learning 1 & 2
Curriculum Guide used: HUMSS Philippines Politics and Governance

1. DEBATE- 100 points

a. Topic: State-Society Interactions
b. Learning Competency: Assess the implications of the type of electoral systems
on politics and governance
c. Learning Task: Discuss elections and political parties and civil society and
social movements.

Criteria 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-30
Weak or Some effort impact of
Strong statements of
missing shown facts and
your position
Content facts or followed by position /30
followed by smooth
weak rough, choppy followed by
elaboration elaboration smooth
Clear reasoning and
Few or no
Some Many evidence is shown
Use of relevant
relevant examples/ using examples,
Argumentatio supporting /30
examples/ facts given: quotes, statistics, or
n facts/
facts given most relevant other types of
1-3 4-6 7-9 10
Viewpoints and
Clear in some Most clear responses are
Organization Unclear in
parts but not and orderly in outlined both clearly /10
& Clarity most parts
overall all parts and orderly in
You are able to
argue against your
Only prepped
opponent with
on role, not Able to
Your insightful, fact-based
able to answer some
arguments support. You are
elaborate, of opponents’/
Preparedness and able to answer any
challenge or audience’s
& knowledge questions the
answer questions or /10
Background about the opponent or
opponent arguments
Knowledge topic is not audience has
because of clearly, with
clear to the clearly, and you
lack of facts/
audience seem very
background examples
about the topic and
your support
No counter
arguments Many effective
Showed No effective made orally counter arguments
Energy & counter om your part, are made that
counter /10
Enthusiasm arguments but you are challenge the
in Voice made able to help opponent and your
your team audience
with rebuttal
Showed a
lack of
Attempted to appropriate Maintained focus
Behavior speaking, /10
stay on task behavior and stayed on task
and / or
while others
Total: /100

2. Slogan Making- 90 points

a. Topic: Citizenship-in-Practice
b. Learning Competency: Illustrate the value of citizenship.
c. Learning Task: Show through the slogan the importance of citizenship.

Criteria 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 Score

The slogan is The slogan is
The slogan is
attractive in exceptionally
The slogan is terms of attractive in
Craftmanship distractingly neatness. Good terms of /30
though it may
messy. construction neatness. Well
be a bit
and not very constructed and
messy. not messy,
Slogan is
Slogan is
The slogan exceptionally
Slogan is creative and a
does not creative. A lot of
creative and good amount of
Creativity reflect any thought and /30
some thought thought was put
degree of effort was used
was put into. into decorating
creativity. to make the
Average use
No use of
of new ideas Good use of Exceptional use
new ideas
and new ideas and of new ideas and
Originality and originality /30
originality to originality to originality to
to create
create create slogan. create slogan.
Total: /90
3. Jingle Making- 100 points
a. Topic: Introduction: The Concepts of Politics and Governance
b. Learning Competency: Recognize the value of politics.
c. Learning Task: Discuss through Jingle Making your understanding of politics.

Criteria 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 Score

Lyrics Lyrics are Lyrics are
Lyrics are not Lyrics are
somewhat extremely
catchy, lack of catchy,
catchy and catchy,
relevance in describes the /30
simple but lack describes the
the topic and topic and are
some relevance topic well and
are not simple. simple.
in the topic. are simple.
Overall Extremely
Lacks Somewhat
Effectiveness Cohesive; all cohesive; all
cohesion; parts cohesive; parts
parts parts /30
do not interrelate
interrelate well. interrelate
interrelate. somewhat.
very well.
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Melody Lack of Contains one Contains two Contains
qualities of an quality of an qualities of an three of an
effective jingle: effective jingle: effective jingle: effective
short, catchy, short, catchy, short, catchy, jingle: short,
simple or simple or simple or catchy, simple
repetitive. repetitive. repetitive. or repetitive.
Presentation Little creativity; Some
Lacks Excellent
a few parts creativity; most
creativity; not creativity; very
appeared to parts appeared /20
very thought well thought
have been to have been
out. out.
thought out. thought out.
Total: /100

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