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Intermediary Contract

           C/A NO:

Place Of Signing:
PART A: (“PARTY A” as follow)
COMERCIAL). (“PARTY B” as follow)

In accordance with the contract law of the people's Republic of China and relevant laws
and regulations, on the basis of equality and voluntariness, Party A and Party B have entered
into the contract as follows through consultation on the sales intermediary of gloves  

  De acuerdo con la ley de contratos de la República Popular de China y las leyes y

regulaciones pertinentes, sobre la base de la igualdad y la voluntariedad, la Parte A y la Parte B
han celebrado el contrato de la siguiente manera mediante la consulta al intermediario de
ventas de guantes.

Article 1 Entrusted Items And Specific Requirements

Party A is the manufacturer of respirator. For the purpose of sales, Party A entrusts Party
B to contact the appropriate purchaser for the respirator products manufactured by Party A.
according to the agreement, Party A communicates with the purchaser to facilitate the
conclusion of product sales contract between Party A and the purchaser, and obtains the
income calculated based on the amount of sales contract signed by Party A and the purchaser

Artículo 1 Elementos encomendados y requisitos específicos

La Parte A es el fabricante del respirador. Para el propósito de las ventas, la Parte A le
encomienda a la Parte B que se comunique con el comprador apropiado para los productos de
respirador fabricados por la Parte A. de acuerdo con el acuerdo, la Parte A se comunica con el
comprador para facilitar la conclusión del contrato de venta del producto entre la Parte A y el
comprador. , y obtiene los ingresos calculados con base en el monto del contrato de
compraventa firmado por la Parte A y el comprador
Article 2 Intermediary period: 3 months from the effective date of this agreement.

Artículo 2 Período intermedio: 3 meses a partir de la fecha de vigencia de este acuerdo.

Article 3 Remuneration and payment period

1 、 If the Party B facilitates the establishment of the sales contract, the remuneration
shall be $ 0.058 / pcs for 3ly medical type II transport aereo masks and $ 0.088 / pcs for 3lys
medical type II mask transport maritimo in the amount of each sales contract. The client shall
pay the remuneration to Party B in the same proportion within 3 days after receiving the sales
payment from the client. If the contract is not concluded, the intermediary shall not demand
payment of remuneration. Party B shall provide legal and effective invoice of equal amount
before Party A's payment, otherwise Party A shall have the right to postpone the payment
period accordingly and it is not a breach of contract. If the customer introduced by Party B
cancels the sales contract and requires a refund, Party B shall return the corresponding
intermediary remuneration.( On the invoice, Part B will issue an invoice or an equivalent legal
invoice based on the country of origin of Part B, and there are no changes to your Part A
requirements in the format of Part A country/region)
Article 4 Rights and obligations of both parties
1、Party A shall provide Party B with product related information and provide necessary
support and assistance for Party B's intermediary service.
2 、 Any Party A information provided by Party A to Party B belongs to Party A's
property, and Party B shall not use it for purposes other than the performance of this contract.
During the intermediary period, Party B shall keep all the business secrets of party a known
during the intermediary activities and shall not disclose them without permission. If the leakage
causes losses to Party A, Party B shall be liable for damages and bear corresponding liabilities
for breach of contract
3 Party B shall introduce and transmit Party A's contract conditions to the third party
within the scope of Party A's authorization. Any change, ultra vires or new commitments must
be approved by Party A in writing in advance or recognized afterwards before they have legal
Article 5 Liability for breach of contract
1 、 If either party violates this Agreement and causes losses to the other party, the
observant party shall have the right to demand the breaching party to compensate for the losses.
2 、 Party B has the right to ask for the return of paid remuneration if Party B has any
concealment or fraud on Party A, resulting in the loss of the sales contract signed or the loss to
Party A.
Article 6 Dispute resolution:
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled by both parties
through friendly negotiation. In case of unsuccessful negotiation, both parties shall have the
right to file a lawsuit to the people's court where Party A is located for settlemen.
Article 7 this contract is made in duplicate, which shall come into force as of the date of
signing and sealing by both parties. Each party shall hold one copy with the same legal effect.
Article 8 if there is no provision in this contract, both parties may negotiate and sign a
supplementary agreement separately.

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