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Name: MANZANO, Ronalyn A.

September 13, 2020

Section: BSEE-1EC

Basic Elements of Communication

1st Example:
Evette wants to remind her brother, JM, to stop by the market after school and buy some
meat for their dinner. She forgot to ask him within the morning, so Evette texts a reminder to JM.
After school, JM went to the market, he texts back and shows up at home with a plastic of meat in
his hand. But something's different: JM bought beef meat when Evette wanted pork meat.

In this example, the sender is Evette. The receiver is JM. The medium may be a text
message. The code is that the English language they're using and therefore the message itself is
"Don’t forget the meat!" during this case, the feedback is both direct and indirect. JM texts a
photo of meat at the market (direct) so he came home with it (indirect). However, Evette failed
to see the photo of the meat because the message didn't transmit (noise) and JM didn't think to
ask what kind meat Evette wants. (context).

2nd Example:
Angel, Ronalyn, and Joyce are going to enroll for college with the same course, electrical
engineering. Ronalyn made a group chat with Angel and Joyce. Angel chatted “Monday, 10
o’clock in the morning” in the group chat. Sunday evening came and Angel reminded them for
tomorrow. Monday at 10 o’clock, Angel was the first one to arrived, Ronalyn arrived at the
meeting place 3 minutes after Angel. Joyce arrived about 10 minutes before 11 o’clock.

For this example, the sender is Angel. The receiver are Ronalyn and Joyce. The medium is
a text message. The code is that the English language they’re using and hence the message itself
is “Monday, 10 o’clock” in this case, the feedback is when Ronalyn and Joyce said “ok”. But Joyce
thought that the time given was their time for them to go out. (false decoding) and Angel didn’t
elaborate her message.
Functions of Communication

a. Social Interaction Function - the need for someone to talk to, laugh with, to play and sing
with and to argue and discuss with. This interaction with others helps you understand
strengths and weaknesses and enhances positive values.
 Having a get together with your friends and families, making interactions and conversation
with them helps you to know yourself more and by simply having a conversation with a
group of people helps to form bonds and connections with each other.
 “It’s nice to meet you. How do you do? Let’s have some coffee, shall we?”

b. Persuasive Function - the art of convincing, inducing, advising or stirring the feelings of
other persons to create in them, thru sound reasoning and argument, desire to change
beliefs, attitude, intentions, motivations or behaviors into desirable ones.
 Some missionaries tried or want to convince you to be part of their church, they give
questions, answers, facts, and a very convincing statements that will make you believe
what they say is true and you are starting to get persuade by their words and actions.
 “We are all christians and we serve only one God, right?, then why are there
any other church names other than christian church?”

c. Information Function - happens when individuals transmit info or messages to provide the
audience instructions, directions, information, description of something or explanation. Helps
in societal transformations, helps people in planning and making decisions, implementing
action plans, rules and regulations, in formulating new policies and solving problems.
 A teacher attending seminars for educational purposes, the speaker delivering information
speech about education experiences to the audience to help them with their work. The
speaker providing information to the audience and the audience or the one who receives
the information will have more knowledge and can apply it to theirselves.
 “Did you know that students and teachers can form strong bonds when they
earned each others’ trust?”

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