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Case Study

Măgura / The name of a product category

Visual identity Package design Package design

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Following the 2005 rebranding, Măgura became a strong brand – remaining a category leader. Despite all this,
2006 was very competitive due to the apparition of several important players who made significant investments
into gaining market visibility.

Taking into consideration this medium-term threat but also the opportunities arising from a new production
line meant to increase the production capacity and the product quality, Kandia-Excelent decided on revising the
entire marketing process of Măgura.

As the traditional brand consultancy partner, BrandTailors was assigned to develop a new brand platform,
starting from the changes that took place within the category that influenced the consumption needs and
motivations. With the new brand strategy, a new brand architecture was required, which would allow for a
portfolio of products adapted to the category evolution. Moreover, the packaging and visual identity needed to
change, to reflect the emotional benefits of the brand and to sustain the new brand architecture.

The process started with a qualitative research study to better understand the benefits of the category, and
especially the brand dynamics on the market, but also to identify the unexploited positioning territories.
Afterwards, a quantitative study was commissioned in order to measure the category usage, consumer attitudes
and the performance of all brands present on the market.

After the interpretation of the research results, BrandTailors designed a new brand platform for Măgura, to help
the brand strengthen its market position, starting from the connection with the fundamental consumer needs
and emotions related to the brand.

Thus, Măgura became a very optimistic brand, energetic and lively – conferring the pleasure of living and
enjoying life to the full.

To follow the new brand strategy, the visual identity was reshaped, starting from a butterfly shape – which
symbolizes the joy and pleasure of living. The packaging design suggests the same happiness, joyfulness and

At the same time, a new product recipe was implemented, changing both the dough composition as well as the
cream filling composition to which yoghurt was added. Thus, Kandia-Excelent tried to satisfy the desires
expressed by the consumers during focus-groups.

Taking into account the success of the new recipe and the new packaging design, BrandTailors had the
opportunity to extend its strategic and creative insights for the new Măgura line extension. After the 2007
repositioning, Măgura surprises its consumers in 2008 with a new bitter-chocolate covered cake, with a strong
cocoa taste. The new SKU uses the same yoghurt-filled cream, but with new flavours: orange and raspberry.

Brand strategy - Beatrice Daniş
Graphic concept and development - Janos Kurko
Project management - Roxana Iancu
Image retouching and printing pre-production - Mihai Părpălea

Project implementation started in October 2008.

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