The Sense of Hearing

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ur ea.IS,
EA I b h to remind
. 1·t seems, are far from being perfect transducers; we ought therefore h
ourselves from time to time that what we hear is often greatly affected Y ow we ear


~IF A TREE falls in the forest where no one hears it,
does it make any s:iund ?'' is an antique conun. answer, for one could still ask how clearly his aural
drum beloved by instructors in freshman philoso- sensations correlated with the sound waves coming from
phy. The answer, of course, depends on how we define
the loudspeakers. Questions such as this are the concern
"sound. " If by "sound " we mean the alternating waves
of psychoacoustics, a science which in the last century
of compression and rarefaction of air particles which a
has made some rather startling discoveries about the
woodsman, if present, would hear, the answer is clearly
relation behveen the sea of sound that surrounds us and
yes. If, however, we mean an aural sensation produced b)'
our perception of it. And not until we can bridge the
the stimuli picked up by the ear, then the answer is no.
Since both definitions are equally useful, though for dif. gap between the subjectivity of the trained, kno11:led~;
ferent purposes, there is no real philosophical problem. able ear and the quantitative objectivity of the engineer
measurements can we really know what we mean 11,hen we
Let us complicate our question, however, by suppos.
ing that a fores ter leaves a battery-operated tape recorder talk about high-fidelity music reproduction. he
running in the woods and later returns to fi nd that he The human ear is an extraordinary instrument. O~al-
can now reproduce in his living room, at some later one hand , its sensitivity is so great that, to use th e ·u
time, the "sound " of the falling tree. Most of us would ogy of the noted physicist Alexander Woo d' it WI tt
now argue that whether or not he could he·i ti ,, I respond to a level of energy comparable to 'a 50-wathe
, r 1e
sound " of the tree would depend on the fidelity of his rea
light bulb viewed at a distance of 3,000 miles. 0 V1J ?
recorder and component systtm. But that - If tlier hand, 1f. one were to set a tape recorder s ear
' 1s on1}' 11a an meter to read " Q" at this threshold of aucli'bln• 1 ther
11 1 " 1 .' tie
.ould not overload (yielding a sensation . °
f Patn ra
SOUND PRESSURE (dynes/ cm2) POWER AT EAR (watts/ cm2)
(Fundame ntal ranges for the principal instruments a nd voices)




µ i l . i l.J,.l::::cI:::c:I:rll-n-rinir-h-
BASISICLA~INH 1 111111 1 11

r+±rum ENG LI sHHo RN

1 IBAk~J 9 r1 ll 1111 WOODWINDS I
JTTTfFP::C::OCD:p::D::::cI::d::D::::o.-,J B, CLARINET I
I ~~d~ 1 1 11 I

L.U..J..J..4"1...t:::I::i:::::t:I:p::C:::C:::::c:r:::6::rrn-r+.,...,....,~ GUITAR
17 I
t- ~~ss, 1111 STRINGS
rrtnmTTTTTTTT"rl°T""T"".,...,...,....;..L:] VIOLIN I,

J'I I ·1
I! ,",,·c,r ,'i Tf 'f•f f·","'Tf"T"
co""'j ci' " "" co""" co""" co""" coH
II I' I T 'I' 111 IITI I'
I 11
"" .1. I
Lowe r l,m,t of ordinary piano scale
Lowe r limit of o rgan scale
II /
Middle c
r · .
pe rilmit of o rdmarly piano scale
/ /
, I~ 40
I 60
I 100 b Upper
1 limit of organ
1 scale
2 1
(possib le ranges)
BASS (WOOFER) •---t-~
. . . •--••--- :.__ _~1'_
~S00 .~K~
2K S.K
oK 20K
OF Fe: I I I
I I I 2000
i-- ,-.,EL I~
L--~ r-!.,_NG ( PA
◄20 200 l
~ ~
~ r-- r--. 20

J \
Ill eO i - , I\.
,... ,.. 2
_/"' SPEECH - - - r---....
"- b
~ Ir 2
50 r--,.. l
Ill 20
-- N H

~~O LD
1; I

(/) Figu re I. A veraged and aJ)proxim ate


(/) intensity and freq uenc)' ranges of s11eech

~ and music are shou-n in relation ro th e

i 0 - OFH
EARING_ I .0002 n. 11pper and lou·er extremes that can be
handled by the human hearing apparatus.
5,0 100 200 600 1kHz 2kHz SkHz 10kHz :20k~';00:2 The upper limit is the threshold of
F'REQUENCY IN Hz (CYCLES PER SECOND) J)ain : the lo1t'er limit is th e
threshold of hearing.
one of sound) until an approximate reading of
+130 VU ( one " V o1u'.ne U nit. "
= ..... _,_
. ~ ,.
one decibel) . This 120 .- (FE£LlNGJ l 2 0 " ' ~ ~ ~ LEVEY,

represents a voltage ratI~ ~f more tha~ 3,000,000 to 1. ..............

-- !Mo-... -1
. -

fortunately for the real_ist'.c reproduction of music and ••oo •oo-·· ••

--:: "' . L/
.J i--...
speech, these extreme ltm1ts of the ear's sensitivity are Id

not involved ( see Figure 1) .

•0 80
~ .... 80
"'0 ':-r-.., _,/
But if the sensitivity range of the ear exceeds the
eo ' •,
............... -...
Clpabilities of home audio equipment, its frequency
.. - - eo I,
~ ~
> . ........... !?._
. f...,(.:
response certainly d.oes not, as the well-known Fletcher-
Munson curves ( Figure 2) attest. Every ardent audio-
phile knows that if he turns the volume down to a
Z 20

"•-.:::- "
r--..,.._ 40

I--- _.

level his wife and the neighbors can tolerate, the music "'
I- L•

-- -~· ,
~ o"",..
begins to sound " thin" and lacking in the deep bass 0
register, where the ear is much less sensitive. This is the 20_ 60 100 200 500 11lHz 2.111.Hz 5'H2 10ltl-h 2
justification, of course, for the fact that almost all ampli- !:!i!! SECONOl

fiers and receivers have "loudness" controls designed Figure 2. Fletcher-Munson curves show ,chat the actual levels
of test tones m11st be for them to be heard as having the same
to boost the low frequencies automatically at low listen-
loudness. The curves at 10, 50. and 110 dB, derivetl from the [a.
ing levels. I, for one, have always found this type of ter studies of R obinson and Dadson, are included for comparison.
compensation worse than useless-particularly if it can-
not be switched off- for the amount of bass boost needed tween what we hear and how we hear arise when we
depends on the perrei ved loudness of the music ( and consider the low frequencies, for ,vhen sound with a
the individual's possible deviation from the "normal" frequency much under 20 Hz is produced, the ear does
Fletcher-Munson response curve) , yet the amount of not perceive a tone, but rather a series of separate pulses.
bass boost supplied is determined only by the position Waveforms with a repetition rate greater than 20 H z
of the volume-control knob. The specific setting of the ( or I / 20 of a second, or 50 milliseconds, whichever
rolume control for a given loudness is determined by a you prefer) will be heard as a continuous tone. While
number of factors , including the output of the phono experimental results vary somewhat according to the test
cartridge, the sensitivity of the power amplifiers, the conditions and the individual ear, it is well documented
efficiency of the speakers, and so forth. With this many that sonic events lasting less than 50 milliseconds ( 50
variables at work simultaneously, exact loudness com- ms) do not completely overcome the " inertia" of the
pensation is almost impossible with one simple control. hearing process. This affects both the perceived intensity
But although the ear has a frequency-response curve of the sound and the ability to recognize a specific tone.
much inferior to that of most high-fidelity components, Thus, a pure 2,000 Hz tone, if turned on for a period of
'.f given enough sound pressure, it is capable of respond- only 4 milliseconds (ms) , will not be heard as a specific
ing to frequencies ranging from approximately 20 to pitch, but rather as a click. Down in this area where short
2.0,ooo Hz. The upper frequency limit tends to vary con- tones are heard as clicks, a loud signal only 10 ms long
siderably with the individual, generally being highest in will seem just as long as a weaker signal that lasts, say,
young children and tending to decline (particularly 35 ms. This seems to occur because the ear responds to
among men) with age. their equal total energy content.
More important implications about the relation be- As we investigate the subject we find that there are

tH'T~ =~UIlf°H~
~~ff fr f1/IJ.~.1.uil®//7J/ irJi~J.J~i.;~gI l1r],111~lt:jj

100 200400
1k 2k 4k ◄OkI ~00 200 400
◄k 2k
~ 10k

°F/ ,-81j I I [ tI

® ;-;,~,,, !· n;,,,u,.-,;,m
l'(lrlo11s instrum e111s
""'' ,.,,..,, , ,,,,.,,,,,., .,, "' " "'"" ,,.,,.,,Mb/ ,:,
suprun o 1·01re. fund" 111c111"ls ( f ) abov
,ti1·en h
0 I I I I I 111,Jrll(,n, J t:rafJh . .\'01e 1ha1 1ho11.l(h ult fundumenlal frequencies full in 1he same : 1cac
I h c f r e,111en e1es
. an d 1nte . . of I h c oi·er toT1es vary U'lt· 1ely. f{ir-ing each
. ns1/ cave
. '
100 200 400 ◄k 2k 4k 10k strumc nt a churucleristic 1imbre: ( A ) open z:iulin siring; (B ) f/uie; ( C) ~
F"REQUENCY IN Hz organ 1>if}c: (D) clarinet; ( E ) trumpet; ( F) snfmmo 1:oice ; (C) guitar tr~e
s nng.

many areas where the "obvious" relationship between the for example, played a very low C ( approximately 32 H )
objective sound waves and the subjective perception of an overtone could, in theory, at least, appear nine octa:,~
music does not exist. For example, Carl Seashore and higher (16,384 Hz) , but this would be the 512th har-
other acousticians have reduced the objective measurable monic! Practically speaking, of course, instruments are
physical variables of sound to four : duration, amplitude not like~y to generate many overtones as high as tha~
( or intensity) , frequency, and waveform. On the face of but the importance of the number and relative strength
it these should correspond to the subjective sensations of of differing instrumental harmonics can hardly be over-
time, loudness, pitch, and timbre. But here also our per- stated. (See Figure 3). The highest fundamental tones
ceptions have no linear or direct correspondence to the produced by a piano or a piccolo, for example, are less
objective sonic circumstance. This has important impli- than 5, 000 Hz, but switching in a scratch filter or turn-
cations for hig h-fidelity reproduction. For example, even ing down the treble control so that high-frequency re-
the subjective perception of the pitch of a pure tone de- sponse is lowered by even 3 dB at 10,000 Hz distinctly
pends not only on its frequency, but to some degree on alters the perceived character of the instrument.
its loudness. Research has shown that for low-frequency The sounds we hear even in a live musical perform-
tones the pitch g oes down as the intensity increases; and ance are not all produced by the instruments, for the ear
for high-frequency tones the pitch increases with in- itself is a source of both harmonic and intermodulation
tensity. At moderate listening levels, two pure tones of distortion. The latter occurs when two ( or more) tones
I 68 and 31 8 H z sound very discordant, but H arvey of different frequencies are sounded simultaneously and
Fletcher (best known for his research with Wilden A. totally new tones representing the sum and difference
Munson) showed that if they are played loud enough, frequencies are created. As early as the eighteenth cen-
the ear hears them as a pure octave : I SO and 300 Hz. tury the Italian violin ist Giuseppe Tartini (known today
Fortunately, the kind of distuning that takes p lace primarily as the composer of the "Devil's Trill" Sonata)
with pure tones does not so greatly affect our perception noticed that when he p layed two notes together he could
of the complex waveforms produced by musical instru- distinctly hear a third tone, much lower than either. Thus,
ments. As every audiophile knows, musical notes contain if he simultaneously played a B of 480 Hz and a G of
not o nly the "fundamental" frequency, but many h ar- 384 Hz, he could detect another G (96 Hz) , two octaves
monics or o vertones as well, and the overtone structure below. The phantom sounds produced by such differe~c~
establishes the timbre of the sound. A harmonic, some- frequencies have been known ever since as "Tart,~,
times called a "p artial, " is any whole-number multiple of tones," though he was by no means the only one to d~s;
the fundamental frequency, though it is sometimes mis- cover them. About the same time the German organis
takenly identified with the overtones that occur at suc- W .A. Sorge found that if he played a musical fifth c~n-
cessively higher octaves. Since an octave represents a 2 : 1 sisting of a C ( 32 Hz) and a G ( 48 Hz), he co~ld_ in·
frequency ratio, the second harmonic is exactly one octave duce the ear to perceive a C at 16 Hz, and this pnnopl_e
. . b cause it
higher than the fundamental, but_beyond this point ~he has been used by organ bmlders ever smce, e th
harmonic and octave sequence diverge. If an organist, would take a rather costly 32-foot pipe to produce e

C ( 16 Hz)_ in the bass register of the pipe organ. tween what we hear at a live performance and fro~ a
lu''°est_ 1 the difference frequency between two tones home music system may be just this loss of the beatmg
ous y, . h f
(ufl re aud ible than t e sum requency. But its together of the supra-audible harmonics which are pres-
ch mo
js 1nt1 . •istence can be proved by any audiophile who ent during the live experience but are lost through
. t1ve ex . .
5ubJec a pair of aud10 osollators and whose speak- deficiencies of the recording process.
borrow ' .
c:1n : de-range tweeters. Usmg a 1,000-Hz tone as
) 3\ ·e\\ l ·
ers ,. J)lug one generator mto each channel and
ference, A LONG this same line, it has been suggested by re-
a re ti for equal output from the speakers at normal
. t bO l searcher Charles J. Hirsch that the pleasurable richness
~c1,us _ level. T hen shift the frequency of one generator
· t 0111 " we associate with consonant sounds and the unpleasant
hse ,, 23 kHz and the other to about 24 kHz without
t0 about . Wh .I roughness we call dissonance is as much a subjective
' . the level settmgs. en e1t 1er generator is creation of the ear as it is an objective configuration of
ch~nging bv itself, nothing will be heard, for both
en t1ng , sound waves. Consider, for example, the following ex-
op ~encies are beyond the range of human hearing. periment. Feed into one stereo channel a tone of about
freq doo- may g et up and leave the room . in disgust,·
(your. ),,But when both generators a re workmg through
middle C (261 Hz) from an audio generator set to
hO""e' er. . provide a comfortable volume. Then adjust another
. pective speakers, assummg that your tweeters are
~ rm . . generator to provide a 330-Hz signal at about the same
goo,d enough and you are standmg at the nght spot, you volume through the other channel. With slight adjust-
hear a distinct 1,000-Hz tone. Larry Klein, the
~ 00 Id ' . ment of one of the generators this will produce a pleasing,
·ca( editor of thi s m agaz. me, has suggested .
that one if somewhat musically dull, consonant major third (C-E) .
0 f t I1e l ninor fac tors responsible for the differences be- If the speakers are now replaced by a pair of stereo ear-
phones, however, the harmonious blending of the sound
will be entirely lost, and one will hear the two tones
3 TRUJ:,1PET(,1 ) completely independently. Similarly, if one of the gen-
L i-- -
'' erators is adjusted to give a terrible d issonance (C-C#)
~ 40
' when heard through the speakers, the two tones will not

'' sound at all dissonant when they are heard isolated from

---- -- - "
I i---
1- ~
30 I/ . ~ ,.,
-r-, 4 i...--' '
each other by the separate earphones.
l i ..... ' \ k::::;. p--
_ ..:::::,
Hirsch carried his experiment even further by having
( 20 ~
,- a cellist record the same musical selection in two dif-
1.l.... .... ····-... ~ .... ·················· ······· ferent keys (kept in synchronism by a metronome) on
I~ ' ~ ······· .•·s· the two tracks of a stereo recorder . When mixed together
and played back through a stereo system the result was
a predictable cacophony. Reproduced through stereo
V IOLIN (o1 ) headphones, however, the two renditions were heard in
ld40f----f--+--r--,-----f--17"~t--+--+-r-~ isolation. " Listeners describe the effect as if there were a
0 wall in the middle of their heads that separates the two
I- 30,r--t--+--+-- t - - ;~ - 1 - - r - - t ;,,.,r-i--,
j sounds," Hirsch reported. He then concluded that " the
!20,~- t - - + -- + - - t- - lt - -t - -.t"--r--i----r- , ears have largely independent effects on the brain, and
that the brain does not combine tones, transmitted simul-
taneously but separately by the hvo ears, to produce
harmony. Harmony, which includes consonance and dis-
sonance . .. requires that the simultaneous component
SOr:-:--- - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - , - -7 tones be combined in one ear. .. ."'

l&J 40
In the performance of music, however, even highly
0 trained listeners exhibit a degree of tolerance for slight
~ 30 differences in pitch or intonation that would be easily
J ;
..... ··· ··· ···~
detected under test conditions in a laboratory. If two
l 20
, I steady tones were sounded through our loudspeakers,
10 one at 297 Hz and the other at 293.665 Hz, we would
/ all hear the 3 to 4 Hz beat between them. Yet in listen-
0 10 80 90 100
ing to a violin and piano sonata we do not. The perfect
Figure 4
musical fifth to which the A and the D strings of the
1h01 •• In the first tenth of a second, transients occur violin are tuned represents a frequency ratio of 3 : 2, a
of 0 ,:". vide a snbstantial [)art of the characteristic ti mbre
and I1 ,nSlrume11t. R elative strengths of the fundam ental (I)
fact which has been known since the time of the Greek
nics (2, 3, 4, 5) are ploued against elapsed time. philosopher Pythagor~s in the sixth century B .C. But to••
" •••B ER 1969 73
that the onset time of the trumpet is only about 20 .
construct a piano that could modulate from one key to
seconds, but it takes 200 to 300 milliseconds f llltlli.
another while maintaining a Pythagorean or " just intona- . . or th
tone of a flute to ach1eve a stationary character d e
tion" scale would require at least thirty separate intervals , an h
states further that "the trumpet sound is especial! . e
within the octave, an obvious impossibility. Thus, the Y rich
in overtones, whereas
. t11e sound o f the flute 1·s not,,
octave on the piano is dividell into twelve '" equally tem-
Transient behavior, then, has much to do with the ·.
pered" semitones. Thus, while the violin and piano are . b b h. 1 d. · mus,.
in perfect unison at A ( 440 Hz) , the dynamic life of cal character of t1m re y w 1c 1 we 1scnminate betw
one instrument and another. And for anvone w110 . ehen
the music itself disguises from our consciousness their . • • .
w1s es
slight discord at the D in the same octave. to experiment along these Imes, 1ud1oous tape edi .
. .. I . . ting
to remove the 1111tia transient m a musical tone sho
LE question of the slight indeterminacy of pitch
perception during a musical performance brings us back
· k I'
confirm Wmc ·e s·resu ts: I "A . f
tunmg ork, for example,
was mistaken for a flute, a trumpet for a cornet an b

. ' 0~
to our Jiscussion of how we hear the sound waves within for a clarmet, a cello for a bassoon;. but even more con.
that first I / 20 of a second ( 50 ms) that it takes for the trasting tone colors could not be differentiated, such as
ear to respond fully. In audio terminology we are ac- comet and violin, or French horn and flute."
customeJ to speaking of very short bursts of sound as More anomalies than these could be cited to sho
'" transients," but we generally associate them only with that tl'hat we hear is often radically affected by how ,;
staccato passages or percussion instruments. This is an hear. The subjectively perceived pitch, timbre, loudnes:
error, however, for every note in music ( or every sound and duration just do not have a simple relationship t~
in speech) has a dynamic life of its own from the time of the objective frequency, waveform, sound pressure, and
its onset to the time of its decay into inaudibility. time. How then does this bear on our opening question
The importance of the onset transients of even the about the falling tree? Does the woodsman hear the same
most smoothly-spoken orators or of legato passages in
music can be dramatized very simply by playing a tape
Suggested Further Reading
recording backwards, thus causing the initial transient to
appear at the end of the sound. Owners of full or half- Some of the hooks that were of help in the prepa-
track stereo recorders can perform such an experiment ration of this article-and that may be of interest to
readers-are listed below in order of increasing
very easily by turning a played tape over and threading difficulty:
it up again. Even with the much more prevalent quarter-
track recorders one can achieve the same result, however, Sound and Hearing, by S._S. St~,·ens, Fred Warshofsky,
and the Editors of LIFE ; Life Science Library, Time Inc.,
by playing through a tape and twisting it between the New York (1965) $3.95.
capstan and the take-up reel so that it is wound with the Explorin!!, Sound, by Alexander Efron ; John F. Rider
oxide side facing outwards. Then turn it over and play Publisher. Inc., New York ( 1969) $2.45. ·
/ I Guide lo Mu sical /l couslics, by H . Lowery ; D over
it through again, this time with the backing rather than Publications, Inc., New York ( 1956 ) St.00.
the oxide in contact with the recorder heads. There will The PhJsics of l\fosic,,l Sounds, by C. A. Taylor; Ameri-
be some loss of volume and of the high frequencies, but can Elm·ier Publishing Company, Inc., New York (1 965)
$9.50. (Includes a 7-inch demonstration disc.) ·
the startling effect of the transients will still be audible. Music. Sound, "nd Se11S<1Jio11, by Frilz Winckel ; Dover
Even though the ear is not fully receptive to very Publications, Inc., New York ( 1967) S2.25.
short transient sounds, we make significant interpreta- Music. Physics, and E11xi11eering, by H arry F. Olson;
Do\'er Publications, Inc., New York ( 1967) $2.50.
tions on the basis of them. Consonants in speech, for
example, are very brief, 5 to I 5 milliseconds being typical
for such sounds as p, I , or k. Yet speakers of English sound from his tape recorder that he would have heard
have no difficulty in distinguishing between the words had he been present ? That depends, in part, on the ac-
f fil'I, t,1rt, and cart although the actual phonetic differ- curacy of his tape recorder. It is the task of stereo high
ence between them is very small. As children we: learn fidelity to provide sonic information precise enough to
to perceive such very fine differences in our native lan- enable our ears to make their normal distortions and
guage because they distinguish the meaning of words. (mis) interpretations of the musical waveforms. But
The Japanese language does not use the phonetic differ- given the strange ways in which our ears actually oper-
ence between / and r to distinguish meani ng in the way ate, it is little wonder that we promptly run into contra-
that English does (l'll11g, /1111g) , and consequently a dictions whtnever objective theory encounters subjective
Japanese person has great difficulty in hearing the dif- practice and our ears deny what our measurements tell us.
ference between these two speech sounds.
In this context, consider the onset times versus the
Craig Stark, a contrilmting editor of STEREO REVI£11", is th e
overtone structure of the instruments shown in Figure 4. author u/ our monthly ''Tape Hori:ons" colum n. llis article on
The German acoustician Fritz Winckel has observed dynamic rnnge in a11111lifiers appeared in the June, 1968 issue.


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