SSPCBE Assignment 2 May 2016

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Assessment Form
Qualification Unit Code/Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and Unit 27: Site Surveying Procedures
the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) for the Construction and the Built
Student name/BTEC Registration Number Assessor name

Thinzar Khaing

Date issued Hand in deadline Submitted on

Assignment title Take Home Assignment 2

In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.

Learnin In this assessment you

g Learning Assessmen will have the opportunity Task Evidence
Outcom outcome t Criteria to present evidence that no. (Page no)
e shows you are able to:
Evaluate the benefits of
3.1 computer software to 1
solvetypical surveying problems
Understand the
software Explain the use of information
LO3 available 3.2 taken from digitalmapping 1
for site databases
Evaluate the use of GPS within
3.3 construction and civilengineering 1
Explain how to determine
contours and groundsections for
4.1 2
an area of ground, using raw
Understand survey data
detailing Explain how to determine areas
LO4 of construction 4.2 and volumes of cutand fill, using 3
works survey data

Explain how to correct

4.3 coordinate points withincontrol 4
traverse networks
Explain how to determine
4.4 setting out data 4
forcoordinated points


Student declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any
sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to
submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Contextualisation
M1 Identify and An effective approach to To achieve M1,you must use effective
apply strategies to study and research has approach in the explanation of the usage of
find appropriate beenapplied information taken from digital mapping
solutions devices
(Task 1b)
M2 Select/design Relevant theories and To achieve M2, you must use relevant
and apply techniques have been theories and techniques in your explanation
appropriate applied on how to correct coordinate points within
methods/ control traverse networks
techniques (Task4a)
M3 Present and Coherent, logical To achieve M3,you must present your
communicate development of explanation using coherent, logical
appropriate principles/concepts for the development of the principles/concepts on
findings how to determine contours and ground
intended audience.
(Task 2)
D1 Use critical Conclusions have been To achieve D1,you must provide a
reflection to arrived at through conclusionbased on the evaluation of the
evaluate own work synthesis of ideas and benefits of computer software to solve
and justify valid typical surveying problems and justify it
have been justified.
conclusions (Task 1a)
D2 Take Activities have been To achieve D2, you must show that your
responsibility for managed. report is a product of well planned,
managing and managed, and organized research, and
organising activities
investigations. The report must be presented
comprehensively and submitted on time.
D3 Demonstrate Convergent and lateral To achieve D3, you must use convergent
convergent/lateral/ thinking have been and lateral thinking in your explanation on
creative thinking applied. how to determine areas and volumes of cut
Self-evaluation has taken and fill using survey data.
place. (Task 3)

Assignment Brief


Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built
Environment (Civil Engineering)
Unit 27: Site Surveying Procedures for the Construction and the Built
Unit number and title
Assessor name Thinzar Khaing

Date issued

Hand in deadline

Assignment title Take Home Assignment 2


A builder in Myanmar released a proposal of new estate to be built in the hill station with a
building and also a new roadway to be connected with highway. First he needs the detailed plan
of the area. As a surveyor give the solutions to the problem given below.

Task 1 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and M1, D1)

The managing director of the company wanted to try the advanced technologies in doing survey
to fast track projects. He asked you to look into the software and digital mapping databases
available for site surveying and civil engineering work. He asked you to:

a) Evaluate the benefits of computer software to solve typical surveying problems

b) Explain the use of information taken from digital mapping databases
c) Evaluate the use of GPS within construction and civil engineering work

Hints: You may include in your evaluation and explanation the software for capturing
data in the field and setting out; built-in capabilities of total station instruments;
commercial software and programmed spreadsheets to facilitate repetitive surveying
calculations; GIS and OS digital data.

To achieve M1, you must use effective approach in the explanation of the usage of information
taken from digital mapping devices (Task 1b)

To achieve D1, you must provide a conclusionbased on the evaluation of the benefits of
computer software to solve typical surveying problems and justify it (Task 1a)

Task 2 (LO4: 4.1 and M3)

Figure 1 shows ground contour at vertical intervals of 1m. AB is the centre of the line of a
proposed roadway, which is to be constructed to the following specification:

Formation width,5metres
Formation levelA,60.00AD
Gradient AB,1in 25 rising
Side slope,1in3

Explain how to determine contours and ground sections for an area of ground, using raw survey
Hints: You may determine the ground levels at the base of the side slopes and on the
center line of the embankment across the sections at A,B to explain the process. The
figure can be enlarged for better visibility.


Fig 1

To achieve M3, you must present your explanation using coherent, logical development of the
principles/concepts on how to determine contours and ground sections.

Task 3 (LO4: 4.2 andD3)

A proposed roadway of 5.5m wide is to be built along a centre line XY. The embankment is to
have side slopes of 1 to 2.Given the following data,explain how to determine areas and volumes
of cut and fill, using survey data.

Chainage 40 60 80 100 120 140

10.00 9.60 9.50 10.40 7.30 10.40
11.00 11.10 11.20 11.30 11.40 11.50
level (m)

Hints:You may calculate the volume of the material required to construct the embankment
and use your solution to explain the method.

To achieve D3, you must use convergent and lateral thinking in your explanation on how to
determine areas and volumes of cut and fill using survey data.

Task 4 (LO4: 4.3, 4.4 and M2)

Figure 2 shows the plan of an industrial estate where the coordinates of survey station A,B,C,D


and E have been previously determined. Their coordinates of survey station are shown in the
table below. A larger rectangular building X is to be set out on the estate.

You are required to:

a) Explain how to correct coordinate points within control traverse networks.

b) Explain how to determine setting out data for coordinated points.

Hints: You may calculate the coordinates of F and the coordinates of R and use your
solution to explain the technique. The figure can be enlarged for better visibility.

Fig 2


Coordinates of Survey Station

Line WCB Length East North Stn.

1000.00 1000.00 A

AE 1230 49’ 14” 1158.270 1962.27 355.31 E

ED 720 45’ 22” 962.683 2881.69 640.69 D

DC 3330 03’ 25” 1499.071 2202.45 1977.05 C

CB 2810 55’ 27” 798.726 1420.96 2142.08 B

BA 2000 14’ 00” 1217.190 1000.00 1000.00 A

To achieve M2, you must use relevant theories and techniques in your explanation on how to
correct coordinate points within control traverse networks (Task 4a)

Evidence Evidence
Summary of evidence required by student
checklist presented

Comprehensive evaluation of the benefits of computer software

to solve typical surveying problems

Task 1 Thorough explanation of the usage of information taken from

digital mapping databases

Inclusive evaluation of the use of GPS within construction and

civil engineering work

Completeexplanation on how to determine contours and ground

Task 2
sections for an area of ground, using raw survey data

Exhaustiveexplanation on how to determine areas and volumes

Task 3
of cut and fill, using survey data.

Full explanationon how to correct coordinate points within

control traverse networks
Task 4
Extensive explanation on how to determine setting out data for
coordinated points

Sources of information

1. Pearson BTEC MODULE, Site Surveying Procedures

2. Surveying Problems and Solutions. F.A. Shepherd
3. Engineering Surveying. 5th edition. W. Schofield. 2001
4. Surveying. Dr.A.M.Chandra



1. The assignment should have a cover page that includes the assignment title,
assignment number, course title, module title, lecturer/tutor name and
student’s name. Attach all the pages of assignment brief/achievement
summary with your report and leave them blank for official use.

2. Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed.

3. This is an individual assignment.

4. Content sheet with a list of all headings and page numbers.

5. Use the Harvard referencing system.

6. The assignment should contain a list of any references used.


 Check carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the
assignment. Late assignments will not be accepted.
 Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the
due date.
 Do not leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature
will not be accepted for failure to hand-in the work on time.
 You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
 If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons
such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
 Failure to achieve a PASS grade will results in a REFERRAL grade being given.
 Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment,
you properly reference them in your text and any bibliography.
 NOTE: If you are caught plagiarizing, you could have your grade
reduced to referral, or at worst, you could be excluded from the course.


Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in

Qualification Construction and the Built Environment
(Civil Engineering) name
Unit 27: Site Surveying Procedures for
Unit Number Student
the Construction and the Built
and title Environment name
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show Achieved?
Reference that the student is able to: (tick)
Evaluate the benefits of computer software to solve typical
surveying problems
Explain the use of information taken from digital mapping
Evaluate the use of GPS within construction and civil
engineering work
Explain how to determine contours and ground sections for
an area of ground, using raw survey data
Explain how to determine areas and volumes of cut and fill,
using survey data
Explain how to correct coordinate points within control
traverse networks
Explain how to determine setting out data for coordinated

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Achieved? Achieved?
(tick) (tick)
Grade descriptor Grade descriptor First
First Rewor
Rework attemp
attempt k

D1: Use critical

M1: Identify and apply
reflection to evaluate
strategies to find appropriate
own work and justify
valid conclusions

D2: Take
M2: Select/design and apply
responsibility for
managing and
organising activities

D3: Demonstrate
M3: Present and communicate
appropriate findings
/creative thinking


Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date


DATE : .................................................................
VERIFIED BY : .................................................................
NAME : .................................................................


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