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Selling Products using R

Letty is hired as a Sales Executive and her role is to sell items which are given to her in a
bag. The bag contains n items where each item has an associated ID. Letty is inherently
lazy and plans to delete a few items from her bag, but if she deletes more than m items,
her mischief will be easily discovered. She also knows that selling like items makes her
task simpler, so she wants her bag to contain as few different IDs as possible. Determine
the minimum number of different IDs the final bag can contain if she can perform at
most m deletions.
For example, she has a bag with n = 6  items, ids = [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2], and the maximum
number of items she can delete is m = 2.  Two possible actions are delete two items with
ID = 2 or one with ID = 2 and one with ID = 3.  Either way she will have 2 item IDs in the
final bag: either ids = [1, 1, 1, 3] or ids = [1, 1, 1, 2].
Function Description
Complete the function deleteProducts in the editor below. The function must return an
integer that represents the minimum number of item IDs in her bag after at
most m deletions.
deleteProducts has the following parameters:
    ids[ids[0],...ids[n-1]]:  an array of integers
    m: an integer

 1 ≤ n ≤ 100000

 1 ≤ ids[i] ≤ 1000000

 1 ≤ m ≤ 10000

Input Format For Custom Testing
The first line contains an integer, n, that denotes the number of elements in ids.
Each line i of the n subsequent lines (where 0 ≤ i < n) contains an integer that
describes ids[i].
The next line contains an integer, m, that denotes the maximum number of items that
can be deleted.
Sample Case 0
Sample Input For Custom Testing
Sample Output
The bag contains 4 items of the same kind. Whichever item Letty deletes, she will have
items of only ID = 1.
Sample Case 1
Sample Input For Custom Testing
Sample Output
At most m = 3 items can be deleted from ids = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2]. It is optimal to choose the
items having IDs 1 or 3, leaving 3 items with ID = 2. 

2. Git: Commit Amend - Basic (Java)

Welcome to Git: Commit Amend - Basic (Java).

This question is used to evaluate your skills on creating a new branch and pushing it to
remote in Git.
For this, you will be evaluated based on the following operations. The remote repository
has been pre-configured into your local git repository.

1. Your local git repository will be linkedlist_java.

2. Push the master branch of local git repository to the remote repository.

3. Create a new branch with the name new_branch.

4. Make a change to the Java program file (do not remove it), make a commit and push the
5. Amend the commit to change the commit message. Optionally, you can push it to

Note 1: Do not miss out to run Project -> Install.

Note 2: The branch names must not be mis-spelt.
Note 3: The IDE's Git will not work in the local repository. Use Terminal for it.

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