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Far Eastern University

Sampaloc, Manila
Demand Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,

We, third year Accountancy students of Far Eastern University, are currently
conducting a feasibility study on The Green Zone, a proposed Zero-waste
refilling store that offers hassle-free, less expensive, and eco-friendly shopping
spree of your necessities. This will serve as our partial fulfillment for the
requirements for the course Strategic Business Analysis.
In this regard, we would like to request for your participation and a few minutes of
your time to accomplish the questionnaire honestly and objectively. Rest assured
that the data you will provide will be treated with maximum confidentiality and will
be used for academic purpose only. Thank you for your cooperation.

Proponents of the Business

Instructions: Put a check mark  in the box that corresponds with your answer.


Name of the Respondent: (optional) _______________Gender: Male Female
Age group you are in:
18-23 years old 30-35 years old
24-29 years old 36-41 years old

Address in Poblacion, Coron:

Barangay I Barangay IV
Barangay II Barangay V
Barangay III Barangay VI

Source of income:
Allowance Others, please specify _______

Monthly spending on grocery shopping:

Below Php 1,000 Php 2,001-2,500
Php 1,001-1,500 Above Php 2,500
Php 1,501-2,000

Monthly Family Income:

Below Php 10,000 Php 100,001-250,000
Php 10,001-50,000 Php 250,001-500,000
Php 50,001-100,000 Above 500,000
1. How often do you go grocery shopping?
 Weekly Every 2 months
1-3 times a month Others, please specify _______

2. Are you conscious of your environmental impact and plastic usage?

Yes No

If you answered no or maybe, what is the main reason for giving that answer?

3. Are you willing to adopt a regular zero waste shopping habit by buying
liquid products (bath essentials and toiletries etc.) using refillable containers and
using household cleaning product refill stations?
Yes, definitely No

If you answered no or maybe, what is the main reason for giving that answer?

4. Which of the following below will influence your likelihood of using a

zero waste refilling shop? (Check all that apply)
Location Eco-friendly products
Cost Plastic Free
Locally produced

5. If you would use the shop, what would you be most interested in
Home goods (e.g. toothbrush) Household cleaners
Bath essentials (e.g. shampoo) DIY cleaning ingredients
Cleaning products Not interested
Laundry products Others, please specify _______

6. If there were a zero waste shop near you, how often would you visit?
Weekly Every 2 moths
1-3 times a month Quarterly
Monthly Less often
7. Have you tried going to a zero-waste refilling shop?
Yes No

8. Which of these loose/refillable items would you be interested in?

Dry goods (Rice, pasta etc.) Coffee/Tea
Nuts Condiments (e.g. vinegar)
Cereals and Oats

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