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CHAPTER II- UNPACKING THE SELF - Has realistic perception of both strengths
and weaknesses regarding their appearance.
UNIT 2.1 The Physical Self
- refers to the human body which is the
tangible part Culture on Body Image and Self Esteem: The
- Concretely observed and generally Importance of Beauty
concerned with appearances and physical
While the body image centers on the
physical self, self-esteem considers the global
E.g. your identity is influenced by your height, evaluation of one’s worth.
complexion, hair color and posture.
- Unhealthy body image may contribute to a
low self-esteem and vice versa.
- People with low self-esteem: tend to be
Concept of Physical Self more critical about how they appear.
1. Body Image- how you feel and think about o Results to dissatisfaction and
how you look like frustration.
2. Self-esteem- the global evaluation of one’s Various factors that may distorted body image:
1. Mood
Self as Influenced by the Body 2. Experience
2 elements of Body Image: 3. Mass media
4. Culture
1. Mental picture or mental representation-
concerned with shape, size, color and other Recommended steps in developing a more
indicators of appearance. “beautiful you”:
2. Attitude- how you think, believe and feel 1. Practice Positive Self-talk
about your body. - Stops negative self-talk
Individual’s body image is affected by many - Stop self-pity, you should love your body by
factors: emphasizing your positive qualities.
- God-given beautiful qualities.
1. Peers
2. Mass media 2. Be Mindful of Comparisons
3. Religion - Remind yourself that “nobody has it all”
4. Fashion trends 3. Be Wary of Stereotypes
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Body Image - Real beauty is from within and it should not
be dictated by your body measurements,
Unhealthy Body Image complexion and other superficial elements.
4. Have the attitude of Gratitude
- Too anxious about their imperfections.
- Be thankful for the attributes that you have
- Have irrational beliefs about their body
- Your imperfections along with your
perfections define who you are and you are
Healthy Body Image more beautiful that what you think.
5. Improve what you can and accept what
- Accepts their body and understand that you cannot
imperfections naturally occurs among all - Self-improvement
human beings. - Good balance between acceptance and
- Do not often think of what they “lack” working towards positive change is
- Feel comfortable about their physical self. indispensable in loving yourself.

UNIT 2.2 THE SEXUAL SELF - Produced when you kiss, hug or intimately
touch someone
1. Primary Sex Characteristics/
- Associated with the mother and child bond
while breastfeeding.
- Body structures that make sexual
2. Serotonin
o Ovaries (female)
- Reduced serotonin activity = attraction
o Testes (male) phase or infatuation stage.
o External genitals - Low level of serotonin is also observed
among those with obsessive-compulsive
2. Secondary disorder.
- Breast, hips (female) - “Obsessively think or fantasize” about your
- Voice quality and Body (male) crush or your partner.
Secondary Sex Characteristics and the
Human Reproductive System 3. Dopamine
- Neurotransmitter is linked with pleasurable
 Hormone estrogen (female) experiences, addiction, motivation, desire
 Testosterone (male) and attention.
- Euphoric sensation similarly experienced on
The Human reproductive System takes cocaine.
- Organ which is mainly involved in bearing
offspring. 4. Vasopressin
- Males are aroused as evidenced by an
erectile response.
5. Testosterone
Erogenous Zone- body parts are more sensitive
- Contributes to sexual motivation among
to sexual stimulation.
Basic Biology of Sexual Behavior 6. Estrogen
- Increase females’ sexual motivation.
- Cerebral context where sexual thought are 7. Progesterone
formed. Also center for reasoning and - Hormone decreases females’ sexual
decision making. motivation.
- Limbic system which is responsible for
emotions related to sexual behavior. The Phase of Sexual Response
- Hypothalamus is the tiny part at the base of
- Sex feels good due to our emotional
the brain. Play a key role in experiencing
characteristics and or natural ability to feel
various sensation.
Understanding the Chemistry of Lust, Love - Sacred expression of love.
and Attachment - Nobody should have sex just because of
obligation or intimidation.
Psychoendocrinology- science which deals with - Forced sex is raped.
the endocrine system and how it affects the - Sexual intercourse due to curiosity,
behavior. loneliness or peer pressure is regrettable

Hormones produce by endocrine glands: Stages Of Human Sexual Response Cycle:

1. Oxytocin
- “love hormone” 1. Excitement Phase: sexual motivation is
- Involved in close relationship aroused and muscle tension builds.

2. Plateau Phase: prepares the individual for 1. HIV/ AIDS- brief period of flu-like
orgasm as muscle tension increases. sickness.
3. Orgasm: the climax of the cycle.
- Women’s vaginal and uterine muscle
contract while, - No method is 100% effective.
- Men ejaculate semen. - RA 10354 Responsible Parenthood and
- Rash or “sex flush” all over the body. Reproductive Health Act of 2012: inclusive
4. Resolution Period: unaroused state. access to contraception, sexual education
- Women may feel fatigue. and maternal care.
- Men go through a refractory period during
which they need to recover and that it takes
time before they can have another orgasm Natural Methods
- Or Periodic abstinence requires self-control.
The Diversity of Sexual Behavior - Refrain from sexual contact when the
- Or Gender and Sexual Diversity (GSD) woman is fertile.
- Refers to the verities of gender identities 1. Calendar Method
and sexual orientations. - Best suited for women who have regular
1. Heterosexual (opposite sex) menstruation cycles as the predicted fertility
- Another or other party days would be most likely accurate.
- Enduring sexual attraction between - 8 to 12 months
individuals of the opposite sex. 2. Cycle Bead
- “straight” - Each beads denotes a day in the menstrual
2. Homosexual (same sex) cycle.
- Sexual attraction between the same sex - 1st day of menstruation, rubber ring placed
- Gays and lesbians on the read bead.
- Kind of orientation is caused by an interplay - Dark red bead, low chances of pregnancy.
of neurobiological and environmental - White bead, fertility
factors. - No sex contact when the rubber ring is on
3. Bisexual the dark colored bead.
- Both males and females.
- Commonly attributed to both nurture and 3. Breastfeeding or Lactation
nature. Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
4. Solitary - Women who is exclusively breastfeeding
- “sexual self-stimulation” and has a baby who is less than 6 months
- Sexual pleasure is derived from oneself. old.
5. Transsexual - Not having periods yet.
- Through surgery and/or hormonal pills. - Lactation causes amenorrhea or absence of
- Medical assistance such as hormonal menstruation.
replacements and sex reassignment
therapies. 4. Abstinence until Marriage or
- Sexual intercourse is sacred.
- Married couple.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) or
- Celibacy: Practice of not having sex usually
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
due to chastity or religious vows.
- Caused by bacteria, viruses, yeast, and/or - Abstinence: not mainly due to religious
parasites. concerns.
- Transmitted through sexual intercourse. 5. Withdrawal or Coitus Interruptus

- Pulling or withdrawal of penis away from

the woman’s genitals before the ejaculation
- Prevent sperms from entering the vagina.
- This method is not very effective since pre-
ejaculation fluid still contains sperm.
- This method disrupts pleasure.
6. Cervical Mucus Method
- Women’s fertile days will be determined by
tracking her cervical secretions.
- The secretion for several cycles must be
recorded to establish consistency.
- Day one of observation is the day after
- Sex must be must be avoided during the
7. Basal Body Temperature
- Ovulation may slightly increase basal body
Artificial Contraception
Includes hormonal, barrier and surgical
methods. These techniques utilizes products
and/or procedures that do not merely rely on

Combined Hormonal Methods

1. Birth Control Pills

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