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Say, 200 sq. m x 2: both face--------------------------------0.50= 200 bags cement200 x 0.057 = 11.

4 says,
12 cu.m.3.CHB Type/ StrengthNLB or non load bearing400-500 psiAvailable in local marketLB or Load

Bearing (Jackbuilt), etc.700-1000 psiLocally available special chbNote : Verify delivery cost within
Metro Manila or outsideMetro Manila4.Floor ToppingMortarPer cu.m . VolumeSandUsageClass

A1:2*16 bags/cu.m.0.80 cu.m.For topping, finishing works, tiles, etc.Class B1:3**12 bags/ cu.m.0.89
cu.mFor topping over slab to level flooring after pouring*1:2 Ratio1 part cement for every 2 part sand**

1:3 Ratio1 part cement for every 3 part sand 5.Rebars for CHB4” chb10 mm diameter at every 3rdlayer
horizontal bars10 mm diameter at 0.80 m vertical bars6” chb12 mm diameter at every third layer

horizontal bars12 mm diameter at 0.80 m. vertical barsAssume : 4.25 LM per sq.m. of chbSay:210 sq.m.
x 4.25 lm= 892.50 LM---------------------------6.00 m: standard length of bars= 148.75 pieces, 19

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